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Thirteen populations of Thorea were analyzed from central Mexico and south‐eastern Brazil. All populations were considered as belonging to a single species [Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux], with wide variation of morphological features. Secondary branches varying in frequency were observed in several populations with an overlapping in the range of branch density for Thorea violacea Bory and T hispida (0–9 and 11–41 per 30 mm, respectively). As this is the most distinguishing character and on the basis of the overlapping (within a same population or even a single plant), we regarded T. violacea as a synonym of T hispida.‘Chantransia’ stage in culture, as well as gametophyte and carposporophyte were described in detail. We confirmed tine coexistence of asexual monosporangia with sexual reproductive structures (carpogonia and spermatangia) and carposporangia. Size, content, arrangement and chromosome number were the most distinctive characteristics among spermatangia, carposporangia and monosporangia. Monosporangia can be promptly differentiated from spermatangia by their granulated content and larger size but they are similar to carposporangia in shape and size; however, monosporangia are not arranged in fascicles. Structures resembling bisporangia were observed in female plants of some populations. Chromosome numbers were n = 4 for spermatangia and fascicle cells, and 2n ca 8 for gonimoblast filaments, carpospores and the ‘Chantransia’ stage cells. The populations of Thorea from central Mexico and south‐eastern Brazil corroborated the known world distribution for T. hispida, consisting dommantly of tropical to subtropical rainforests, sometimes extending into warm temperate areas. Thorea hispida occurred in warm (temperature 17.6–28.O°C), neutral to alkaline (pH 7.0–8.0), high ion content (specific conductance 59–2140 μS cm?1), moderate flowing (current velocity 17–43 cm/s) and shallow waters (depth <50cm); these data are essentially similar to previous reports.  相似文献   

Aim North America harbours the most diverse freshwater mussel fauna on Earth. This fauna has high endemism at the continental scale and within individual river systems. Previous faunal classifications for North America were based on intuitive, subjective assessments of species distributions, primarily the occurrence of endemic species, and do not portray continent‐wide patterns of faunal similarity. The aim of this study is to provide an analytical portrayal of patterns of mussel diversity in a hierarchical framework that informs the biogeographical history of the fauna. Location The study considered the mussel fauna of North America from the Rio Grande system northwards. Methods Patterns of mussel faunal similarity in 126 river systems or lake watersheds across North America were examined. The dataset was developed from the literature and consisted of recent species presence/absence (282 species) in each drainage unit; subspecies were not included. Patterns of mussel diversity were examined with hierarchical cluster analysis, based on a pairwise distance matrix between all drainage units. Results Cluster analysis revealed 17 faunal provinces within four major faunal regions: Mississippian, Atlantic, Eastern Gulf and Pacific. The Mississippian Region dominates the North American fauna with 11 provinces, including five not recognized by previous classifications: Mississippi Embayment, Upper Mississippi, Great Plains, Ohioan and Pontchartrain–Pearl–Pascagoula. Within the Eastern Gulf Region (containing three provinces), the Escambia–Choctawhatchee Province is distinctive from the Apalachicolan Province, under which it was previously subsumed. Patterns of diversity in the Atlantic Region (two provinces) and Pacific Region (one province) were similar to previous classifications. Main conclusions The classification proposed in this study largely corroborates earlier schemes based on the occurrence of endemic species but identifies additional heterogeneity that reflects unique assemblages of widely distributed species. The study proposes a hierarchical structure that illustrates relationships among these provinces. Although some provinces in the Mississippian Region have high endemism, all Mississippian provinces share a group of widely distributed species. The Atlantic and Eastern Gulf regions have distinctive, endemic faunas suggesting limited past connectivity with the Mississippian Region. The Pacific Region is the most distinct fauna in North America and bears close affinity to the Eurasian mussel fauna.  相似文献   

All species of the Xiphinema americanum-group and their synonyms are listed. The North American species reported are listed by state or province. Among these species, X. rivesi has the most widely reported distribution. Six species (X. diffusum, X. floridae, X. laevistriatum, X. luci, X. shell, and X. tarjanense) have been reported from only Florida. The reports of X. pachtaicum, X. sheri, and X. luci did not include morphometrics and need to be confirmed; X. brevicolle from California was identified before Lamberti and Bleve-Zacheo described 15 new species in 1979 and similarly needs to be confirmed. Because of the proliferation of species in this group, reports of X. americanum (sensu stricto) before 1979 are questionable. Extraction techniques for longidorids are discussed.  相似文献   

