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Since its invention in the mid 1980s atomic force microscopy has revolutionised the way in which surfaces can be imaged. Close to atomic resolution has been achieved for some materials and numerous images of molecules on surfaces have been recorded. Atomic force microscopy has also been of benefit to biology where protein molecules on surfaces have been studied and even whole cells have been investigated. Here we report a study of red blood cells which have been imaged in a physiological medium. At high resolution, the underlying cytoskeleton of the blood cell has been resolved and flaws in the cytoskeleton structure may be observed. Comparison of the normal 'doughnut' shaped cells with swollen cells has been undertaken. Differences in both the global properties of the cells and in the local features in cytoskeleton structure have been observed.  相似文献   

Dynamic force microscopy (DFM) allows imaging of the structure and the assessment of the function of biological specimens in their physiological environment. In DFM, the cantilever is oscillated at a given frequency and touches the sample only at the end of its downward movement. Accordingly, the problem of lateral forces displacing or even destroying bio-molecules is virtually inexistent as the contact time and friction forces are reduced. Here, we describe the use of DFM in studies of human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2) weakly adhering to mica surfaces. The capsid of HRV2 was reproducibly imaged without any displacement of the virus. Release of the genomic RNA from the virions was initiated by exposure to low pH buffer and snapshots of the extrusion process were obtained. In the following, the technical details of previous DFM investigations of HRV2 are summarized. Published: June 29, 2004.  相似文献   

Rapidly mixed anaerobic solutions (at pH 2.7) of FeCl3 and glutathione were quickly frozen at various times after mixing. EPR spectra of these frozen solutions showed the progressive reduction of the iron(III) with time and the transient presence of a g = 2 radical signal. This signal is discussed in terms of an intermediate in the reduction pathway containing a high spin iron(II) centre weakly coupled to a sulphur radicalSimilar experiments were carried out at pH 9 in the presence of oxygen.  相似文献   

Nuclear matrices (NM) were prepared from mouse 3T3 fibroblasts attached to growth support film in the continuous presence of the disulfide cross-linking reagent, sodium tetrathionate. Intact cells and samples at each stage of NM preparation were fixed, embedded in Epon-Araldite, sectioned and stained conventionally with uranyl-lead. Nuclear size and shape changed little during extraction, but nuclei showed a gradual reduction in internal fibrogranular elements up to 1M NaCl, after which larger spaces were visible in the nucleoplasm. In contrast to similar samples prepared under reducing conditions in other studies, final NMs contained a highly ramified internal network of fibers and granular aggregates.  相似文献   

After isolation, the DNA of simian virus 40 appeared as a negative supertwist (form I) or as an open circle with at least one single-strand scission (form II). Under the denaturation conditions usually applied, such as heating in the presence of formaldehyde or application of alkali, form I molecules could appear as "relaxed" circles without single-strand scissions (form I') containing denatured sites not visible under the electron microscope. Form II molecules, under these denaturation conditions, showed partial or complete strand separations allowing the construction of denaturation maps. By using a modified denaturation procedure, i.e., heating of isolated SV40 DNA in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide and formaldehyde followed by keeping the DNA in this denaturation solution at room temperature for periods up to 3 weeks, partially denatured relaxed circles without single-strand scissions were produced (form I'D) in addition to completely denatured form II molecules. The absence of single-strand scissions in form I'D molecules was demonstrated by a second heat treatment, which did not change the configuration of this molecular form. Form I'D molecules, in contrast to form I', contained denatured sites clearly discerible under the electron microscope. This combined application of two subsequent denaturation steps (denaturation by heating followed by denaturation at room temperature and neutral pH) showed that the molecular configuration I'D originated in two steps. The heating procedure produced molecules not distinquishable by electron microscopy from form I. In contrast to form I, these molecules were assumed to possess "preformed" denaturation sites (form I). Further treatment of form I molecules with denaturation solution at room temperature finally transformed them into convalently closed, relaxed, partially denatured circles exhibiting strand separations easily measurable on electron micrographs (form I'D). Denaturation maps of form I'D molecules were constructed by computer and compared with denaturation maps derived from partially denatured form II molecules. From these denaturation maps it can be concluded that the melting of base pairs occurring during the transition of simian virus 40 DNA form I into form I'D also preferentially happened at sites rich in the bases adenosine and thymine.  相似文献   

