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A transgenic wheat line over‐expressing an oat phytochrome A gene under the control of the constitutive maize ubiquitin promoter was generated using a biolistic particle delivery system from immature wheat embryos. The resulting line showed increased levels of total phytochrome A protein in both dark‐grown and light‐grown plants. When grown under continuous far‐red light, seedlings of this line showed additional inhibition of the coleoptile extension in comparison with wild‐type seedlings. Unlike the response of wild‐type seedlings to continuous far‐red, this additional inhibition was dependent on fluence rate and was not observed under half‐hourly pulses of far‐red delivering the same total fluence as the continuous irradiation treatment. These observations suggest that increase in phytochrome A levels in wheat leads to the establishment of a far‐red high irradiation reaction in this monocotyledonous plant. Exposure to continuous red light caused a similar inhibition of coleoptile extension in both the wild types and the transgenic seedlings. When wild‐type seedlings were grown under continuous far‐red, their coleoptiles remained completely colourless and first leaves remained tightly rolled. In contrast, transgenic seedlings grown in the same conditions produced significant levels of anthocyanins in their coleoptiles and their first leaves became unrolled. Taken together, our data suggest that the increased levels of phytochrome A in wheat can change the type of response of some developmental processes to light signals, leading to the generation of a high irradiance reaction which is otherwise absent in the wild types under the conditions used.  相似文献   

Expression of a chimeric stilbene synthase gene in transgenic wheat lines   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A chimeric stilbene synthase (sts)gene was transferred into wheat. Stilbene synthases play a role in the defence against fungal diseases in some plant species (e.g. groundnut or grapevine) by producing stilbenetype phytoalexins like resveratrol. Resveratrol is also claimed to have positive effects to human health. Embryogenic scutellar calli derived from immature embryos of the two commercial German spring wheat cultivars Combi and Hanno were used as target tissue for cotransformation by microprojectile delivery. The selectable marker/reporter gene constructs contained the bargene either driven by the ubiquitinpromoter from maize (pAHC 25, also containing the uidAgene driven by the ubiquitinpromoter), or by the actinpromoter (pDM 302) from rice. The cotransferred plasmid pStil 2 consisted of a grapevine stscoding region driven by the ubiquitin promoter. Eight transgenic Combi and one Hanno TOplant were obtained and, except one Combi TOplant, found to be cotransformants due to the integration of both the stsgene and the selectable marker or reporter genes. Expression of the stsgene was proven by RTPCR, and, for the first time, by detection of the stilbene synthase product resveratrol by HPLC and mass spectrometry. The stsgene was expressed in four of the seven transgenic Combi T_oplants. Two of the respective T1progenies segregated in a Mendelian manner were still expressing the gene. Investigations into methylation of the stsgene showed that in three nonexpressing progenies inactivation was paralleled by methylation.  相似文献   

The end-use properties, and thus the value, of wheat flours are determined to a large extent by the proteins that make up the polymeric network called gluten. Low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) are important components of gluten structure. Their relative amounts and/or the presence of specific components can influence dough visco-elasticity, a property that is correlated with the end-use properties of wheat flour. For these reasons, manipulation of gluten dough strength and elasticity is important. We are pursuing this goal by transforming the bread wheat cultivar Bobwhite with a LMW-GS gene driven by its own promoter. Particle bombardment of immature embryos produced several transgenic lines, one of which over-expressed the LMW-GS transgene. Southern blots confirmed that the transgene was integrated into the wheat genome, although segregation analyses showed that its expression was sometimes poorly transmitted to progeny. We have determined that the transgene-encoded LMW-GS accumulates to very high levels in seeds of this line, and that it is incorporated into the glutenin polymer, nearly doubling its overall amount. However, SDS sedimentation test values were lower from the transgenic material compared to a non transgenic flour. These results suggest that the widely accepted correlation between the amount of the glutenin polymers and flour technological properties might not be valid, depending on the components of the polymer.  相似文献   

