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Biodiversity, both aboveground and belowground, is negatively affected by global changes such as drought or warming. This loss of biodiversity impacts Earth's ecosystems, as there is a positive relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF). Even though soils host a large fraction of biodiversity that underlies major ecosystem functions, studies exploring the relationship between soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (sBEF) as influenced by global change drivers (GCDs) remain scarce. Here we highlight the need to decipher sBEF relationships under the effect of interactive GCDs that are intimately connected in a changing world. We first state that sBEF relationships depend on the type of function (e.g., C cycling or decomposition) and biodiversity facet (e.g., abundance, species richness, or biomass) considered. Then, we shed light on the impact of single and interactive GCDs on soil biodiversity and sBEF and show that results from scarce studies studying interactive effects range from antagonistic to additive to synergistic when two individual GCDs cooccur. This indicates the need for studies quantitatively accounting for the impacts of interactive GCDs on sBEF relationships. Finally, we provide guidelines for optimized methodological and experimental approaches to study sBEF in a changing world that will provide more valuable information on the real impact of (interactive) GCDs on sBEF. Together, we highlight the need to decipher the sBEF relationship in soils to better understand soil functioning under ongoing global changes, as changes in sBEF are of immediate importance for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

生物多样性和生态系统功能研究综述   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:23  
李慧蓉 《生态学杂志》2004,23(3):109-114
生物多样性和生态系统功能之间关系 ,是生态学和环境科学的热门话题。围绕这一主题 ,文章系统回顾了近 2 0年来的研究历史及学术界的不同观点 ,全面展示了目前在理论和实验领域的主要工作结果和研究进展 ,并对今后的发展趋势和面临的挑战作了展望。理论和实验研究都表明 ,生物多样性趋于与生态系统功能 (稳定性 )呈正相关性 ,但是多样性并非是这种关系的直接驱动力。生态系统功能 (稳定性 )潜在地依赖于物种之间相互作用的强度 ,物种的功能反应特性以及生态系统的类型和尺度等。在生物多样性和生态系统功能的研究中 ,重要的不只是结论 ,还应包括其中所隐含的机制。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能:进展与争论   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系已成为当前人类社会面临的一个重大科学问题,生物多样性的空前丧失,促使人们开展了大量研究工作来描述物种多样性-生态系统功能关系,并试图揭示多样性与系统功能关系的内在机制,本文将多样性对生态系统功能作用机制的有关假说分为统计学与生物学两大类:前者是从统计学角度来解释观察到的多样性-系统功能模式,包括抽样效应,统计均衡效应等;而后者是基于多样性的生物学效应给出的,包括生态位互补,种间正相互作用,保险效应等,本文较为详细地介绍了该领域内有代表性的实验工作,包括“生态箱”实验,Cedar Creek草地多样性实验,微宇宙实验,欧洲草地实验,以及在这些实验结果解释上的激烈争论。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统服务与生物多样性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范玉龙  胡楠  丁圣彦  梁国付  卢训令 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4583-4593
在生物多样性迅速消失的压力下,人类面临生态系统服务质量严重下降的威胁。为了使生态系统的重要功能更直观的展现在人们面前,许多学者把生态系统服务对人类的惠益进行整理分类,最有影响力的是千年生态系统评估(MA,Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)把生态系统服务分为供给、调节、文化和支持服务四类,服务的核心是生态系统的产品、过程和格局。生态系统服务的识别与分类是生态系统功能的对象化过程,也是以人类需求来审视生态系统的过程。生态系统通过结构-过程-功能这一途径来实现生态系统服务,各种服务的直接动力来源于自然界生物地球化学循环,生物多样性通过生态系统属性和过程来影响生态系统服务形成和维持。生物多样性越高,生态系统功能性状的范围越广,生态系统服务质量就越高、越稳定。全球变化中的土地利用和土地覆盖变化是生物多样性快速下降的主要原因,也是目前影响生态系统服务最广泛、最剧烈的驱动力,而这正是人类活动造成的,人类需求和生态系统有限的服务能力之间在不同尺度表现出严重冲突。要提高生态系统服务质量,要在不同区域进行重点不同的布局,尽可能的扩大生态系统规模和提高生态系统功能,核心是提高生物多样性水平。  相似文献   

