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Consumption of a high energy diet, containing high amounts of saturated fat and refined sugar has been associated with impairment of cognitive function in rodents and humans. We sought to contrast the effect of a high fat/cholesterol, low carbohydrate diet and a low fat, high carbohydrate/sucrose diet, relative to a standard low fat, high carbohydrate minipig diet on spatial cognition with regards to working memory and reference memory in 24 male Göttingen minipigs performing in a spatial hole-board discrimination test. We found that both working memory and reference memory were impaired by both diets relative to a standard minipig diet high in carbohydrate, low in fat and sugar. The different diets did not impact levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in brain tissue and neither did they affect circulatory inflammation measured by concentrations of C-reactive protein and haptoglobin in serum. However, higher levels of triglycerides were observed for minipigs fed the diets with high fat/cholesterol, low carbohydrate and low fat, high carbohydrate/sucrose compared to minipigs fed a standard minipig diet. This might explain the observed impairments in spatial cognition. These findings suggest that high dietary intake of both fat and sugar may impair spatial cognition which could be relevant for mental functioning in humans.  相似文献   



A crucial question for understanding sentence comprehension is the openness of syntactic and semantic processes for other sources of information. Using event-related potentials in a dual task paradigm, we had previously found that sentence processing takes into consideration task relevant sentence-external semantic but not syntactic information. In that study, internal and external information both varied within the same linguistic domain—either semantic or syntactic. Here we investigated whether across-domain sentence-external information would impact within-sentence processing.


In one condition, adjectives within visually presented sentences of the structure [Det]-[Noun]-[Adjective]-[Verb] were semantically correct or incorrect. Simultaneously with the noun, auditory adjectives were presented that morphosyntactically matched or mismatched the visual adjectives with respect to gender.


As expected, semantic violations within the sentence elicited N400 and P600 components in the ERP. However, these components were not modulated by syntactic matching of the sentence-external auditory adjective. In a second condition, syntactic within-sentence correctness-variations were combined with semantic matching variations between the auditory and the visual adjective. Here, syntactic within-sentence violations elicited a LAN and a P600 that did not interact with semantic matching of the auditory adjective. However, semantic mismatching of the latter elicited a frontocentral positivity, presumably related to an increase in discourse level complexity.


The current findings underscore the open versus algorithmic nature of semantic and syntactic processing, respectively, during sentence comprehension.  相似文献   

Larvae and imagos of bees rely exclusively on floral rewards as a food source but host-plant range can vary greatly among bee species. While oligolectic species forage on pollen from a single family of host plants, polylectic bees, such as bumblebees, collect pollen from many families of plants. These polylectic species contend with interspecific variability in essential nutrients of their host-plants but we have only a limited understanding of the way in which chemicals and chemical combinations influence bee development and feeding behaviour. In this paper, we investigated five different pollen diets (Calluna vulgaris, Cistus sp., Cytisus scoparius, Salix caprea and Sorbus aucuparia) to determine how their chemical content affected bumblebee colony development and pollen/syrup collection. Three compounds were used to characterise pollen content: polypeptides, amino acids and sterols. Several parameters were used to determine the impact of diet on micro-colonies: (i) Number and weight of larvae (total and mean weight of larvae), (ii) weight of pollen collected, (iii) pollen efficacy (total weight of larvae divided by weight of the pollen collected) and (iv) syrup collection. Our results show that pollen collection is similar regardless of chemical variation in pollen diet while syrup collection is variable. Micro-colonies fed on S. aucuparia and C. scoparius pollen produced larger larvae (i.e. better mates and winter survivors) and fed less on nectar compared to the other diets. Pollen from both of these species contains 24-methylenecholesterol and high concentrations of polypeptides/total amino acids. This pollen nutritional “theme” seems therefore to promote worker reproduction in B. terrestris micro-colonies and could be linked to high fitness for queenright colonies. As workers are able to selectively forage on pollen of high chemical quality, plants may be evolutionarily selected for their pollen content, which might attract and increase the degree of fidelity of generalist pollinators, such as bumblebees.  相似文献   

