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Three new species and two new genera of Typhloplanoida from the Western Indian Ocean are described. Feanora brevicirrus gen. et.sp. n. is a member of the Trigonostomidae von Graff, 1905 sensu Den Hartog, 1964. It has a cirrus, paired ovovitellaria and an undifferentiated afferent duct. An excentric bursa opens in the fecundatorium and a large ovoid vesicle enters the afferent duct in its distal part. Gaziella pileola gen. et sp. n. and G. lacertosa sp.n. are two new members of the Promesostomidae Den Hartog, 1964. They have a long cirrus, ovovitellaria and a long muscular female duct with two excentrically placed sperm-receiving vesicles. Their most striking feature is the proboscis-like structure. Feanora and Gaziella are provisionally considered as genera incertae sedis within the resp. families.  相似文献   

A new species of Cocconeis has been found growing on the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh var. laete‐virens (Montagne) Weber van Bosse from Shikine Island in the Izu Islands on the Pacific coast of Japan; we propose the name Cocconeis shiki‐nensis Hid. Suzuki and describe the species by light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). This taxon was also collected from the plastic plates used for rearing in seed production systems of the abalone Nordotis discus hannai Ino and the horned turban Turbo cornutus Solander in the Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute facing the Sea of Japan. The main morphological features of C. shikinensis are as follows. The valves are elliptic. The valve face of the raphid valve (RV) is slightly concave and that of the araphid valve (AV) is complementary to the RV and convex. The single plastid is flat, C‐shaped and elaborately lobed. The raphe on the RV is straight. The each terminal area expands to both sides along the valve margin, forming an arrowhead‐shaped, thickened hyaline area. The striae consist of small, round areolae and are radiate and uniseriate. On the AV, the striae consist of several alveoli. Each alveolus opens internally by means of a circular foramen. The valvocopula of each valve is fimbriate and open. The cingulum attached to the AV consists of three girdle bands; a valvocopula and two bands (copula and pleura), which are open and have ligulae. The relationship between C. shikinensis and similar members of the genus Cocconeis is discussed.  相似文献   

Marine symbioses are integral to the persistence of ecosystem functioning in coral reefs. Solitary corals of the species Heteropsammia cochlea and Heterocyathus aequicostatus have been observed to live in symbiosis with the sipunculan worm Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri, which inhabits a cavity within the coral, in Zanzibar (Tanzania). The symbiosis of these photosymbiotic corals enables the coral holobiont to move, in fine to coarse unconsolidated substrata, a process termed as “walking.” This allows the coral to escape sediment cover in turbid conditions which is crucial for these light‐dependent species. An additional commensalistic symbiosis of this coral‐worm holobiont is found between the Aspidosiphon worm and the cryptoendolithic bivalve Jousseaumiella sp., which resides within the cavity of the coral skeleton. To understand the morphological alterations caused by these symbioses, interspecific relationships, with respect to the carbonate structures between these three organisms, are documented using high‐resolution imaging techniques (scanning electron microscopy and µCT scanning). Documenting multi‐layered symbioses can shed light on how morphological plasticity interacts with environmental conditions to contribute to species persistence.  相似文献   

Length-weight relationship parameter was estimated for eight coral reef-associated finfish species from the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, Eastern Indian Ocean. Fish samples were collected from the landings of trawlers with a cod-end mesh size of 25–35 mm, operated at a depth ranging from 50–70 m off Tuticorin, Rameswaram and Thondi coasts on monthly basis between June-2018 and July-2019. Fish specimens were sampled by measuring total length (TL) and total weight (TW) with precision to 0.1 cm and 0.1 g respectively. A new maximum total length was recorded for Canthigaster solandri, Centriscus scutatus and Halichoeres stigmaticus from this study.  相似文献   

A new deepsea monognathid species,Monognathus berteli, is described based on one specimen collected pelagically in the northwestern Indian Ocean at 1440–1018 meters of depth. LikeM. taningi andM. bertini, it belongs to the short-skulled species-group and has very long pectoral fins, but differs from these species by several meristic characters. The described specimen has a very long caudal filament (53% SL) which is not known from otherMonognathus. However, the fragile filament is not used as a diagnostic character since it could easily be broken.  相似文献   