Huge areas of diverse tropical forest are lost or degraded every year with dramatic consequences for biodiversity. Deforestation and fragmentation, over-exploitation, invasive species and climate change are the main drivers of tropical forest biodiversity loss. Most studies investigating these threats have focused on changes in species richness or species diversity. However, if we are to understand the absolute and long-term effects of anthropogenic impacts on tropical forests, we should also consider the interactions between species, how those species are organized in networks, and the function that those species perform. I discuss our current knowledge of network structure and ecosystem functioning, highlighting empirical examples of their response to anthropogenic impacts. I consider the future prospects for tropical forest biodiversity, focusing on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in secondary forest. Finally, I propose directions for future research to help us better understand the effects of anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

土壤生物多样性的研究概况与发展趋势   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
傅声雷 《生物多样性》2007,15(2):109-115
本文概括性地介绍了土壤生物类群的多样性及其在生态系统中的作用; 同时简要地回顾和比较了国内外在土壤生物学方面的研究动态, 分析了土壤生物学今后的发展趋势。鉴于土壤生物在生态系统中的重要性以及我国在土壤生物学研究方面的不足, 《生物多样性》本期刊登了一系列有关土壤生物的文章, 目的是为了使国内科学家对土壤生物多样性在生态系统中的作用有更好的认识, 并希望能够唤起更多的年轻学者加入到土壤生物学研究的行列, 以推动土壤生物学在我国的迅速发展并将土壤生物学的研究成果应用于国民经济的发展中。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物多样性和生态系统功能(BEF)之间的关系是目前陆地生态系统生态学研究的热点, 对于生态系统的高效利用与管理意义重大, 而且对于退化生态系统功能的恢复及生物多样性的保护有重要的指导作用。高寒草地是青藏高原生态系统的主体, 近年来, 在气候变化与人为干扰等因素的驱动下, 高寒草地生态系统功能严重衰退。为此, 本文在综述物种多样性和生态系统功能及其相互关系研究进展的基础上, 首先从地下生态学过程研究、全球变化对生态系统多功能性的影响等方面解析了目前关于草地生物多样性和生态系统功能研究中存在的问题。继而, 从不同草地类型、草地退化程度、放牧、模拟气候变化、刈割、施肥、封育和补播等干扰利用方式对高寒草地物种多样性与生态系统功能的影响进行了全面的评述。并指出了高寒草地BEF研究中存在的不足, 今后应基于物种功能多样性开展高寒草地BEF研究, 全面且综合地考虑非生物因子(养分资源、外界干扰、环境波动等)对生物多样性与生态系统功能之间关系的影响, 关注尺度效应和要素耦合在全球气候变化对高寒草地BEF研究中的作用。最后, 以高寒草地BEF研究进展和结论为支撑依据, 综合提出了高寒草地资源利用和生物多样性保护的措施与建议: 加强放牧管理, 保护生物多样性; 治理退化草地, 维持生物多样性功能; 加强创新保护理念, 增强生态系统功能。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能关系是生态学研究的热点之一,以往研究多关注生物多样性与单一生态系统功能之间的关系,然而生态系统能够同时提供多种功能和服务即生态系统多功能性(ecosystem multifunctionality, EMF),仅考虑单一生态系统功能会低估生物多样性的重要性。近年来,EMF研究的重要性受到更多重视,生物多样性与生态系统多功能性(biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality, BEMF)关系成为生态学研究新的热点。梳理近15年的研究发现,不同维度、不同尺度的单一或多营养级生物多样性均会对EMF产生显著的影响,并且在全球变化的背景下,自然干扰与人为干扰均会影响生物多样性与生态系统多功能性从而改变BEMF关系,EMF测度方法的差异也可能导致BEMF关系的不一致。生物多样性维度(尺度)选择的局限、不同EMF测度方法的认知差异、BEMF时空数据库的缺乏以及BEMF关系研究方法的单一等问题阻碍了BEMF关系的深入探究。未来研究应对现有测度方法进行深入比较并发展通用的新方法,深入探究多维度、多尺度生物多样性对EMF影响的综合作用。此...  相似文献   

