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The early-season dispersal of the overwintered apple blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a crucial stage in the colonisation of dwarf apple orchards adjacent to forests. We have conducted release-recapture studies with 1700 to 4000 marked weevils at two orchard sites in Switzerland over 2 years to characterise the spatial and temporal pattern of the dispersal process. The dispersal and colonisation of orchards in spring by overwintered weevils is dependent upon the prevailing temperature.An orientated dispersal from the forest border to the centre of the orchard was observed consistently, irrespective of the angle of the apple tree rows with respect to the forest border or of climatic conditions. The average dispersal distance of the weevils was 19 m. Approximately one third of the weevil population remained on the first tree encountered, the remainder of the population moved over short distances mainly along the tree rows. This dispersal pattern led to a strong edge effect with higher numbers of weevils occurring at the edges adjoining the forests as compared to the centre of orchards. The relevance of these findings to population dynamics and management of the pest is discussed.  相似文献   

Overwintered adult apple blossom weevils, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), colonise apple trees, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), in early spring. Information gained from a suitable monitoring technique could serve as a guide to determining the accurate timing for control measures. To assess tree colonisation by flight and crawling, Plexiglas flight traps and commercial screen traps developed for different curculionid species were used. Refuges were mimicked by a newly designed shelter trap based on transparent bubble wrap. The trap catches were contrasted to the limb jarring technique. Microclimate and weather conditions were determined over a trial period of one and a half months. The shelter traps caught a high number of weevils irrespective of weather conditions, and thus performed better than both flight and screen traps. The temperature level within the shelter traps was slightly, but significantly, higher than on the trunk, indicating that weevils exploit microclimatic differences and occupy thermally favourable refuges. The seasonal culmination of colonisation as determined by shelter traps coincided with that as determined by the two methods used to monitor weevil movement towards host trees (flight traps and screen traps). The data indicated that not only flight, but also crawling as quantified by the screen traps contributes substantially to spring colonisation. Captures by all three types of traps over the spring season were significantly positively correlated with each other, but in most respects not with the results of the limb jarring. We conclude that the newly designed shelter trap will be useful for accurately monitoring the seasonal course of colonisation and holds promise for determining the timing of interventions.  相似文献   

The apple blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), has a long period of aestivo-hibernation in the adult stage lasting from summer to early spring of the following year. Potential hibernation sites within an apple orchard consist of high-stem rough-bark trees or dwarf smooth-bark trees. Field release-recapture experiments in 2 consecutive years showed that 64 and 47% of the weevils remained in the vicinity of the release sites in an area of high-stem trees and dwarf trees, respectively. The dispersing weevils moved over an average distance of 5.5 m in the dwarf tree area, as compared to 3.8 m in the high-stem tree area. The prevalent direction of dispersal was along tree rows in both areas. Some weevils displayed, after release in mid-July, a directional dispersal to the adjacent forests. Others, released in the dwarf tree area, dispersed towards the area of high-stem rough-bark apple trees. Experiments simulating various hibernation sites demonstrated that the litter of dry leaves was the most preferred overwintering shelter, yielding a relatively high survival rate. Branches with rough bark ranked second, while branches with smooth bark, grass and pure soil were not favourable for overwintering. Flight tendency in newly emerged weevils of summer generation was significantly higher in June/July than in August/September. This corresponds to the dispersal behaviour in the field. The timing of spring colonisation of apple trees was similar for weevils overwintering within the orchard and for those from outside. These results suggest that modern, dwarf apple orchards offer unfavourable conditions for overwintering, but that the relatively small proportion of weevils which manage to reach the adjacent forests find optimal hibernation sites there.  相似文献   

Abstract. The selection of habitats with favourable temperature by the apple blossom weevil Anthonomus pomorum (L.) is investigated in a temperature gradient arena with a range of approximately 0–15 °C. Single female and male weevils are tested in the arena 2, 4 and 6 days after termination of diapause, during photophase and during scotophase. During photophase, weevils of both sexes choose the warmest part of the temperature gradient arena, irrespective of the time elapsed after diapause. During scotophase, high temperature is favoured by male weevils, as well as by females 2 and 4 days after diapause. However, 6 days after termination of diapause, females show no thermal preference in the temperature gradient arena during scotophase, indicating that thermal choice of female A. pomorum in the scotophase changes with time after the termination of diapause. The results suggest that both sexes benefit from thermoregulation by habitat choice during photophase when the weevils are flight active and colonize apple trees.  相似文献   

