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3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine, 5-6-dihydroxyindole, and N-acetylarterenone were detected by electrochemical methods in the hemolymph of immune reactive larvae of Drosophila melanogaster following parasitization by the wasp Leptopilina boulardi. Determinations of the catechols were made after separation by reverse phase, ion-pairing high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The presence of 5,6-dihydroxyindole unequivocally establishes the eumelanin pathway in the defense response of Drosophila, and confirms previous investigations which have implicated certain catecholamine metabolizing enzymes in insect immunity. The occurrence of N-acetylarterenone, a derivative of the principal sclerotizing agent N-acetyldopamine, verifies the existence and proposed involvement of quinone methide isomerase in the regulation of catecholamine metabolism, and suggests that the cellular capsule formed by Drosophila in immune reactions against parasites is most likely a composite of both eumelanin and sclerotin. The absence of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in hemolymph samples from immune reactive hosts suggests that during parasitization certain catecholamines and metabolic precursors may be re-employed in alternate pathways, some of which may be used in defense reactions.  相似文献   

Pyroptosis has been described in mammalian systems to be a form of programmed cell death that is important in immune function through the subsequent release of cytokines and immune effectors upon cell bursting. This form of cell death has been increasingly well-characterized in mammals and can occur using alternative routes however, across phyla, there has been little evidence for the existence of pyroptosis. Here we provide evidence for an ancient origin of pyroptosis in an in vivo immune scenario in Drosophila melanogaster. Crystal cells, a type of insect blood cell, were recruited to wounds and ruptured subsequently releasing their cytosolic content in a caspase-dependent manner. This inflammatory-based programmed cell death mechanism fits the features of pyroptosis, never before described in an in vivo immune scenario in insects and relies on ancient apoptotic machinery to induce proto-pyroptosis. Further, we unveil key players upstream in the activation of cell death in these cells including the apoptosome which may play an alternative role akin to the inflammasome in proto-pyroptosis. Thus, Drosophila may be a suitable model for studying the functional significance of pyroptosis in the innate immune system.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(5):685-688
A hemocyte-mediated melanotic encapsulation reaction is elicited in adult Aedes aegypti in response to intrathoracically inoculated microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis. The activity of monophenol oxidase in cell-free hemolymph collected from uninoculated, microfilariae-inoculated and saline-inoculated control mosquitoes was investigated using a quantitative radiometric assay that measured the amount of tritiated water formed during the hydroxylation of l-[3,5-3H]tyrosine to dopa. Enzyme activity in immune reactive hosts examined 2 days postinoculation was aproximately twice as high (96–206 nmol/min per mg protein) as in uninoculated or saline inoculated insects (34–80 nmol/min per mg protein). The augmented activity of the enzyme coincides in time with the early development of melanotic capsules around the microfilariae. The possible involvement of hemocytes in the activation and/or generation of monophenol oxidase in response to infection, and the metabolism of catecholamines in relation to insect immune responses are discussed.  相似文献   

Gross aldehyde oxidase activity from the egg-stage through 10-day-old adults and distribution of the enzyme in eye-antennal imaginal discs in third instar larvae were determined for the tumorous-head strain of Drosophila melanogaster. Aldehyde oxidase activity of several laboratory strains was measured for comparative purposes. Aldehyde oxidase activity was 100% higher during embryogenesis in tuh(ASU) eggs than in Oregon-R-C eggs. A second period of elevated aldehyde oxidase activity was observed during metamorphosis where tuh(ASU) pupae averaged 65% more enzyme activity than Oregon-R-C. Therefore, during determination and differentiation of the eye-antennal imaginal disc, the tuh(ASU) strain possesses a high aldehyde oxidase activity. Wild-type Drosophila melanogaster antennal imaginal discs are aldehyde oxidase positive, whereas attached eye imaginal discs are apparently aldehyde oxidase negative. A sample of eye-antennal imaginal discs from tuh(ASU) third instar larvae revealed that either one or both eye discs of 64% of the larvae were aldehyde oxidase positive. Aldehyde oxidase activity may be correlated with the homoeotic transformation in parts of the eye disc.  相似文献   

