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Efforts were made to discriminate new genetic variants among electrophoretic alleles that are associated with chromosome 3 inversions of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Apparent genetic similarities for electrophoretic alleles between these two species and among the common inversions they carry were reexamined by altering gel concentration and buffer pH. At the amylase locus, the 1.09 electrophoretic allele could be further separated into two allelic classes that differentiated the WT and KL arrangements. Similarly, the 0.84 electrophoretic allele was divided into two allelic classes, one characteristic of the Santa Cruz phylad arrangements, TL and SC, and the other found in strains of the Standard phylad arrangements and CH. Uncommon amylase alleles proved to be different alleles in the two species. No new allelic variants, however, could be found among strains with the amylase 1.00 allele, the commonest allele in the Standard phylad of both species. No major new allelic variation was detected for acid phosphatase-3 and larval protein-10 that revealed any further differentiation among species or inversions. Variation at all three loci in strains of the Bogota population remained genetically similar to variation in strains of mainland D. pseudoobscura.  相似文献   

Satya Prakash 《Genetics》1976,84(4):787-790
Associations of alleles of the acid phosphatase-3 locus with the different third-chromosome inversions from different populations of D. pseudoobscura are described. We observe only the allele AP-3 1.0 in the Standard and Arrow-head inversions and the allele AP-3.98 in the Santa Cruz, Treeline, Cuernavaca and the Pikes Peak arrangements. The Chiricahua gene arrangement is polymorphic.  相似文献   

Prakash S 《Genetics》1977,87(1):159-168
Quantitative studies of enzyme activity on gels show about four-fold differences in enzyme activity of different xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH ) alleles. At least three different activity classes could be distinguished among the 23 strains isogenic for the XDH locus. No association of high activity with the high frequency electromorph was observed; instead, the low frequency electromorphs had 0.5 to 2 times the activity of the high frequency electromorph. The frequency of low activity, high activity and intermediate activity XDH alleles among these 23 lines is 0.13, 0.09, and 0.78, respectively.  相似文献   

R. A. Norman  Satya Prakash 《Genetics》1980,95(4):1001-1011
The amylase locus in Drosophila persimilis is polymorphic for allozymes, two of which show associations with naturally occurring chromosome 3 inversions. Amy1.09 occurs at high frequencies only in Whitney (WT), while the other common arrangements-Standard (ST), Klamath (KL) and Mendocino (MD)-are predominantly Amy 1.00. We have examined numerous strains, representing various electromorphs and inversions, for variation in cis-specific activity expression in both third-instar larvae and adults. Comparisons of these two life stages also allows the survey of developmental variation in amylase activities. The amount of activity variation exceeds electrophoretic variation at this locus. Moreover, this variation is largely nonrandom and reveals more genic divergence among inversions. The 1.00 allozyme of MD is more active than 1.00 KL in larvae and adults and shows a different developmental pattern. The activity of the 1.00 allozyme of KL is greater than 1.00 allozyme of ST in larvae and adults, but these two arrangements have similar developmental patterns. WT 1 with a 1.00 allele is dramatically different from the 1.00 allozymes of other arrangements in its developmental pattern. The 1.09 allozymes has high activity in WT and KL, but these arrangements differ in their developmental pattern of expression, WT being more active in adults. F2 segregational analyses are consistent with the variation being due to either structural enzyme variants or closely linked cis-acting regulatory elements. We argue that the suppression of recombination between arrangements has allowed the divergence in amylase activity among inversions.  相似文献   

