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Signal peptide peptidase A (SppA) is a membrane-bound self-compartmentalized serine protease that functions to cleave the remnant signal peptides left behind after protein secretion and cleavage by signal peptidases. SppA is found in plants, archaea and bacteria. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a Gram-positive bacterial SppA. The 2.4-Å-resolution structure of Bacillus subtilis SppA (SppABS) catalytic domain reveals eight SppABS molecules in the asymmetric unit, forming a dome-shaped octameric complex. The octameric state of SppABS is supported by analytical size-exclusion chromatography and multi-angle light scattering analysis. Our sequence analysis, mutagenesis and activity assays are consistent with Ser147 serving as the nucleophile and Lys199 serving as the general base; however, they are located in different region of the protein, more than 29 Å apart. Only upon assembling the octamer do the serine and lysine come within close proximity, with neighboring protomers each providing one-half of the catalytic dyad, thus producing eight separate active sites within the complex, twice the number seen within Escherichia coli SppA (SppAEC). The SppABS S1 substrate specificity pocket is deep, narrow and hydrophobic, but with a polar bottom. The S3 pocket, which is constructed from two neighboring proteins, is shallower, wider and more polar than the S1 pocket. A comparison of these pockets to those seen in SppAEC reveals a significant difference in the size and shape of the S1 pocket, which we show is reflected in the repertoire of peptides the enzymes are capable of cleaving.  相似文献   

Class Ib ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) use a dimanganese-tyrosyl radical cofactor, Mn(III)(2)-Y(?), in their homodimeric NrdF (β2) subunit to initiate reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. The structure of the Mn(II)(2) form of NrdF is an important component in understanding O(2)-mediated formation of the active metallocofactor, a subject of much interest because a unique flavodoxin, NrdI, is required for cofactor assembly. Biochemical studies and sequence alignments suggest that NrdF and NrdI proteins diverge into three phylogenetically distinct groups. The only crystal structure to date of a NrdF with a fully ordered and occupied dimanganese site is that of Escherichia coli Mn(II)(2)-NrdF, prototypical of the enzymes from actinobacteria and proteobacteria. Here we report the 1.9 ? resolution crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis Mn(II)(2)-NrdF, representative of the enzymes from a second group, from Bacillus and Staphylococcus. The structures of the metal clusters in the β2 dimer are distinct from those observed in E. coli Mn(II)(2)-NrdF. These differences illustrate the key role that solvent molecules and protein residues in the second coordination sphere of the Mn(II)(2) cluster play in determining conformations of carboxylate residues at the metal sites and demonstrate that diverse coordination geometries are capable of serving as starting points for Mn(III)(2)-Y(?) cofactor assembly in class Ib RNRs.  相似文献   

The type I signal peptidase SipS of Bacillus subtilis is of major importance for the processing of secretory precursor proteins. In the present studies, we have investigated possible mechanisms of thermal inactivation of five temperature-sensitive SipS mutants. The results demonstrate that two of these mutants, L74A and Y81A, are structurally stable but strongly impaired in catalytic activity at 48 degrees C, showing the (unprecedented) involvement of the conserved leucine 74 and tyrosine 81 residues in the catalytic reaction of type I signal peptidases. This conclusion is supported by the crystal structure of the homologous signal peptidase of Escherichia coli (Paetzel, M., Dalbey, R. E., and Strynadka, N. C. J. (1998) Nature 396, 186-190). In contrast, the SipS mutant proteins R84A, R84H, and D146A were inactivated by proteolytic degradation, indicating that the conserved arginine 84 and aspartic acid 146 residues are required to obtain a protease-resistant conformation. The cell wall-bound protease WprA was shown to be involved in the degradation of SipS D146A, which is in accord with the fact that SipS has a large extracytoplasmic domain. As WprA was not involved in the degradation of the SipS mutant proteins R84A and R84H, we conclude that multiple proteases are responsible for the thermal inactivation of temperature-sensitive SipS mutants.  相似文献   