Communities are complex and dynamic systems that change with time. The first attempts to explain how they were structured involve contemporary phenomena like ecological interactions between species (e.g., competition and predation) and led to the competition-predation hypothesis. Recently, the deep history hypothesis has emerged, which suggests that profound differences in the evolutionary history of organisms resulted in a number of ecological features that remain largely on species that are part of existing communities. Nevertheless, both phylogenetic structure and ecological interactions can act together to determine the structure of a community. Because diet is one of the main niche axes, in this study we evaluated, for the first time, the impact of ecological and phylogenetic factors on the diet of Neotropical snakes from the subtropical-temperate region of South America. Additionally, we studied their relationship with morphological and environmental aspects to understand the natural history and ecology of this community. A canonical phylogenetical ordination analysis showed that phylogeny explained most of the variation in diet, whereas ecological characters explained very little of this variation. Furthermore, some snakes that shared the habitat showed some degree of diet convergence, in accordance with the competition-predation hypothesis, although phylogeny remained the major determinant in structuring this community. The clade with the greatest variability was the subfamily Dipsadinae, whose members had a very different type of diet, based on soft-bodied invertebrates. Our results are consistent with the deep history hypothesis, and we suggest that the community under study has a deep phylogenetic effect that explains most of the variation in the diet.  相似文献   

Strong negative reactions, physical symptoms, and behavioral disruptions due to environmental odors are common in the adult population. We investigated relationships among such environmental chemosensory responsivity (CR), personality traits, affective states, and odor perception. Study 1 showed that CR and neuroticism were positively correlated in a sample of young adults (n = 101), suggesting that persons high in neuroticism respond more negatively to environmental odors. Study 2 explored the relationships among CR, noise responsivity (NR), neuroticism, and odor perception (i.e., pleasantness and intensity) in a subset of participants (n = 40). High CR was associated with high NR. Regression analyses indicated that high CR predicted higher odor intensity ratings and low olfactory threshold (high sensitivity) predicted lower pleasantness ratings. However, neuroticism was not directly associated with odor ratings or thresholds. Overall, the results suggest that CR and odor thresholds predict perceptual ratings of odors and that high CR is associated with nonchemosensory affective traits.  相似文献   

Marine studies on herbivory have addressed the role of algae as food and shelter for small consumers, but the potential of benthic cyanobacteria to play similar roles is largely unknown. Here, feeding preferences were measured for eight invertebrate consumers from Guam, offered four common macroalgae and two cyanobacteria. The survivorship of another consumer raised on either macroalgae or cyanobacteria was also assessed. From the choices offered, the sacoglossans Elysia rufescens and E. ornata consumed the green macroalga Bryopsis pennata. The crab Menaethius monoceros preferred the red alga Acanthophora spicifera. The amphipods Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio consumed macroalgae and cyanobacteria in equivalent amounts, with C. imbroglio showing less selectivity among diets. In contrast to these patterns, in these assays the gastropods Stylocheilus striatus, Haminoea cymbalum, H. ovalis, and Haminoea sp. fed exclusively, or survived only, on cyanobacteria. Preferences for different cyanobacteria varied. Field surveys of cyanobacteria-associated species yielded 34 different invertebrate taxa and suggested different degrees of specificity in these associations. Tropical mesograzers exploit considerably different food resources, with some species adapted to consume cyanobacterial mats. Benthic cyanobacteria may play important roles as food and shelter for marine consumers and may indirectly influence local biodiversity through their associated fauna.  相似文献   

The performance of herbivorous insects is related to the locations of defenses and nutrients found in the different plant organs on which they feed. In this context, the females of herbivorous insect species select certain parts of the plant where their offspring can develop well. In addition, their offspring can adapt to plant defenses. A system where these ecological relationships can be studied occurs in the specialist herbivore, Tuta absoluta, on tomato plants. In our experiments we evaluated: (i) the performance of the herbivore T. absoluta in relation to the tomato plant parts on which their offspring had fed, (ii) the spatial distribution of the insect stages on the plant canopy and (iii) the larval resistance to starvation and their walking speed at different instar stages. We found that the T. absoluta females preferred to lay their eggs in the tomato plant parts where their offspring had greater chances of success. We verified that the T. absoluta females laid their eggs on both sides of the leaves to better exploit resources. We also observed that the older larvae (3rd and 4th instars) moved to the most nutritious parts of the plant, thus increasing their performance. The T. absoluta females and offspring (larvae) were capable of identifying plant sites where their chances of better performance were higher. Additionally, their offspring (larvae) spread across the plant to better exploit the available plant nutrients. These behavioral strategies of T. absoluta facilitate improvement in their performance after acquiring better resources, which help reduce their mortality by preventing the stimulation of plant defense compounds and the action of natural enemies.  相似文献   