Although studies on biodiversity and ecosystem function are often framed within the context of anthropogenic change, a central question that remains is how important are direct vs. indirect (via changes in biodiversity) effects of anthropogenic stressors on ecosystem functions in multitrophic-level communities. Here, we quantify the effects of the fungicide chlorothalonil on 34 species-, 2 community- and 11 ecosystem-level responses in a multitrophic-level system. At ecologically relevant concentrations, chlorothalonil increased mortality of amphibians, gastropods, zooplankton, algae and a macrophyte (reducing taxonomic richness), reduced decomposition and water clarity and elevated dissolved oxygen and net primary productivity. These ecosystem effects were indirect and predictable based on changes in taxonomic richness. A path analysis suggests that chlorothalonil-induced reductions in biodiversity and top-down and bottom-up effects facilitated algal blooms that shifted ecosystem functions. This work emphasises the need to re-evaluate the safety of chlorothalonil and to further link anthropogenic-induced changes in biodiversity to altered ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

The decomposition of litter and the supply of nutrients into and from the soil are two fundamental processes through which the above- and belowground world interact. Microbial biodiversity, and especially that of decomposers, plays a key role in these processes by helping litter decomposition. Yet the relative contribution of litter diversity and soil biodiversity in supporting multiple ecosystem services remains virtually unknown. Here we conducted a mesocosm experiment where leaf litter and soil biodiversity were manipulated to investigate their influence on plant productivity, litter decomposition, soil respiration, and enzymatic activity in the littersphere. We showed that both leaf litter diversity and soil microbial diversity (richness and community composition) independently contributed to explain multiple ecosystem functions. Fungal saprobes community composition was especially important for supporting ecosystem multifunctionality (EMF), plant production, litter decomposition, and activity of soil phosphatase when compared with bacteria or other fungal functional groups and litter species richness. Moreover, leaf litter diversity and soil microbial diversity exerted previously undescribed and significantly interactive effects on EMF and multiple individual ecosystem functions, such as litter decomposition and plant production. Together, our work provides experimental evidence supporting the independent and interactive roles of litter and belowground soil biodiversity to maintain ecosystem functions and multiple services.  相似文献   

吴舒尧  黄姣  李双成 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6986-6999
全球范围内关键生态系统服务的减少使人类社会面临巨大的威胁,生物多样性是生态系统提供各种产品和服务的基础。生态恢复工程对退化的生态系统服务和生物多样性进行修复,对于缓解人类环境压力具有非常重要的意义。长期的理论和实践工作形成了多种生态恢复措施:(1)单纯基于生态系统自我设计的自然恢复方式,(2)人为设计对环境条件进行干预,反馈影响生态系统的自我设计,(3)人为设计对目标种群和生态系统进行直接干预和重建。这3类恢复方式可以在不同程度上定向的影响生态系统的恢复进程,反映了人类对生态系统的低度、中度和高度介入。哪种恢复方式和介入程度能够实现更好的恢复效果,是生态恢复学中的一个关键问题,但到目前为止,虽广有争议,却无定量的分析和结论。针对这个空白,通过对ISI Web of Knowledge数据库中生态恢复相关文献的整合分析,基于数学统计的方法定量比较在不同条件下低度介入(自然恢复)、中度介入(环境干预)和高度介入(直接干预)3种恢复方式对生态系统服务与生物多样性的恢复效果。论文从4个方面展开研究:(1)低度、中度、高度介入生态恢复方式的划分,(2)比较3大类介入方式对生态系统服务和生物多样性恢复效果的差异,(3)不同气候条件、生态系统类型和恢复时间等背景因素的影响,(4)生物多样性恢复和生态系统服务恢复之间的关系。研究结果揭示了不同生态恢复方式的适用条件,以及对生物多样性和生态系统恢复相互关系的作用,对生态恢复实践中恢复方式的选择有指导作用。对未来的研究也有启示意义,如针对特定生态系统服务或具体研究问题进一步探索低度、中度和高度介入生态恢复方式的作用规律和机制;将地区的社会经济水平、生态系统的受损程度等因素纳入生态恢复方式的考察,以最优化生态恢复成本-效率等。  相似文献   