The hemolymph of Sarcophaga bullata larvae was activated with either zymosan or proteolytic enzymes such as chymotrypsin or subtilisin and assayed for phenoloxidase activity by two different assays. While oxygen uptake studies readily attested to the wide specificty of activated phenoloxidase, visible spectral studies failed to confirm the accumulation of quinone products in the case of 4-alkyl substituted catechols such as N-acetyldopamine and N-β-alanyldopamine. Sepharose 6B column chromatography of the activated hemolymph resolved phenoloxidase activity into two fractions, designated as A and B. Peak A possessed typical o-diphenoloxidase (o-diphenol, oxygen oxidoreductase EC activity, while peak B oxidized physiologically important catecholamine derivatives such as N-acetyldopamine, N-acetylnorepinephrine, and N-β-alanyldopamine into N-acetylnorepinephrine, N-acetylarterenone, and N-β-alanylnorepinephrine, respectively, and converted 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol into 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, and 2-hydroxy-3′,4′-dihydroxyacetophenone, respectively. These transformations are consistent with the conversion of phenoloxidase-generated quinones to quinone methides and subsequent non-enzymatic transformations of quinone methides. Accordingly, Peak B contained both o-diphenoloxidase activity and quinone tautomerase activity. Sepharose 6B column chromatography of unactivated hemolymph resulted in the separation of quinone tautomerase from prophenoloxidase. The tautomerase rapidly converted both chemically made and mushroom tyrosinase-generated quinones to quinone methides. Thus the failure to observe the accumulation of quinones with N-acyl derivatives of dopamine and related compounds in the whole hemolymph is due to the rapid conversion of these long lived toxic quinones to short lived quinone methides. The latter, being unstable, undergo rapid non-enzymatic transformations to form side-chain-oxygenated products that are non-toxic. The possible roles of quinone isomerase and its reaction products—quinone methides—as essential components of sclerotization of cuticle and defense reaction of Sarcophaga bullata are discussed.  相似文献   

With the use of a series of wild-type and repair-deficient strains and appropriate application procedures, it is possible to demonstrate that carcinogenic aromatic amines and polycyclic hydrocarbons are mutagens in Drosophila. We have shown evidence that AAF, N-OH-AAF, AcO-AAF, BP, DAS and DMBA produce recessive lethals when fed to or injected into adult males. Mutagenic activity was also observed when male larvae were exposed to AAF, BP, DMBA, 3-MC or NA. DA was not mutagenic in the recessive lethal assay under the conditions of the test. DMBA can now be considered as a potent mutagen for Drosophila, although demonstration of its activity depends upon the choice of the treatment procedure and the strain selected. One of the questions concerning the action of aromatic amines and polycyclic hydrocarbons is how their genetic effectiveness in Drosophila can be enhanced. The observation that none of several enzyme inducers (PB, BF, AC, 3-MC) increased their mutagenicity may be interpreted in terms of a more efficient metabolic activation or deactivation. This assumes that active metabolite(s) did not reach the testis in doses sufficient for mutation induction. It also appears that, since the problems pertaining to mutagenicity in Drosophila of aromatic hydrocarbons are obviously a matter of metabolism, the use of repair-deficient strains is no longer an attractive proposal for their elucidation. The present investigation shows that, with weak mutagens, usage of strains mei-9Li or y mei-9a mei-4lD5 does not improve the sensitivity of the recessive lethal method or the test for chromosomal loss. As an alternative, in our opinion more attention should be devoted to possible differences in metabolism between somatic and gonadal tissue. We feel strongly that somatic assay systems might be particularly valuable as a complement to recessive lethal tests on the germ line.  相似文献   