We examined changes in dry weight and leaf area within Dactylisglomerata L. plants using allometric analysis to determine whetherobserved patterns were truly affected by [CO2] and N supplyor merely reflect ontogenetic drift. Plants were grown hydroponicallyat four concentrations of in controlled environment cabinets at ambient (360 µll–1) or elevated (680 µl l–1) atmospheric[CO2]. Both CO2and N enrichment stimulated net dry matter production.Allometric analyses revealed that [CO2] did not affect partitioningof dry matter between shoot and root at high N supply. However,at low N supply there was a transient increase in dry matterpartitioning into the shoot at elevated compared to ambient[CO2] during early stages of growth, which is inconsistent withpredictions based on optimal partitioning theory. In contrast,dry matter partitioning was affected by N supply throughoutontogeny, such that at low N supply dry matter was preferentiallyallocated to roots, which is in agreement with optimal partitioningtheory. Independent of N supply, atmospheric CO2enrichment resultedin a reduction in leaf area ratio (LAR), solely due to a decreasein specific leaf area (SLA), when plants of the same age werecompared. However, [CO2] did not affect allometric coefficientsrelating dry weight and leaf area, and effects of elevated [CO2]on LAR and SLA were the result of an early, transient stimulationof whole plant and leaf dry weight, compared to leaf area production.We conclude that elevated [CO2], in contrast to N supply, changesallocation patterns only transiently during early stages ofgrowth, if at all. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Allometric growth, carbon dioxide enrichment, Cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata L., dry weight partitioning, leaf area ratio, nitrogen supply, shoot:root ratio, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Using the case of endocrine disrupter effects on male fertility, we explored how communicating uncertainty influences the credibility of the information that laypeople receive from scientists and how laypeople form judgments about the relationship between uncertainty and credibility. We found that laypeople assess the credibility of scientific information—whether or not it is accompanied by uncertainty—by referencing their “science model” and using non-scientific references (i.e., situations encountered in one's daily life, information received from other sources, one's own observations of the world, and one's education or professional experience). Scientific credibility is a mixture of (sometimes contradictory) considerations along these different axes. Previous studies have found that some scientists assume that communicating uncertainty will lower public credibility of science. Our results contradict this assumption for situations in which academic scientists communicate uncertainty, which is perceived as additional knowledge bringing a new perspective on certain information. People expect scientists to provide practical solutions and feel disillusionment when scientists lack straight answers. However, they accepted uncertainty as an intrinsic characteristic of science and a consequence of the limits to human beings’ capacity to understand the world. Further, the low credibility of industry scientists is further reinforced when they communicate uncertainty.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show a variety of serious behavioural abnormalities, some of which have been considered as possible signs of compromised mental health. The provision of environmental enrichments aimed at reducing the performance of abnormal behaviours is increasing the norm, with the housing of individuals in (semi-)natural social groups thought to be the most successful of these. Only a few quantitative studies of abnormal behaviour have been conducted, however, particularly for the captive population held in zoological collections. Consequently, a clear picture of the level of abnormal behaviour in zoo-living chimpanzees is lacking. METHODS: We present preliminary findings from a detailed observational study of the behaviour of 40 socially-housed zoo-living chimpanzees from six collections in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We determined the prevalence, diversity, frequency, and duration of abnormal behaviour from 1200 hours of continuous behavioural data collected by focal animal sampling. RESULTS, CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Our overall finding was that abnormal behaviour was present in all sampled individuals across six independent groups of zoo-living chimpanzees, despite the differences between these groups in size, composition, housing, etc. We found substantial variation between individuals in the frequency and duration of abnormal behaviour, but all individuals engaged in at least some abnormal behaviour and variation across individuals could not be explained by sex, age, rearing history or background (defined as prior housing conditions). Our data support a conclusion that, while most behaviour of zoo-living chimpanzees is 'normal' in that it is typical of their wild counterparts, abnormal behaviour is endemic in this population despite enrichment efforts. We suggest there is an urgent need to understand how the chimpanzee mind copes with captivity, an issue with both scientific and welfare implications.  相似文献   

