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In a series of studies, we investigated the concept that domesticated pigs may adopt cost efficient social strategies, in which individuals become less aggressive due to a higher number of potential competitors, in large social groups. Six blocks, each comprising four pens of 18 pigs (small group, SG) and two pens of 108 pigs (large group, LG) were used. Pigs were 11 weeks old at the initial group formation. Weeks 1, 6 and 12 following SG and LG formation, two randomly selected pigs with SG or LG social experience were incorporated into another SG or LG for a period of 2 h and the aggressive behaviour of pigs was observed. Four test combinations were used (SG to SG (SS), SG to LG (SL), LG to SG (LS) and LG to LG (LL)). There was less aggression in the LL compared to SS, SL and LS combinations (1.6% versus 2.5, 2.3, and 2.5% of time, respectively, P = 0.009). Furthermore, 8 weeks following SG and LG formation, a total of 200 pigs were regrouped for 2 h in groups of four in a neutral test arena to assess the effect of prior social experience (SG vs. LG) on aggressive behaviour. Pigs were regrouped with their own group members (familiar), or with unfamiliar non-group members either from SG or LG. Five test combinations were used (four pigs from the same SG (S), four pigs from the same LG (L), two pigs from a SG and two pigs from a LG (SL), two pigs each from two different LG (LL) and two pigs each from two different SG (SS)). Pigs derived from SG fought aggressively (duration, s) with unfamiliar pigs, compared to those derived from LG (4.9, 6.7, 16.1, 12.1 and 9.5 s for S, L, SS, SL and LL test combinations respectively, P < 0.001). In addition, the latency to initiate first aggressive interaction was shorter (duration, s) in SS than LL treatment combination (23.3, 22.5, 10.8, 11.8 and 19.2 s for S, L, SS, SL and LL test combinations respectively, P = 0.008). Taken together, our results suggest that pigs become less aggressive and may shift to a low-aggressive social strategy in large social groups. This may provide potential benefits for welfare of pigs under commercial production situations.  相似文献   

If one or few individuals are enough to perform an action that produces a collective good and if this action has a cost, living in group can be beneficial because the cost can be shared with other individuals. Without coordination, however, the production of a collective good by the contribution of one or few individuals is inefficient and can be modelled as a volunteer's dilemma. In the volunteer's dilemma the individuals that pay the cost for the production of the collective good benefit from their action if nobody else volunteers, but the cost is wasted if too many individuals volunteer. Increasing group size reduces the need of volunteering for each member of the group; the overall benefit for the group, however, decreases too because the larger the group is, the less likely it is that the collective good is produced. This problem persists even with a high degree of relatedness between group members; an optimal, intermediate group size exists that maximizes the probability to produce the collective good.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the distribution of the coalescence time (T) for sampled genes in the structured coalescent. We obtain some exact solutions for small samples and approximate distributions for n sampled genes in strong and weak migration. We also conduct computer simulation to evaluate efficiencies of these approximations and show the dependency of the distribution of the coalescence time on the geographical structure and the intensity of migration. In a panmictic population, we prove that the conditional distribution of the coalescence time given the number of segregating sites (S) among sampled genes is given by the weighted mean of the convolution of gamma distributions. We also study the joint distribution of T and S in the structured coalescent model and show some exact solutions.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on a captive group of 16 blackcapped capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), with observations being carried out for a total of 75 hr over a 6 month period. Records were kept of their activities and spatial distribution according to weather type and time of day. Evidence of a social hierarchy was sought and was characterized primarily by the stability of the environment in which the animals live, dominance playing little part. The behaviour of the blackcapped capuchin has been studied previously in captivity (Dobruruka, 1972;Weigel, 1979); this study is, however, unique in that the troop under observation enjoys more freedom. Weather had no effect on the rank order of behavioural activities but did affect both activity levels and distribution of individuals. TheCebus apella troop spent around 50% of its active time foraging and eating, 7–10% of this time walking and around 30% of the time inactive. These values lie between those reported for caged and wild animals. Social interactions contributed more than 10% of the time budget, which is greater than wild populations. The study here thus provides an interesting link between information collected from wildCebus apella populations and that from rather more restricted troops.  相似文献   