Muthumbi  Agnes W.  Soetaert  Karline  Vincx  Magda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):25-57
Twelve new and known species of the genera Sabatieria,Cervonema, Paramesonchium, Hopperia and Dorylaimopsis and one new genus, Kenyanema aredescribed from the Indian Ocean and S. pisinna Vitiello,1970 from the Mediterranean Sea. Sabatieria lucia sp. n.is characterised by short but distinct inner and setiformouter labial sensilla and long (4–5 µm or 30–33% hd)cephalic sensilla; S. conicauda Vitiello, 1970, ischaracterised by tiny inner and outer labial sensilla andsetiform cephalic ones and short and thick cylindrical tail;Sabatieria pisinna is characterised by short innerand outer labial sensilla, setiform (3µm long) cephalicsensilla, multispiral amphids with 3.25–3.5 turns and a tailwhich is conical in the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3cylindrical; Cervonema tenuicauda Schuurmans Stekhoven,1950, is characterised by anterior sensilla in twocircles which are equal in length (3µm long), multispiralamphids with 3–4 turns and located at 1.5 times hd from theanterior end, simple spicules one abd long and 6–7 fineprecloacal supplements; Cervonema minutus sp. n.characterised by an extremely attenuated anterior end,spiral amphids with 4–5 turns (80–90% cbd) and short,simple spicules (0.8 abd long); Cervonema gourbaulti sp.n. characterised by long (4–5 µm) labialand cephalic sensilla, spiral amphids with 5–6 turns(73–88% cbd) and an elongate crenate terminal pharyngealbulb; Paramesonchium mombasi sp. n. characterised bylong labial (5 µm) and cephalic (21 µm) sensilla thatare close together and wide amphids (80–90% cbd); Kenyanema monorchis gen. et sp. n. characterised bya head region narrower than the rest of the body, fourcephalic sensilla (3 µm long) and spiral amphids with1.5–2 turns; Hopperia indiana sp. n. characterised byshort conical anterior sensilla, arcuatespicules that have a velum and a gubernaculum with a longand sharp pointed apophysis; Dorylaimopsis coomansi sp.n. characterised by long (8–10µm) cephalic setae,cuticular punctation with lateral differention of irregularlyarranged dots at the pharyngeal region and 1–3longitudinal rows of dots posterior of the pharynx; spiculeswith a unique shape; Dorylaimopsis gerardi sp. n.characterised by short setiform labial and long (6–7 µm)cephalic sensilla, punctated cuticle with lateraldifferentiation of irregularly arranged dots at firstthen three or four irregularly arranged longitudinal rows atthe pharyngeal and tail regions and two regularly arrangedlongitudinal rows of dots on the rest of the body, aconico-cylindrical tail with a distinctly swollen tip;Dorylaimopsis variabilis sp. n. is characterised byshort labial and setiform cephalic sensilla (33–58% hd),multispiral amphids with three turns, cuticular punctationswith lateral differentiation of three longitudinalrows at the pharyngeal and tail regions and two longitudinalrows on the rest of the body, spicules that are thin andslightly arcuate. The position of S. pisinna accordingto the grouping of Platt, 1985 of Sabatieriaspp. is also discussed. Kenyanema monorchis representsthe first monorchic species in the family.  相似文献   

A new mullid fish, Parupeneus procerigena, is described on the basis of 13 specimens (118.9–198.4 mm SL) from depths of 92–148 m off the Saya de Malha Bank in the western Indian Ocean. This species resembles P. chrysopleuron and P. heptacanthus in color pattern without black stripes or spots, but it differs from them in having more gill rakers, two scales in lachrymal region, deeper body, deeper cheek, and longer distance between nostrils. Received: April 4, 2000 / Revised: July 27, 2000 / Accepted: August 27, 2000  相似文献   

