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棉蚜微卫星DNA的克隆及其多态性检测   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
微卫星DNA (microsatelliteDNA)是由 2~ 6bp核苷酸序列组成的简单串联重复序列 ,广泛存在于基因组的间隔顺序和内含子等非编码区。由于其高度的多态性 ,呈共显性遗传 ,并且其多态性可用PCR技术结合电泳被检测出来 ,且可克服DNA多位点方法 (如RAPD及DNA指纹图等 )中把来自不同位点但具有相同大小的等位基因混淆等优点 ,使其已成为生物群体遗传结构与变异及彼此关系研究中的一种极有价值的分子遗传标记工具。棉蚜Aphisgossypii是一种重要的农业害虫 ,其寄主广 ,且季节分化明显。目前已记载…  相似文献   

真核生物中的微卫星及其应用   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:68  
何平HE  Ping 《遗传》1998,20(4):42-47
真核生物中的微卫星及其应用何平(中国科学院遗传研究所,北京100101)Abundance,PolymorphismandApplicationsofMicrosateliteinEukaryoteHEPing(InstituteofGenetics...  相似文献   

微卫星多态性检测技术及其在保护遗传学中的应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
微卫星是一种新型的分子遗传标记,具有只需极少量样品即可进行PCR扩增等优点,使之极其适合于保护遗传化学研究。阐释了微卫星的结构、微卫星多态检测技术的原理,简要论述了微卫生多态检测技术的优点及其应用,并介绍了一种分离动物微卫星位点的富集方法。  相似文献   

小鼠39个微卫星的PCR条件及其运用   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
目的探索小鼠基因组39个微卫星的PCR条件,评价微卫星在小鼠遗传检测中的运用.方法采用梯度法探索39个微卫星的PCR条件;选择本中心不同来源及引种时间的C57BL/6、BALB/c、DBA/2J、CBA/N、FVB/NJ、ICR共6个品系(8个组)小鼠,每组采用10只个体的鼠尾,提取DNA并混合成DNA池,用39个微卫星扩增后电泳观察、比较种系纯度.结果小鼠微卫星的PCR条件差异较大,Mg2+浓度多数在1.5 mmol/L左右,退火温度多数在59℃左右.在6个品系小鼠的39个微卫星位点中,C57BL/6、BALB/c、DBA/2J都是纯合的; 其余品系有1~3个杂合位点. BALB/c在D5Mitl68、D8Mit320、D13Mit262三个位点,DBA/2J在D14Mit205位点与数据库记录有差异.结论本研究为小鼠39个微卫星提供了候选的PCR条件,并对6个品系小鼠的微卫星概貌及微卫星的运用价值进行了探讨.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA及其PCR技术的进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
微卫星DNA是一种最常见的重复序列之一,具丰富的多态性,高度杂合性、重组率低等优点,是一种较好的DNA多态标记。本着重介绍了微卫星DNA的特点,其PCR技术新进展及出现的问题。  相似文献   

目的筛选用于封闭群小型猪遗传检测的微卫星位点。方法从资料和GenBank中选取扩增效果好、等位基因多、均匀分布于小型猪18条常染色体和X染色体上的100个微卫星位点,合成引物,对封闭群小型猪基因组进行PCR扩增及条件优化。PCR产物采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和STR扫描技术进行分析和比较,选择多态性好的位点。结果筛选出32个分布于不同染色体且等位基因多的微卫星位点。结论筛选出了应用于封闭群小型猪遗传检测的微卫星位点。  相似文献   

微卫星及其应用   总被引:53,自引:7,他引:53  
微卫星是广泛分布于真核生物基因组中的短串联重复序列(1-5bp),具有突变速率快、多态性高等特性,已被广泛应用于生物遗传作图、群体遗传研究、个体间亲缘关系鉴定等方面。简要论述了微卫星的突变、位点的分离、数据的收集、在生物学中的应用及其存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

