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Highly dynamic mitochondrial morphology is a prerequisite for fusion and fission. Mitochondrial fusion may represent a rescue mechanism for impaired mitochondria by exchanging constituents (proteins, lipids and mitochondrial DNA) and thus maintaining functionality. Here we followed for the first time the dynamics of a protein complex of the respiratory chain during fusion and fission. HeLa cells with differently labelled respiratory Complex I were fused and the dynamics of Complex I were investigated. The mitochondrial proteins spread throughout the whole mitochondrial population within 3 to 6 h after induction of cell fusion. Mitochondria of fused cells displayed a patchy substructure where the differently labelled proteins occupied separate and distinct spaces. This patchy appearance was already--although less pronounced--observed within single mitochondria before fusion, indicating a specific localization of Complex I with restricted diffusion within the inner membrane. These findings substantiate the view of a homogenous mitochondrial population due to constantly rearranging mitochondria, but also indicate the existence of distinct inner mitochondrial sub-compartments for respiratory chain complexes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency in Parkinson''s Disease   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
The structure and function of mitochondrial respiratory-chain enzyme proteins were studied postmortem in the substantia nigra of nine patients with Parkinson's disease and nine matched controls. Total protein and mitochondrial mass were similar in the two groups. NADH-ubiquinone reductase (Complex I) and NADH cytochrome c reductase activities were significantly reduced, whereas succinate cytochrome c reductase activity was normal. These results indicated a specific defect of Complex I activity in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson's disease. This biochemical defect is the same as that produced in animal models of parkinsonism by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and adds further support to the proposition that Parkinson's disease may be due to an environmental toxin with action(s) similar to those of MPTP.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis mitochondria are predicted to contain three acyl carrier proteins (ACPs). These small proteins are involved in fatty acid and lipoic acid synthesis in other organisms and have been previously reported to be subunits of respiratory Complex I in mitochondria in mammals, fungi and plants. Recently, the mammalian mitochondrial ACP (mtACP) has been shown to be largely a soluble matrix protein but also to be minimally associated with Complex I (Cronan et al. 2005), consistent with its involvement in synthesis of lipoic acid for TCA cycle decarboxylating dehydrogenases in the matrix but contrary to earlier claims it was primarily a Complex I subunit. We have investigated the localization of the ACPs in Arabidopsis mitochondria. Evidence is presented that mtACP1 and mtACP2 dominate the ACP composition in Arabidopsis mitochondria, and both are present in the mitochondrial matrix rather than in the membrane. No significant amounts of mtACPs were detected in Complex I isolated by blue native gel electrophoresis, rather mtACPs were detected at low molecular mass in the soluble fraction, showing that in A. thaliana mtACPs are predominately free soluble matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: We report the effect of papaverine, tetrahydropapaverine, laudanosine, dimethoxyphenylethylamine, dopamine, and its metabolites on mitochondrial respiration and activities of the enzymes in the electron transfer complexes, as mitochondrial toxins may be implicated in the etiology and the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Papaverine was the most potent inhibitor of complex I and NADH-linked mitochondrial respiration among the compounds tested next to rotenone. Tetrahydropapaverine, dimethoxyphenylethylamine, and laudanosine also inhibited NADH-linked mitochondrial respiration and complex I activity in this order. Dopamine and its metabolites showed either no inhibition or only very weak inhibition. Compounds with dimethoxy residues in the phenyl ring were associated with more potent inhibition of complex I than those without. Our results warrant further studies on these and some related compounds as candidate neurotoxins causing Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Respiratory chain complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) deficiency is one of the most frequent causes of mitochondrial disease in humans. The activity of this complex can be confidently measured in most tissue samples, but not in cultured skin fibroblasts or circulating lymphocytes. Highly contaminating non-mitochondrial NADH-quinone oxidoreductase activity in fibroblasts and the limited access of substrates to complex I in lymphocytes hinder its measurement in permeabilized cells. Complex I assay in these cells requires the isolation of mitochondria, which in turn necessitates large quantities of cells and is not feasible when studying circulating lymphocytes. Here we report a simple method to measure complex I activity in a minute amount of either cell type. The procedure strongly reduces contaminating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity and permits measuring high rates of rotenone-sensitive complex I activity thanks to effective cell permeabilization.  相似文献   