Faunal assemblages, principal component (PCA), canonical correspondence (CCA), and factor analysis are applied to planktonic foraminifera from 57 core-top samples from the eastern Indian Ocean. The foraminiferal lysocline occurs at 2400 m north of 15°S where carbonate dissolution is induced by the Java upwelling system, and occurs deeper south of 15°S where carbonate dissolution is characteristic of the oligotrophic regions in the Indian Ocean. Dissolution effects, the February standing stock at the time of collection of the plankton-tow material, and different production rates explain the different foraminiferal assemblages found between plankton-tow and core-top samples. Core-top samples are differentiated by PCA into four groups — Upwelling, Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), Transitional, and Southern — that are related to environmental variables (temperature, salinity and nutrients); all environmental variables follow a strong latitudinal component as indicated by the CCA analysis. Similarly, three assemblages are recognized by factor analysis: Factor 1 (dominated by Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata and Globorotalia cultrata), factor 2 (dominated by Globigerina bulloides and Globorotalia inflata) and factor 3 (dominated by Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) explain more than 92% of the variance, and are related to sea-surface temperature, thermocline depth and nutrient levels. The seasonal influence of the Java upwelling system supplies nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton to the oligotrophic eastern Indian Ocean (factor 1). South of 24°S, a deep chlorophyll maximum, a deep euphotic zone, a deep thermocline, SSTs below 22°C, and brief upwelling pulses seem to explain factors 2 and 3. The ratio of G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei, two mutually excluding species, appears to indicate the southern boundary of the WPWP. This ratio is applied to core Fr10/95-11 to demonstrate past shifts of the southern boundary of the WPWP.  相似文献   

New hexactinellid sponges were collected from 2589 m depth on the Carlsberg Ridge in the Indian Ocean during deep-sea dredging. All fragments belong to a new genus and species, Indiellagen. n.ridgenensissp. n., a representative of the family Aulocalycidae described here. The peculiar features of this sponge, not described earlier for other Aulocalycidae, are: longitudinal strands present in several layers and epirhyses channelization.  相似文献   

In a recent contribution to this journal, Wilmé et al. (2016) proposed that the giant tortoises of the islands of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO: Aldabra, the Mascarenes, and the Granitic Seychelles) might have originated from translocation by early Austronesian sailors. Prompted by this paper we review recent literature and show that natural overseas dispersal was remarkably widespread in the colonization history of terrestrial reptiles in the WIO region. Almost 90% of the successful colonization events are supported by prevailing marine surface currents. However, these currents may change over geological (and evolutionary) time‐scales, and eddies and counter‐currents may facilitate transport against the main current direction. We review the cases of the extant and extinct WIO giant tortoises and suggest that the current distribution of all lineages can be convincingly explained by overseas dispersal.  相似文献   

Porites white patch syndrome (PWPS) is a coral disease recently described in the Western Indian Ocean. This study aimed to isolate and identify potential pathogens associated with PWPS utilizing both culture and nonculture screening techniques and inoculation trials. A total of 14 bacterial strains (those dominant in disease lesions, absent or rare in healthy tissues and considered potential pathogens in a previous study) were cultured and used to experimentally inoculate otherwise healthy individuals in an attempt to fulfil Henle–Koch's postulates. However, only one (P180R), identified as closely related (99–100% sequence identity based on 1.4 kb 16S RNA sequence) to Vibrio tubiashii, elicited signs of disease in tank experiments. Following experimental infection (which resulted in a 90% infection rate), the pathogen was also successfully re‐isolated from the diseased tissues and re‐inoculated in healthy corals colonies, therefore fulfilling the final stages of Henle–Koch's postulates. Finally, we report that PWPS appears to be a temperature‐dependent disease, with significantly higher tissue loss (anova : d.f. = 2, F = 39.77, P < 0.01) occurring at 30 °C [1.45 ± 0.85 cm2 per day (mean ± SE)] compared to ambient temperatures of 28 and 26 °C (0.73 ± 0.80 cm2 per day (mean ± SE) and 0.51 ± 0.50 cm2 per day (mean ± SE), respectively).  相似文献   

