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Position specific binding of a monoclonal antibody in chick limb buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To analyze the molecular mechanism of the limb pattern formation, we have tried to make monoclonal antibodies against antigens from chick limb buds. We obtained one antibody named AV-1 which recognized a specific region of chick limb buds. AV-1 reacted with the distal portion of the anteroventral mesoderm of only developmentally early chick limb buds. Grafts of ZPA region tissue to an anterior site in an embryonic chick wing bud resulted in mirror-image dupliction of the AV-1 antigen region. These data show the possibility that this antigen plays some role in the limb pattern formation. This is the first evidence that a position specific substance really exists in developmentally early limb buds in which the pattern has been considered to be unspecified.  相似文献   

Protease nexin 1 (Pn-1) or glia derived nexin is a secreted protease inhibitor. By screening a chick embryonic cDNA library, we isolated Pn-1 cDNA and analyzed its expression pattern during development by in situ hybridization. Pn-1 was first observed at HH-stage 3 in the primitive pit. At HH-stage 7, expression was observed in the medial part of the neural folds and asymmetrically in the right lateral plate mesoderm and at the left side of Hensen's node. At HH-stage 10-11, Pn-1 was expressed in the closing neural tube, lateral plate mesoderm and paraxial head mesoderm. From HH-stage 12 onwards, expression was observed caudally in the lateral plate mesoderm and cranially in the Wolffian duct. At the level of the compartmentalized somite, expression was seen in the sclerotome. Pn-1 was also expressed in the anterior wall of the pharynx and still in the paraxial head mesoderm. At HH-stage 15, the expression in the Wolffian duct remained caudally while the expression in the sclerotome extended along the whole body axis. A stronger expression was observed in the cranial four somites. From HH-stage 17-18 onwards, expression became visible in the mesenchyme of the developing limb buds. At these stages, expression was no longer observed in the Wolffian duct. At HH-stage 36, Pn-1 was expressed in the vertebral bodies, in the neural tube, and in the metanephros.  相似文献   

To determine whether transitions occur in the types of collagen synthesized during embryonic chick limb development, the α chain composition of the collagens produced by whole limbs and various anatomical regions of limbs was analyzed at different stages (23–24 to 40). The tissues were incubated in the presence of 3H-proline and 3H-lysine and the α chain distribution of the purified, labeled collagens was determined by chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose columns. We found that the stage 23–24 leg mesenchyme is producing predominantly, if not solely, an (α1)2α2 type collagen (chain type as yet undetermined). At about stage 25–26 the limb core begins synthesizing detectable amounts of (α1)3 collagen, which we presume to be cartilage type collagen, [α1 (II)]3, while the outer portion of the limb largely continues to produce (α1)2α2. The production of (α1)3 collagen in the core progressively increases until, by stage 33 it is the only species detectable in the tibial diaphysis. Shortly thereafter (by stage 35+–36) (α1)2α2 type collagen reappears in the tibial diaphysis signifying the production of bone collagen, [α1 (I)]2α2. During the next several days of incubation, the relative proportion of (α1)2α2 increases in the bony diaphysis while (α1)3 remains the predominant species synthesized in the cartilaginous epiphysis.  相似文献   

Homeoproteins have been shown to be expressed in a position-specific manner along the anterior-posterior axis in the developing chick feather bud, as seen also in the developing limb bud. These facts raise the possibility that there may be common mechanistic features in the establishment of the anterior-posterior polarity between both organs. In order to investigate this possibility, feather bud tissues were transplanted into the anterior region of limb buds to determine whether feather bud tissues possess properties such as the zone of polarizing activity of the limb bud. The manipulated limb bud formed a mirror image duplication of the skeletal elements, mainly (2)2234 digit pattern or sometimes 3(2)234. Both the anterior and posterior halves of feather bud tissue exhibited almost equal activity in inducing ectopic skeletal elements. Hox d-12 and Hox a-13 were expressed coordinately around the transplanted site of the operated limb bud. This secondary axis-inducing activity of the feather bud was enhanced when grafts were pretreated with trypsin. In contrast, the presumptive feather bud tissue and inter-feather bud tissue did not induce a secondary axis of the limb bud. These results suggest that the feather bud contains a region that exerts polarizing activity and that this region may play key roles in the formation of the anterior-posterior and, if it exists, proximal-distal axis of the feather bud, possibly via the regulation of region specific expression of Hox genes.  相似文献   