简介北美洲药用植物的总体情况,30种重要种类的产地、药用部位、活性成分、功效,以及常用种类的简要情况。  相似文献   

Reports of human footprints from North American archaeological sites are summarized and described. Although some human footprints have been claimed to be of Pleistocene and earlier ages, the earliest authenticated prints in America north of Mexico, as distinct from Central or South America, date to the Holocene. The earliest of these prints is at least 5,070 years old, and the youngest are late prehistoric period, only about 400 years old. Footprint sites are reported in the U.S. Southeast, Southwest, and California. Activities indicated by ancient North American human footprints include the mundane, such as daily tasks in a riparian zone and domestic behaviors inside a habitation. Footprints were also left by prehistoric peoples undertaking more esoteric activities deep in cave interiors, including exploration, mineral extraction, and ritual.  相似文献   

Little is known about genome organization in members of the order Batrachospermales, and the infra‐ordinal relationship remains unresolved. Plastid (cp) genomes of seven members of the freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were sequenced, with the following aims: (i) to describe the characteristics of cp genomes and compare these with other red algal groups; (ii) to infer the phylogenetic relationships among these members to better understand the infra‐ordinal classification. Cp genomes of Batrachospermales are large, with several cases of gene loss, they are gene‐dense (high gene content for the genome size and short intergenic regions) and have highly conserved gene order. Phylogenetic analyses based on concatenated nucleotide genome data roughly supports the current taxonomic system for the order. Comparative analyses confirm data for members of the class Florideophyceae that cp genomes in Batrachospermales is highly conserved, with little variation in gene composition. However, relevant new features were revealed in our study: genome sizes in members of Batrachospermales are close to the lowest values reported for Florideophyceae; differences in cp genome size within the order are large in comparison with other orders (Ceramiales, Gelidiales, Gracilariales, Hildenbrandiales, and Nemaliales); and members of Batrachospermales have the lowest number of protein‐coding genes among the Florideophyceae. In terms of gene loss, apcF, which encodes the allophycocyanin beta subunit, is absent in all sequenced taxa of Batrachospermales. We reinforce that the interordinal relationships between the freshwater orders Batrachospermales and Thoreales within the Nemaliophycidae is not well resolved due to limited taxon sampling.  相似文献   

中国与北美苔藓植物区系关系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关于中国和北美间苔藓植物区系关系的研究是在20世纪90年代开始的。研究表明中国和北美苔类和藓类的种间关系疏远,这一事实说明两个大陆在第三纪后期分离后,由于地质、地理、气候等因素的差异致使苔藓植物区系成分也产生明显分异。虽然它们在科、属方面差异较小,但两个大陆已各自形成地区特有的苔类和藓类的属。已知的中国特有及东亚特有的苔类属有5个,藓类属有22个;而已知北美地区特有的苔类属有4个、藓类属有5个。北美东部和西部形成于不同地质时期,在苔藓植物方面与中国共同分布的科、属和种存在一定差异。从神农架藓类植物研究表明,从共同分布的种来看,北美东部与中国比北美西部与中国的相似性系数高约6%。从两地区间苔类和藓类植物的雌雄同株或雌雄异株及孢子直径大小而论,这两个因素似乎并不是影响苔藓植物在两大地区间分布的主要原因,但对苔藓植物的分布仍然十分重要。本文作者认为结合中国和北美的地史、地理条件及苔藓植物自身的特点,可以认为白令海峡不是阻碍中国和北美苔藓植物交流的绝对自然屏障;中国和北美苔藓植物区系关系目前的状况,是长期多次交流融合和分异的结果。  相似文献   