Phenoloxidase in the hemolymph of Sarcophaga bullata larvae is present as an inactive proenzyme form. Localization studies indicate that the majority of the prophenoloxidase is present in the plasma fraction whereas only a minor fraction (about 4%) is present in the cellular compartments (hemocytes). Inactive prophenoloxidase can be activated by zymosan, not by either endotoxin or laminarin. This activation process is inhibited by the serine protease inhibitors, benzamidine and p-nitrophenyl-p~-guanidobenzoate. Exogenously added proteases, such as chymotrypsin and subtilisin, also activated the prophenoloxidase in the whole hemolymph but failed to activate the partially purified proenzyme. However, an activating enzyme isolated from the larval cuticle, which exhibits trypsinlike specificity, activated the partially purified prophenoloxidase. Inhibition studies and activity measurements also revealed the presence of a similar activating enzyme in the hemolymph. Thus, the phenoloxidase system in Sarcophaga bullata larval hemolymph seems to be comprised of a cascade of reactions. An endogenous protease inhibitor isolated from the larvae inhibited chymotrypsin-mediated prophenoloxidase activation but failed to inhibit the cuticular activating enzyme-catalyzed activation. Based on these studies, the roles of prophenoloxidase, endogenous activating proteases, and protease inhibitor in insect immunity are discussed.  相似文献   

Diptericin A is a member of a multigenic family of antibacterial peptides that are synthesized by larvae of Phormia terranovae (Diptera) in response to a bacterial injection or to injury. The 82-residue peptide is active only against a limited range of Gram-negative bacteria. Data presented suggest that the primary action of diptericin A is on the cytoplasmic membrane of growing bacteria.  相似文献   

Clotting is critical in limiting loss of hemolymph and initiating wound healing in insects as well as in vertebrates. Clotting is also an important immune defense, quickly forming a secondary barrier to infection, thereby immobilizing, and possibly killing bacteria directly. Here, we describe methods to assess clotting and to extract the clot from Drosophila larval hemolymph by using aggregation of paramagnetic beads. The validity of the assay was demonstrated by characterization of mutants. We show that clotting occurs in the absence of phenoloxidase and that the Drosophila clot binds bacteria. We also describe a pullout assay to purify the clot as a whole, free from entrapped hemocytes and cellular debris. Proteins subsequently identified by mass spectrometry include both predicted and novel clot proteins. Immune induction has been shown for three of the latter, namely Tiggrin and two unknown proteins (GC15825 and CG15293) that we now propose function in hemolymph clotting. The most abundant clot protein is Hemolectin, and we confirm that hemolectin mutant larvae show clotting defects.  相似文献   

Using P element-mediated mutagenesis we have isolated 20 X-linked lethal mutations, representing at least 14 complementation groups, which exhibit melanotic tumor phenotypes. We present the systematic analysis of this interesting group of lethal mutations that were selected for their visible melanotic or immune response. The lethal and melanotic tumor phenotypes of each lethal(1) aberrant immune response (air) mutation are pleiotropic effects of single genetic lesions. Lethality occurs throughout the larval and early pupal periods of development and larval development is extended in some air mutants. The air mutant lethal syndromes include abnormalities associated with the brain, haematopoietic organs, gut, salivary glands, ring glands, and imaginal discs. Additional characterization of the melanotic tumor mutations Tuml and tu(1)Szts have indicated that the melanotic tumor phenotype is similar to that observed in the air mutants. These studies have led to the proposal that two distinct classes of melanotic tumor mutations exist. Class 1 includes mutants in which melanotic tumors result from “autoimmune responses” or the response of an apparently normal immune system to the presence of abnormal target tissues. The Class 2 mutants display obvious defects in the haematopoietic organs or haemocytes, manifested as overgrowth, and the resulting aberrant immune system behavior may contribute to melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   

We have found that the phenol oxidase activity in 50-hr Drosophila melanogaster pupae is much greater than that of adult flies. The mutants lz and lz g have all of the phenol oxidase components present in wild type, whereas the mutant tyr-1 has all of the wild-type components but the activity of each component is greatly reduced in comparison with wild-type activity. The newly discovered lozenge allele, lz rfg, lacks all phenol oxidase activity.Predoctoral fellow supported by Grant GM 1974 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission by Union Carbide Corporation.  相似文献   