微卫星方法简介   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
80年代以来,分子生物学技术与方法已成为进化生物学、保护遗传学、生态学等诸多领域非常重要和崭新的研究工具。而摆在人们面前可供选择的分子生物学方法又有许多种,如同工酶(alozymes)、限制性片断长度多态性(RistrictionFragmentLe...  相似文献   

微卫星标记技术一出现,就以其独特的优点引起了动物遗传育种学家的广泛关注,显示出较好的应用前景。本文就微卫星标记的特点及其在动物遗传育种中的应用作以综述。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记技术及其在遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
微卫星DNA的高突变率、中性、共湿性及其在真核基因组中的普遍性,使其成为居群遗传学研究、种质资源鉴定、亲缘关系分析和图谱构建的优越的分子标记。本研究系统介绍了微卫星DNA在结构和功能上的特点,并对微卫星DNA标记技术应用的遗传学机理和一般方法进行了扼要的阐述。另外,本研究还探讨了微卫星DNA标记技术在遗传多样性研究中的应用现状,并进一步提出其发展前景。  相似文献   

谭聃  欧铜 《生物工程学报》2022,38(9):3121-3130
Sanger测序法,又称第一代测序技术,作为测序金标准推动了人类基因组“工作框架图”的绘制,但通量低、成本高的缺点限制了其进一步大规模应用。第二代测序技术,又称下一代测序技术,因其通量高、成本低等优点使得基因测序在基础研究与临床诊疗中得到广泛应用,但短读长一直是其不可回避的技术短板。第三代测序技术的出现,因其具有长读长优势,为基因序列上复杂重复区域解析与高质量基因组组装提供了新的技术手段。近年来,第三代测序技术进一步发展与完善,同时在肿瘤、免疫、生殖等相关领域逐步体现出临床应用价值。本文将综述第三代测序技术的研究进展与临床应用。  相似文献   

微卫星(SSR)是以1~6个碱基为重复单位组成的简单串联重复序列,具有丰度高、多态性高、共显性遗传、选择中性和可重复性好等优点。微卫星标记技术可分为三种类型:基于杂交的SSR指纹,基于PCR的SSR指纹和单位点SSR的PCR扩增。前两者不需要知道基因组序列信息,属于多位点标记;后者则需要前期工作,属于单位点标记,即通常所指的微卫星标记。到目前为止,共在14种蚜中筛选到141个微卫星位点,并发表了相关的引物序列,这给今后的相关研究提供了丰富的共享资源。业已证明微卫星引物在邻近种之间有一定的通用性。微卫星标记严格遵守孟德尔遗传规律,已经被用来推断某些蚜虫有性生殖的情况。同种蚜虫中可能同时存在有性系和无性系,微卫星研究证明有性系比无性系有更高的遗传多样性,无性系通常表现出杂合过剩和连锁不平衡。蚜虫的迁飞规律适合用微卫星标记加以研究,已有的研究显示在具有高度迁飞特性的种类中,地理种群间的遗传分化程度低,基因频率的相似性高。存在广泛分布的相同的多位点基因型是迁飞性蚜虫的另一个重要特征。在我国,微卫星应用于蚜虫生物学研究的工作还较少,鉴于该种标记的优良特性和巨大的潜力,本文建议今后相关的研究应该首先考虑微卫星标记。  相似文献   

Abstract Twenty-seven sets of simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were developed through hybridizing of (CA)n, (CT)n and (GT)n and sequencing the positive clones in libraries constructed by using p50 silkworm strain. Of those primer pairs, 26 sets of SSR primers amplified well in two regional wild silkworm strains. Ten domesticated silkworm strains and two regional wild silkworm strains were used for comparing the polymorphisms and for constructing a phylogenetic tree employing the UPGAM method. The result showed that the genetic distances within Japanese strains are closer than those of Chinese strains. And this result also implies that Japanese strains diverged from domesticated silkworm later than Chinese strains. According to the clustering result, the domesticated silkworm is firstly clustered in one class, but could be classified into two groups. Within a strain, the individual polymorphism of wild silkworm was significantly higher in abundance than those of domesticated silkworm. The S SR primers of domesticated silkworm could be used in genetic studies for wild silkworm.  相似文献   