Photoinduction and photoinhibition of germination in seed from a homozygous tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) line containing an introduced oat phyA cDNA (encoding phytochrome A) is compared with that of isogenic wild-type (WT) tobacco. Under continuous irradiation by a light source with a low redfar-red (RFR) ratio the transgenic tobacco seed appeared to be less susceptible to photoinhibition of germination compared with WT seed. However, induction of germination following a short pulse by R (666 nm) was not enhanced in the genotype transformed by oat phyA cDNA compared with the WT; neither did germination of the transgenic tobacco seed show an increased sensitivity to saturating pulses of light of longer wavelengths (666–730 nm). In seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. which contained an introduced phytochrome-B-encoding cDNA, levels of dark germination were enhanced, consistent with mediation of response by phytochrome B-Pfr. The germination behaviour of Arabidopsis genotypes wich contained an introduced cDNA encoding phytochrome A, however, did not significantly differ from that of the WT.Abbreviations ABO seed transformed with Arabidopsis phyB - cDNA; CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome - Pfr/Ptot phytochrome photoequilibrium - R red light - RBO seed transformed with rice phyB cDNA - RFR quantum ratio of red and far-red light - WL white light - WL + FR whitelight supplemented with far-red light - WT wild type The authors wish to thank R.D. Vierstra (Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) for providing the transgenic tobacco line, and M.T. Boylan, D. Wagner and P.H. Quail (U.C. Berkeley/USDA Plant Gene Expression Center, Albany, Calif. USA) for providing the transgenic Arabidopsis lines. The work presented in this paper was funded by grants from the Agricultural and Food Research Council (H.S., A.C.M., G.C.W.).  相似文献   

Transgenic wheat plants containing the gene encoding snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin; GNA) under the control of constitutive and phloem-specific promoters were generated through the particle bombardment method. Thirty-two independently derived plants were subjected to molecular and biochemical analyses. Transgene integration varied from one to twelve estimated copies per haploid genome, and levels of GNA expression from 0 to ca. 0.2% of total soluble protein were observed in different transgenic plants. Seven transgenic plants were selected for further study. Progeny plants from these parental transformants were selected for transgene expression, and tested for enhanced resistance to the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae) by exposing the plants to nymphal insects under glasshouse conditions. Bioassay results show that transgenic wheat plants from lines expressing GNA at levels greater than ca. 0.04% of total soluble protein decrease the fecundity, but not the survival, of grain aphids. We propose that transgenic approaches using insecticidal genes such as gna in combination with integrated pest management present promising opportunities for the control of damaging wheat pests.  相似文献   

Constitutive promoters are widely used to functionally characterise plant genes in transgenic plants, but their lack of specificity and poor control over protein expression can be a major disadvantage. On the other hand, promoters that provide precise regulation of temporal or spatial transgene expression facilitate such studies by targeting over-expression or knockdown of target genes to specific tissues and/or at particular developmental stages. Here, we used the uidA (beta-glucuronidase, GUS) reporter gene to demonstrate that the barley Hvhsp17 gene promoter can be induced by heat treatment of 38-40 °C for 1-2 h in transgenic wheat. The GUS enzyme was expressed only in those tissues directly exposed to heat and not in neighbouring leaf tissues. The induction of HSP::GUS was demonstrated in all organs and tissues tested, but expression in older tissues was lower. Generally, proximal root sections showed less GUS activity than in root tips. This heat-inducible promoter provides the ability to investigate the function of candidate genes by overexpression or by down-regulation of target gene expression (for example by RNAi) in selected tissues or developmental stages of a transgenic plant, limited only by the ability to apply a heat shock to the selected tissues. It also allows the investigation of genes that would be lethal or reduce fertility if expressed constitutively.  相似文献   