Apple volatiles emitted at early phenological stages are little investigated, although they may influence behavior of early‐season pests. The apple blossom weevil Anthonomus pomorum is a herbivore pest of orchards in Europe. It colonizes apple trees in early season and oviposits into developing flower buds, often leading to economic damage. Using in situ radial diffusive sampling and thermal desorption, followed by GC/MS analysis, headspace volatiles from apple twigs with flower buds at three early phenological tree stages were identified and quantified. The volatile blend consisted of 13 compounds for the first, and increased to 15 compounds for the third phenological stage sampled. These blends included benzenoids, terpenes, and derivatives of fatty acids. A recombined synthetic blend served as the odor source in a still‐air dual‐choice olfactometer bioassay, in which individual male and female weevils were tested. Results from this behavioral test document an attraction of both sexes to odors of their host plant, suggesting that apple volatiles emitted in early season serve as olfactory cues for host location of A. pomorum in the field.  相似文献   

  • 1 Natural control of apple blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.), deserves attention, as the pest is regaining importance with the declining use of non‐selective pesticides in apple and pear orchards. In this study the biology of Centistes delusorius (Förster), a specific parasitoid of adult apple blossom weevil, is investigated.
  • 2 The parasitoid hibernates as young larva in an adult weevil, and juvenile development is resumed in early spring. The fully grown parasitoid larvae leave their hosts during full bloom at the end of April and early May, to pupate. The adults emerging in May oviposit into the newly emerged weevils, which initially feed on apple leaves.
  • 3 Centistes delusorius was detected in six out of 15 host‐weevil infested orchards, but was only common in two with larger apple trees standing in grass. There, parasitism levels of around 30% were usual in hosts taken from treebands in winter.
  • 4 The delicate larva is vulnerable, and the thin cocoon provides little protection against either desiccation or drowning on a weedless orchard floor. Observations indicate that successful pupation of C. delusorius demands stable humid conditions and some shelter, such as that found in grass or woodland soils.
  • 5 Parasitoid females, provided with honey, lived for a mean of 6.3 ± 2.1 days under outdoor conditions in June. Their life span was similar whether they had access to and oviposited in hosts, or not. The species is pro‐ovigenic, and potential fecundity is about 40 eggs. Oviposition usually takes a few seconds. Parasitized female hosts do not reproduce.
  • 6 Up to 95% of the parasitoid eggs laid in May develop into a second generation, the adults of which appear in July, when the host has entered aestivation. Older (British) records of C. delusorius outside orchards suggest that some parasitized hosts, like the healthy ones, leave the orchard prior to aestivo‐hibernation, so that the latter do not escape parasitoid attack in July.
  • 7 A trapping sample in late June, when most non‐parasitized weevils have gone into aestivo‐hibernation, is probably the most efficient method to detect parasitized weevils.
  • 8 The (near‐)absence of C. delusorius in many orchards is probably due not only to pesticide side‐effects, or scarcity of its host, but also to the absence of suitable pupation sites for the wasp.

Adult apple blossom weevils, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), leave their overwintering sites within and outside orchards to colonise apple trees in early spring. This study was conducted to characterize the temporal pattern of spring colonization of apple trees by overwintered weevils in relation to climatic conditions and apple bud stages, based on multiple mark-release-recapture experiments and field observations of foraging activities of weevils. The process of spring colonization of apple trees by overwintered weevils was related to thermal time totals above 0 °C. The dispersal into orchards initiated when the thermal time totals reached 161±27 (s.d.) degree-days (DD) calculated from January 1, or 117±16 DD from February 1. The daily dispersal speed of individual weevils within orchards was determined primarily by the maximum daily temperature, whereas crawling, feeding, and mating activities of weevils on apple trees were influenced by the mean evening temperature between 18:00 and 22:00 hours. On the other hand, the spring colonization of overwintered weevils was not synchronized with any specific apple bud stage, though the level of female foraging and reproductive activities on apple trees was related to apple bud stages. The overwintered weevils initiated dispersal into orchards over a wide range of bud developmental stages from little silver greenish tip B (51) to the mouse-ear stage C3 (54). These findings are discussed in relation to the ecology and pest management of this insect.  相似文献   

