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The solitary endoparasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis can parasitize many lepidopteran host species successfully. In the case of parasitization of Pseudaletia separata, developmental duration of M. pulchricornis was 8-9 days from egg to larval emergence and 6 days from prepupa to adult emergence. Successful parasitism by M. pulchricornis decreased with host age. Following parasitization of day-0 4th host instar, the parasitoid embryo, whilst still enclosed in serosal cell membrane, hatched out of the egg chorion 2 days after oviposition. Subsequently, the 1st instar parasitoid emerged from the surrounding serosal cell membrane. Serosal cells dissociated and developed as teratocytes 3.5 days after oviposition. One embryo of M. pulchricornis gave rise to approximately 1200 teratocytes, a number that remained constant until 6 days after parasitization, but decreased drastically to 200 at 7 days post-oviposition. The teratocytes of M. pulchricornis were round- or oval-shaped and grew from 65 microm at 4 days to 200 microm in the long axis at 6 days post-parasitization. At 4 days post-parasitization, many cells or cell clusters with lipid particles were observed in the hemocoels of parasitized hosts. In addition, paraffin sections of parasitized hosts revealed that many teratocytes were attached to the host's fat body and contributed to disrupting the fat body tissue. Further, examination of the total hemocyte count (THC) during parasitization revealed that THC was maintained at low levels. Surprisingly, a temporal decrease followed by restoration of THC was observed in hosts injected with virus-like particles of M. pulchricornis (MpVLPs) plus venom, which contrasts with the constant THC suppression seen in parasitized hosts. This indicates that MpVLP function is temporal and is involved in regulation of the host during early parasitism. Therefore, teratocytes, a host regulation factor in late parasitism, could be involved in keeping THC at a low level.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies on the reproductive tract and venom apparatus of a female braconid, Meteorus pulchricornis, revealed that the parasitoid lacks the calyx region in its oviduct, but possesses a venom gland with two venom gland filaments and a venom reservoir filled with white and cloudy fluid. Its venom gland cell is concaved and has a lumen filled with numerous granules. Transmisson electron microscopic (TEM) observation revealed that virus-like particles (VLPs) were produced in venom gland cells. The virus-like particle observed in M. pulchricornis (MpVLP) is composed of membranous envelopes with two different parts: a high-density core and a whitish low-density part. The VLPs of M. pulchricornis is also found assembling ultimately in the lumen of venom gland cell. Microvilli were found thrusting into the lumen of the venom gland cell and seem to aid in driving the matured MpVLPs to the common duct of the venom gland filament. Injection of MpVLPs into non-parasitized Pseudaletia separata hosts induced apoptosis in hemocytes, particularly granulocytes (GRs). Rate of apoptosis induced in GRs peaked 48h after VLP injection. While a large part of the GR population collapsed due to apoptosis caused by MpVLPs, the plasmatocyte population was minimally affected. The capacity of MpVLPs to cause apoptosis in host's hemocytes was further demonstrated by a decrease ( approximately 10-fold) in ability of host hemocytes to encapsulate fluorescent latex beads when MpVLPs were present. Apparently, the reduced encapsulation ability was due to a decrease in the GR population resulting from MpVLP-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   


In order to complete growth and development, the endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia (=Apanteles) kariyai, inhibits pupation of its armyworm host, Pseudaletia (=Leucania) separata. In host larvae retardation of testis and spermatocyst development caused by the parasitoid was also observed. The agents causing the retardation were found in the ovaries and venom of the female adult parasitoid. When an unparasitized male host larva was artificially injected with calyx fluid obtained from ovaries together with venom, it showed the same degree of developmental retardation of testes and spermatocysts as in natural parasitization. Testes implanted in isolated abdomens of healthy larvae did not increase in size by ecdysteroid stimulation after exposure to calyx fluid plus venom. It is suggested that both symbiotic polydnavirus existing in calyx fluid and venom in the parasitoid, C. kariyai, are responsible for the parasitic retardation of the male reproductive organs in the host, P. separata.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that cocoon suspension by a thread in hymenopteran parasitoids is a defense tactic against predators, by comparing predation against suspended and non-suspended cocoons of the braconid wasp Meteorus pulchricornis on a Quercus phillyraeoides hedge on which workers of the common small ant Crematogaster matsumurai were foraging. The lost proportion of non-suspended cocoons, which were artificially attached to leaves of Q. phillyraeoides , markedly decreased with cocoon age, indicating a critical phase of predation on young cocoons. No suspended cocoons at age 1–12 h at the beginning of exposure were lost within 12 h, whereas more than 75% of same-aged non-suspended cocoons were lost in the same period. Predation against such young cocoons would be a strong force driving the evolution of cocoon suspension in parasitoids of exposed-living host insects.  相似文献   