We have imaged microtubules, essential structural elements of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells, in physiological conditions by scanning force microscopy. We have achieved molecular resolution without the use of cross-linking and chemical fixation methods. With tip forces below 0.3 nN, protofilaments with ~6 nm separation could be clearly distinguished. Lattice defects in the microtubule wall were directly visible, including point defects and protofilament separations. Higher tip forces destroyed the top half of the microtubules, revealing the inner surface of the substrate-attached protofilaments. Monomers could be resolved on these inner surfaces.Abbreviations APTS (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane - DETA N1-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]diethylenetriamine - EM electron microscopy - MT microtubule - SFM scanning force microscopy  相似文献   

Although viable fungi have been recovered from a wide variety of icy environments, their metabolic capabilities under frozen conditions are still largely unknown. We investigated basidiomycetous yeasts isolated from an Antarctic ice core and showed that after freezing at a relatively slow rate (0.8°C min−1), the cells are excluded into veins of liquid at the triple junctions of ice crystals. These strains were capable of reproductive growth at −5°C under liquid conditions. Under frozen conditions, metabolic activity was assessed by measuring rates of [3H]leucine incorporation into the acid-insoluble macromolecular fraction, which decreased exponentially at temperatures between 15°C and −15°C and was inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Experiments at −5°C under frozen and liquid conditions revealed 2–3 orders of magnitude lower rates of endogenous metabolism in ice, likely due to the high salinity in the liquid fraction of the ice (equivalent of ≈ 1.4 mol l−1 of NaCl at −5°C). The mesophile Saccharomyces cerevisae also incorporated [3H]leucine at −5°C and −15°C, indicating that this activity is not exclusive to cold-adapted microorganisms. The ability of yeast cells to incorporate amino acid substrates into macromolecules and remain metabolically active under these conditions has implications for understanding the survival of Eukarya in icy environments.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal B complex is the substrate that undergoes catalytic activation leading to catalysis of pre-mRNA splicing. Previous characterization of this complex was performed in the presence of heparin, which dissociates less stably associated components. To obtain a more comprehensive inventory of the B complex proteome, we isolated this complex under low-stringency conditions using two independent methods. MS2 affinity-selected B complexes supported splicing when incubated in nuclear extract depleted of snRNPs. Mass spectrometry identified over 110 proteins in both independently purified B complex preparations, including approximately 50 non-snRNP proteins not previously found in the spliceosomal A complex. Unexpectedly, the heteromeric hPrp19/CDC5 complex and 10 additional hPrp19/CDC5-related proteins were detected, indicating that they are recruited prior to spliceosome activation. Electron microscopy studies revealed that MS2 affinity-selected B complexes exhibit a rhombic shape with a maximum dimension of 420 A and are structurally more homogeneous than B complexes treated with heparin. These data provide novel insights into the composition and structure of the spliceosome just prior to its catalytic activation and suggest a potential role in activation for proteins recruited at this stage. Furthermore, the spliceosomal complexes isolated here are well suited for complementation studies with purified proteins to dissect factor requirements for spliceosome activation and splicing catalysis.  相似文献   

Pure methemoglobin was prepared from fresh red cells and was used as substrate for methemoglobin reduction reaction. Two sources of methemoglobin reductase were used: (a) red cell hemolysate which was prepared by freezing and thawing of unwashed red cells; (b) purified methemoglobin reductase from bank blood. Methemoglobin reduction rate was measured in a mixture of pure methemoglobin (substrate) and hemolysate (enzyme). In other experiments the rate of methemoglobin reduction was measured in the above mixture with the addition of various other compounds such as NADH, cytochrome b5, and pure methemoglobin reductase. Only the addition of pure enzyme accelerated the rate of methemoglobin reduction. In other experiments, the rate of methemoglobin reduction was measured when the reduction reaction was carried out in the presence of various amounts of deoxyhemoglobin, globin, or albumin. It was shown that all proteins tested here decreased the reduction rate. It is concluded that (a) in the red cell, under normal conditions, only the activity of the methemoglobin reductase controls the speed of methemoglobin reduction, and (b) the inhibition of methemoglobin reduction by reduced hemoglobin is mostly nonspecific suggesting a noncompetitive reaction.  相似文献   