Age-Dependent Impairment of Mitochondrial Function in Primate Brain   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Abstract: It has been hypothesized that some of the functional impairments associated with aging are the result of increasing oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA that produces defects in oxidative phosphorylation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the enzymes that catalyze oxidative phosphorylation in crude mitochondrial preparations from frontoparietal cortex of 20 rhesus monkeys (5-34 years old). Samples were assayed for complex I, complex II-III, complex IV, complex V, and citrate synthase activities. When enzyme activities were corrected for citrate synthase activities (to account for variable degrees of mitochondrial enrichment), linear regression analysis demonstrated a significant negative correlation of the activities of complex I (p < 0.002) and complex IV (p < 0.03) with age but no significant change in complex II-III or complex V activities. Relative to animals 6.9 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7), the citrate synthase-corrected activity of complex I was reduced by 17% in animals 22.5 ± 0.9 years old (n = 6) (p < 0.05) and by 22% in animals 30.7 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7) (p < 0.01). Similar age-related reductions in the activities of complexes I and IV were obtained when enzyme activities were corrected for complex II-III activity. These findings show an age-associated progressive impairment of mitochondrial complex I and complex IV activities in cerebral cortices of primates.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Complex I [NADH Coenzyme Q (CoQ) oxidoreductase] is the least understood of respiratory complexes. In this review we emphasize some novel findings on this enzyme that are of relevance to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Besides CoQ, also oxygen may be an electron acceptor from the enzyme, with generation of superoxide radical in the mitochondrial matrix. The site of superoxide generation is debated: we present evidence based on the rational use of several inhibitors that the one-electron donor to oxygen is an iron-sulphur cluster, presumably N2. On this assumption we present a novel mechanism of electron transfer to the acceptor, CoQ. Complex I is deeply involved in pathological changes, including neurodegeneration. Complex I changes are involved in common neurological diseases of the adult and old ages. Mitochondrial cytopathies due to mutations of either nuclear or mitochondrial DNA may represent a useful model of neurodegeneration. In this review we discuss Parkinson’s disease, where the pathogenic involvement of Complex I is better understood; the accumulated evidence on the mode of action of Complex I inhibitors and their effect on oxygen radical generation is discussed in terms of the aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Anna Maria Giuffrida-Stella.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome codes for 13 proteins which are located in the respiratory chain. In postmortem brain of patients with Parkinson's disease, decreased activity of complex I of the respiratory chain could be demonstrated. Because seven subunits of complex I are coded by the mitochondrial genome, we analyzed the mitochondrial DNA of human postmortem substantia nigra, putamen, and frontal cortex by the Southern blot technique. No deletions of the mitochondrial genome could be demonstrated, thus indicating that either subunits which are encoded by the nuclear genome are decreased or enzyme activity is diminished by metabolites, toxins, or increase of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Complex I in bovine heart submitochondrial particles catalyses the NADH-supported generation of superoxide anion; adrenaline is oxidised by superoxide to adrenochrome that, on its hand, is reduced by Complex I, thus establishing a redox cycle that amplifies the superoxide production. The routes in Complex I for superoxide formation and for adrenochrome reduction appear to be different, since they have a different sensitivity to Complex I inhibitors. The results are discussed in terms of current assays for superoxide detection and of pathologies linked to catecholamine oxidation.  相似文献   