Twenty-one populations of Batrachospermum section Turfosa from North America were compared to nine type and two historically important specimens using multivariate morphometrics and image analysis. The protologues of six other infrageneric taxa were also compared. From this analysis, six species are recognized worldwide: B, de-sikacharyi Sankaran, B. gombakense Kumano et Ratnasabapathy, B. keratophytum Bory de Saint-Vincent [syn. B. vagum var. keratophytum (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Sirodot, B. gulbenkianum Reis, and B. suevorum Kützing nom. Meg.], B. sinense Jao, B. turfosum Bory de Saint-Vincent [syn. B. vagum (Roth) C. Agardh and B. vagum var. undulato-pedicellatum Kumano et Watanabe], and B. vogesiacum F. G. Schultz ex Skuja [syn. B. vagum var. flagelliforme Sirodot, B. flagelliforme (Sirodot) Necchi], These species are distinguished on the basis of carposporophyte-bearing branch cortication, secondary fascicle development, monoecy or dioecy, presence of spermatangia on involucral filaments and monosporangia, and dimensions of trichogynes and carposporangia. Peripheral cortication has been previously used to separate species in this section, but we observed that this feature is quite widespread in the section. Presence of indeterminate gonimoblast filaments has been reported for some taxa in section Turfosa, but no such structures were seen in any of the specimens examined. Only B. keratophytum has been collected in North America, ranging from southwestern Greenland (64°N) to Louisiana (30° N).  相似文献   

The effects of faunal turnover on mammalian community structure are evaluated for 17 faunal zones of the North American Paleocene through early Eocene land mammal ages (Puercan through early Wasatchian). Generic disappearances were significantly high at the end of the Puercan, Torrejonian, and Tiffanian land mammal ages, but appearances were significantly high only during the early Puercan. Generic richness rose rapidly in the early Puercan, remained stable throughout most of the Paleocene, and increased from the late Paleocene into the early Eocene. The null hypothesis that generic turnover clustered preferentially according to dentally defined trophic or body size categories could be rejected or attributed to sampling problems for all but the early (Pu0) and late Paleocene (Ti5‐Cf2). Early Paleocene change in community structure most probably represented endemic radiation of mammals into previously unoccupied niches. Community restructuring in the late Paleocene reflected a complex of causes, including climatic wanning, intercontinental dispersal, and competition.  相似文献   

New methods of weather analysis accompanied by microhabitat ‘bioassays’ have been applied in several case studies to demonstrate effects of atmospheric processes on patterns of community composition and structure and potential species evolution. Average spatial and seasonal airmass dynamics which determine regional and elevational patterns of relative microhabitat favorability, were found to vary between a recent global warming trend (ca 1900 to 1940) and the subsequent global cooling trend (ca 1940 to 1970). These apparently systematic spatial and temporal shifts in weather were related to plant establishment patterns and community composition and structure. The proposed causal mechanisms function, in part, through regional shifts in microhabitat size. These effects are similar to larger scale, longer term shifts deduced from the late Quaternary fossil record. By modifying the spatial approach, month-to-month and year-to-year variability of weather has been examined for the last 130 years at individual points in southwestern North America. Three climatic regimes (the end of the Little Ice Age, the recent warming trend and the recent cooling trend) exhibited distinct year-to-year patterns of weather that can be related to the establishment of different kinds of plants (e.g., C4 grasses versus C3 shrubs). Oscillations between different temporal climatic regimes appear to promote the episodic establishment of different life forms, but not necessarily their local extinction. The two methods of weather analysis have been combined in a regional assessment of climatic controls of different biomes in space and time with a primary focus on the Chihuahuan desert. Natural ecotones between the Chihuahuan desert and neighboring biomes are clearly related to large scale airmass dynamics associated with seasonal oscillations in jetstream position. The weather patterns controlling ecotonal positions result from seasonal topographic influences on the general circulation of the atmosphere. The apparent stability of these patterns allows causal hypotheses of biogeographic dynamics and the evolution of physiological traits and life history characteristics.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Paratropis is described from North America: Paratropis tuxtlensissp. n., from a tropical rainforest in Veracruz, Mexico. This is the fifth Paratropis and the tenth paratropidid species described and the first North American record of this Neotropical family. The species is described based on adult males and females, and juveniles. The juveniles show ontogenetic variation in the number of cuspules on the labium and endites, and in the number and position of leg trichobothria. This is the second Paratropis species, and the third paratropidid known from both sexes. The scanning electron photographs (SEM) reveal new morphological data and contribute to the knowledge of the family.  相似文献   

