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Entomological Review - Altogether, 59 ant species from 22 genera of 4 subfamilies have been recorded in Kyiv. Four of them are occasionally introduced species which occur only in premises heated in...  相似文献   

Ant imprints, new and previously known, from Middle Miocene deposits near Kerch (Crimean Peninsula, Russia) are described or redescribed. A new Myrmicinae species, Solenopsis atavinus sp. nov., is described based on a wingless female. A winged female similar to the earlier described Dolichoderus tauricus Dlussky, 1981 is found: due to the excellent preservation of this specimen, the new specimen and the holotype of D. tauricus are redescribed and can be reclassified as Ponerites tauricus (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. Oecophylla taurica sp. nov. is described based on a partly preserved imprint of a female thorax with a forewing, the venation of which allows it to be positively identified as a weaver ant. Two other species are transferred from the formal genus Camponotites to Oecophylla based on forewing venation: O. kraussei (Dlussky et Rasnitsyn, 1999), comb. nov. (Early Eocene, United States) and O. macroptera (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. (Middle Miocene, Stavropol, Russia). One of the studied forewing imprints is similar in venation to Paraphaenogaster microphthalmus Dlussky, 1981, described from the Middle Miocene of Vishnevaya Balka (Stavropol province, Russia) and so is attributed to this species. Dolichoderus tavridus sp. nov. is described based on a forewing.  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data of the mitochondrial COI gene confirms the species status of the recently described Lasius austriacus. The five haplotypes of L. austriacus do not cluster according to their geographic origin, indicating a recent gene flow among the populations. The molecular data corroborate the morphology based hypothesis that L. austriacus belongs to the Lasius (Lasius s.str.) brunneus group. The invasive species Lasius neglectus forms a sister taxon with L. turcicus, both next related to L. austriacus. Other phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lasius are in accordance with morphological data.First data on the bionomics of L. austriacus are discussed in context with its phylogenetic position. Based on gyne and male morphology, excavations of nests, pitfall trapping and observations in formicaries, we hypothesize that L. austriacus is a mainly hypogaeic, monogynous species with nuptial flight. These are characters of the Lasius brunneus group in general, except the polygynous-polycalic, intranidally copulating L. neglectus. Aggression tests, however, revealed non-aggressive behaviour (antennation) between separated L. austriacus populations, but pronounced interspecific aggression against L. neglectus. This confirms the species status of L. austriacus and indicates a reduced level of intraspecific aggression, similar to L. neglectus.The status of L. austriacus as a native species in Central Europe is confirmed.Received 10 February 2003; revised 24 June 2003; accepted 23 July 2003.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of nine Japanese ants in three subfamilies (Ponerinae, Formicinae, and Myrmicinae) were successfully analysed by the improved squash technique. Three ponerine species had 2n=7 and n=4 (Ponera scabra), 2n=22 (Brachyponera sinensis), and 2n=28 and n=14 (Cryptopone sauteri). Four formicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Camponotus sp. and C. tokioensis), 2n=26 and n=13 (Camponotus japonicus), and 2n=30 and n=15 (Lasius niger). Two myrmicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Leptothorax congruus), and 2n=37, 38, 39, and n=17, 18, 19, 20 (Pheidole nodus). It was found that the variation of chromosome number observed in P. nodus was caused by Robertsonian type polymorphism.  相似文献   

Embodied, situated and enactive aspects of relationships of polistine wasps with ants are considered within the framework of the theory of autopoiesis. The idea of the embodied interaction implies specific nestbuilding and protective behavior in polistine wasps. The paper examines the adaptive role of applying ant repellent on the petiole and nest and the latitude gradient of such behavior in re-social wasp species. The situated interaction is considered in the environmental context: the mortality of Polistes gallicus (L.) colonies as a result of predatory attacks of ants Myrmica bergi Ruzsky is analyzed in the Lower Dnieper basin (Ukraine). The enactive interaction includes both spontaneous autonomous activity of its participants as a result of self-organization and specific features of the spatial structure of the prey’s population forming under the impact of the predator. The applicability of some “predator-prey” models is discussed.  相似文献   


A review is given of the state of knowledge of the 16 or more species of the ant tribe Leptothoracini that are known to occur in Turkey, together with a map of the published records and a list of new finds.  相似文献   

We collected four solitary queens of the invasive ant Anoplolepis gracilipes under stones in East Java, Indonesia. They produced nanitic workers by claustral colony foundation. This is the first report of independent colony foundation by queens in this species. The discovery may give an important insight into discussion on the origin of this invasive ant.  相似文献   