The structure of gap junctions in the rabbit ciliary epithelium, corneal endothelium, and mouse stomach and liver was studied with the freeze-fracturing technique after rapid freezing to near 4 degrees K from the living state. In the ciliary epithelium, the connexons were randomly distributed, separated by smooth membrane matrix. In the corneal endothelium, both random and crystalline arrangements of the connexons were observed. In the stomach and liver, the connexons were packed but not crystalline. Experimental anoxia or lowered pH caused crystallization of the connexons within 20-30 min. In the ciliary epithelium, the effects of prolonged anoxia or low pH could not be reversed . In addition, invaginated or annular gap junctions increased in number, but their connexons were usually distributed at random. Rapid freezing thus demonstrates that gap junctions of different tissues are highly pleiomorphic in the living state, and this may explain their variations in structure after chemical fixation. The slow time-course and irreversibility of the morphological changes induced by prolonged anoxia or low pH suggest that connexon crystallization may be a long-term consequence rather than the morphological correlate of the switch to high resistance.  相似文献   

The moulting of MYZUS PERSICAE under constant conditions of temperature, light (200 w filament light-bulb, d.c.) and almost constant relative humidity was studied. Maxima of moulting, counted at one-hour intervals between 12:00 and 15:00 hr under shielded conditions, could be traced more clearly when the air exchange in the shielded room was avoided. In electrical fields, to which the populations were exposed for 15–20 min, depressions of moulting numbers could be observed with relatively high electrical intensities (10 v),an increase, with medium electrical intensities (1 v), and a delayed increase of moulting with low intensities (0.1 v).Increases of moulting figures in comparison to the daily mean were also found in air negatively ionized (10–20 min application) by means of both high voltage corona discharge and radioactive tritium. It was found, that activity changes in the aphids (increase of moulting) often took place with a sudden rise of negative air ion density or with a drastic reduction of high positive air ion concentration.
Zusammenfassung MYZUS PERSICAE-HÄutungen in konstantem Licht (200 Watt-Glühbirne,Gleichstrom),konstanter Temperatur und annÄhernd konstanter relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit wurden stündlich ausgezÄhlt.Die unter verschieden abgeschirmten Bedingungen festgestellten HÄutungsmaxima zwischen 12:00–15:00 h traten klarer zutage,wenn die abgeschirmte Kabine hermetisch geschlossen wurde. In künstlich erzeugten elektrischen Feldern schienen höhere elektrische IntensitÄten (10 v) eine Depression, mittlere (1 v)HÄutungszunahme zu ergeben, die bei niedrigen FeldstÄrken (0,1 v) mit einstündiger VerspÄtung in Erscheinung trat. Relative HÄutungszunahmen (Mittelwertgegenüberstellungen) waren auch nach künstlicher negativer Ionisation der Luft mit Hilfe der stillen Corona-Entladung oder einer radioaktiven Tritium-Quelle festzustellen.Die beobachteten HÄutungsanstiege fielen dabei zeitlich sowohl mit plötzlichem, starkem Ansteigen negativer als auch mit drastischer Verminderung hoher positiver Ionenkonzentrationen zusammen.

Résumé Les mues de MYZUS PERSICAE en lumière (ampoule electrique, courant continu, 200 Watt), temperature constante et humidité relative de l'air approximativement constante ont été comptées une fois par heure.Les maximas de midi entre 12.00–15.00 h, constatés sous des conditions d'écran differents se montraient plus nettes si la cabine écran était hermetiquement fermé. Il semblait que dans des champs électriques artificiels des intensités de champ plus grandes (10 v) provoquent une dépression, des intensités moyennes (1 v) par contre une augmentation du nombre de mues — qui ne se montraient qu'après une heure de retard si l'intensité du champ était petite (0,1 v).De mÊme on constatait souvent une augmentation relative des mues (comparaison des valeurs moyennes) après une ionisation négative artificielle de l'air à l'aide d'une décharge corona,ainsi qu'à l'aide d'une source radioactive de Tritium. Les augmentation du nombre de mues observées coÏncidaient aussi bien avec une augmentation abrupte et forte de la concentration d'ions négatifs qu'avec une diminution frappante de la concentration d'ions positifs.

Initially investigated as a color formation process in thermally treated foods, nowadays, the relevance of the Maillard reaction in vivo is generally accepted. Many chronic and age-related diseases such as diabetes, uremia, atherosclerosis, cataractogenesis and Alzheimer’s disease are associated with Maillard derived advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and α-dicarbonyl compounds as their most important precursors in terms of reactivity and abundance. However, the situation in vivo is very challenging, because Maillard chemistry is paralleled by enzymatic reactions which can lead to both, increases and decreases in certain AGEs. In addition, mechanistic findings established under the harsh conditions of food processing might not be valid under physiological conditions. The present review critically discusses the relevant α-dicarbonyl compounds as central intermediates of AGE formation in vivo with a special focus on fragmentation pathways leading to formation of amide-AGEs.  相似文献   

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