Different electrophoretic alleles of amylase show associations with particular chromosome 3 inversions in D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Relative adult amylase activities were compared in 37, 37 and 10 strains of D. pseudoobscura, D. persimilis and D. miranda, respectively. Strains carrying the same electrophoretic allele were compared by crossing these lines individually to a reference strain carrying a different electrophoretic mobility allele. This procedure allows comparisons among species, inversions, electromorphs and strains for genetic variation in amylase activity. F2 analysis established that the activity variation co-segregates with the structural amylase locus. This type of variation could be due to either structural gene differences or differences in closely linked, cis-acting regulatory regions. Variation has been detected among and within electrophoretic mobility classes. Moreover, this variation is clearly nonrandom and reveals more of the genetic structure associated with the chromosomal inversion phylogeny of D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. ----Some of the findings are: (1) Similar electromorphs in D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis usually show different activities. These species show nearly complete differentiation of amylase alleles, based on activities. (2) D. persimilis has the broadest range of variation in amylase activity, about four-fold between the highest and lowest alleles. D. pseudoobscura and D. miranda are also polymorphic for activity, but have more constrained ranges of variation. D. miranda alleles show on the average about four times the activity of D. pseudoobscura alleles. (3) Some association of electrophoretic mobility and activity has been found. Alleles 1.09 of D. persimilis, as well as 1.43 and 1.55 of D. miranda, have relatively high activity. It may be that these high activity alleles are part of an adaptation to cooler habitats. (4) Within electrophoretic classes, associations of activities with inversions have been found. These are especially strong in D. persimilis. The 1.00 alleles in the ST, KL, MD and WT inversions, the 0.92 allele in the ST and MD inversions and the 1.09 allele in the WT and KL inversions have levels of activities that depend upon the arrangement in which they are located. These results demonstrate that suppression of recombination in inversion heterokaryotypes can result in extensive genic divergence between inversions.  相似文献   

A translocation in which a segment of chromosome 3 is inserted into the Y chromosome was found to contain the acid phosphatase-1 gene (Acph-1). In flies hyperploid for that gene, acid phosphatase-1 levels are proportional to the dose of the gene. The locus is placed within the salivary chromosome subdivisions 99D and 99E on the basis of its inclusion in the translocated segment and on the previous placement of the claret locus. Several chromosomal rearrangements involving heterochromatic breakpoints and euchromatic breakpoints adjacent to 99D-99E were tested for possible postiion-effect variegation of acid phosphatase-1. No decrease in the synthesis of the electorphoretic subunit encoded by the relocated gene was observed within any of the rearrangements.  相似文献   

In the dynamics of the survival of chromosomal polymorphism selection may be operating at the genic level, at the chromosomal level or at the supergene level. Tests designed to distinguish between these levels were run on Drosophila pseudoobscura. There was no evidence for heterosis, a necessary requirement for gene-determined chromosomal polymorphism. A strong chromosmal selection was observed. No evidence was found for the presence within one locality of more than a single superallele for each supergene (= gene order). These results are compared to those found by others.  相似文献   

We have investigated the occurrence of dosage compensation in D. willistoni and D. pseudoobscura, two species whose X chromosome is metacentric with one arm homologous to the X and the other homologous to the left arm of chromosome 3 of D. melanogaster. Crude extracts were assayed for isocitrate dehydrogenase (XR), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (XL?), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (XL?), and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (chromosome 2) in D. willistoni, and for esterase-5 (XR), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (XL?), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (XL?) and amylase (chromosome 3) in D. pseudoobscura. Our results indicate that a mechanism for dosage compensation is operative in both arms of the X chromosome of these two species.  相似文献   

Genic variation was surveyed for 20 proteins of Drosophila melanogaster and 18 proteins of D. pseudoobscura. Analysis was by extraction and one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions, followed by staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue to detect soluble proteins present in relatively large amounts ("abundant soluble proteins"). D. melanogaster was polymorphic for 65% of its protein loci and an individual was heterozygous for 10% of its loci. The respective figures for D. pseudoobscura were 61% and 11%. These estimates of genic variation fall between previously published estimates obtained for these species by one-dimensional electrophoresis of soluble enzymes and those obtained by two-dimensional electrophoresis of solubilized abundant proteins. However, variation for both species could be strongly partitioned between loci, on the basis of tissue and stage expression of the proteins. The results are discussed with respect to their bearing on the possibility that abundant proteins constitute a distinct class of proteins less polymorphic than soluble enzymes.  相似文献   

Evidence of strong association of alleles at the Esterase-5 and adult Acid phosphatase-6 loci with the Sex Ratio and the Standard X chromosome arrangements in D. pseudoobscura is presented. There is no differentiation at these two loci, either in the Sex Ratio or the Standard arrangement from two widely separated geographic populations. At the Esterase-5 locus, alleles characteristic of one arrangement are found in low frequencies in the other arrangement. It is concluded, from these and other observations that the differentiation between the Sex Ratio and the Standard arrangement, at these two loci, is a result of natural selection favoring different coadapted gene blocks in these arrangements. The average heterozygosity at these two loci in different karyotypes is in the following order: ST/SR > ST/ST >> SR/SR which agrees very well with the fitness estimates of these karyotypes.  相似文献   