Concern is growing about the consequences of biodiversity loss for ecosystem functioning, for the provision of ecosystem services, and for human well being. Experimental evidence for a relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem process rates is compelling, but the issue remains contentious. Here, we present the first rigorous quantitative assessment of this relationship through meta-analysis of experimental work spanning 50 years to June 2004. We analysed 446 measures of biodiversity effects (252 in grasslands), 319 of which involved primary producer manipulations or measurements. Our analyses show that: biodiversity effects are weaker if biodiversity manipulations are less well controlled; effects of biodiversity change on processes are weaker at the ecosystem compared with the community level and are negative at the population level; productivity-related effects decline with increasing number of trophic links between those elements manipulated and those measured; biodiversity effects on stability measures ('insurance' effects) are not stronger than biodiversity effects on performance measures. For those ecosystem services which could be assessed here, there is clear evidence that biodiversity has positive effects on most. Whilst such patterns should be further confirmed, a precautionary approach to biodiversity management would seem prudent in the meantime.  相似文献   

An important aspect of biodiversity is the relative importance of species in the functioning of ecosystems; this is particularly so for the soil biota which regulate organic matter and nutrient dynamics in soil. This paper explores some of the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem processes, using the example of the nearctic earthworm fauna in the glacial refugium of the southern USA. Competitive exclusion of nearctic earthworm species by exotic species has been postulated but there is little direct evidence of it; habitat alteration is the likely cause of native species decline. Reduced earthworm diversity may or may not strongly affect certain ecosystem processes, but more diverse assemblages may more effectively exploit soil resources and influence a wider array of processes. Nearctic species may be better adapted than exotics to local conditions and thus more strongly influence ecosystem processes. Earthworm communities provide a clear case for the union of functional and taxonomic biodiversity studies, because of the recognized ecological strategies of many species. However, some nearctic taxa may deviate from these strategies. Earthworms utilize course woody debris in forests both as a refuge and a resource, while enhancing the decomposition of wood. Management strategies to maintain or increase biodiversity of soil biota should include residual wood on the forest floor. An important task for ecosystem management is to restore biodiversity in degraded ecosystems; introduction programmes and techniques such as periodic burning may increase the abundance and diversity of native earthworm species. Whole ecosystem conservation and management are probably the most practical ways to conserve biodiversity generally and may be the only ways to maintain soil biodiversity.  相似文献   

Invasive ecosystem engineers (IEE) are potentially one of the most influential types of biological invaders. They are expected to have extensive ecological impacts by altering the physical–chemical structure of ecosystems, thereby changing the rules of existence for a broad range of resident biota. To test the generality of this expectation, we used a global systematic review and meta‐analysis to examine IEE effects on the abundance of individual species and communities, biodiversity (using several indices) and ecosystem functions, focusing on marine and estuarine environments. We found that IEE had a significant effect (positive and negative) in most studies testing impacts on individual species, but the overall (cumulative) effect size was small and negative. Many individual studies showed strong IEE effects on community abundance and diversity, but the direction of effects was variable, leading to statistically non‐significant overall effects in most categories. In contrast, there was a strong overall effect on most ecosystem functions we examined. IEE negatively affected metabolic functions and primary production, but positively affected nutrient flux, sedimentation and decomposition. We use the results to develop a conceptual model by highlighting pathways whereby IEE impact communities and ecosystem functions, and identify several sources of research bias in the IEE‐related invasion literature. Only a few of the studies simultaneously quantified IEE effects on community/diversity and ecosystem functions. Therefore, understanding how IEE may alter biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships should be a primary focus of future studies of invasion biology. Moreover, the clear effects of IEE on ecosystem functions detected in our study suggest that scientists and environmental managers ought to examine how the effects of IEE might be manifested in the services that marine ecosystems provide to humans.  相似文献   

