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We recently demonstrated that chronic daily administration of a superactive GnRH analog to intact rats resulted in an initial stimulation of serum LH levels with a subsequent return of LH levels to baseline at a time when testosterone levels were marked decreased. These data demonstrated pituatary desensitization following chronic GnRH analog treatment. Administration of GnRH analog with a dose of testosterone which did not markedly lower serum LH levels when administered alone prevented the stimulation of LH secretion by analog. The present studies were undertaken to determine the effects of GnRH analog and testosterone administration on the regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors. Pituitary GnRH receptor binding was increased by analog treatment alone at 20 days and returned to control levels at 40 and 60 days of treatment in parallel to the observed changes in serum LH, demonstrating that one mechanism by which chronic GnRH analog treatment leads to pituitary desensitization is down-regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors. Testosterone administration alone decreased pituitary GnRH receptor binding. Combined GnRH analog and testosterone administration prevented the increase in pituitary GnRH receptors observed with analog administration alone. These studies demonstrate that changes in pituitary GnRH receptor binding correlate with changes in serum LH and that the stimulatory effects of analog administration on LH are sensitive to inhibition by small doses of testosterone.  相似文献   

Estriol is a short acting estrogen, and as such, displays both agonistic and antagonistic properties, when it is injected in saline solution. These are predictable attributes of any short acting agonist if one considers the basic pharmacology of receptor ligand binding interactions. That is, short acting hormones or drugs occupy receptor sites for protracted time periods and, although they stimulate responses, these are of short duration. However, when estriol is administered in a continuous fashion the estrogen receptor is occupied for long periods of time and full estrogenic responses are observed, and there is no antagonism of estradiol action. The purpose of this paper is to review the work that leads to the above conclusion and to discuss our more recent work on the relationship between estrogen receptor binding and the stimulation of type II estrogen binding sites.  相似文献   

T Karashima  D Olsen  A V Schally 《Life sciences》1987,40(25):2437-2444
The effect of the repeated or continuous administration of an analog of GH releasing factor (GH-RF), D-Tyr-1, D-Ala-2, Nle-27, GH-RF(1-29)-NH2 (DBO-29), on the subsequent response to this peptide was investigated in pentobarbital-anesthetized male rats. A sc administration of this analog induced a greater and more prolonged GH release than doses 10 times larger of GH-RF(1-29). The GH increase after sc injection of 10 micrograms/kg bw of the analog was greater than that induced by iv administration of 2 micrograms/kg bw of GH-RF(1-44). Pretreatment with 10 micrograms/kg bw of the analog did not affect the pituitary response to a strong stimulus (20 micrograms/kg bw) of GH-RF(1-44), 24 h later. Pretreatment with the analog in doses of 10 micrograms/kg bw, sc twice a day, 5 days per week for 4 weeks, significantly diminished the GH release in response to a sc injection of the analog (10 micrograms/kg bw), as compared to vehicle-pretreated controls (P less than 0.01). On the other hand, a continuous sc administration of 0.4 micrograms/h of the analog to intact rats for 7 days did not result in a decrease in GH response to a sc injection of the analog (10 micrograms/kg bw). Since the rats injected repeatedly with the analog for 4 weeks still showed a marked, although somewhat reduced response, analogs of this type may be useful clinically.  相似文献   

It is well known that static, non-linear minimization of the sum of the stress in muscles to a certain power cannot predict cocontraction of pairs of one-joint antagonistic muscles. In this report, we prove that for a single joint either all agonistic muscles cocontract or all are silent. For two-joint muscles, we show that lengthening and shortening of muscles corresponds closely to zero force and non-zero force states, respectively. This gives a new physiological interpretation of situations in which cocontraction of pairs of two-joint antagonistic muscles is predicted by these static non-linear optimization approaches.  相似文献   