The short-term dynamics of virus-like particles (VLPs) abundance, bacterioplankton, ciliates and flagellates were analyzed in a small tropical lake, during a rainy day (June 9–10, 2003) and a dry day (February 18–19, 2004), with intervals of 3 h between the samplings. Frequent sampling in intervals of 15 min were conducted. During the rainy day, the VLP mean abundance was 7.0×108 mL−1 and bacterial density was 5.75×107 mL−1. During the dry day, VLP and bacterial mean were 5.78×108 and 4.1×107 mL−1, respectively. The virus/bacterium rate (VBR) varied from 11 to 18 on the rainy day and from 4 to 22 on the dry day. The density of VLP was higher during the night, especially on the dry day, suggesting a virucidal action of the solar radiation on them. When registered in intervals of 15 min, the densities were not associated with the fluctuations of bacteria or chlorophyll a (Chl a), but a strong negative correlation between VLP and protozooplankton was observed (Spearman: R=−0.71; p=0.04), possibly associated with the occurrence of viral lyses on these organisms. The variations of VBR in the system, indicate that the elevated densities and fluctuations of VLP is suggestive of an active and important participation of these biological entities in the dynamics of the microbial communities in the studied environment.  相似文献   

Cotesia flavipes is an important gregarious larval endoparasitoid of several crambid stem borers, including Diatraea saccharalis. The suitability of two crambid species, Eoreuma loftini and D. saccharalis, pests of sugarcane and rice in Texas, for C. flavipes development was tested. The effect of parasitization by C. flavipes on encapsulation response was assessed in vivo in both D. saccharalis and E. loftini. The results indicated that the parasitoid developed and emerged successfully in D. saccharalis larvae. Although E. loftini larvae were readily parasitized by C. flavipes parasitoids, no wasp larvae hatched from the eggs in this host because eggs were encapsulated by the host's hemocytes. The developmental fate of the E. loftini larvae with encapsulated parasitoids was variable. Most died as abnormal fifth instars or as post-wandering prepupae, while a few developed normally to the pupal stage. In vivo experiments, there was a significant reduction in the percent of beads encapsulated in parasitized larvae in both hosts. However, the percent of beads showing melanization decreased significantly in parasitized D. saccharalis larvae but did not differ significantly in parasitized or unparasitized E. loftini larvae. Our results showed that D. saccharalis is a suitable host for C. flavipes whereas E. loftini is an unsuitable host. This study indicated that lepidopteran stem borers that are taxonomically, behaviorally, and ecologically very similar can differ in their ability to encapsulate a parasitoid species.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) infection and parasitism by Microplitis pallidipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on the hemocytes of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae were examined. We found that compared to healthy (control) larvae, the total hemocyte count (THC) and granulocyte count in parasitized larvae increased 1 day after parasitization and then decreased, while the plasmatocyte count was not significantly affected for the first 5 days but was significantly enhanced on day 6 after parasitization. In parasitized + infected larvae, both the THC and granulocyte counts began be lower from day 1 compared to parasitized larvae, while the plasmatocyte count was generally lower than in parasitized larvae. Compared to the control, THC, and granulocyte counts of virus-infected larvae were higher 1 day after infection. Compared to that in virus-infected larvae, THC and granulocyte counts in parasitized + infected larvae began to decrease from day 1 while the plasmatocyte count generally decreased. We concluded that the host immune response of cell communities to parasitization by M. pallidipes was elicited during the development of the parasitoid egg, but that immune response was inhibited during larval development of parasitoids in the host body. Meanwhile, we found that NPV infection impeded the regulatory effect of M. pallidipes on host cellular immune responses, and parasitization by M. pallidipes similarly inhibited the host cellular immune response caused by NPV infection.  相似文献   

The present study sought to assess the potential of the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta as a bioindicator for lead accumulation in two industrial areas of the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Rats (Meriones libycus) were collected from two sites (industrial area II and Salbukh) in Riyadh. In the industrial area II, the mean levels of lead concentrations were found to be 1.96, 1.92, 1.4 and 30.72 μg/g in the rats’ liver, kidney and intestine, and in H. diminuta, respectively. In Salbukh, meanwhile, the lead concentrations were 1.63, 1.52, 1.20 and 21.31 μg/g in the rats’ liver, kidney, and intestine, and in H. diminuta, respectively. In addition, in industrial area II, compared with the liver, kidney and intestine of their host, the bioconcentration factors of lead were found to be, respectively, 15.6, 16 and 21.9 times higher in H. diminuta, and were 7.5, 8, and 10.2 times higher in the same organs compared to H. diminuta in Salbukh. The present study, therefore, proved that H. diminuta could be used as a bioindicator for heavy metal contamination in the industrial areas of the city of Riyadh.  相似文献   