Abstract The response of grasslands to disturbance varies with the nature of the disturbance and the productivity of the landscape. In highly productive grasslands, competitive exclusion often results in decreased species richness and grazing may allow more species to coexist. Once widespread, grasslands dominated by Dichanthium sericeum (Queensland bluegrass) and Astrebla spp. (Mitchell grass) occur on fertile plains but have been reduced in extent by cultivation. We tested the effects of exclusion of livestock grazing on these grasslands by comparing the floristic composition of sites in a nature reserve with an adjacent stock reserve. In addition, sites that had been cultivated within the nature reserve were compared with those where grazing but no cultivation had occurred. To partition the effects of temporal variation from spatial variation we sampled sites in three different years (1998, 2002 and 2004). Some 194 taxa were recorded at the nature reserve and surrounding stock routes. Sampling time, the occurrence of past cultivation and livestock grazing all influenced species composition. Species richness varied greatly between sampling periods relating to highly variable rainfall and water availability on heavy clay soils. Native species richness was significantly lower at previously cultivated sites (13–22 years after cultivation), but was not significantly influenced by grazing exclusion. After 8 years it appears that reintroducing disturbance in the form of livestock grazing is not necessary to maintain plant species richness in the reserve. The highly variable climate (e.g. droughts) probably plays an important role in the coexistence of species by negating competitive exclusion and allowing interstitial species to persist.  相似文献   

Is stunning prevented by ischemic preconditioning?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a model of global ischemia in the isolated perfused rat heart, a 20-min ischemic period followed by 30 min of reperfusion induces a decrease in isovolumic developed pressure (LVDP) and +dP/dtmax to 61 ± 6% and 61 ± 7% of baseline, respectively. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) increases to 36 ± 4 mmHg at the end of the reperfusion period. No significant necrotic area as assessed by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) was detected at the end of the reperfusion period. By an immunohistochemical method using antiactin monoclonal antibodies 10.8 ± 1.9% of unstained cells were detected in the stunned hearts and 10.3 ± 1.2% in control hearts. Preceding the ischemic episode with a cycle of 5 min of ischemia followed by 10 min of reperfusion (ischemic preconditioning) protected contractile function. LVDP and +dP/dtmax now stabilized at 89 ± 5% and 94 ± 5% of baseline respectively. LVEDP was 20 ± 2 mmHg at the end of the reperfusion period. The protection of contractile dysfunction after 20 min of ischemia was achieved also by early reperfusion of low Ca2+-low pH perfusate. With this intervention LVDP stabilized at 87 ± 5% of baseline. LVEDP was 12 ± 2 mmHg at the end of the reperfusion period. A positive inotropic intervention induced by a modified postextrasystolic potentiation protocol at the end of the reperfusion period increases LVDP to levels higher than baseline in the stunned hearts. However, these values were less than those obtained in control hearts. Ischemic preconditioning significantly increased the maximal inotropic response. Therefore, ischemic preconditioning diminishes the contractile dysfunction of early stunning.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding is known as the most efficient way to prevent infectious disease in early life. Maternal anti-microbial immunoglobulins transfer through milk confers passive immunity to the breastfed child while his immune system is maturing. Maternal milk also contains bioactive factors that will stimulate this maturation. From the literature on breastfeeding prevention of immune-mediated disease and more specifically from our experiments conducted in the field of allergic disease prevention, we propose that breastfeeding may also induce antigen-specific immune responses in the breastfed child. We found that early oral antigen exposure through breast milk leads to tolerance or immune priming depending on the nature of the antigen transferred and accompanying maternal milk cofactors. Here, we will discuss our data in the light of prevention of infectious disease and will propose that possible milk transfer of microbial antigen could affect actively the immune response in breastfed children and thereby their long-term susceptibility to infectious disease. Further research in this direction may lead to novel strategies of early life vaccination, taking advantage of the possibility to stimulate antigen-specific immune responses through breast milk.  相似文献   



To investigate if diet quality is related to incidence of cardiovascular (CV) events.

Subjects and Methods

A diet quality index based on the 2005 Swedish Nutrition Recommendations and the Swedish Dietary Guidelines was created and included six dietary components: saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish and shellfish, dietary fiber, fruit and vegetables, and sucrose. The index ranked 17126 participants (59% women) of the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort (Sweden) on their dietary intakes. Total index score was categorized as low, medium or high. Cox proportional hazard regression was used to model associations between index score categories and index components with risk of incident CV events, with adjustment for potential confounders. The incidence of first CV events (non-fatal or fatal myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke or death from ischemic heart disease) was monitored from baseline (1991–1996) until December 31, 2008; 703 CV events occurred in women and 1093 in men.