社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表现型式。综述了社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用,并述评了其学习机制。社群同伴对动物个体觅食地点、时间和取食方式均有影响,母体摄食的食物信息可通过胎盘和乳汁显著影响幼体的食物选择。动物通过观察学习、嗅闻学习以及味觉厌恶学习,不仅能更快找到食物资源,提高觅食效率,而且能有效降低中毒与被捕食的风险,从而提高其适合度。  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper examines patterns of termite eating in Australian mammals and lizards (total numbers of species, volume percentage of diet) relative to climate (arid, semi-arid, temperate-mesic). Most termite eaters in arid and semi-arid Australia are lizards. Termite consumptio as a proportion of total lizard diet decreases from arid to mesic climates. More mammal species are relatively termite specialized (>50%) in arid than in semi-arid and mesic regions. Termite consumption in echidnas resembles that of the lizards: relatively high in the arid and relatively low in the mesic zone. For the Dasyuridae, termites comprise only a minor fraction (< 10%) in their diet, irrespective of climate. It is argued that the climatic peculiarities of inland Australia (scant and variable rainfall) cause marked seasonality in termite availability, supporting specialized termite eaters in only the most energy-frugal forms (lizards, echidnas). Areas of future research are identified.  相似文献   

Mammalian societies represent many different types of social systems. While some aspects of social systems have been extensively studied, there is little consensus on how to conceptualize social organization across species. Here, we present a framework describing eight dimensions of social organization to capture its diversity across mammalian societies. The framework uses simple information that is clearly separated from the three other aspects of social systems: social structure, care system, and mating system. By applying our framework across 208 species of all mammalian taxa, we find a rich multidimensional landscape of social organization. Correlation analysis reveals that the dimensions have relatively high independence, suggesting that social systems are able to evolve different aspects of social behavior without being tied to particular traits. Applying a clustering algorithm allows us to identify the relative importance of key dimensions on patterns of social organization. Finally, mapping mating system onto these clusters shows that social organization represents a distinct aspect of social systems. In the future, this framework will aid reporting on important aspects of natural history in species and facilitate comparative analyses, which ultimately will provide the ability to generate new insights into the primary drivers of social patterns and evolution of sociality.  相似文献   