云南紫胶虫与粗纹举腹蚁之间的互利关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确云南紫胶虫Kerria yunnanensis和粗纹举腹蚁Crematogaster macaoensis之间的相互作用关系, 于2009年4月至2010年10月, 在云南省墨江县雅邑乡紫胶种植园, 结合野外调查和室内试验对比研究了粗纹举腹蚁取食人工食物、 云南紫胶虫排泄的蜜露和无食物的3种处理下粗纹举腹蚁个体体重和存活率的变化, 以及在粗纹举腹蚁垄断蜜露、 自然条件下和无蚂蚁照顾的3种处理下云南紫胶虫个体怀卵量、 虫体大小、 死亡率和生活史周期的变化。结果显示: 云南紫胶虫排泄的蜜露是一种高质量的食物资源, 能够稳定增加粗纹举腹蚁工蚁的体重百分比[人工食物(44.55%)>蜜露(25.81%)>无食物(-4.13%)] (F(2,54)=18.81; P<0.01), 并提高其存活率[人工食物(85.78%)>蜜露(82.48%)>无食物(78.74%)] (F(2,55)=7.31; P<0.01)。粗纹举腹蚁取食蜜露的同时, 有利于增加单位面积上云南紫胶虫的雌虫数量[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(80.81%)>自然状态(75.55%)>无蚂蚁照顾(75.33%)] (F(2,143)=54.08; P<0.01), 提高云南紫胶虫的个体怀卵量[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(401.85粒)>自然状态(395.73粒)>无蚂蚁照顾(353.34粒)] (F(2,144)=4.82; P<0.01), 降低云南紫胶虫的死亡率[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(89.42%)<自然状态(89.78%)<无蚂蚁照顾(90.82%)] (F(2,146)=3.45; P<0.05); 云南紫胶虫虫体有变小的趋势[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(12.92 mm2)<自然状态(13.04 mm2)<无蚂蚁照顾(14.90 mm2)] (F(2,147)=10.88; P<0.01), 生活史周期变长[蚂蚁垄断蜜露(203.96 d)>无蚂蚁照顾(202.85 d)>自然状态(200.00 d)] (F(2,71)=19.77; P<0.01), 提示粗纹举腹蚁取食蜜露增加了云南紫胶虫的代谢压力。结果说明, 以蜜露为纽带的粗纹举腹蚁和云南紫胶虫之间的相互作用关系是兼性互利的。  相似文献   

The present catalogue of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Bulgaria is made on a base of critical reconsideration of literature (covering the period from 1892 till 2009 and part of 2010) as well as on examination of the authors' and several museum's collections. A lot of data were omitted in the previous Bulgarian monograph on ants, lots of new data were recently added and many important additions and alterations were made due to taxonomic revisions of Eurasian Formicidae during the last three decades. Two new species are reported for the country [Temnothorax graecus (Forel, 1911) and Temnothorax cf. korbi (Emery, 1924)].This catalogue contains a list of 163 ant species belonging to 40 genera of 6 subfamilies now known from Bulgaria. Synonyms and information on the previously reported names in relevant publications are given. Known localities of the species are grouped by geographic regions. Maps with concrete localities or regions for each species were prepared. The conservation status of 13 ant species is given as they are included in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Bulgarian Biodiversity Act. In comparison with adjacent Balkan regions the ant fauna of Bulgaria is quite rich and its core is composed of South European elements.  相似文献   

Entomo-pathogen parasites typically induce alternative ”parasitogenic” phenotypes in ants and other insects. However, the basis of generated developmental changes is poorly understood. Parasitic mermithid nematodes also cause the formation of three discrete and aberrant morphologies within Myrmica ants. These have been called ”worker-like” (”mermithergate”), ”intermorphic” (”gynaecoid mermithergate”) and ”gyne-like” (”mermithogyne”) and their formation has been attributed to infection of worker- and queen-presumptive larvae, respectively. In order to better understand the developmental mechanisms that lead to the formation of these alternative parasitogenic phenotypes we observed allometric patterns of parasitogenic Myrmica gallienii phenotypes in comparison with uninfected workers and gynes from the same nests. It was revealed that the three discrete morphologies of parasitogenic female phenotypes did not differ significantly from each other in their scaling indicating that these were trapped in the same developmental pathway. Infected individuals scaled according to basically gyne-like allometry, however significantly differed from workers in their scaling. Based on the observed scaling patterns we herein raise an alternative explanation according to which both ”mermithergate”, ”gynaecoid mermithergate” and ”mermithogyne” Myrmica phenotypes develop from the same type of larvae, namely from the queen-presumptive larvae and their formation, therefore, is rendered as a diverging process. According to the mechanism we propose effect of nematodes may turn out to be the determining factor in the formation of alternative parasitogenic morphologies. Received 16 June 2008; revised 15 September and 7 November 2008; accepted 18 November 2008.  相似文献   

Proceratium bhutanense De Andrade, 2003, syn. n. is here found to be conspecific with Proceratium williamsi Tiwari, 2000 and accordingly treated as a junior synonym.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of Monomorium minimum forage above-ground for dead arthropods. Small particles (<1 mg) are retrieved individually, but larger particles stimulate recruitment and are dissected by groups of workers. The recruitment pheromone originates in the Dufour's gland and the number of ants responding to a trail varies with pheromone concentration. When ants of other species are encountered at food resources, workers of M. minimum gaster-flag and extrude an irritating poison gland secretion from the sting. This chemical interference delays invasion by competitors and prolongs the period during which the colony can dissect and retrieve pieces of the food resource. M. minimum recruits at higher temperatures than sympatric ant species. The probability of interference at food baits rises from 5% to 100% when they become too large for a single worker to carry. The probability of food resource loss is higher for baits of intermediate weight (x=18.1 mg) than for those of low weight (x=0.1 mg) or high weight (x=403.1 mg).  相似文献   

Summary Most matureMyrmica rubra, M. ruginodis, M. schencki andM. sulcinodis queens lay some trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs whether reared alone or attended by workers, and regardless of season. Queen trophic eggs resemble those laid by workers. They are oval, slightly flaccid, opalescent and contain no embryo, and inM. rubra andM. schencki they are significantly smaller than reproductive eggs. Generally, queens lay their first trophic eggs later in the season than their first reproductive eggs.  相似文献   

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