A high diet quality was associated with decreased risk of CV events when compared to a low diet quality. In multivariate analysis, the risk reduction was 32% (hazard ratio = 0.68, 95% confidence interval: 0.49–0.73) in men and 27% (hazard ratio = 0.73, 95% confidence interval: 0.59–0.91) in women. When examined separately and mutually adjusted for each other, the individual components were either not associated with CV risk or marginally decreased risks were seen.


High quality diets in line with current recommendations may reduce the risk of CV events. This study illustrates the importance of considering a combination of dietary factors when evaluating diet-disease associations.  相似文献   

Vanadium compounds exhibit effective hypoglycemic activity in both type I and type II diabetes mellitus. However, there was one argument that the hypoglycemic action of vanadium compounds could be attributable to the suppression of feeding—one common toxic aspect of vanadium compounds. To clarify this question, we investigated in this work the effect of a vanadyl complex, BSOV (bis((5-hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-pyran-2-yl)methyl-2-hydroxy-benzoatato) oxovanadium (IV)), on diabetic obese (db/db) mice at a low dose (0.05 mmol/kg/day) when BSOV did not inhibit feeding. The experimental results showed that this dose of BSOV effectively normalized the blood glucose level in diabetic mice without affecting the body weight growth. Western blotting assays on the white adipose tissue of db/db mice further indicated that BSOV treatment significantly improved expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and activated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In addition, vanadium treatment caused a significant suppression of phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK), which plays a key role in insulin-resistance in type II diabetes. This is the first evidence that the mechanism of insulin enhancement action involves interaction of vanadium compounds with JNK. Overall, the present work indicated that vanadium compounds exhibit antidiabetic effects irrelevant to food intake suppression but by modulating the signal transductions of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

In the present work, inclusion complexes of α-terpineol (Terp) and β-cyclodextrin (BCD) were prepared by the coprecipitation method. Phase solubility studies were performed and thermodynamic parameters involved in the complex formation were calculated. The solubility of Terp increased linearly as the concentration of BCD was increased, confirming the 1:1 stoichiometry of the complex. The stability constants decreased along with increasing temperature. The negative value of the enthalpy and of the Gibbs free energy demonstrated that the process is exothermic and spontaneous. Since complexation gives more ordered systems, the negative value obtained for the entropy change evidenced the encapsulation of Terp. Terp was completely encapsulated in BCD at the preparation conditions and studied molar ratios, as confirmed in the freeze-dried samples by differential scanning calorimeter. The presence of Terp greatly modified the BCD water sorption curves, and the amount of adsorbed water was lower for the complexes. The limited water solubility of Terp could be overcome by the formation of BCD inclusion complexes, and the complexes were stable at different storage conditions (relative humidities 11–97% and 25 °C). The obtained phase solubility data are useful for food or pharmaceutical products formulation involving cyclodextrins and stability predictions.  相似文献   

Is Lamprey Metamorphosis Regulated by Thyroid Hormones?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Lampreys are one of just a few fishes which have a true (firstor first type) of metamorphosis in their life cycle. In thesea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), spontaneous metamorphosisis initiated when the size (length and weight), condition factor,and lipid stores reach appropriate levels and coincide withthe postwinter rise in water temperature. The serum levels ofthe thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3),drop dramatically at the onset of metamorphosis and metamorphosiscan be induced with treatment of animals with the goitrogen,KCIO4, which also results in a decline in serum levels of thyroidhormones. The fact that thyroid hormone treatment can blockspontaneous and induced metamorphosis is support for the viewthat thyroid hormones, particularly T3, operates like a juvenilehormone in lamprey metamorphosis; this view is counter to therole of thyroid hormones in metamorphosis of other vertebrates.The monodeiodinase pathways, whereby T4 is converted to T3 orto the biologically inactive reverse T3, and even further degradationof T3, may be a significant mechanism directing metamorphicchange. Lamprey metamorphosis is facultative in that it is initiatedor inhibited depending upon the coordination of a complex integrationof environmental, metabolic and hormonal cues. Thyroid hormonesdo not regulate lamprey metamorphosis in the sense observedin other vertebrate metamorphoses but they are important tothe developmental process. Some of the features of the involvementof thyroid hormones in lamprey metamorphosis may be relatedto the presence of the endostyle in larvae which in turn reflectsthe ancient origins of this vertebrate and perhaps the conservationof an ancient method of induction of metamorphosis. Some cluefor other factors which initiate lamprey metamorphosis may comethrough the examination of inducers of metamorphosis in lowerchordates  相似文献   

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