1. A review of the effects of long-term administration of antidepressants and neuroleptics on receptors in the central nervous system is presented. 2. The effects of antidepressants on adenylate cyclase activity and on receptor binding in brain tissue are discussed. Effects on a variety of receptor types are considered. 3. The utilization of electrophysiological, behavioral, and neurochemical studies to assess receptor function after chronic antidepressant administration is discussed, as is the use of peripheral receptor estimations in clinical studies. 4. Animal studies on the actions of chronic administration of neuroleptics on pre- and postsynaptic dopamine receptors are reviewed. Effects of these drugs on dopamine receptors in humans are considered from the following perspectives: postmortem and in vivo binding studies in schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia, and central versus peripheral receptor estimation.  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged treatment with the antagonistic analog of LH-RH (N-Ac-D-p-Cl-Phe1,2, D-Trp3,D-Arg6,D-Ala10) LH-RH (ORG 30276) on the hyperprolactinemia induced by haloperidol were investigated in intact or ovariectomized female rats. Treatment with ORG 30276 for 20 days significantly reduced prolactin levels elevated by daily injections of haloperidol in intact as well as in ovariectomized rats. Administration of ORG 30276 also significantly decreased serum LH levels in both types of rats. It is concluded that the LH-RH antagonist ORG 30276 is able to counteract the hyperprolactinemic effect of haloperidol. This effect might be due to a blockade of the action of endogenous LH-RH on the gonadotrophs, which results in a suppressing of the paracrine action of these cells on the lactotroph.  相似文献   

The ability of the Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LH-RH) analogs to displace LH-RH from its pituitary receptors was evaluated invitro. The two superactive analogs tested showed higher potency than the antagonists and LH-RH itself, D-Trp6-LH-RH being the most potent. The LH-RH specific binding activity in the pituitary fluctuated throughout the age of the rats. The highest number of LH-RH binding sites were seen on day 35 of age (276 fmol × 10?2/pit) and an increment was induced by 0.05 μg D-Trp6-LH-RH (400 fmol × 10?2/pit). However, 1 μg D-Trp6-LH-RH reduced the binding of LH-RH at all the times studied. In the control animals the number of estradiol binding sites increased on day 42 of age, and 0.05 μg D-Trp6-LH-RH augmented them on day 35 of age. On the contrary, 1 μg D-Trp6-LH-RH diminished the estradiol uterine receptors at all the times studied. Similar results were obtained in the ovariectomized-hypophysectomized rats on day 35 of age. Our studies demonstrated a biphasic action of D-Trp6-LH-RH on LH-RH pituitary receptors and a direct effect on uterus which could be mediated through the uterine estradiol receptors.  相似文献   

Methods for the control of ovulation with GnRH or the GnRH analog D-Phe6 -LHRH (GnRH-A), were evaluated in gilts and sows as the last step in development of a fixed-time Al protocol. This involved 3 field trials using 2,744 gilts (10 units) and 71,628 sows (33 units). In Trial 1, the GnRH-A (75 microg) was given subsequent to treatment with altrenogest for cycle control or eCG for the stimulation of uniform follicle development in gilts. The release of LH was followed by ovulations which commenced within 36.4 +/- 3.3 hr and were terminated at 39.0 +/- 2.8 hr after administration of GnRH-A. This degree of synchronization of ovulations enabled the use of fixed-time AI. Consequently, subsequent to pretreatment with altrenogest and eCG, in 10 production units 1,285 gilts received 50 microg GnRH-A and 1,459 gilts 500 IU hCG serving as positive controls (Trial 2); all the gilts were inseminated 24 and 42 hr after treatment. Pregnancy rate and piglet index (n of piglets per 100 first inseminations) following GnRH-A vs hCG were 78.8% and 779 vs 74.4% and 728, respectively (P < 0.05). In field trials with first litter gilts and multiparous sows (33 units holding from 250 to 6,000 sows), 1,000 IU eCG was used for estrus control after weaning and 25 microg or 50 microg GnRH-A were given 55 to 58 hours after eCG (n = 19,954 and 20,701) (Trial 3). Sows treated during the same time period with 300 microg GnRH plus 300 IU. hCG (n = 30,973) served as positive controls; all sows were inseminated 24 and 42 hours after treatment. Pregnancy rates for 50 microg GnRH-A, 25 microg GnRH-A and 300 microg GnRH plus 300 IU hCG were 83.0%, 81.7% and 80.7%, and the piglet indices 913, 899 and 880, respectively (P < 0.05). Unit size and parity had significant effects on fertility and productivity. In all studies, results with 50 microg GnRH-A were superior. In year-long studies, highest levels of fertility in response to these treatments were seen from December to May.  相似文献   