In the developing chick leg bud, massive programmed cell death occurs in the interdigital region. Previously, we reported the inhibition of cell death by separation of the interdigital region from neighboring digit cartilage. In this study, we examined the relationship between cell death and cartilaginous tissue in vitro. First, cell fate was observed with DiI that was used to examine cell movement in the distal tip of leg bud. Labeled cells in the prospective digital region were distributed only in the distal region as a narrow band, while cells in the prospective interdigital region expanded widely in the interdigit. In coculture of monolayer cells and a cell pellet tending to differentiate into cartilage, monolayer cells migrated into the cell pellet. These results suggested that digit cartilage tends to recruit neighboring cells into the cartilage during limb development. Next, we observed the relationship between cell death and chondrogenesis in monolayer culture. Apoptotic cell death that could be detected by TUNEL occurred in regions between cartilaginous nodules in mesenchymal cell culture. More apoptotic cell death was detected in the cell culture of leg bud mesenchyme of stage 25/26 than that of leg bud mesenchyme of stage 22 or that of stage 28. The most developed cartilaginous nodules were observed in the cell culture of stage 25/26. Finally, we observed Bmp expression in vitro and in vivo. Bmp-2, Bmp-4 and Bmp-7 were detected around the cartilage nodules. When the interdigit was separated from neighboring digit cartilage, Bmp-4 expression disappeared near the cut region but remained near the digit cartilage. This correlation between cell death and cartilaginous region suggests that cartilage tissue can induce apoptotic cell death in the developing chick limb bud due to cell migration accompanying chondrogenesis and Bmp expression.  相似文献   

Electroporation is a powerful tool with which to study limb development. Limb development, however, remains an intricate series of events, requiring the precise dissection of developmental processes using relevant transgenes. In this review, we describe the anatomy of the limb field as the basis of targeted electroporation, and specific expression vectors are discussed. We share a useful protocol for electroporation of chick limb buds, and the expression pattern of enhanced green fluorescent protein in the limb buds is used to demonstrate relevant embryonic patterning. Finally, useful trouble-shooting techniques are described.  相似文献   

A method of carrying out grafts of early embryonic chick limb buds to the chick chorio-allantoic membrane is described which greatly reduces the time required for the procedure, demands a low level of manipulative skill, and does not require any complex media or equipment. A processing schedule which renders cartilage elements visible in whole mount and which can be completed in three hours, rather than the usual period of several days, is also described. Together, these improvements make it very much easier to use the technique as a class practical for large groups of students. Some implications that might be drawn from the results are indicated.  相似文献   

Homeobox genes play a key role in specifying the segmented body plan of Drosophila, and recent work suggests that at least several homeobox genes may play a regulatory role during vertebrate limb morphogenesis. We have used degenerate oligonucleotide primers from highly conserved domains in the homeobox motif to amplify homeobox gene segments from chick embryo limb bud cDNAs using the polymerase chain reaction. Expression of a large number of homeobox genes (at least 17) is detected using this approach. One of these genes contains a novel homeobox loosely related to the Drosophila Abdominal B class, and was further analyzed by determining its complete coding sequence and evaluating its expression during embryogenesis by in situ hybridization. Based on sequence and expression patterns, we have designated this gene as Ghox 4.7 and believe that it is the chick homologue of the murine Hox 4.7 gene (formerly Hox 5.6). Ghox 4.7 is expressed primarily in limb buds during development and shows a striking spatial restriction to the posterior zone of the limb bud, suggesting a role in specifying anterior-posterior pattern formation. In chick, this gene also displays differences in expression between wing and leg buds, raising the possibility that it may participate in specifying limb-type identity.  相似文献   

The glycosaminoglycan hyaluronate (HA) appears to play an important role in limb cartilage differentiation. The large amount of extracellular HA accumulated by prechondrogenic mesenchymal cells may prevent the cell-cell and/or cell-matrix interactions necessary to trigger chondrogenesis, and the removal of extracellular HA may be essential to initiate the crucial cellular condensation process that triggers cartilage differentiation. It has generally been assumed that HA turnover during chondrogenesis is controlled by the activity of the enzyme hyaluronidase (HAase). In the present study we have performed a temporal and spatial analysis of HAase activity during the progression of limb development and cartilage differentiation in vivo. We have separated embryonic chick wing buds at several stages of development into well-defined regions along the proximodistal axis in which cells are in different phases of differentiation, and we have examined HAase activity in each region. We have found that HAase activity is clearly detectable in undifferentiated wing buds at stage 18/19, which is shortly following the formation of a morphologically distinct limb bud rudiment, and remains relatively constant throughout subsequent stages of development through stage 27/28, at which time well-differentiated cartilage rudiments are present. Moreover, HAase activity in the prechondrogenic distal subridge regions of the limb at stages 22/23 and 25 is just as high as, or even slightly higher than, it is in proximal central core regions where condensation and cartilage differentiation are progressing. We have also found that limb bud HAase is active between pH 2.2 and 4.5 and is inactive above pH 5.0. This suggests that limb HAase is a lysosomal enzyme and that extracellular HA would have to be internalized to be degraded. These results indicate that the onset of chondrogenesis is not associated with the appearance or increase in activity of HAase. We suggest that possibility that HA turnover may be regulated by the binding and endocytosis of extracellular HA in preparation for its intracellular degradation by lysosomal HAase. Finally, we have found that the apical ectodermal ridge (AER)-containing distal limb bud ectoderm possesses a relatively high HAase activity. We suggest the possibility that a high HAase activity in the AER may ensure a rapid turnover and remodeling of the disorganized HA-rich basal lamina of the AER that might be essential for limb outgrowth.  相似文献   