四川省生物多样性与生态系统多功能性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨渺  肖燚  欧阳志云  江腊海  侯鹏 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9738-9748
生态系统服务与人类福祉和可持续发展息息相关,近年来生物多样性丧失极大影响了生态系统服务。探究生物多样性与生态系统服务之间的关系成为当前生态学领域内的一个重大科学问题。以四川省各乡镇为单元,计算了景观尺度上的多样性指数,评估了四川省水土保持功能、水源涵养功能、固碳功能,并研究了两者之间关系。结果表明:在景观尺度上,Shannon''s多样性指数、修正Simpson''s多样性指数、景观丰度三种多样性指数可以较好表征四川省生物多样性空间分布格局。由景观丰度、欧式最近邻距离的标准差、景观丰度密度构成解释变量矩阵,RDA模型矫正解释率42.25%(P<0.001),可更好解释由土壤保持功能、水源涵养功能、固碳功能构成的响应变量矩阵。四川省生物多样性及生态系统服务关系的模式有以下几种:(1)成都平原区区县空间距离较近,在生态系统服务和生物多样性梯度均差异较小;(2)盆周山地区、盆地丘陵区各区县在水土保持功能梯度上差异较大,与多样性关系较弱;(3)川西高原区区县在固碳、水源涵养梯度上差异较大,并有协同关系,多样性梯度差异较大;(4)川西高山峡谷区、西南山地区区县之间生态系统服务和多样性差异较大,生态系统服务可能存在强烈权衡关系,需进一步引入解释因子。  相似文献   

吴军  徐海根  丁晖 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6973-6977
生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学-政策平台(IPBES)是一个类似于气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的独立的政府间机构,其目标是建立科学界和决策者之间的沟通平台,推动全球生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护.从2008年11月到2010年6月,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)主持召开了三次政府间谈判会议.在最后一次会议上各国同意建立IPBES,并形成了一份《釜山成果》文件,确定其基本职能主要是开展评估,还确定IPBES的决策机构是全体会议,向联合国所有会员国和区域经济一体化组织开放,政府间组织和其他利益相关方可作为观察员.IPBES的建立将会在国际社会产生深刻的影响,但其未来走向也有一定的不确定性:一是如何保持科学独立性的问题,二是评估尺度可能会影响其成功,三是能否促进发展中国家的广泛参与.为使我国能在IPBES中发挥重要作用,建议今后应加强对IPBES运作模式的研究,加强评估工具和方法的开发以及加强生物多样性的监测.  相似文献   

Eight questions about invasions and ecosystem functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I pose eight questions central to understanding how biological invasions affect ecosystems, assess progress towards answering those questions and suggest ways in which progress might be made. The questions concern the frequency with which invasions affect ecosystems; the circumstances under which ecosystem change is most likely; the functions that are most often affected by invaders; the relationships between changes to ecosystems, communities, and populations; the long-term responses of ecosystems to invasions; interactions between biological invasions and other anthropogenic activities and the difficulty of managing undesirable impacts of non-native species. Some questions have been answered satisfactorily, others require more data and thought, and others might benefit from being reformulated or abandoned. Actions that might speed progress include careful development of trait-based approaches; strategic collection and publication of new data, including more frequent publication of negative results; replacement of expert opinion with hard data where needed; careful consideration of whether questions really need to be answered, especially in cases where answers are being provided for managers and policy-makers; explicit attention to and testing of the domains of theories; integrating invasions better into an ecosystem context; and remembering that our predictive ability is limited and will remain so for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

淡水生态系统中的TOP—DOWN效应与生物多样性保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
淡水生态系统中高营养级类群可以对低营养级类群产生强烈的影响,最终导致整个生态环境的改变,这一现象被称作下行(topdown)效应。本文对topdown的含义特别是鱼类所产生topdown效应的结果进行了阐述,提出了topdown效应还表现在当原来生态系统中的高营养级类群缺少时,也会造成生态系统结构与功能发生变化的观点。最后,根据淡水生态系统topdown效应的特点,认为在淡水生态系统的生物多样性保护中,应注意高营养级类群的保护和谨慎地对待引种问题  相似文献   

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