Studies of the structure–activity relationships of ubiquinones and specific inhibitors are helpful to probe the structural and functional features of the ubiquinone reduction site of bovine heart mitochondrial complex I. Bulky exogenous short-chain ubiquinones serve as sufficient electron acceptors from the physiological ubiquinone reduction site of bovine complex I. This feature is in marked contrast to other respiratory enzymes such as mitochondrial complexes II and III. For various complex I inhibitors, including the most potent inhibitors, acetogenins, the essential structural factors that markedly affect the inhibitory potency are not necessarily obvious. Thus, the loose recognition by the enzyme of substrate and inhibitor structures may reflect the large cavitylike structure of the ubiquinone (or inhibitor) binding domain in the enzyme. On the other hand, several phenomena are difficult to explain by a simple one-catalytic site model for ubiquinone.  相似文献   

Structural arrangements and properties of redox components of the mitochondrial and bacterial proton-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductases are briefly described. A model for the mechanism of proton translocation at first coupling site, which emphasizes participation of specifically Complex I-associated ubisemiquinones, is discussed. An alternative mechanism is proposed where all redox reactions take place in a hydrophilic part of the enzyme and the free energy accumulated as conformational constraint drives the proton pump associated with the hydrophobic polypeptides.  相似文献   

This review summarizes recent progress on the regulation of the mitochondrial permeabilitytransition pore, an inner membrane channel that may play a role in cell death. We brieflycover its key control points as emerged over the last few years from studies on isolatedmitochondria; and describe in some detail our recent results indicating that the pore is modulatedby the respiratory chain complex I and can be specifically blocked by selected ubiquinoneanalogs. We discuss the potential relevance of these findings for the structural definition ofthe permeability transition pore and illustrate the pharmacological perspectives they offer indiseases where mitochondrial dysfunction is suspected to play a key role.  相似文献   

目的研究鱼藤酮帕金森模型大鼠呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ、Ⅳ的变化。方法雄性Wistar大鼠每日颈背部皮下注射鱼藤酮葵花油乳化液2 mg/(kg.d)连续3~5周制备鱼藤酮帕金森模型大鼠;按行为学评分标准记分。模型动物分成高分组、低分组、模型4周组。分光光度法测定呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ、Ⅳ。结果模型低分组肌肉呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ受到明显抑制,停给鱼藤酮4周后肌肉和黑质呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ显著低于正常。而模型高分组肌肉呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ升高,模型各组肌肉呼吸链复合酶Ⅳ均见升高,但黑质未见升高。结论鱼藤酮帕金森模型大鼠肌肉和黑质呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ明显抑制。肌肉见呼吸链复合酶Ⅳ代偿性升高而黑质未见。  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on a number of lines of evidence, we have proposed recently that a very early step in the pathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease might be elevated translocation of l -cysteine into neuromelanin-pigmented dopaminergic cell bodies in the substantia nigra. In vitro studies suggest that such an influx of l -cysteine would divert the neuromelanin pathway by scavenging dopamine-o-quinone, the proximate autoxidation product of dopamine, to give 5-S-cysteinyldopamine, which is oxidized further to 7-(2-aminoethyl)-3,4-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2H-1,4-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid (DHBT-1) and other cysteinyldopamines and dihydrobenzothiazines. In this study, it is demonstrated that DHBT-1 inhibits ADP-stimulated oxidation of malate and pyruvate (state 3 or complex I respiration) when incubated with intact rat brain mitochondria with an IC50 of ~0.80 mM. Incubation of DHBT-1 with freeze-thawed rat brain mitochondria in both the presence and absence of KCN and/or NADH causes an irreversible, time-dependent decrease of NADH-coenzyme Q1 reductase activity. Significantly lower concentrations of DHBT-1 are necessary to cause this effect when mitochondrial membranes are incubated in the absence of KCN and NADH. The irreversible inhibition of mitochondrial complex I caused by DHBT-1 under the latter conditions could be blocked only partially by glutathione, ascorbic acid, superoxide dismutase, or catalase. Together, these results suggest that DHBT-1 can cross the outer mitochondrial membrane and irreversibly inhibit complex I by a mechanism that is not primarily related to oxygen radical-mediated damage. Formation of DHBT-1 requires only dopamine, l -cysteine, and an oxidizing environment, conditions that may well exist in the cytoplasm of neuromelanin-pigmented dopaminergic neurons in the parkinsonian substantia nigra. The results of this study raise the possibility that DHBT-1 might be an endotoxin formed specifically in pigmented dopaminergic neurons that can contribute to irreversible damage to mitochondrial complex I and substantia nigra cell death in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