Summary Selection might favor group foraging and social feeding when prey are distributed in patches that do not last long enough for a solitary individual to consume more than a small fraction of them (Pulliam and Millikan 1982; Pulliam and Caraco 1984). Here we considered the foraging behavior of a social spider, Anelosimus eximius, in light of this ephemeral resource hypothesis. This species builds large webs in which members cooperate to capture a wide variety of different sizes and types of prey, many of which are very large. The capture success of this species was very high across all prey sizes, presumably due to the fact that they foraged in groups. Group consumption times in natural colonies for all prey larger than five mm were less than the time that dead insects remained on the plastic sheets that we used as artificial webs. Solitary consumption estimates, calculated from the rate at which laboratory individuals extracted insect biomass while feeding, were the same as the residence times of insects on artificial webs in the field for insects between 6 and 15 mm in length and were significantly longer than the persistence of insects on plastic sheets for all larger insects. Large prey, that contribute substantially to colony energy supplies, appeared to be ephemeral resources for these spiders that could not be consumed by a single spider in the time they were available. These factors made the food intake of one spider in a group less sensitive to scavenging by others and could act to reinforce the social system of this species.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in group-living animals with stable compositions have demonstrated the complex and dynamic nature of social behaviour. Empirical studies occasionally provide principles that cannot be applied directly to other group-living species. Because of this, researchers are required to address fine-scaled conceptual questions and to incorporate species-specific characteristics of the study species. In this paper, I raise three key topics that will promote our understanding of animal sociality: the effects of heterogeneous social relationships on the pattern, distribution, and function of social interactions; conflict management for maintaining group living; and meta-dyad-level perspectives for understanding dyadic social relationships and behaviours. Through the discussion of these topics together with examples of group-living mammals, I emphasise the importance of direct behavioural observations and functional analyses in studies of species- or taxonomic-group-specific characteristics of social behaviour in a wide range of taxonomic groups. In addition to approaches focusing on specificity, another approach that examines the general principles or common characteristics found across different taxonomic groups could provide synthetic and reductive frameworks to understand divergent sociality. The complementary use of these two approaches will offer a comprehensive understanding of social evolution in group-living animals. Nobuyuki Kutsukake is the recipient of the 12th Denzaburo Miyadi Award.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The genealogies of samples of orthologous regions from multiple species can be classified by their shapes. Using a neutral coalescent model of two species, I give exact probabilities of each of four possible genealogical shapes: reciprocal monophyly, two types of paraphyly, and polyphyly. After the divergence that forms two species, each of which has population size N , polyphyly is the most likely genealogical shape for the lineages of the two species. At ∼ 1.300 N generations after divergence, paraphyly becomes most likely, and reciprocal monophyly becomes most likely at ∼1.665 N generations. For a given species, the time at which 99% of its loci acquire monophyletic genealogies is ∼5.298 N generations, assuming all loci in its sister species are monophyletic. The probability that all lineages of two species are reciprocally monophyletic given that a sample from the two species has a reciprocally monophyletic genealogy increases rapidly with sample size, as does the probability that the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for a sample is also the MRCA for all lineages from the two species. The results have potential applications for the testing of evolutionary hypotheses.  相似文献   

It is thought that the size and dispersion of habitat patches can determine the size and composition of animal social groups, however, this has rarely been tested. The relationship between group size, the mating system, and habitat patch size in six species of coral-dwelling gobies was examined. For all species, there was a positive correlation between coral colony size and social group size, however the strength of this relationship varied among species. Paragobiodon xanthosomus exhibited the strongest relationship and a manipulative field experiment confirmed that coral colony size limited group size in this species. For other species including Paragobiodon melanosomus and Eviota bifasciata, either a highly conservative mating system (P. melanosomus), or increased mobility (E. bifasciata) appeared to disrupt the relationship between habitat patch size and group size. There was no consistent relationship between the mating system exhibited and group size among the species investigated. These results demonstrate that habitat patch size, mobility, and mating systems can interact in complex ways to structure group size even among closely related species.  相似文献   

社会玩耍是指两个或两个以上个体共同参与的一种互作性玩耍行为,个体间的行为彼此适应并相互影响。社会玩耍行为在灵长类物种的社会交往过程中普遍发生,作为未成年个体一种重要的发育行为,其对个体的生存技能和成年后的繁殖成功具有重要影响。灵长类物种的社会玩耍不仅仅表现为追逐、摔跤、跳跃等一些常见行为,部分物种还发展出自己特有的行为。一般而言,社会玩耍在婴儿后期和青少年早期的发生频率最高,然后随着年龄增长直到成年时期,这类行为的平均发生频率将逐渐下降。未成年雄性个体要比同年龄段的雌性个体更喜欢玩耍,但常因物种、研究对象年龄等因素表现不同甚至相反;很多物种的个体喜欢与有亲缘关系的个体玩耍,或者与性别相同、年龄相仿、等级相近的个体玩耍。总之,非人灵长类个体社会玩耍的发育不但受环境参量如食物、场地等的影响,而且还与个体的年龄、性别、等级、亲缘关系等社群因素紧密相关。未成年个体在玩耍过程中,获得了身体机能的快速发育、完善了生存技能、建立了个体间的友好关系、增强了认识自身及适应周围环境的能力,从而为顺利过渡到成年期和履行自己的职能打好基础,但有时却需要承担玩耍过程中受伤甚至死亡的风险。玩耍作为灵长类社会的一种行为文化,对其研究有助于对人类自身行为进化的不断认识,相信这方面的理论将会得到后来者的不断创新和丰富,也期望这方面的理念及经验能被及时运用到保护繁育等实践活动中。  相似文献   