Morphological studies at the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy levels of selected fragilarioid diatoms occurring in North American streams and lakes are presented herein. The majority of the samples studied were collected by the US Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program, which concentrates on stream water quality monitoring throughout the continental USA and Hawaii. Two new species (Staurosirella confusa Morales and Punctastriata mimetica Morales) and a new forma (Pseudostaurosiropsis geocollegarum f. triradiatum Morales) are described and two new combinations (Pseudostaurosira subsalina (Hustedt) Morales and Staurosirella olden‐burgiana (Hustedt) Morales) are provided. Morphological details of an additional taxon, Staurosira construens var. binodis (Ehrenberg) Hamilton in Hamilton et al. are also presented. The taxonomic affinities of all these taxa, as well as some evolutionary aspects and ecologic characteristics, are discussed in the light of published material.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrid protists are often abundant in coastal waters. However, their population dynamics and substrate preferences in the oceanic water column are poorly understood. We studied the abundance and distribution of thraustochytrids, bacteria and TEPs in the equatorial Indian Ocean waters during September 2003, October 2004 and September 2006. Thraustochytrids and bacteria were abundant, suggesting high biological productivity of the region. Thraustochytrids were positively related to bacteria during October 2004 but not at other times, suggesting overlapping or varying substrate preferences at different times. Thraustochytrid and bacteria were positively related to TEPs only in a few stations during October 2004, but were mostly positively related to TEPs generated from in situ water in a roller table experiment. TEPs from natural samples during October 2004 had a much greater affinity to the lectin Concanavalin A than to Limulin compared with those in September 2006 and from the roller tank experiments. The chemical composition of TEPs might explain their relationship with thraustochytrids. Thraustochytrids averaged a higher biomass than bacteria in two of the three cruises, but were less frequent and more patchily distributed compared with bacteria.  相似文献   

热带印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布与温跃层的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据Argo浮标剖面温度数据重构热带印度洋各月月平均温跃层特征参数,并结合印度洋金枪鱼委员会(IOTC)黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓数据,绘制了月平均温跃层特征参数和月平均CPUE的空间叠加图,用于分析热带印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布和温跃层特征参数的关系。结果表明:热带印度洋温跃层上界深度、温度和下界深度,以及黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场分布都具有明显的季节性变化特征,黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场分布和温跃层季节性变化有关。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区的温跃层上界深度的范围为30-40m,超过70m的渔区CPUE值普遍偏低;在西南季风期间温跃层上界最深达到120m。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区温跃层下界深度不超过200m,在西南季风期间,深度会超过300m。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区对应的温跃层上界温度都超过25℃,温度小于24℃的渔区CPUE值普遍较低;在西南季风期间,高值CUPE区域对应的温跃层上界温度范围变大,温跃层上界温度延伸到22℃,在22℃以下渔区CPUE值都很低。采用频次分析和经验累积分布函数计算其最适温跃层特征参数分布,得出黄鳍金枪鱼最适的温跃层上、下界温度范围分别是25-29℃和13-16℃;其上、下界深度范围分别为30-70m和140-200m。K-S检验结果表明,上述结论可靠。  相似文献   


Homolodromia rajeevani, a new species of deep-water homolodromiid sponge crab, is described from the northern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea, depth 957 m, and Bay of Bengal, 645 m), and is the first record of the genus from the area. This species resembles the western Indian Ocean species, namely, Homolodromia bouvieri Doflein, 1904, in having 2 terminal spines on the propodi of the last two pereopods, but can be easily distinguished from the latter species by the inflated carapace, simple long setae on carapace and appendages, slender pseudo-rostral spines separated by a U-shaped base, and a slender arched dactylus of cheliped with maximum elevation at proximal part which bears broadly circular depressions with sparse setae. The most diagnostic character is the higher number of spines on the occlusal surfaces of propodal thumbs and dactyli of the pseudochela of the last two pereopods as compared to H. bouvieri. A key for the identification of the species under the genus Homolodromia is also provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:48894F49-5124-4723-9FF2-3D30FB536DA5  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The coffee genus (Coffea) comprises 124 species, and is indigenous to the Old World Tropics. Due to its immense economic importance, Coffea has been the focus of numerous genetic diversity studies, but despite this effort it remains insufficiently studied. In this study the genetic diversity and genetic structure of Coffea across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands is investigated.