1 The pecan weevil Curculio caryae (Horn) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an indigenous pest of pecan Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch, in North America. Understanding the movement of this pest from the orchard floor to host trees could lead to pest management practices that exploit weevil behaviour and thus reduce insecticide application to the entire orchard canopy. Furthermore, no information exists on diel periodicity of pecan weevil movement. 2 Movement of adult pecan weevils crawling and flying to the host trunk, flying to the host canopy, crawling within the host canopy and flying between host trees was studied using four types of passive traps over four seasons. Each type of trap was used to capture weevils at different locations on or near the tree and to discriminate flying versus crawling behaviour. 3 More pecan weevils crawl to the trunk than fly and a proportion of the population flies directly from the orchard floor into the pecan canopy. The majority of this movement occurs at dusk. 4 The vertical distribution of weevils was generally uniform throughout the canopy but more weevils were captured in suspended traps nearest tree tops, rather than traps near the ground, when flying between trees and this was significantly so for two of 4 years. 5 The results of the present study are contrary to previous reports suggesting that most adult pecan weevils fly to the pecan trunk after emergence from the soil; however, our results did indicate that a proportion of the population flies directly from the orchard floor into the pecan canopy and thus would circumvent strategies that attempt to control weevils moving up the trunk.  相似文献   

The impact of treatments with the pyrethrin insecticide Pyrethrum FS and the repellent kaolin product Surround® WP to control the autumn forms of Dysaphis plantaginea Pass. (Hom., Aphididae), a major insect pest of apple, was assessed in 1‐year field experiments in Switzerland. Single and multiple applications of pyrethrin and kaolin were tested at different dates after apple harvesting in autumn 2002 when sexuales of the rosy apple aphid were present. Repeated applications of Surround® WP in autumn significantly reduced the number of females in autumn and, consequently, the number of hatched fundatrices in spring. Single kaolin treatments were less effective. Unexpectedly, neither single nor multiple applications of the contact insecticide Pyrethrum FS had a knock‐down effect on females in autumn. However, pyrethrin significantly reduced the number of hatched fundatrices in spring. Neither pesticide completely controlled the rosy apple aphid but with a more detailed analysis of factors influencing the efficacy of autumn treatments a new approach to control this serious pest could be achieved.  相似文献   

Ice formation and tissue response in apple twigs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. The response of apple twig tissue to a freezing stress was examined using a combination of low temperature scanning electron microscopy and freeze substitution techniques. Bark and wood tissues responded differently. In the bark, large extracellular ice crystals were observed in the cortex. The adjacent cortical cells collapsed and a large reduction in cell volume was observed. The extent of cell collapse throughout the bark was not uniform. Cells in the periderm, phloem and cambium exhibited little change in cell volume compared to cortical cells. Large extracellular ice crystals were not observed in the xylem or pith tissues. The xylem ray parenchyma and pith cells did not collapse in response to a freezing stress, but retained their original shape. The pattern of ice formation and cell response was not observed to change with season or the level of cold acclimation. This study supported the concept that bark and xylem tissues exhibit contrasting freezing behaviour. The observations were consistent with the idea that water in bark freezes extracellularly while water in xylem ray parenchyma and pith cells may supercool to temperatures approaching –40 °C prior to freezing intracellularly.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal data on leaf conductance (gl) for three different apple cultivars grown in four separate orchards with different aged trees was studied between 1979 and 1985. A number of empirical models for predicting leaf conductance from environmental measurements were compared using this data and a general method for adapting such models for the prediction of different data sets is proposed. Although stepwise multiple regression identified relative humidity or vapour pressure as important variables, it frequently did not identify the optimal set of independent variables, which often did not include either of these. There was no advantage in regressing gl against principal components of the environment, rather than against the raw environmental variables. A simple model involving air vapour pressure deficit, air temperature and a hyperbolic function of irradiance was found to explain between 32 and 62% of the variance in gl for the different data sets. Parameters fitted for one data set led to the effective prediction of gl in other years or plots. The model fit could generally be improved significantly by including soil moisture deficit among the independent variables.  相似文献   