北美地区一新外来入侵种——花曲柳窄吉丁   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘海军  温俊宝  骆有庆  尚成海  田翠杰 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):348-352,F004
介绍了原产亚洲的北美地区的一种新的入侵种——花曲柳窄吉丁AgrilusplanipennisFairmaire的国内外研究进展,对该虫的分类地位、形态特征、分布与起源、寄主、生物学特性等进行了综述,提出了作为入侵种需要进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

利用分布于北美东部的8种温带落叶树种为研究材料,应用反映热量和降水状况的11个变量为气候指标,用标准差分析方法分析了这8个树种的分布北界与气候因子之间的关系.结果表明,在所使用的气候指标中,同一树种不同地点的温暖指数或年生物温度的标准差最小,说明积温是限制这些树种向北分布的主要气候因子;温暖指数和寒冷指数随着年降水量的增大而减小,寒冷指数随着年较差的增加而增加,温暖指数随着水热综合指数的增加表现出减小的趋势.表明,除了生长季节的积温之外,降水和大陆性等气候条件对温带树种向北分布也起着重要作用.  相似文献   

北美东部8种温带树种向北分布的限制气候因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分布于北美东部的 8种温带落叶树种为研究材料 ,应用反映热量和降水状况的 11个变量为气候指标 ,用标准差分析方法分析了这 8个树种的分布北界与气候因子之间的关系。结果表明 ,在所使用的气候指标中 ,同一树种不同地点的温暖指数或年生物温度的标准差最小 ,说明积温是限制这些树种向北分布的主要气候因子 ;温暖指数和寒冷指数随着年降水量的增大而减小 ,寒冷指数随着年较差的增加而增加 ,温暖指数随着水热综合指数的增加表现出减小的趋势。表明 ,除了生长季节的积温之外 ,降水和大陆性等气候条件对温带树种向北分布也起着重要作用  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis and phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the rbcL chloroplast gene (which codes for the large subunit of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase enzyme) and the nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene were carried out on 26 specimens of marine and freshwater Hildenbrandia from North America. Nineteen marine specimens were collected from Alaska to Costa Rica on the Pacific coast and from Newfoundland to Connecticut on the Atlantic coast. Seven freshwater samples were collected from Texas, Costa Rica, St Lucia and Puerto Rico. Three groups of samples were distinguished by morphometric analysis: one containing all freshwater samples (H. angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West), one consisting of a marine sample with parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. occidentalis Setchell ex Gardner) and one group with non-parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini. These groupings were partially incongruent with those obtained by analyses of the molecular data. Parsimony and distance analyses of the rbcL gene resulted in trees in which Atlantic and Pacific clades were largely resolved. However, an Alaskan sample was included in the Atlantic group, which may indicate a trans-Arctic invasion event. The freshwater samples were paraphyletic for the rbcL gene, among the marine collections, which supports the concept of multiple invasions establishing the freshwater populations in North America. The 18S rRNA gene sequence data indicate that the freshwater samples are monophyletic with the exception of the unresolved position of the H. occidentalis sample. The freshwater samples form a monophyletic clade when multiple outgroups are used. The rbcL data appear to be mutationally saturated above approximately 17% divergence, which makes interpretation of phylogenetic signal among distant groups difficult. This may be a result of the asexual reproduction of the alga.  相似文献   

The Uto‐Aztecan premolar is a discrete dental trait found in low frequency (<2%) among world populations. The highest frequencies of the trait have been found among the indigenous populations of North America and, to a lesser extent, South America. Because of the trait's relatively higher frequency in the Western Hemisphere, the antiquity and distribution of the feather is important for reconstructing the biocultural interactions of prehistoric populations. While early research concluded that the Uto‐Aztecan premolar originated in the American Southwest around 4,000 years Before Present (BP), more recent studies have discovered the trait across the Americas and in parts of Europe and Asia. For this study, over 300 dentitions representing foragers and farmers in south‐central North America were examined. The trait was found in relatively high frequency (over 11%) in Archaic hunter‐gatherer populations from Central Texas, with high frequencies also found in the adjacent western Gulf Coastal Plain. The presence of this trait in Early Archaic populations suggests that the trait was present by 8,000 BP and persisted at a high frequency into the Late Archaic period. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:318–322, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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