The experiments on male rats showed that their sojourn at high altitude resulted in alterations of functional relationship between the gonadotropic pituitary cells and tests. That was characterized by synthesis inhibition and hormone release by gonadotropocytes. In the testes we found impairments in the barrier function and active substance transport in sustentocytes. Intensification of destructive processes in sustentocytes, with prolongation of adaptation duration, are mediated to a greater extent by a direct destructive high altitude factors. A decrease in hormone producing function of glandulocytes as a result of destruction processes has aggravated dysharmony of the pituitary-testes system which by the end of the second month was manifested by a marked inhibition of gonadotropic cell hormone release with preservation of the synthesis high level in them.  相似文献   

Developing female rabbits were studied weekly from Day 22 of life to Day 100. At all ages GnRH (1.5 micrograms/kg) induced a large increase in LH release 15 min later. By contrast, FSH was significantly increased only on Days 22, 29 and 72 and no significant increase was detected up to 2 h after GnRH administration at other ages. Functional corpora lutea were absent at the start of all treatments as indicated by circulating concentrations of progesterone less than 2 ng/ml. It is concluded that the immature rabbit pituitary is functionally capable of responding to GnRH with an increase in LH secretion, whereas the control of FSH secretion may be regulated by other factors.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of kyotorphin (L-Tyr-L-Arg) and cyclo (N-methyl-L-Tyr-L-Arg), its analog, produced significant dose-dependent hypothermic responses in mice at an ambient temperature of 24°C. The hypothermic action of kyotorphin was much greater than that of Met-enkephalin (Met-ENK) but less than that of cyclo NMTA. This action was slightly but not significantly reversed by intraperitoneally administered naloxone (8 mg/kg), an opioid receptor antagonist. Met-ENK utilized as a control peptide in this study also produced a dose-dependent hypothermia which was slightly antagonized by naloxone (8 mg/kg, IP). Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) injected ICV produced hyperthermia dose-dependently. The hypothermia induced by kyotorphin, its cyclic analog and Met-ENK was prevented by a small dose of TRH (0.18 μg=0.5 nmol/animal) which by itself had little effect on body temperature. A TRH neuronal system in the brain may explain the mechanism of kyotorphin-induced hypothermia. However, there was little evidence of involvement of opioid receptors. The present study demonstrates a potent action of kyotorphin and its analog on thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Within the spectrum of the characteristic pharmacological activities (oxytocic (O), milk-ejecting (ME), antidiuretic (A), pressor (P) associated with the known natural and synthetic analogs of oxytocin and vasopressin it is possible to discern patterns of selectivity of these types: 1) interpeptide-like (a) O/A, (b) O/P; 2) intraoxytocin-like (a) O/ME; (b) ME/O; 3) intravasopressinlike (a) A/P, (b) P/A. Consideration of structural modifications of oxytocin or vasopressin, which individually or in combination give rise to peptides possessing enhanced selectivity of a given type, can in some cases provide a rational basis for the design of peptides with even greater selectivity. [1-Deamino-4-valine-8-D-arginine]vasopressin, the most highly specific antidiuretic peptide known to date, was designed in this fashion. By contrast, intraoxytocin-like selectivity, is manifested to only a minor degree in all peptides studied to date. Enhanced interpeptide-like selectivity of the type 1a (O/A; O/P) is readily attainable by specific single substitutions at positions 4 or 7 in oxtocin. Substitution of threonine in the 4 position of the oxytocic antagonist [1-deaminopenicillamine]oxytocin brought about a threefold enhancement in oxytocic inhibitory activity. Thus [1-deaminopenicillamine-4-threonine]oxytocin (dPTOT) is the most potent antagonist of the in vitro oxytocic response to oxytocin known to date. Thus analysis of the pharmacological data from over 300 analogs of oxytocin and vasopressin allows the delineation of those structural modifications that can optimize selectivities. The potential and limitations of this approach for the design of peptides possessing desired agonistic or antagonistic selectivity for potential clinical use and for studies on oxytocin and vasopressin receptors is discussed.  相似文献   

