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Acetylation is indispensable for p53 activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tang Y  Zhao W  Chen Y  Zhao Y  Gu W 《Cell》2008,133(4):612-626
The activation of the tumor suppressor p53 facilitates the cellular response to genotoxic stress; however, the p53 response can only be executed if its interaction with its inhibitor Mdm2 is abolished. There have been conflicting reports on the question of whether p53 posttranslational modifications, such as phosphorylation or acetylation, are essential or only play a subtle, fine-tuning role in the p53 response. Thus, it remains unclear whether p53 modification is absolutely required for its activation. We have now identified all major acetylation sites of p53. Although unacetylated p53 retains its ability to induce the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop, loss of acetylation completely abolishes p53-dependent growth arrest and apoptosis. Notably, acetylation of p53 abrogates Mdm2-mediated repression by blocking the recruitment of Mdm2 to p53-responsive promoters, which leads to p53 activation independent of its phosphorylation status. Our study identifies p53 acetylation as an indispensable event that destabilizes the p53-Mdm2 interaction and enables the p53-mediated stress response.  相似文献   

p53是细胞内最重要的抑癌蛋白质之一;细胞对p53分子功能的调控主要通过一系列翻译后修饰(PTMs)完成。其中,乙酰化修饰既可在总体水平调控p53的转录活性,又可位点特异性地调控p53依赖的转录选择性,进而精确控制p53在细胞周期阻滞、凋亡、衰老、自噬和代谢等关键生物学过程中的作用。本综述以p53乙酰化修饰研究的时间脉络为轴,首先总结了发生在p53各结构域内乙酰化修饰的建立机制,包括催化p53位点特异性乙酰化发生的乙酰基转移酶,以及各位点乙酰化修饰对p53分子功能调节的机制。其次,本综述总结了参与去除p53乙酰化修饰的关键去乙酰基酶家族,以及这些因子参与调控p53分子功能的生物学意义。同时,本文综述了能够特异性读取p53乙酰化修饰状态的识别蛋白质,以及这些识别蛋白质与p53互作,进而协同调控下游靶基因转录的分子调控网络。此外,本文概述了p53乙酰化修饰与其它类型翻译后修饰之间的“交谈”,以及这些修饰之间通过时空特异互作方式影响p53功能的分子机制。最后,本文基于p53乙酰化修饰,对肿瘤分子医学的研究前景进行讨论与展望。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that many host proteins involved in innate and intrinsic immunity are regulated by SUMOylation, and that SUMO contributes to the regulatory process that governs the initiation of the type I interferon (IFN) response. The tumor suppressor p53 is a modulator of the IFN response that plays a role in virus-induced apoptosis and in IFN-induced senescence. Here we demonstrate that IFN treatment increases the levels of SUMOylated p53 and induces cellular senescence through a process that is partially dependent upon SUMOylation of p53. Similarly, we show that vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection induces p53 SUMOylation, and that this modification favors the control of VSV replication. Thus, our study provides evidence that IFN signaling induces p53 SUMOylation, which results in the activation of a cellular senescence program and contributes to the antiviral functions of interferon.  相似文献   

P53 acetylation requires p300-docking to two contiguous sites in the activation domain that in turn mediates DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer. In an attempt to further define the mechanism of DNA-dependent acetylation of p53, an in vitro system has been reconstituted with distinct p53 isoforms and has been used to reveal conformational constraints on p53 acetylation. Two native p53 tetrameric isoforms purified from Sf9 cells differing by the extent of phosphorylation within the C-terminal acetylation site are both acetylated in a sequence-specific DNA-dependent manner. By contrast, p53 purified from an Escherichia coli expression system is in a largely denatured conformation and its acetylation is DNA-independent. Heating native p53 to destroy the folded structure restores DNA-independent acetylation similar to that seen with bacterially expressed p53. There are at least two sites of conformational flexibility in the p53 tetramer: the first in the flexible S10 beta-sheet within the MDM2 ubiquitination sequence and the second in the C-terminal regulatory domain. We analysed therefore whether DNA-dependent acetylation correlated with conformational changes in either of these two regions. DNA-dependent acetylation of p53 is maintained in a dose-dependent manner by low concentrations of consensus site DNA under conditions where flexibility in the S10 beta-sheet region is maintained. Oligonucleotide DNAs that promote acetylation stimulate the binding of monoclonal antibodies PAb421 and ICA-9; two antibodies whose contiguous epitopes overlap the C-terminal acetylation motif. By contrast, bent oligonucleotide DNAs that conceal both the S10 beta-sheet from binding of the monoclonal antibody DO-12 and attenuate binding of the monoclonal antibody PAb421 can preclude acetylation. These data suggest that, in the absence of DNA, the acetylation motif of p53 is in a cryptic state, but after DNA binding, allosteric effects mediate an exposure of the acetylation motif to allow DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer.  相似文献   