We have studied in Drosophila pseudoobscura the effect of allozyme variation on seven fitness components: female fecundity, egg hatchability, egg-to-adult survival under near-optimal and under competitive conditions, rate of development under near-optimal and under competitive conditions, and mating capacity of males. Three genotypes at each of two loci, Pgm-1 and Me-2, have been studied in various combinations. These two loci are highly polymorphic in natural populations of D. pseudoobscura. Statistically significant differences involving one or more genotypes exist for all components of fitness. No single genotype is best for all fitness components; rather the relative fitnesses of genotypes are reversed when different parameters are considered, or when they are studied in different environmental conditions. Also, the average egg-to-adult survival and rate of development are better when different genotypes are reared together than when they occur in pure culture. Four different modes of selection have been uncovered by our experiments. These forms of selection may account for the persistence of the two allozyme polymorphisms in nature, and for previously observed seasonal fluctuations of the allelic frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

Most strains of Drosophila pseudoobscura are neutral to light when tested in phototactic mazes. However, clear-cut photopositive and photogenative populations are obtained by selection over a series of generations. The genetic nature of the differences between the positive and negative populations has been studied in crosses in which the three large autosomes carried mutant markers. All chromosomes contain genes which influence the response to light. The third chromosome has the strongest effect, followed by the second, the X, and the fourth chromosomes. This seriation is not in proportion to the relative lengths of the chromosomes. Either the effective genes are not very numerous, or some of them exert stronger influences than others.  相似文献   

Knibb WR  Oakeshott JG  Gibson JB 《Genetics》1981,98(4):833-847
Nineteen Australasian populations of Drosophila melanogaster have been screened for chromosome inversion polymorphisms. All 15 of the inversion types found are paracentric and autosomal, but only four of these, one on each of the major autosome arms, are common and cosmopolitan. North-south clines occur, with the frequencies of all four of the common cosmopolitan inversions increasing toward the equator. These clines in the Southern Hemisphere mirror north-south clines in the Northern Hemisphere, where the frequencies of all four of the common cosmopolitan inversions again increase towards the equator.-While few of the Australasian populations show significant disequilibrium between linked common cosmopolitan inversions, those that do invariably have excesses of coupling gametes, which is consistent with other reports. We also find nonrandom associations between the two major autosomes, with the northern populations in Australasia (those with high inversion frequencies) tending to be deficient in gametes with common cosmopolitan inversions on both major autosomes, while the southern populations in Australasia (low inversion frequencies) tend to have an excess of this class of gametes.-The clines and the nonrandom associations between the two major autosomes are best interpreted in terms of selection operating to maintain the common cosmopolitan inversion polymorphisms in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent fitness was studied at the Pgm-1 locus of Drosophila pseudoobscura with respect to two fitness components: rate of development and larva-to-adult survival. The Pgm-1 locus is very polymorphic with only two alleles, Pgm-1100 and Pgm-1104, occurring at high frequencies. For each of these two alleles, 20 homozygous strains were obtained from a sample of 1,140 wild-inseminated females. First-instar larvae of the two genotypes were combined in a set of eight different frequencies: 0.0, 0.10, 0.25, 0.40, 0.60, 0.75, 0.90, and 1.0. Frequency-dependent fitness effects were observed for the two survival-related fitness components examined: larvae of the less common genotype develop faster and have a higher probability of survival than larvae of the more common genotype. The rate of survival at intermediate genotypic frequencies is similar to that in pure cultures. If selection acted solely as frequency-dependent effects on survival-related components of fitness, the equilibrium frequency of the Pgm-1100 allele would be 0.615 for a two-genotype system, which fits an observed frequency range for this allele in nature between 0.55 and 0.71. Experimentally created linkage disequilibrium was excluded from the experiment by using a large number of independent strains. It is nevertheless possible that the frequency-dependent selection may not affect the Pgm-1 locus per se, but may reflect a linkage disequilibrium present in the natural population. Even if this were the case, the frequency-dependent selection could affect the frequency of the Pgm-1 alleles in nature.  相似文献   

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