A J Hsueh  N C Ling 《Life sciences》1979,25(14):1223-1229
We have recently demonstrated that gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) acts directly on ovarian granulosa cells to inhibit the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced increase in granulosa cell steroidogenesis invitro. A GnRH antagonist, [D-pGlu1, D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6] GnRH (A), which is known to antagonize GnRH-stimulated gonadotropin release by cultured pituitary cells, was tested in the granulosa cell system. GnRH (10?8M) inhibited estrogen and progesterone production by FSH-treated granulosa cells invitro, whereas the antagonist A (10?6M) did not affect FSH stimulation of steroidogenesis. Antagonist A, when added together with GnRH and FSH, blocked the GnRH inhibition of FSH-induced steroidogenesis. Estrogen and progesterone production by granulosa cells was increased by 50% at a molar ratio (IDR50) of 201and121 ([antagonist]/[GnRH]), respectively. At 10?6M, antagonist A completely prevented the GnRH (10?8M) inhibition. A similar effect of antagonist A was seen in FSH-induced increase of luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor content. FSH treatment for 2 days invitro induced an 8-fold increase in LH receptor content in cultured granulosa cells; concomitant treatment with 10?8M GnRH completely inhibited the FSH effect. Antagonist A (10?6M), by itself, had no effect on the FSH action. However, when added together with FSH and GnRH, antagonist A completely abolished the inhibitory effect of GnRH. These results demonstrate that the direct inhibitory effect of GnRH on granulosa cell function can be prevented by a GnRH antagonist and that the GnRH action at the ovarian level may require stringent stereospecific interactions of these peptides with putative GnRH recognition sites.  相似文献   

Proper timing of insemination for optimal conception is accomplished by frequent palpations per rectum, by ultrasonography of the preovulatory follicle and/or by treatment with hCG or GnRH. Sustained release of GnRH from implants has been shown to hasten ovulation. Therefore, 2 studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a GnRH analog, deslorelin, for hastening ovulation in nonlactating cyclic mares. The GnRH implant was 2.3 x 3.7 mm and released deslorelin for 2 to 3 days. In Experiment 1, 60 nonlactating, cycling mares were assigned to 1 of 5 doses: 0, 1.2, 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 mg per implant. Mares were assigned sequentially on the first day of estrus (Day 1). Ovaries were examined per rectum and with ultrasonography every 12 h until ovulation. Once the mares obtained a follicle >30 mm, they were injected subcutaneously with a GnRH implant. The mares were inseminated every other day during estrus with semen from 1 of 3 stallions. Pregnancy was determined with ultrasonography. Experiment 2, 40 nonlactating, cyclic mares were assigned to 1 of 5 treatments (same treatments as in Experiment 1). Data were obtained on interval to ovulation, duration of estrus and pregnancy rates at 12, 18 and 35 d after ovulation. Time to ovulation was shorter (P<0.05) in GnRH-treated mares than in control mares in the Experiment 1. Mean time to ovulation was 68, 49, 48, 47, 44 h in Experiment 1, and 91, 66, 58, 46, 58 h in Experiment 2 for mares given 0, 1.2, 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 mg/mare in the 2 trials. Averaged for both experiments, the proportion of mares ovulating within 48 h of treatment was 40, 75, 85, 90 and 90% for 0, 1.2, 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 mg/mare. For both experiments, there was no effect of GnRH on pregnancy rate. In summary, a subcutaneous implant containing GnRH analog induced ovulation in most mares by 48 h of injection, and there was no advantage of doses higher than 2.2 mg/mare.  相似文献   