The lsp gene of Escherichia coli encodes the inner membrane enzyme, signal peptidase II (SPase II). SPase II is comprised of 164 amino acid residues and contains four hydrophobic domains. A series of lsp-phoA and lsp-lacZ gene fusions have been constructed in vitro to determine the topology of SPase II. The fusion junction for each of these gene fusions was determined by DNA sequencing. The lengths of the SPase II fragment in the fusions varied from 12 to 159 amino acid residues. Strains containing SPase II-PhoA fusions to the two predicted periplasmic loops exhibited higher levels of alkaline phosphatase activity than fusions to the predicted cytoplasmic domains. In contrast, SPase II-LacZ fusions at the cytoplasmic and the periplasmic domains of SPase II showed high and low levels of beta-galactosidase activity, respectively, a result opposite to those shown by SPase II-PhoA fusions located at precisely the same amino acid of SPase II. Taken together, these results strongly support the predicted model for SPase II topology, i.e. this enzyme spans the cytoplasmic membrane four times with both the amino and the carboxyl termini facing the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of Bacillus subtilis N7 alpha-amylase has been performed to evaluate the roles of the active site residues in catalysis and to prepare an inactive catalytic-site mutant that can form a stable complex with natural substrates. Mutation of Asp-176, Glu-208, and Asp-269 to their amide forms resulted in over a 15,000-fold reduction of its specific activity, but all the mutants retained considerable substrate-binding abilities as estimated by gel electrophoresis in the presence of soluble starch. Conversion of His-180 to Asn resulted in a 20-fold reduction of kcat with a 5-fold increase in Km for a maltopentaose derivative. The relative affinities for acarbose vs. maltopentaose were also compared between the mutants and wild-type enzyme. The results are consistent with the roles previously proposed in Taka-amylase A and porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase based on their X-ray crystallographic analyses, although different pairs had been assigned as catalytic residues for each enzyme. Analysis of the residual activity of the catalytic-site mutants by gel electrophoresis has suggested that it derived from the wild-type enzyme contaminating the mutant preparations, which could be removed by use of an acarbose affinity column; thus, these mutants are completely devoid of activity. The affinity-purified mutant proteins should be useful for elucidating the complete picture of the interaction of this enzyme with starch.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidases are integral membrane proteins that function to remove signal peptides from secreted and membrane proteins. These enzymes carry out catalysis using a serine/lysine dyad instead of the prototypical serine/histidine/aspartic acid triad found in most serine proteases. Site-directed scanning mutagenesis was used to obtain a qualitative assessment of which residues in the fifth conserved region, Box E, of the Escherichia coli signal peptidase I are critical for maintaining a functional enzyme. First, we find that there is no requirement for activity for a salt bridge between the invariant Asp-273 and the Arg-146 residues. In addition, we show that the conserved Ser-278 is required for optimal activity as well as conserved salt bridge partners Asp-280 and Arg-282. Finally, Gly-272 is essential for signal peptidase I activity, consistent with it being located within van der Waals proximity to Ser-278 and general base Lys-145 side-chain atoms. We propose that replacement of the hydrogen side chain of Gly-272 with a methyl group results in steric crowding, perturbation of the active site conformation, and specifically, disruption of the Ser-90/Lys-145 hydrogen bond. A refined model is proposed for the catalytic dyad mechanism of signal peptidase I in which the general base Lys-145 is positioned by Ser-278, which in turn is held in place by Asp-280.  相似文献   

Signal peptidases (SPases) remove signal peptides from secretory proteins. The sipS (signal peptidase of subtilis) gene, which encodes an SPase of Bacillus subtilis, was cloned in Escherichia coli and was also found to be active in E.coli. Its overproduction in B.subtilis resulted in increased rates of processing of a hybrid beta-lactamase precursor. The SipS protein consisted of 184 amino acids (mol. wt 21 kDa). The protein showed sequence similarity with the leader peptidases of E.coli and Salmonella typhimurium, and the mitochondrial inner membrane protease I of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Patterns of conserved amino acids present in these four proteins were also detected in the Sec11 subunit of the SPase complex of S.cerevisiae and the 18 and 21 kDa subunits of the canine SPase complex. Knowledge of the sequence of SipS was essential for the detection of these similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic SPases. The data suggest that these proteins, which have analogous functions, belong to one class of enzymes, the type I SPases.  相似文献   

Soluble forms of Bacillus signal peptidases which lack their unique amino-terminal membrane anchor are prone to degradation, which precludes their high-level production in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Here, we show that the degradation of soluble forms of the Bacillus signal peptidase SipS is largely due to self-cleavage. First, catalytically inactive soluble forms of this signal peptidase were not prone to degradation; in fact, these mutant proteins were produced at very high levels in E. coli. Second, the purified active soluble form of SipS displayed self-cleavage in vitro. Third, as determined by N-terminal sequencing, at least one of the sites of self-cleavage (between Ser15 and Met16 of the truncated enzyme) strongly resembles a typical signal peptidase cleavage site. Self-cleavage at the latter position results in complete inactivation of the enzyme, as Ser15 forms a catalytic dyad with Lys55. Ironically, self-cleavage between Ser15 and Met16 cannot be prevented by mutagenesis of Gly13 and Ser15, which conform to the -1, -3 rule for signal peptidase recognition, because these residues are critical for signal peptidase activity.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is a ribonucleoprotein that requires magnesium ions to catalyze the 5' maturation of transfer RNA. To identify interactions essential for catalysis, the properties of RNase P containing single sulfur substitutions for nonbridging phosphodiester oxygens in helix P4 of Bacillus subtilis RNase P were analyzed using transient kinetic experiments. Sulfur substitution at the nonbridging oxygens of the phosphodiester bond of nucleotide U51 only modestly affects catalysis. However, phosphorothioate substitutions at A49 and G50 decrease the cleavage rate constant enormously (300-4,000-fold for P RNA and 500-15,000-fold for RNase P holoenzyme) in magnesium without affecting the affinity of pre-tRNA(Asp), highlighting the importance of this region for catalysis. Furthermore, addition of manganese enhances pre-tRNA cleavage catalyzed by B. subtilis RNase P RNA containing an Sp phosphorothioate modification at A49, as observed for Escherichia coli P RNA [Christian et al., RNA, 2000, 6:511-519], suggesting that an essential metal ion may be coordinated at this site. In contrast, no manganese rescue is observed for the A49 Sp phosphorothioate modification in RNase P holoenzyme. These differential manganese rescue effects, along with affinity cleavage, suggest that the protein component may interact with a metal ion bound near A49 in helix P4 of P RNA.  相似文献   