In this work we studied permeability transition by incubating mitochondria in the presence of 50 M Ca2+ and malate/glutamate as substrates. This condition, besides inducing the release of pyridine nucleotides, promotes the generation of reactive oxygen-derived species by the complex I of the respiratory chain. The latter leads to the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Ca2+ release, mitochondrial swelling and collapse of the transmembrane electric potential, were analyzed to assess this process. We propose that the mechanism for pore opening, in addition to the oxidative stress, involves the uncoupling effect of fatty acids providing activation of phospholipase A2, lipid peroxidation, and the oxidation of membrane thiols. This proposal emerges from the data indicating the protective effect of bovine serum albumin and N-ethylmaleimide. The key role of reactive oxygen species was implied based on the fact that the scavenger -phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone inhibited pore opening.  相似文献   

Syntaxins are differentially localized in polarized cells and play an important role in vesicle trafficking and membrane fusion. These soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are believed to be involved in tubulovesicle trafficking and membrane fusion during the secretory cycle of the gastric parietal cell. We examined the cellular localization and distribution of syntaxin-1 and syntaxin-3 in rabbit parietal cells. Fractionation of gastric epithelial cell membranes showed that syntaxin-1 was more abundant in a fraction enriched in apical plasma membranes, whereas syntaxin-3 was found predominantly in the H,K-ATPase-rich tubulovesicle fraction. We also examined the cellular localization of syntaxins in cultured parietal cells. Parietal cells were infected with CFP-syntaxin-1 and CFP-syntaxin-3 adenoviral constructs. Fluorescence microscopy of live and fixed cells demonstrated that syntaxin-1 was primarily on the apical membrane vacuoles of infected cells, but there was also the expression of syntaxin-1 in a subadjacent cytoplasmic compartment. In resting, non-secreting parietal cells, syntaxin-3 was distributed throughout the cytoplasmic compartment; after stimulation, syntaxin-3 translocated to the apical membrane vacuoles, there co-localizing with H,K-ATPase, syntaxin-1 and F-actin. The differential location of these syntaxin isoforms in gastric parietal cells suggests that these proteins may be critical for maintaining membrane compartment identity and that they may play important, but somewhat different, roles in the membrane recruitment processes associated with secretory activation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress play a central role in the pathophysiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This study aimed to elucidate the mechanism(s) responsible for mitochondrial dysfunction in nonalcoholic fatty liver. Fatty liver was induced in rats with a choline-deficient (CD) diet for 30 days. We examined the effect of CD diet on various parameters related to mitochondrial function such as complex I activity, oxygen consumption, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and cardiolipin content and oxidation. The activity of complex I was reduced by 35% in mitochondria isolated from CD livers compared with the controls. These changes in complex I activity were associated with parallel changes in state 3 respiration. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generation was significantly increased in mitochondria isolated from CD livers. The mitochondrial content of cardiolipin, a phospholipid required for optimal activity of complex I, decreased by 38% as function of CD diet, while there was a significantly increase in the level of peroxidized cardiolipin. The lower complex I activity in mitochondria from CD livers could be completely restored to the level of control livers by exogenously added cardiolipin. This effect of cardiolipin could not be replaced by other phospholipids nor by peroxidized cardiolipin. It is concluded that CD diet causes mitochondrial complex I dysfunction which can be attributed to ROS-induced cardiolipin oxidation. These findings provide new insights into the alterations underlying mitochondrial dysfunction in NAFLD.  相似文献   

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