Infestation by Ixodes ricinus ticks on rodents, hares and cervids was examined at Bogesund, 10 km north of Stockholm, in south-central Sweden during 1991-1994 and on varying hares (Lepus timidus) at Stora Karlso and Gotska Sandon in the Baltic Sea during 1992-1993. At Bogesund, there were great differences between two consecutive years in the number of I. ricinus larvae infesting bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus). The seasonal pattern of infestation by I. ricinus larvae and nymphs on bank voles was unimodal in 1991, with peaks in June-July and bimodal in 1992, with peaks in June and August. Male bank voles, compared to females and older voles, compared to young voles, harboured greater numbers of I. ricinus ticks. Apodemus mice, compared to bank voles, harboured greater numbers of I. ricinus ticks. Ixodes ricinus larvae engorged on Apodemus mice were heavier than larvae engorged on bank voles and resulted in larger nymphs. However, there was no difference in the proportions of viable nymphs resulting from larvae engorged on mice or voles. The ranges in the numbers of I. ricinus ticks infesting individual hosts were 1-451 for rodents, 16-2374 for hares and 428-2072 for roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). These ranges of tick numbers are estimated to represent potential blood losses from individual hosts of approximately 0.2-65% for rodents, 0.2-13% for hares and 0.3-9.0% for roe deer. Within the populations of all host species examined, the distributions of all stages of I. ricinus were clumped, with most host individuals harbouring few ticks and only a few individuals harbouring many ticks. The data suggest that, even though a small proportion of tick hosts may be severely affected, the direct effects of feeding by I. ricinus are unlikely to play an important role on mammal population dynamics.  相似文献   

Social interactions help group-living organisms cope with socio-environmental challenges and are central to survival and reproductive success. Recent research has shown that social behaviour and relationships can change across the lifespan, a phenomenon referred to as ‘social ageing’. Given the importance of social integration for health and well-being, age-dependent changes in social behaviour can modulate how fitness changes with age and may be an important source of unexplained variation in individual patterns of senescence. However, integrating social behaviour into ageing research requires a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of age-based changes in social behaviour. Here, we provide an overview of the drivers of late-life changes in sociality. We suggest that explanations for social ageing can be categorized into three groups: changes in sociality that (a) occur as a result of senescence; (b) result from adaptations to ameliorate the negative effects of senescence; and/or (c) result from positive effects of age and demographic changes. Quantifying the relative contribution of these processes to late-life changes in sociality will allow us to move towards a more holistic understanding of how and why these patterns emerge and will provide important insights into the potential for social ageing to delay or accelerate other patterns of senescence.  相似文献   

A study group of Campbell's monkeys (Cercopithecus c. campbelli) provided data on affiliative and agonistic relationships between females. Over a period of two years (involving 111 hr), we conducted observations of a captive group which had a composition similar to wild groups. We were able to identify a monitor-adjust social system with frequent affiliative interactions, directed gazing and avoidances rather than aggressive acts. We described long-term differentiated affiliative bonds: adult females interacting more often with some group mates than others, especially if they were relatives. Interactions between matrilines concerned essentially play and young adult females. We found a significant linear hierarchy of dominance with rare reversals and a stable intermatriline dominance. In contrast to other single-male groups, our adult male was socially integrated into the group although this may have been because of the housing conditions. Comparisons with the social organization of other captive and wild guenon groups are discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to the polygynous mating systems typically displayed by most reptilian taxa, long-term genetic monogamy appears to be widespread within a lineage of group-living Australian scincid lizards, the Egernia group. We have recently shown that White's skink, Egernia whitii, lives in small but temporally stable social aggregations. Here, we examine the mating system, spatial organization, and dispersal patterns of E. whitii using behavioural field studies and data from four microsatellite loci. Parentage analysis of E. whitii litters revealed that its mating system is characterized by both polygyny and monogamy. Polygyny was the predominant mating system but within-season social and genetic monogamy was common (36-45% of breeding pairs). The incidence of between-season monogamy in E. whitii was rare compared to that reported for its congeners. Low levels of multiple paternity (12% of litters) and extra-group paternity (16%) were detected. Social groups are generally comprised of closely related individuals, but breeding pairs were not more closely related compared to other potential mates. Spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed significant positive local genetic structure over 50 m, which was consistent for all age-sex classes. There was no clear and consistent evidence for sex-biased dispersal, with assignment tests (mean assignment index) and relatedness analyses suggesting female-biased dispersal, but spatial autocorrelation analyses indicating a trend for male-biased dispersal. We discuss the implication of our results in regard to the factors promoting the evolution of monogamy within the Egernia group.  相似文献   