We explore the binding sites for mAbs to the alpha I domain of the integrin alphaLbeta2 that can competitively inhibit, allosterically inhibit, or activate binding to the ligand ICAM-1. Ten mAbs, some of them clinically important, were mapped to species-specific residues. The results are interpreted with independent structures of the alphaL I domain determined in seven different crystal lattices and in solution, and which are present in three conformational states that differ in affinity for ligand. Six mAbs bind to adjacent regions of the beta1-alpha1 and alpha3-alpha4 loops, which show only small (mean, 0.8 angstroms; maximum, 1.8 angstroms) displacements among the eight I domain structures. Proximity to the ligand binding site and to noncontacting portions of the ICAM-1 molecule explains competitive inhibition by these mAbs. Three mAbs bind to a segment of seven residues in the beta5-alpha6 loop and alpha6 helix, in similar proximity to the ligand binding site, but on the side opposite from the beta1-alpha1/alpha3-alpha4 epitopes, and far from noncontacting portions of ICAM-1. These residues show large displacements among the eight structures in response to lattice contacts (mean, 3.6 angstroms; maximum, 9.4 angstroms), and movement of a buried Phe in the beta5-alpha6 loop is partially correlated with affinity change at the ligand binding site. Together with a lack of proximity to noncontacting portions of ICAM-1, these observations explain variation among this group of mAbs, which can either act as competitive or allosteric antagonists. One agonistic mAb binds distant from the ligand binding site of the I domain, to residues that show little movement (mean, 0.5 angstroms; maximum, 1.0 angstroms). Agonism by this mAb is thus likely to result from altering the orientation of the I domain with respect to other domains within an intact integrin alphaLbeta2 heterodimer.  相似文献   

The antiestrogen tamoxifen has been widely used for decades as selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator for ERalpha-positive breast tumors. Tamoxifen significantly reduces tumor recurrence by binding to the activation function-2 (AF-2) domain of the ER. Acquired resistance to tamoxifen in breast cancer patients is a serious therapeutic problem. Antiestrogen-resistant breast cancer often shows increased expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family members, EGFR and ErbB2. In this report we now show that overexpression of EGFR or activated AKT-2 in MCF-7 cells leads to phosphorylation of Ser167 in the AF-1 domain of ERalpha, enhanced ER-amplified in breast cancer 1 (ER:AIB1) interaction in the presence of tamoxifen, and resistance to tamoxifen. In contrast, transfection of activated MAPK kinase, an immediate upstream activator of MAPK (ERK 1 and 2) into MCF-7 cells leads to phosphorylation of Ser118 in the AF-1 domain of ERalpha, inhibition of ER-amplified in breast cancer 1 (ER:AIB1) interaction in the presence of Tam, and maintenance of sensitivity to tamoxifen. Inhibition of AKT by short inhibitory RNA blocked Ser167 phosphorylation in ER and restored tamoxifen sensitivity. However, maximum sensitivity to tamoxifen was observed when both AKT and MAPK were inhibited. Taken together, these data demonstrate that different phosphorylation sites in the AF-1 domain of ERalpha regulate the agonistic and antagonistic actions of tamoxifen in human breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS, endotoxin) represent a major virulence factor of Gram-negative bacteria, which can cause septic shock in mammals, including man. The lipid anchor of LPS to the bacterial outer membrane, lipid A, exhibits a peculiar chemical structure, harbours the 'endotoxic principle' of LPS and is also responsible for the expression of pathophysiological effects. Chemically modified lipid A can be endotoxically inactive, but may express strong antagonistic activity against endotoxically active LPS. By applying orientation measurements with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared spectroscopy on hydrated lipid A samples, we show here that these different biological activities are directly correlated to the intrinsic conformation of lipid A. Bisphosphoryl-hexaacyl lipid A molecules with an asymmetric (4/2) distribution of the acyl chains linked to the diglucosamine backbone have a large tilt angle (> 45 degrees ) of the diglucosamine backbone with respect to the membrane surface, a conical molecular shape (larger cross-section of the hydrophobic than the hydrophilic moiety), and are endotoxically highly active. Monophosphoryl hexaacyl lipid A has a smaller tilt angle, and the conical shape is less expressed in favour of a more cylindrical shape. This correlates with decreasing endotoxic activity. Penta- and tetraacyl lipid A or hexaacyl lipid A with a symmetric acyl chain distribution (3/3) have a small tilt angle (< 25 degrees ) and a cylindrical shape and are endotoxically inactive, but may be antagonistic.  相似文献   

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