Summary Five lines of Drosophila melanogaster that reached an extreme phenotype after long-term selection for increased dorsocentral bristle number, were analysed for the presence of lethals. Seven chromosome II and three chromosome III lethal types were detected in four of the lines, at frequencies ranging from between 6% and 36%. No lethal had any demonstrable effect over the selected trait. In one line, where almost every chromosome II was a lethal carrier, it was shown that the main lethal (at a frequency of 36%) was associated with the transmission ratio distortion in males. The processes which could lead to the accumulation of this lethal and others linked in disequilibrium to it is discussed. Some results suggest similar mechanisms for the accumulation of lethals in the other lines. These findings show that causes other than the direct effect of artificial selection must be taken into account when trying to explain the accumulation of lethals in selected lines.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagenic efficiency of ionizing radiations has been tested on different lines of Drosophila melanogaster. It has been shown that differential lethal effects are obtained when irradiated females from different lines are mated to flies carrying heterozygous lethal genes. The results seem not to be attributable to differential expression of the lethality in the various crosses performed with the irradiated flies. This might suggest that gene activity is involved in the expression of the mutagenic effects of radiations.  相似文献   

Summary The relative net fitness of a compound chromosome strain of Drosophila melanogaster was about 0.05, compared with the chromosomally normal strain from which it was derived. Based on meiotic considerations alone, the expected relative fitness was about 0.25. There were no significant differences in fertility between the compound and normal strains; the compound strain produced about 28% as many offspring as the normal strain and developed faster than the normal strain in two replicates, and slower in one replicate. The low relative fitness of the compound strain was apparently due to assortative mating, in which normal females discriminated strongly against compound males. Implications for pest control projects are dicussed.  相似文献   

A proteomic approach was used for the identification of larval hemolymph proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. We report the initial establishment of a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis reference map for hemolymph proteins of third instar larvae of D. melanogaster. We used immobilized pH gradients of pH 4-7 (linear) and a 12-14% linear gradient polyacrylamide gel. The protein spots were silver-stained and analyzed by nanoLC-Q-Tof MS/MS (on-line nanoscale liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight tandem mass spectrometry) or by Matrix assisted laser desorption time of flight MS (MALDI-TOF MS). Querying the SWISSPROT database with the mass spectrometric data yielded the identity of the proteins in the spots. The presented proteome map lists those protein spots identified to date. This map will be updated continuously and will serve as a reference database for investigators, studying changes at the protein level in different physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Four synthetic lines of D. melanogaster selected for low sternopleural bristle number for 50 generations were screened for lethals on chromosome III when their mean score equalled 2.5. Each line originated from a cross between line M (previously selected for the same trait during 130 generations) and a different unselected cage population. Line M was already known to carry a recessive lethal on chromosome III affecting the selected trait, such that the bristle score of the lethal heterozygote was lower than that of the viable homozygote. Tests revealed 18 lethals, 15 of these present in at least two lines. Each line carried from 10 to 16 lethals. All lines carried groups of lethals present on the same chromosome, and at least six lethals in each line were included in such an association with a frequency of 0.18 or higher. It appears that the lethal affecting bristle score in line M has protected a segment of chromosome III from natural selection and that the remaining 14 lethals have accumulated later in that line.  相似文献   

Often, immunity is invoked in the context of infection, disease and injury. However, an ever alert and robust immune system is essential for maintaining good health, but resource investment into immunity needs to be traded off against allocation to other functions. In this study, we study the consequences of such a trade-off with growth by ascertaining various components of baseline innate immunity in two types of Drosophila melanogaster populations selected for fast development, in combination with either a long effective lifespan (FLJs) or a short effective lifespan (FEJs). We found that distinct immunological parameters were constitutively elevated in both, FLJs and FEJs compared to their ancestral control (JB) populations, and these constitutive elevated immunological parameters were associated with reduced insulin signalling and comparable total gut microbiota. Our results bring into focus the inter-relationship between egg to adult development time, ecdysone levels, larval gut microbiota, insulin signalling, adult reproductive longevity and immune function. We discuss how changes in selection pressures operating on life-history traits can modulate different components of immune system.  相似文献   

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