Primosome assembly site in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
C Bruand  S D Ehrlich    L Jannière 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(11):2642-2650
A single-strand initiation site was detected on the Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pAM beta 1 by its ability to prevent accumulation of single stranded DNA of a rolling circle plasmid, both in Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. This site, designated ssiA, is located on the lagging strand template, approximately 150 bp downstream from the replication origin. ssiA priming activity requires the DnaE primase, the DnaC replication fork helicase, as well as the products of the dnaB, dnaD and dnaI genes of B.subtilis, but not the RNA polymerase. The primase and the replication fork helicase requirements indicate that ssiA is a primosome assembly site. Interestingly, the pAM beta 1 lagging strand synthesis is inefficient when any of the proteins involved in ssiA activity is mutated, but occurs efficiently in the absence of ssiA. This suggests that normal plasmid replication requires primosome assembly and that the primosome can assemble not only at ssiA but also elsewhere on the plasmid. This work for the first time describes a primosome in a Gram-positive bacterium. Involvement of the B.subtilis proteins DnaB, DnaD and DnaI, which do not have any known analogue in Escherichia coli, raises the possibility that primosome assembly and/or function in B.subtilis differs from that in E.coli.  相似文献   

Biofilms of microbial cells encased in an exopolymeric matrix can form on solid surfaces, but how bacteria sense a solid surface and upregulate biofilm genes is largely unknown. We investigated the role of the Bacillus subtilis signal peptidase, SipW, which has a unique role in forming biofilms on a solid surface and is not required at an air-liquid interface. Surprisingly, we found that the signal peptidase activity of SipW was not required for solid-surface biofilms. Furthermore, a SipW mutant protein was constructed that lacks the ability to form a solid-surface biofilm but still retains signal peptidase activity. Through genetic and gene expression tests, the non-signal peptidase role of SipW was found to activate biofilm matrix genes specifically when cells were on a solid surface. These data provide the first evidence that a signal peptidase is bifunctional and that SipW has a regulatory role in addition to its role as a signal peptidase.  相似文献   

Mammalian and Escherichia coli succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and E. coli fumarate reductase apparently contain an essential cysteine residue at the active site, as shown by substrate-protectable inactivation with thiol-specific reagents. Bacillus subtilis SDH was found to be resistant to this type of reagent and contains an alanine residue at the amino acid position equivalent to the only invariant cysteine in the flavoprotein subunit of E. coli succinate oxidoreductases. Substitution of this alanine, at position 252 in the flavoprotein subunit of B. subtilis SDH, by cysteine resulted in an enzyme sensitive to thiol-specific reagents and protectable by substrate. Other biochemical properties of the redesigned SDH were similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. It is concluded that the invariant cysteine in the flavoprotein of E. coli succinate oxidoreductases corresponds to the active site thiol. However, this cysteine is most likely not essential for succinate oxidation and seemingly lacks an assignable specific function. An invariant arginine in juxtaposition to Ala-252 in the flavoprotein of B. subtilis SDH, and to the invariant cysteine in the E. coli homologous enzymes, is probably essential for substrate binding.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, prolipoprotein signal peptidase is encoded by the lsp gene, which is organized into an operon consisting of ileS, lsp, and three open reading frames, designated genes x, orf-149, and orf-316. The Enterobacter aerogenes lsp gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The nucleotide sequence of the Enterobacter aerogenes lsp gene and a part of its flanking sequences were determined. A high degree of homology was found between the E. coli ileS-lsp operon and the corresponding genes in Enterobacter aerogenes. Furthermore, the same five genes which constitute an operon in E. coli were found in Enterobacter aerogenes in the same order.  相似文献   

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