Genetic data were produced using 13 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeats, SSRs), including seven expressed sequence tag-SSRs, and the data were analysed using model- and non-model-based methods. The study includes a total of 728 individuals from 60 species.

Key Results

Across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands Coffea comprises a closely related group of species with an overall pattern of genotypes running from west to east. Genetic structure was identified in accordance with pre-determined geographical regions and phylogenetic groups. There is a good relationship between morpho-taxonomic species delimitations and genetic units. Genetic diversity in African and Indian Ocean Coffea is high in terms of number of alleles detected, and Madagascar appears to represent a place of significant diversification in terms of allelic richness and species diversity.


Cross-species SSR transferability in African and Indian Ocean islands Coffea was very efficient. On the basis of the number of private alleles, diversification in East Africa and the Indian Ocean islands appears to be more recent than in West and West-Central Africa, although this general trend is complicated in Africa by the position of species belonging to lineages connecting the main geographical regions. The general pattern of phylogeography is not in agreement with an overall east to west (Mascarene, Madagascar, East Africa, West Africa) increase in genome size, the high proportion of shared alleles between the four regions or the high numbers of exclusive shared alleles between pairs or triplets of regions.  相似文献   

This study represents the first comprehensive assessment of the population dynamics and residency of common bottlenose dolphin around Reunion Island (southwest Indian Ocean). Understanding dynamics and movement patterns of this local population is essential to guide effective conservation efforts, notably in a context of growing dolphin-watching activities. Dedicated surveys based on photo-identification methods were conducted over 6 years (2010–2015). The species was present year-round, in groups of 25 individuals on average (1–150). Jolly-Seber mark-recapture models resulted in a population estimate of 254 individuals (95% CI = 191–337) and an apparent annual survival rate of 0.83. The population was almost equally split into three residency patterns: residents (33.1%), long-term visitors (32.6%), and short-term visitors (34.3%, including transients, i.e., individuals only seen once [14.9%]), suggesting that the majority of the population showed a moderate-to-high level of residency in the study area. Individuals from the three residency patterns associated randomly, mixing together and forming a single community. Models based on the lagged identification rate indicated emigration and reimmigration to the survey area, with some individuals occupying the study area for about 2 years (832 days), and remaining outside for an average of 276 days, probably exhibiting larger home ranges and extensive movement behavior.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral mounds on both margins of the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic Ocean) have a strongly different morphology. Single, isolated mounds occur on the SE margin and are mainly found on the upper slope between 900 and 650 m water depth, while large mound clusters are found on the SW margin in water depths between 600 and 1,000 m, in a narrow zone almost parallel to the slope. Sedimentation rates on the mounds are higher than on the surrounding seabed as a result of baffling of biogenic carbonate debris and siliciclastic particles by the coral framework covering the mounds. This is confirmed by 210Pb measurements. The individual coral growth rate can be three times higher then the vertical growth rate of the coral cover (±10 mm year−1) which in turn is more than an order of magnitude higher then the present-day overall mound growth rate (±0.25 mm year−1). The presence of extensive hardgrounds and firmgrounds and the three-dimensional coral framework are considered to be responsible for the stability of the relatively steep slopes of the mounds. High current velocities in the intramound areas result in local non-sedimentation and erosion, as is shown by the presence of IRD (ice-rafted debris) lag deposits on the seabed and moats around some of the mounds. The morphology and sedimentology of cold-water coral-covered (mainly Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) mounds on the southern Rockall Trough margins (NE Atlantic Ocean) is discussed and a model describing the development of these mounds is presented.  相似文献   

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