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Voltage gated potassium channels are tetrameric membrane proteins, which have a central role in cellular excitability. Human Kv1.4 channels open on membrane depolarization and inactivate rapidly by a 'ball and chain' mechanism whose molecular determinants have been mapped to the cytoplasmic N terminus of the channel. Here we show that the other terminal end of the channel also plays a role in channel inactivation. Swapping the C-terminal residues of hKv1.4 with those from two non-inactivating channels (hKv1.1 and hKv1.2) affects the rates of inactivation, as well as the recovery of the channel from the inactivated state. Secondary structure predictions of the hKv1.4 sequence reveal a helical structure at its distal C-terminal. Complete removal or partial disruption of this helical region results in channels with remarkably slowed inactivation kinetics. The ionic selectivity and voltage-dependence of channel opening were similar to hKv1.4, indicative of an unperturbed channel pore. These results demonstrate that fast inactivation is modulated by structural elements in the C-terminus, suggesting that the process involves the concerted action of the N- and C-termini.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution of the putative inactivation lid in voltage-gated sodium channels to gating charge immobilization (i.e., the slow return of gating charge during repolarization) by studying a lid-modified mutant of the human heart sodium channel (hH1a) that had the phenylalanine at position 1485 in the isoleucine, phenylalanine, and methionine (IFM) region of the domain III-IV linker mutated to a cysteine (ICM-hH1a). Residual fast inactivation of ICM-hH1a in fused tsA201 cells was abolished by intracellular perfusion with 2.5 mM 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSET). The time constants of gating current relaxations in response to step depolarizations and gating charge-voltage relationships were not different between wild-type hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET). The time constant of the development of charge immobilization assayed at -180 mV after depolarization to 0 mV was similar to the time constant of inactivation of I(Na) at 0 mV for hH1a. By 44 ms, 53% of the gating charge during repolarization returned slowly; i.e., became immobilized. In ICM-hH1a(MTSET), immobilization occurred with a similar time course, although only 31% of gating charge upon repolarization (OFF charge) immobilized. After modification of hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET) with Anthopleurin-A toxin, a site-3 peptide toxin that inhibits movement of the domain IV-S4, charge immobilization did not occur for conditioning durations up to 44 ms. OFF charge for both hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET) modified with Anthopleurin-A toxin were similar in time course and in magnitude to the fast component of OFF charge in ICM-hH1a(MTSET) in control. We conclude that movement of domain IV-S4 is the rate-limiting step during repolarization, and it contributes to charge immobilization regardless of whether the inactivation lid is bound. Taken together with previous reports, these data also suggest that S4 in domain III contributes to charge immobilization only after binding of the inactivation lid.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium channels are important regulators of electrical excitation in many tissues, with Kv1.2 standing out as an essential contributor in the CNS. Genetic deletion of Kv1.2 invariably leads to early lethality in mice. In humans, mutations affecting Kv1.2 function are linked to epileptic encephalopathy and movement disorders. We have demonstrated that Kv1.2 is subject to a unique regulatory mechanism in which repetitive stimulation leads to dramatic potentiation of current. In this study, we explore the properties and molecular determinants of this use-dependent potentiation/activation. First, we examine how alterations in duty cycle (depolarization and repolarization/recovery times) affect the onset and extent of use-dependent activation. Also, we use trains of repetitive depolarizations to test the effects of a variety of Thr252 (S2-S3 linker) mutations on use-dependent activation. Substitutions of Thr with some sterically similar amino acids (Ser, Val, and Met, but not Cys) retain use-dependent activation, while bulky or charged amino acid substitutions eliminate use-dependence. Introduction of Thr at the equivalent position in other Kv1 channels (1.1, 1.3, 1.4), was not sufficient to transfer the phenotype. We hypothesize that use-dependent activation of Kv1.2 channels is mediated by an extrinsic regulator that binds preferentially to the channel closed state, with Thr252 being necessary but not sufficient for this interaction to alter channel function. These findings extend the conclusions of our recent demonstration of use-dependent activation of Kv1.2-containing channels in hippocampal neurons, by adding new details about the molecular mechanism underlying this effect.  相似文献   