Microsatellite analysis of population structure in Canadian polar bears   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Attempts to study the genetic population structure of large mammals are often hampered by the low levels of genetic variation observed in these species. Polar bears have particularly low levels of genetic variation with the result that their genetic population structure has been intractable. We describe the use of eight hypervariable microsatellite loci to study the genetic relationships between four Canadian polar bear populations: the northern Beaufort Sea, southern Beaufort Sea, western Hudson Bay, and Davis Strait - Labrador Sea. These markers detected considerable genetic variation, with average heterozygosity near 60% within each population. Interpopulation differences in allele frequency distribution were significant between all pairs of populations, including two adjacent populations in the Beaufort Sea. Measures of genetic distance reflect the geographic distribution of populations, but also suggest patterns of gene flow which are not obvious from geography and may reflect movement patterns of these animals. Distribution of variation is sufficiently different between the Beaufort Sea populations and the two more eastern ones that the region of origin for a given sample can be predicted based on its expected genotype frequency using an assignment test. These data indicate that gene flow between local populations is restricted despite the long-distance seasonal movements undertaken by polar bears.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记作为一种多态性和稳定性高、重复性好、呈共显性的分子遗传标记技术,目前已被广泛应用于昆虫学的研究中。本文介绍了微卫星DNA标记的基本原理和特点,并综述了近年来该技术在昆虫种群遗传结构及分化、生物学特性与习性、遗传图谱的构建、基因定位以及系统发生等领域中的应用。  相似文献   

曹国军  邵宁生 《生命科学》2008,20(2):183-189
RNA技术可以分为RNA基础研究相关的技术、RNA应用相关的技术和RNA的生物信息学技术。RNA基础研究相关技术包括RNA分离纯化和鉴定技术、RNA与其他生物大分子相互作用技术、RNA高级结构的研究技术和其他相关RNA技术;RNA应用相关技术则包括用于生产其他产品的RNA技术和直接用于药物开发的RNA技术;RNA的生物信息学技术则有各种数据库、非编码RNA的预测、RNA二级结构预测和各种设计软件。本文简略介绍了上述各类RNA技术的原理及其国内外研究进展,从而有助于对RNA领域有关技术方面有一较全面的了解。  相似文献   

Most cashmere goats are found in northern China and Mongolia. They are regarded as precious resources for their production of high quality natural fibre for the textile industry. It was the first time that the genetic diversity and population structure of nine Chinese cashmere populations has been assessed using 14 ISAG/FAO microsatellite markers. In addition, two Iranian populations and one West African goat population were genotyped for comparison. Results indicated that the genetic diversity of Chinese cashmere goats was rich, but less than those of the Iranian goat populations. All pairwise FST values between the Chinese cashmere goat populations reached a highly significant level (P < 0.001), suggesting that they should all be considered as separate breeds. Finally, clustering analysis divided Chinese cashmere goats into at least two clusters, with the Tibetan Hegu goats alone in one cluster. An extensive admixture was detected among the Chinese goat breeds (except the Hegu), which have important implications for breeding management.  相似文献   

Newman RA  Squire T 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(5):1087-1100
We investigated genetic population structure in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) from a series of Prairie Pothole wetlands in the northern Great Plains. Amphibians are often thought to exist in demographic metapopulations, which require some movement between populations, yet genetic studies have revealed strong subdivision among populations, even at relatively fine scales (several km). Wood frogs are highly philopatric and studies of dispersal suggest that they may exhibit subdivision on a scale of approximately 1-2 km. We used microsatellites to examine population structure among 11 breeding assemblages separated by as little as 50 m up to approximately 5.5 km, plus one population separated from the others by 20 km. We found evidence for differentiation at the largest distances we examined and among a few neighbouring ponds, but most populations were strikingly similar in allele frequencies, suggesting high gene flow among all but the most distant populations. We hypothesize that the few significant differences among neighbouring populations at the finest scale may be a transient effect of extinction-recolonization founder events, driven by periodic drying of wetlands in this hydrologically dynamic landscape.  相似文献   

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