Parasites are known to profoundly affect resource allocation in their host. In order to investigate the effects of Cryphonectria Hypovirus 1 (CHV1) on the life‐history traits of its fungal host Cryphonectria parasitica, an infection matrix was completed with the cross‐infection of six fungal isolates by six different viruses. Mycelial growth, asexual sporulation, and spore size were measured in the 36 combinations, for which horizontal and vertical transmission of the viruses was also assessed. As expected by life‐history theory, a significant negative correlation was found between host somatic growth and asexual reproduction in virus‐free isolates. Interestingly this trade‐off was found to be positive in infected isolates, illustrating the profound changes in host resource allocation induced by CHV1 infection. A significant and positive relationship was also found in infected isolates between vertical transmission and somatic growth. This last relationship suggests that in this system, high levels of virulence could be detrimental to the vertical transmission of the parasite. Those results underscore the interest of studying host–parasite interaction within the life‐history theory framework, which might permit a more accurate understanding of the nature of the modifications triggered by parasite infection on host biology.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of parasitism of Cuscuta, especially the absorption of nutrients from its host, is not clear. As it might be connected with the function of plant hormones, the endogenous levels of all hormone groups in the parasite, Cuscuta reflexa, and its host, Vicia faba, were investigated. Since the content of auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins is higher in the host than in the parasite, there is no indication that any of these phytohormones is involved in the absorption of nutrients by Cuscuta. However, the content of growth inhibitors, especially free abscisic acid, is much higher in Cuscuta than in the host. There is a gradient of abscisic acid with a maximum in the basal, haustoria-bearing stem region in which the transfer of nutrients from host to parasite occurs. The high content of abscisic acid within the parasite may be a causal connection with the parasitic absorption of nutrients from host sieve tubes.This publication is respectfully dedicated to the academician Prof. Dr. A. L. Kursanov, Moscow, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

In the field, the encyrtid wasp, Epidinocarsis lopezi (DeSantis) can find its host, the cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero) on cassave plants when the host is scarce. As a step towards understanding the parasitoid's effectiveness we investigated the cues with which it locates its host-habitat. Using a fourarmed olfactometer, we determined the attactivity of various host-and host-plant odours to female E. lopezi which had been previously exposed to infested plants. Attractivity or preference of an odour was determined from the proportion of 50 choices made between the odour and a blank, or between two odours. Female E. lopezi were attracted by mealybug-infested cassava leaves (CML), but not by the odour of cassava mealybugs (CMB) alone or by uninfested plants (ULU). An artificial combination of CMB and ULU was also not attractive. CML was preferred over ULU and CMB + ULU. These results suggest that the attractive element arises from the cassava plant itself in response to CMB infestation. We therefore tested the attractivity of uninfested leaves from partly infested plants, and found that these were indeed attractive. E. lopezi probably uses the odour which is emitted from infested cassava plants to guide it to its host in the field.
Zusammenfassung Epidinocarsis lopezi ist imstande, seine Wirte auf den Cassavapflanzen zu finden, auch wenn die Wirte nur in geringer Dichte vorkommen. Die Reaktion der Schlupfwespe auf Gerüche der Wirte und der Wirtspflanzen wurde untersucht. Weibchen der Schlupfwespe, die vorher mit Schmierläusen auf Cassavapflanzen zusammengebracht worden waren, wurden individuell in einem vierarmigen Olfaktometer verschiedenen Kombinationen dieser Gerüche ausgesetzt. Die relative Attraktivität jedes Geruchs wurde bestimmt anhand von 50 Entscheiden zwischen dem Geruch und einer Kontrolle oder zwischen zwei Gerüchen. E. lopezi Weibchen wurden von schmierlausinfizierten Blättern angezogen, aber nicht von Cassavaschmierläusen (CMB), oder von uninfizierten Cassavapflanzen (ULU). Die künstliche Mischung von CMN und ULU wurde auch nicht anlockend. CML war relativ mehr attraktiv als ULU und als die Mischung. Die Vermutung liegt vor dass E. lopezi von einem Pflanzenduft angezogen wird, der von mit Schmierläusen infizierten Cassavapflanzen ausgeschieden wird. Die Parasitoide wurden auch von uninfizierte Blättern teilweise infizierter Pflanzen angezogen. Wahrscheinlich wird im Freiland der Geruch infizierter Cassavapflanzen durch E. lopezi zur Auffindung weiterer wirtstragenden Cassavapflanzen gebraucht.

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