Evidence from both human and murine cardiomyocytes suggests that truncated isoforms of Kv1.5 can be expressed in vivo. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we have characterized the activation and inactivation properties of Kv1.5DeltaN209, a naturally occurring short form of human Kv1.5 that lacks roughly 75% of the T1 domain. When expressed in HEK 293 cells, this truncated channel exhibited a V(1/2) of -19.5 +/- 0.9 mV for activation and -35.7 +/- 0.7 mV for inactivation, compared with a V(1/2) of -11.2 +/- 0.3 mV for activation and -0.9 +/- 1.6 mV for inactivation in full-length Kv.15. Kv1.5DeltaN209 channels exhibited several features rarely observed in voltage-gated K(+) channels and absent in full-length Kv1.5, including a U-shaped voltage dependence of inactivation and "excessive cumulative inactivation," in which a train of repetitive depolarizations resulted in greater inactivation than a continuous pulse. Kv1.5DeltaN209 also exhibited a stronger voltage dependence to recovery from inactivation, with the time to half-recovery changing e-fold over 30 mV compared with 66 mV in full-length Kv1.5. During trains of human action potential voltage clamps, Kv1.5DeltaN209 showed 30-35% greater accumulated inactivation than full-length Kv1.5. These results can be explained with a model based on an allosteric model of inactivation in Kv2.1 (Klemic, K.G., C.-C. Shieh, G.E. Kirsch, and S.W. Jones. 1998. Biophys. J. 74:1779-1789) in which an absence of the NH(2) terminus results in accelerated inactivation from closed states relative to full-length Kv1.5. We suggest that differential expression of isoforms of Kv1.5 may contribute to K(+) current diversity in human heart and many other tissues.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(13):2427-2442.e4
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Large quaternary ammonium (QA) ions block voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) channels by binding with a 1:1 stoichiometry in an aqueous cavity that is exposed to the cytoplasm only when channels are open. S-nitrosodithiothreitol (SNDTT; ONSCH(2)CH(OH)CH(OH)CH(2)SNO) produces qualitatively similar "open-channel block" in Kv channels despite a radically different structure. SNDTT is small, electrically neutral, and not very hydrophobic. In whole-cell voltage-clamped squid giant fiber lobe neurons, bath-applied SNDTT causes reversible time-dependent block of Kv channels, but not Na(+) or Ca(2)+ channels. Inactivation-removed ShakerB (ShBDelta) Kv1 channels expressed in HEK 293 cells are similarly blocked and were used to study further the action of SNDTT. Dose-response data are consistent with a scheme in which two SNDTT molecules bind sequentially to a single channel, with binding of the first being sufficient to produce block. The dissociation constant for the binding of the second SNDTT molecule (K(d2) = 0.14 mM) is lower than that of the first molecule (K(d1) = 0.67 mM), indicating cooperativity. The half-blocking concentration (K(1/2)) is approximately 0.2 mM. Steady-state block by this electrically neutral compound has a voltage dependence (about -0.3 e(0)) similar in magnitude but opposite in directionality to that reported for QA ions. Both nitrosyl groups on SNDTT (one on each sulfur atom) are required for block, but transfer of these reactive groups to channel cysteine residues is not involved. SNDTT undergoes a slow intramolecular reaction (tau approximately 770 s) in which these NO groups are liberated, leading to spontaneous reversal of the SNDTT effect. Competition with internal tetraethylammonium indicates that bath-applied SNDTT crosses the cell membrane to act at an internal site, most likely within the channel cavity. Finally, SNDTT is remarkably selective for Kv1 channels. When individually expressed in HEK 293 cells, rat Kv1.1-1.6 display profound time-dependent block by SNDTT, an effect not seen for Kv2.1, 3.1b, or 4.2.  相似文献   