黄土塬区苹果园土壤有机碳分布特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
以黄土塬区塬面和梁坡梯田5、10、15a和20a苹果园为对象,在行间距果树1.0、1.5m和2.0m处用土钻法分层采集0-100cm土样,LiquiTOCⅡ测定样品土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon,SOC)含量,分析两种地形条件下各龄果园SOC的分布特征。结果表明:塬面5、10、15a和20a果园SOC分别为6.39、6.46、6.66g/kg和6.47g/kg,梁坡分别为5.83、6.05、6.54g/kg和6.09g/kg,两种地形条件下同龄果园SOC差异显著(P0.05),但龄间SOC消长趋势相似,均有15a的20a的10a的5a的;水平方向上,5a果园SOC沿树干向外增大,10a果园减小,15a和20a果园变化较小,塬面和梁坡同龄果园间SOC水平分布格局较一致;垂直方向上,同梁坡相比,塬面果园4个层次(0-10cm、10-20cm、20-50cm和50-100cm)的平均SOC较高;梁坡果园50-100cm土层的SOC龄间差异较大,20-50cm土层龄间差异较小,塬面果园50-100cm土层的SOC龄间变化较小;在"纯果园"利用阶段,果园利用方式并未引起SOC下降,深层SOC有明显的积累效应。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the dwarfing M9, semi‐dwarfing MM106 and local Hashabi rootstocks on the water use, canopy conductance (Gc) and hydraulic conductance (k) of apple orchards with the same scion, Golden Delicious. The average summer leaf area index (LAI) was 2·4, 2·7 and 1·7 for M9, MM106 and Hashabi, respectively. Irrigation in 1997 was less than water use until June, and excessive afterwards. In 1998, irrigation was doubled, and was excessive throughout the season. Sap flow (J) in June–August 1998 totalled 476, 682 and 606 mm (or 0·60, 0·86 and 0·76 of class A pan evaporation) for M9, MM106 and Hashabi, respectively. Maximum sap velocity in the three rootstocks (approximately 70 cm h?1) occurred in the outer 30–60% of the stem, and its decrease with depth was greater in M9 than in the other rootstocks. Midday Gc during both summers was least for M9, intermediate for Hashabi and greatest for MM106. The k value of M9 and MM106 for the soil to stem, stem to leaves and soil to leaves pathways were determined from daily courses of water potential of leaves, Ψl, stem, Ψstem and J. Specific k (ks, i.e. relative to stem sapwood area) did not significantly differ between the two rootstocks for soil to stem and soil to leaf pathways, but leaf specific k (kl) was greater for MM106 soil to stem (71% greater) and soil to leaf (63%) pathways, respectively. The inverse slopes of the relationships between midday canopy resistance (Rc) and vapour pressure deficit (D) for MM106 was 1·75 of that for M9, and the ratio of their Huber values, i.e. the ratio of sapwood to leaf area, was 1·6. These findings indicate that differences in water use are attributable to differences in kl, and not to differences in wood properties (ks). Application of a model relating Rc to orchard area specific k (kg) showed that the slope of the relationships between midday Rc and D for the 1998 data could be predicted using common values of ks (0·134 kg m?2 s?1 MPa?1) and midday Ψl (?1·34 MPa) for the three rootstocks. The implications of these findings, and the similarities in the differences between rootstocks of Gc, kl, kg and Huber values, are discussed with respect to rootstock water use and irrigation.  相似文献   

施肥方式和园龄对洛川苹果园土壤钙素退化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确黄土高原苹果产区施肥方式和园龄对土壤钙素含量和钙素贮量的影响,本研究以位于世界苹果优生区的陕西省洛川县苹果园为研究对象,分别研究不同施肥方式和不同园龄苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙含量及其贮量的变化特征.结果表明: 洛川县苹果园土壤钙素递减式退化现象严重,长期大量单施化肥苹果园土壤钙素退化现象明显大于化肥与农家有机肥配施苹果园,单施化肥苹果园比化肥与农家有机肥配施苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙平均含量分别减少38.8%、25.4%和5.6%,3种形态土壤钙素贮量依次减少36.4%、26.0%和4.3%;苹果园土壤钙素退化程度随园龄增加不断加剧,园龄>25年苹果园比园龄≤10年苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙平均含量分别减少48.8%、69.4%和39.5%,3种形态土壤钙素贮量分别减少40.8%、64.1%和33.0%.长期大量单施化肥和长期种植苹果树均对土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙、交换性钙有明显的耗竭作用,钙素递减式退化特征明显,化肥与农家有机肥配施能够有效减缓土壤钙素退化,对于园龄>25年的高龄苹果园应加强土壤钙素管理.施肥方式是苹果园土壤钙素递减的驱动因素,钙素递减呈现出明显的时(园龄)空(土层深度)效应.  相似文献   

Abstract. Intracellular and extracellular free calcium was measured in cortical cells from apple fruit ( Malus domestica Borkh cv. Cox's Orange Pippin) using calcium-selective microelectrodes. It was difficult to position microelectrodes in the cytoplasm, and thus most intracellular measurements reflected vacuolar concentrations of about 0.6mol m−3 free calcium. Extracellular free calcium was measured in wells (0.2mm3) that had been cut through the epidermis of the fruit, then filled with osmoticum. Concentrations of free calcium in the sampling well varied between 0.02 and 1.3 mol m−3, and were related to the calcium content of the tissue. Functioning of the plasma membrane, and perhaps the supply of calcium for intracellular needs during fruit ripening and storage, may require mol m−3 concentrations of extracellular free calcium. Thus, it is suggested that low levels of extracellular free calcium in calcium-deficient fruit may be partly responsible for development of deficiency disorders.  相似文献   