Swaziland is a small, topographically diverse southern Africa country whose mammalian fauna has been poorly studied. The distributions of small mammals in Swaziland were surveyed at 39 localities. A total of 15 species of rodents and ten species of insectivores were captured during the survey. The number of species of insectivore captured at a locality was positively correlated with mean annual rainfall, while the number of rodent species captured was negatively correlated with altitude. The number of rodent species captured was lower on Swazi Nation Land compared with privately owned land or protected land (reserves). This was probably due to the radical habitat alteration that had taken place on Swazi Nation Land, inter alia overgrazing by livestock, cultivation of maize and deforestation. The effect of this habitat alteration on the number of rodent species was more pronounced in high-lying areas of Swaziland. This may have been due to the fact that a large number of the rodent species inhabiting high-lying areas require thick, tall grassland habitats, whereas many of the low-lying species prefer more open habitats with less grass cover. Since grazing acts to reduce grass cover, it is suggested that the species inhabiting high-lying areas would be more affected by overgrazing, than low-lying species.  相似文献   

我国是全球生物多样性大国,拥有包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎、麋鹿、白鱀豚等特有物种和旗舰物种在内的丰富兽类资源。近几十年来,土地利用模式转变、盗猎、环境污染、气候变化等因素使许多兽类物种面临生存威胁,导致物种遗传多样性丧失。而遗传多样性是生物多样性的基本组成部分,决定了物种和种群能否长期生存。保护遗传学作为保护生物学的一大分支学科,旨在通过遗传学分析探明种群遗传变异和物种濒危的遗传学机制。近40年来,随着研究手段和技术的不断发展,我国兽类保护遗传学在遗传多样性和近交水平评估、景观遗传学、生态遗传学和圈养种群遗传管理等方面都取得了重要成果。然而,未来人类社会发展可能为濒危兽类带来的威胁依然存在,高通量测序等新技术的进一步发展则能够帮助我们更加深入地了解濒危物种和种群遗传适应与濒危机制,从而实现对濒危兽类的有效管理与保护。  相似文献   

基于CA_Markov模型的伊犁河三角洲景观格局预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在遥感和水文数据的支持下,结合伊犁河三角洲的区域特点,确定了伊犁河三角洲的景观分类系统.通过景观生态学的定量分析和CA_Markov模型模拟方法,系统分析了1975-2 007年伊犁河三角洲景观格局的时空演变特征,并对2020年景观格局的情景进行了模拟与预测.结果表明:在人为间接干扰和自然环境的双重影响下,1975-2007年伊犁河三角洲的景观格局变化具有一定的周期性和不稳定性;对CA_Markov模型的可利用性进行分析与检验,1990-2007年伊犁河三角洲景观变化符合CA_Markov模型应用的条件;2020年,研究区景观的斑块破碎化严重,连通性趋于弱化,与水密切相关的湖泊、沼泽和漫滩的时空变化存在很大的不确定性;分别基于1990-2000年和2000-2007年概率转移矩阵预测的2020年研究区景观格局存在显著的差异性,不同景观类型的差异程度和表现形式各异,原因在于这两个时段自然条件的非一致性和不稳定性以及各景观类型的转移方式和方向不同.  相似文献   

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