The hERG channel has a relatively slow activation process but an extremely fast and voltage-sensitive inactivation process. Direct measurement of hERG's gating current (Piper, D.R., A. Varghese, M.C. Sanguinetti, and M. Tristani-Firouzi. 2003. PNAS. 100:10534-10539) reveals two kinetic components of gating charge transfer that may originate from two channel domains. This study is designed to address three questions: (1) which of the six positive charges in hERG's major voltage sensor, S4, are responsible for gating charge transfer during activation, (2) whether a negative charge in the cytoplasmic half of S2 (D466) also contributes to gating charge transfer, and (3) whether S4 serves as the sole voltage sensor for hERG inactivation. We individually mutate S4's positive charges and D466 to cysteine, and examine (a) effects of mutations on the number of equivalent gating charges transferred during activation (z(a)) and inactivation (z(i)), and (b) sidedness and state dependence of accessibility of introduced cysteine side chains to a membrane-impermeable thiol-modifying reagent (MTSET). Neutralizing the outer three positive charges in S4 and D466 in S2 reduces z(a), and cysteine side chains introduced into these positions experience state-dependent changes in MTSET accessibility. On the other hand, neutralizing the inner three positive charges in S4 does not affect z(a). None of the charge mutations affect z(i). We propose that the scheme of gating charge transfer during hERG's activation process is similar to that described for the Shaker channel, although hERG has less gating charge in its S4 than in Shaker. Furthermore, channel domain other than S4 contributes to gating charge involved in hERG's inactivation process.  相似文献   

Both wild-type (WT) and nonconducting W472F mutant (NCM) Kv1.5 channels are able to conduct Na(+) in their inactivated states when K(+) is absent. Replacement of K(+) with Na(+) or NMG(+) allows rapid and complete inactivation in both WT and W472F mutant channels upon depolarization, and on return to negative potentials, transition of inactivated channels to closed-inactivated states is the first step in the recovery of the channels from inactivation. The time constant for immobilized gating charge recovery at -100 mV was 11.1 +/- 0.4 ms (n = 10) and increased to 19.0 +/- 1.6 ms (n = 3) when NMG(+)(o) was replaced by Na(+)(o). However, the decay of the Na(+) tail currents through inactivated channels at -100 mV had a time constant of 129 +/- 26 ms (n = 18), much slower than the time required for gating charge recovery. Further experiments revealed that the voltage-dependence of gating charge recovery and of the decay of Na(+) tail currents did not match over a 60 mV range of repolarization potentials. A faster recovery of gating charge than pore closure was also observed in WT Kv1.5 channels. These results provide evidence that the recovery of the gating elements is uncoupled from that of the pore in Na(+)-conducting inactivated channels. The dissociation of the gating charge movements and the pore closure could also be observed in the presence of symmetrical Na(+) but not symmetrical Cs(+). This difference probably stems from the difference in the respective abilities of the two ions to limit inactivation to the P-type state or prevent it altogether.  相似文献   

D L Lewis  S R Ikeda  D Aryee  R H Joho 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):17-21
Rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL-2H3) have previously been shown to contain a single type of voltage-activated channel, namely an inwardly rectifying K+ channel, under normal recording conditions. Thus, RBL-2H3 cells seemed like a logical source of mRNA for the expression cloning of inwardly rectifying K+ channels. Injection of mRNA isolated from RBL-2H3 cells into Xenopus oocytes resulted in the expression of an inward current which (1) activated at potentials negative to the K+ equilibrium potential (EK), (2)decreased in slope conductance near EK, (3) was dependent on [K+]o and (4) was blocked by external Ba2+ and Cs+. These properties were similar to those of the inwardly rectifying K+ current recorded from RBL-2H3 cells using whole-cell voltage clamp. Injection of size-fractionated mRNA into Xenopus oocytes revealed that the current was most strongly expressed from the fraction containing mRNA of approximately 4–5 kb. Expression of this channel represents a starting point for the expression cloning of a novel class of K+ channels.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements were made of the kinetic and steady-state characteristics of the potassium conductance in the giant axon of the crabsCarcinus maenas andCancer pagirus. The conductance increase during depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses was analyzed assuming that two separate types of potassium channels exist in these axons (M. E. Quinta-Ferreira, E. Rojas and N. Arispe,J. Membrane Biol. 66:171–181, 1982). It is shown here that, with small concentrations of conventional K+-channel blockers, it is possible to differentially inhibit these channels. The potassium channels with activation and fast inactivation gating (m3h, Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics) were blocked by external application of 4 amino-pyridine (4-AP). The potassium channels with standard gating (n4, Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics) were preferentially inhibited by externally applied tetraethylammonium (TEA). The differential blockage of the two types of potassium conductance changes suggests that they represent two different populations of potassium channels.It is further shown here that blocking the early transient conductance increase leads to the inhibition of the repetitive electrical activity induced by constant depolarizing current injection in fibers fromCardisoma guanhumi.  相似文献   