环渤海湾地区连作苹果园土壤中酚酸类物质变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
分析了山东昌邑、栖霞、蓬莱,辽宁大连、抚宁、绥远,河北昌黎、青县等地苹果园连作土壤中酚酸物质的组成和含量,结果表明:连作障碍发生的苹果园土壤中酚酸类物质的组成和含量在不同地区、不同土层厚度间存在显著差异。苹果园土壤中酚酸类物质的含量从春季到秋季随时间的延长逐渐减少,但过程缓慢。且非连作园土壤中酚酸类物质含量显著少于连作土。连作土壤中酚酸物质的组成和含量在不同季节间差异显著,尤其春季土壤中酚酸物质的种类与夏季和秋季显著不同。这可能是因为植物在不同季节分泌的酚酸类物质种类和含量有差别.不同土层中酚酸物质的分布因季节不同而有显著差异。夏季土壤中酚酸物质主要分布在浅层土壤中,而秋季则主要分布在深层土壤中。这可能是由于浇水等果园管理措施和自然降水对土壤中的酚酸物质产生的淋溶作用,使得大量的酚酸物质向深层土壤运动,最终造成了秋季果园连作土中随土层加深而酚酸物质含量增加的现象。不同地区苹果园连作土中,对羟基苯甲酸、(+)-儿茶素、咖啡酸、阿魏酸含量与非连作土无显著差异,而焦性没食子酸、绿原酸和根皮苷显著高于非连作土。焦性没食子酸、绿原酸和根皮苷可能是引起山东、辽宁、河北地区苹果园连作障碍的关键酚酸物质。  相似文献   

黄土塬区苹果园降雨入渗机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取长武黄土塬区20年树龄苹果园,使用4 g·L-1亮蓝溶液(Brilliant Blue FCF)进行染色示踪试验,分别采用喷洒、倾倒和树干径流模拟3种方式模拟雨量为50 mm的正常降雨入渗、雨量为50 mm的极端性暴雨入渗和树干径流方式的雨水入渗(18 L树干径流量).结果表明: 喷洒方式下染色平均深度为0.28 m,深度较浅,均匀入渗比平均值超过0.65,中位数超过0.7,说明水分入渗过程中均匀部分所占比重较大,活塞流是黄土塬区苹果园降雨入渗的主要机制;倾倒方式下染色平均深度为0.53 m,最大深度为0.59 m,深度较浅,表明在极端暴雨、激活大孔隙等优先路径的条件下,雨水很难短时间补给深层土壤水;树干径流模拟方式下染色最大深度为0.46 m,深度也较浅,表明雨水较难通过树干径流的方式沿着根系补给深层土壤水.活根系与腐烂根系染色比较分析发现,活根系(≥2 mm)不具有良好的导水能力,而腐烂根系(≥2 mm)形成的入渗通道则具有更好的导水能力.在土壤表层果树根系以水平根系为主,当表层根系腐烂时可能发生横向优先流,从而阻碍雨水对深层土壤水的补给.在黄土塬区苹果园,活塞流是深层土壤水降雨补给的主要机制,大孔隙和腐烂垂直根系等通道可能作为雨水补给深层土壤水的途径.  相似文献   

Tillage and groundcover are the two mainly used management practices in orchard. Only small portion of orchard has been treated with groundcover in China, which would restrict our understanding of the scientific management of apple orchard. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different groundcover treatments on the plant growth of groundcover species and soil properties in an apple orchard near Beijing, northern China. Six commonly used groundcover species were chosen to grow underground. Our results showed that groundcover species had significant greater maximum photosynthesis rate (Pmax) than weeds in control plots. Meanwhile, groundcover treatments could largely improve the microclimate of orchard compared with tillage treatment. Among all the groundcover species, alfalfa was proven to be the most appropriate species grown underground in apple orchard for its high Pmax and high above-ground biomass. Groundcover treatments had little impact on soil bulk density, soil porosity and surface soil organic carbon (SOC) content. However, significantly greater deep soil organic carbon contents were found in two grass species, and significantly higher soil available nitrogen (N) contents were found in two leguminous species respectively. Our results indicated that groundcover treatment would be a sustainable management practice for apple orchard in northern China.  相似文献   

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