This study describes the temporal pattern of posterior positional identity in mouse limb bud cells. To do this wedges of tissue from the posterior edge of mouse limb buds at various stages (limb stages: Wanek et al., 1989b. J. Exp. Zool. 249, 41-49) were grafted to the anterior edge of a host chick embryo wing bud. Grafts of mouse posterior cells are able to induce the formation of supernumerary digits every time when they are taken from buds from stage 3 through stage 6. At stage 7, the frequency declines and by stage 8 the chick cells no longer respond. The results indicate a change in tissue properties at stage 7, which progresses by stage 8 to the point at which posterior positional identity is no longer detectable by this assay. These temporal changes in this aspect of limb pattern formation can be used as an additional criterion to guide the identification of genes involved in the specification of posterior positional identity.  相似文献   

Most models for the specification of the skeletal elements in the developing limb bud are based on a chemical specification well before overt cartilage differentiation. By contrast, a physico-mechanical model proposes that the process of condensation--an early feature of cartilage differentiation--is itself the basis for patterning the elements. The models thus make quite different predictions as to when the rudiments are specified. Double anterior limb buds have been constructed at stages earlier than condensation, with the expectation that, if specification of the humerus occurs before cartilage condensation, then limbs containing two humeri should develop, since the presumptive humerus lies largely in the anterior region. The development of anterior and posterior parts, on their own, was in general, consistent with the fate map; both developed a humerus that was thinner than normal. Double anterior limbs developed two humeri in 28% of cases and a much thicker humerus in 39%. These results strongly support models based on an early specification of limb rudiments and cannot be accounted for by the physical model. Double anterior limbs in which the two parts were from different stages, developed such that a digit 3 could lie adjacent to the radius, giving further striking evidence for early specification and local autonomy of development.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the distally retreating source of Scatter factor/Hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF) can account for the distal migration of myogenic precursor cells in the limb bud mesenchyme. However, the normal expression pattern of Sf/Hgf alone does not explain the distribution of muscle precursor cells. Hence, the position of the dorsal and ventral premuscle masses suggests the presence of additional patterning factors. We present evidence that BMP2 and 4 can act as such factors by inhibiting the expression of Tcf4, a downstream element of the canonical Wnt pathway. The normal position of muscle cells depends on the correct distribution of BMP and SF/HGF throughout the limb bud mesenchyme. Removal or inhibition of the BMP signals within the limb margins leads to a shift in position resulting in the fusion of the dorsal and ventral premuscle masses towards the manipulated areas. In the absence of BMPs, mispositioning requires the presence of SF/HGF. Consequently, ectopic application of exogenous SF/HGF in the presence of BMP signals does not change muscle positioning. We conclude that correct positioning of the premuscle masses in the limb buds is controlled by the combined influence of SF/HGF signals--guiding cells mainly in the proximo-distal axis--and BMP signals that restrict the positioning to the dorsal and ventral central portions of the limb buds.  相似文献   

While parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin (CT), and certain prostaglandins (PGs) are known to regulate the metabolism of both osteogenic and osteolytic cells of the adult skeleton through an adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate-dependent mechanism, little is known about the development of this hormonally mediated response in embryonic skeletal tissues. In the present study, the responsiveness of embryonic skeletal elements to PTH and PGE2 was examined during various stages of development utilizing cAMP concentrations as an indicator of hormone-receptor interaction. The cytology of the limb skeletal system was examined also at each stage tested in order to compare the differentiated cellular phenotypes with their hormonal responsiveness. Prior to differentiation of cartilaginous elements in developing limb buds (stage 20-21), cells were responsive to PGE2 and epinephrine (EPI) but not to PTH. The first consistent response to PTH occurred coincident with the initial differentiation of the cartilage phenotype in limb buds (stage 24-25). A responsiveness to both PTH and PGE2 was progressively increased as maturation of cartilaginous and osteogenic elements occurred (stage 26-35). The initial response to CT was detected within cartilage rods in which osteogenic cells had differentiated (stage 33-35). The results of this study indicate that PGE2-sensitive cells exist within the developing limb prior to cytodifferentiation. The development of PTH responsiveness within embryonic chick limb buds is correlated with the onset of both chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

In chick limb buds, mesenchymal cells of the progress zone (PZ-cells) at different developmental stages segregate one from the other in mixed cell cultures, suggesting they have different cell affinity. In order to learn the possible roles of such differences in the cells, two heterotypic leg PZ-cell populations (cells from stages 25/26 and 20/21) in vitro were juxtaposed to allow them to form the boundary. A method with double cylindrical columns was used to make adjoining monolayer cell cultures. It was shown that heterotypic juxtaposition produced two chondrogenic patterns along the boundary: aggregates of chondrocytes formed by stage 20/21 PZ-cells and a chondrocyte-free band formed by those at stage 25/26. Juxtaposition of PZ-cells and proximal cells also formed these patterns, while that between cells from anterior and posterior PZ formed indistinct patterns along the boundary. Homotypic PZ-cell juxtaposition did not produce these patterns. The results suggest that different cell affinity has a role in the segmentation of cartilage patterns at a point along the proximodistal axis, as well as a role in retaining cells in one area so as not to be recruited to other condensation areas.  相似文献   

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