To date, no comprehensive study has been done on all combinations of the human homologues of the Kir3.0 channel family, and the human homologue of Kir3.3 has not yet been identified. To obtain support for the contention that most of the functional data on non-human Kir3.0 channels can be extrapolated to human channels, we have cloned the human homologues of the Kir3.0 family, including the yet unidentified human Kir3.3, and the human Kir4.1. The expression pattern of these channels in various human brain areas and peripheral tissues, analysed by Northern blot analysis, allows for the existence of various homomeric and heteromeric forms of human Kir3.0 channels. Expression studies of all possible combinations in Xenopus oocytes indicated that in homomeric Kir3.2c and heteromeric Kir3.1/3.2c channels mediate, in our studies, inward currents with largest amplitude of any other Kir3.0 channel combinations, followed by heteromeric Kir3.1/3.4 and homomeric Kir4.1 channels. Channel combinations which include Kir3.3 are detrimental to the formation of functional channels. The co-expression experiments with different Kir channel subunits indicate the selective formation of certain channel combinations, suggesting that channel specificity is not solely dependent on spatial and temporal regulation of Kir subunit expression.  相似文献   

In the present study, the whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to investigate the influence of co-application of zinc ions and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) on the SPC-induced shift of the activation midpoint and slowing of activation kinetics of Kv1.3 channels in human T lymphocytes. The results obtained provided evidence that the effects exerted by SPC and Zn were not additive. The shift was significantly diminished in a concentration-dependent manner upon co-application of 10 M SPC and Zn in the concentration range 10–300 M. However, the shift was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn co-applied with SPC. It was shown that the extent of the shift upon SPC and Zn co-application was similar to the shift observed for Zn applied without SPC. The slowing of the activation kinetics was also diminished upon SPC and Zn co-application; however, no clear dependence on concentration was observed. Moreover, the slowing was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn. It was shown that the slowing of the activation kinetics upon Zn and SPC co-application was primarily due to the effect exerted by SPC. The steepness of the voltage dependence of steady-state activation of the channels was not changed upon SPC and Zn co-application. Possible mechanisms underlying the observed phenomena and their possible physiological significance are discussed.Abbreviations 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - SPC sphingosylphosphorylcholine - TL human T lymphocyte  相似文献   

The α-subunit of both the human heart (hH1) and human skeletal muscle (hSkM1) sodium channels were expressed in a mammalian expression system. The channels displayed slow (hH1) and fast (hSkM1) current decay kinetics similar to those seen in native tissues. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the region on the α-subunit involved in the differences of these current-decay kinetics. A series of hH1/hSkM1 chimeric sodium channels were constructed with the focus on the C-terminal region. Sodium currents of chimeric channels were recorded using the patch-clamp technique in whole-cell configuration. Chimeras where the C-terminal region had been exchanged between hH1 and hSkM1 revealed that this region contains the elements that cause differences in current decay kinetics between these sodium channel isoforms. Other biophysical characteristics (steady-state activation and inactivation and recovery from inactivation) were similar to the phenotype of the parent channel. This indicates that the C-terminus is exclusively implicated in the differences of current decay kinetics. Several other chimeras were constructed to identify a specific region of the C-terminus causing this difference. Our results showed that the first 100-amino-acid stretch of the C-terminal region contains constituents that could cause the differences in current decay between the heart and skeletal muscle sodium channels. This study has uncovered a direct relationship between the C-terminal region and the current-decay of sodium channels. These findings support the premise that a novel regulatory component exists for fast inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels. Received: 1 March 2001/Revised: 18 May 2001  相似文献   

Inactivation of potassium channels plays an important role in shaping the electrical signalling properties of nerve and muscle cells. While it has been assumed that the rapid inactivation of the Kv1.4 channel is controlled by a “ball and chain” inactivation mechanism, the chain structure of the channel has not been well defined. Here, by conducting electrophysiological studies on variants containing mutations of the positively charged and negatively charged segments of the NH2-terminal of the channel protein, we show that neutralization or deletion of the positively charged segment (residues 83-98) significantly slowed the inactivation process. Replacement of this positively charged segment with the negatively charged segment (residues 123-137), and vice versa, so that both segments were simultaneously positively or negatively charged, also slowed the inactivation process. Furthermore, the inactivation process was not changed when the positively charged and the negatively charged segments were interchanged. In contrast, the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation of the channels was not significantly altered by these mutants. These results indicate that the electrostatic interaction between the positively and negatively charged segments plays a critical role in the inactivation process of the Kv1.4 channel. Taken together, we propose that the electrostatic interaction accelerates the inactivation of the Kv1.4 channel by making it easier for the inactivation ball to access its binding site.  相似文献   