Interleukin 12 (IL-12) is a key heterodimeric cytokine produced by a variety of antigen-presenting cells, including dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells. It displays a potent array of biological activities affecting natural killer (NK) and T cells. These activities include promotion of cell-mediated or type 1 T helper cell responses (Th1). Due to that property, IL-12 has been employed in cancer immunotherapy, in mouse models of infectious diseases and in airway inflammation, and it may also have utility as a vaccine adjuvant. Transgenic plants are being used in many laboratories around the world for the production of therapeutically valuable proteins and as vehicles for oral vaccines. Here we present the expression of a single-chain human interleukin-12 in transgenic tobacco plants. The biological activity of plant-produced IL-12 was determined by interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production by natural killer (NK) cells, and the level of production was comparable to that obtained with commercially available recombinant IL-12. The potential use of this recombinant protein is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison of the photoregulation of development has been made for etiolated and light-grown plants of wild-type (WT) tobacco (Nicotiana tabacun L.) and an isogenic transgenic line which expresses an introduced oat phytochrome gene (phyA) under the control of a constitutive viral promoter. Etiolated seedlings of both the WT and transgenic line showed irradiance-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl growth under continuous far-red (FR) light; transgenic seedlings showed a greater level of inhibition under a given fluence rate and this is considered to be the result of the heterologous phytochrome protein (PhyA) functioning in a compatible manner with the native etiolated phytochrome. Deetiolation of WT seedlings resulted in a loss of responsiveness to prolonged FR. Light-grown transgenic seedlings, however, continued to respond in an irradiance-dependent manner to prolonged FR and it is proposed that this is a specific function of the constitutive PhyA. Mature green plants of the WT and transgenic lines showed a qualitatively similar growth promotion to a brief end-of-day FR-treatment but this response was abolished in the transgenic plants under prolonged irradiation by this same FR source. Growth inhibition (McCormac et al. 1991, Planta 185, 162–170) and enhanced levels of nitrate-reductase activity under irradiance of low red:far-red ratio, as achieved by the FR-supplementation of white light, emphasised that the introduced PhyA was eliciting an aberrant mode of photoresponse compared with the normal phytochrome population of light-grown plants. Total levels of the oat-encoded phytochrome in the etiolated transgenic tobacco were shown to be influenced by the wavelength of continuous irradiation in a manner which was qualitatively similar to that seen for the native, etiolated tobacco phytochrome, and distinct from that seen in etiolated oat tissues. These results are discussed in terms of the proposal that the constitutive oat-PhyA pool in the transgenic plants leads to a persistence of a mode of response normally restricted to the situation in etiolated plants.Abbreviations FR far-red light - R red light - WL white light - WL + FR white light supplemented with FR - HIR high-irradiance response - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pr, Pfr R- and FR-absorbing forms of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome - phyA (PhyA) gene (encoded protein) for phytochrome - WT wild type This work was supported by an Agricultural and Food Research Council research grant to H.S. and A.M.; J.R. Cherry and R.D. Vierstra, (Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) are thanked for the provision of the transgenic tobacco line.  相似文献   

Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in the USA. Atrazine chlorohydrolase (AtzA), the first enzyme in a six-step pathway leading to the mineralization of atrazine in Gram-negative soil bacteria, catalyses the hydrolytic dechlorination and detoxification of atrazine to hydroxyatrazine. In this study, we investigated the potential use of transgenic plants expressing atzA to take up, dechlorinate and detoxify atrazine. Alfalfa, Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco were transformed with a modified bacterial atzA gene, p-atzA, under the control of the cassava vein mosaic virus promoter. All transgenic plant species actively expressed p-atzA and grew over a wide range of atrazine concentrations. Thin layer chromatography analyses indicated that in planta expression of p-atzA resulted in the production of hydroxyatrazine. Hydroponically grown transgenic tobacco and alfalfa dechlorinated atrazine to hydroxyatrazine in leaves, stems and roots. Moreover, p-atzA was found to be useful as a conditional-positive selection system to isolate alfalfa and Arabidopsis transformants following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Our work suggests that the in planta expression of p-atzA may be useful for the development of plants for the phytoremediation of atrazine-contaminated soils and soil water, and as a marker gene to select for the integration of exogenous DNA into the plant genome.  相似文献   

Transgenic birds are commonly used for time-lapse imaging and fate mapping studies in developmental biology. When researchers use transgenic birds expressing fluorescent protein, they need to understand the integration site of the transgene in the genome and the intensity of fluorescence in the tissues of interest. In this study, we determined the integration site of the transgene and fluorescence property of developing organs in our transgenic chicken line generated by lentivirus infection. The transgene was localized between exons 3 and 4 of MED27. Some homozygotes and heterozygotes appeared to be lethal at early embryonic stages. We performed histological analysis of EGFP expression in transgenic embryos at St. 14, 17, and 24 by immunohistochemistry with anti-GFP antibody on paraffin sections. Next, we cut cryosections and quantified direct EGFP intensity from the transgene in each tissue without performing immunohistochemistry. These results revealed that EGFP intensity in each tissue was unique in developing embryos and changed according to developmental stages. Finally, we demonstrated that EGFP-expressing cells in a micromass culture with co-culturing wild-type cells were clearly distinguishable via live cell imaging. These results provide essential information on the potential of our transgenic line and indicate that these transgenic chicken lines are useful for research associated with developmental biology.  相似文献   

A co-injection strategy was employed to improve the efficiency of integration of a poorly integrating but commercially important growth hormone gene construct in tilapia. Its co-injection with a reporter gene construct of higher integration efficiency yielded a threefold increase in the integration efficiency of the growth hormone gene construct. In addition, out of 13 transgenic founder tilapia generated, three transmitted the transgenes to G1 and G2 progeny with expected Mendelian inheritance ratios in the G2 generation. We also observed expression of both constructs in a number of founder and G1/G2 individuals. Evidence is provided for the co-ligation of the two constructs and we suggest that this accounts for the increased integration efficiency of growth hormone gene construct and its successful transmission and expression, thus generating lines of novel growth hormone expressing tilapia  相似文献   

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