The pore properties and the reciprocal interactions between permeant ions and the gating of KCNQ channels are poorly understood. Here we used external barium to investigate the permeation characteristics of homomeric KCNQ1 channels. We assessed the Ba(2+) binding kinetics and the concentration and voltage dependence of Ba(2+) steady-state block. Our results indicate that extracellular Ba(2+) exerts a series of complex effects, including a voltage-dependent pore blockade as well as unique gating alterations. External barium interacts with the permeation pathway of KCNQ1 at two discrete and nonsequential sites. (a) A slow deep Ba(2+) site that occludes the channel pore and could be simulated by a model of voltage-dependent block. (b) A fast superficial Ba(2+) site that barely contributes to channel block and mostly affects channel gating by shifting rightward the voltage dependence of activation, slowing activation, speeding up deactivation kinetics, and inhibiting channel inactivation. A model of voltage-dependent block cannot predict the complex impact of Ba(2+) on channel gating in low external K(+) solutions. Ba(2+) binding to this superficial site likely modifies the gating transitions states of KCNQ1. Both sites appear to reside in the permeation pathway as high external K(+) attenuates Ba(2+) inhibition of channel conductance and abolishes its impact on channel gating. Our data suggest that despite the high degree of homology of the pore region among the various K(+) channels, KCNQ1 channels display significant structural and functional uniqueness.  相似文献   

Basic electrophysiological properties of the KcsA K(+) channel were examined in planar lipid bilayer membranes. The channel displays open-state rectification and weakly voltage-dependent gating. Tetraethylammonium blocking affinity depends on the side of the bilayer to which the blocker is added. Addition of Na(+) to the trans chamber causes block of open-channel current, while addition to the cis side has no effect. Most striking is the activation of KcsA by protons; channel activity is observed only when the trans bilayer chamber is at low pH. To ascertain which side of the channel faces which chamber, residues with structurally known locations were mapped to defined sides of the bilayer. Mutation of Y82, an external residue, results in changes in tetraethylammonium affinity exclusively from the cis side. Channels with cysteine residues substituted at externally exposed Y82 or internally exposed Q119 are functionally modified by methanethiosulfonate reagents from the cis or trans chambers, respectively. Block by charybdotoxin, known to bind to the channel's external mouth, is observed only when the toxin is added to the cis side of channels mutated to be toxin sensitive. These results demonstrate unambiguously that the protonation sites linked to gating are on the intracellular portion of the KcsA protein.  相似文献   

Electrical activity in nerve, skeletal muscle, and heart requires finely tuned activity of voltage-gated Na+ channels that open and then enter a nonconducting inactivated state upon depolarization. Inactivation occurs when the gate, the cytoplasmic loop linking domains III and IV of the alpha subunit, occludes the open pore. Subtle destabilization of inactivation by mutation is causally associated with diverse human disease. Here we show for the first time that the inactivation gate is a molecular complex consisting of the III-IV loop and the COOH terminus (C-T), which is necessary to stabilize the closed gate and minimize channel reopening. When this interaction is disrupted by mutation, inactivation is destabilized allowing a small, but important, fraction of channels to reopen, conduct inward current, and delay cellular repolarization. Thus, our results demonstrate for the first time that physiologically crucial stabilization of inactivation of the Na+ channel requires complex interactions of intracellular structures and indicate a novel structural role of the C-T domain in this process.  相似文献   

The bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscS provides an excellent model system for the study of mechanosensitivity and for investigations into the cellular response to hypoosmotic shock. Numerous studies have elucidated the structure, function and gating mechanism of Escherichia coli MscS, providing a wealth of information for the comparative analysis of MscS family members in bacteria, archaea, fungi and plants. We recently reported the electrophysiological characterization of MscS-Like (MSL)10, a MscS homolog from the model flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we summarize our results and briefly compare MSL10 to previously described members of the MscS family. Finally, we comment on how this and other recently published studies illuminate the possible mechanisms by which ion selectivity is accomplished in this fascinating family of channels.  相似文献   

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