p16INK4a通过抑制CDK4/6的活性而在细胞周期进行中发挥重要的作用,研究发现,组蛋白乙酰转移酶p300能促进p16INK4a启动子活性,而组蛋白去乙酰化酶HDAC3/4能够逆转由p300介导的p16INK4a启动子活性的增加,HDAC3/4能够降低p16INK4a mRNA和蛋白质的水平.染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)实验结果表明转染p300表达质粒能够逆转由HDAC3/4介导的p16INK4a启动子组蛋白的低乙酰化状态.此外,免疫荧光实验结果表明HDAC4的核质穿梭起着重要的作用.免疫印迹和染色质免疫沉淀实验证明HDAC的抑制剂丁酸钠盐(NaBu)能通过诱导组蛋白的高乙酰化而促进p16INK4a的表达.基于这些实验结果,推测出可逆的组蛋白乙酰化参与p16INK4a基因转录调控的模型.  相似文献   

多种肿瘤的抑癌基因p53发生了突变。一种腺病毒E1B缺失体ONYX-015能够在p53突变的肿瘤细胞内有效地复制而导致痛细胞的裂解,但不能在p53正常的细胞内复制。这种p53选择性抗瘤病毒代表了一类新的抗癌武器:溶癌病毒。  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor protein is one of the key checkpoints in cellular response to a variety of stress mechanisms, including exposure to various toxic metal complexes. Previous studies have demonstrated that arsenic and chromium complexes are able to activate p53, but there is a dearth of data investigating whether uranium complexes exhibit similar effects. The use of depleted uranium (DU) has increased in recent years, raising concern about DU's potential carcinogenic effects. Previous studies have shown that uranyl acetate and uranyl nitrate are capable of inducing DNA strand breaks and potentially of inducing oxidative stress through free radical generation, two potential mechanisms for activation of p53. Based on these studies, we hypothesized that either uranyl acetate or uranyl nitrate could act as an activator of p53. We tested this hypothesis using a combination of cytotoxicity assays, p53 activity assays, western blotting and flow cytometry. All of our results demonstrate that there is not a p53-mediated response to either uranyl acetate or uranyl nitrate, demonstrating that any cellular response to uranium exposure likely occurs in a p53-independent fashion under the conditions studied.  相似文献   

Comment on: Naidu SR, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:2717-28.  相似文献   

As a genome guardian, p53 maintains genome stability by arresting cells for damage repair or inducing cell apoptosis to eliminate the damaged cells in stress response. Several nucleolar proteins stabilize p53 by interfering Mdm2–p53 interaction upon cellular stress, while other mechanisms by which nucleolar proteins activate p53 remain to be determined. Here, we identify NAT10 as a novel regulator for p53 activation. NAT10 acetylates p53 at K120 and stabilizes p53 by counteracting Mdm2 action. In addition, NAT10 promotes Mdm2 degradation with its intrinsic E3 ligase activity. After DNA damage, NAT10 translocates to nucleoplasm and activates p53‐mediated cell cycle control and apoptosis. Finally, NAT10 inhibits cell proliferation and expression of NAT10 decreases in human colorectal carcinomas. Thus, our data demonstrate that NAT10 plays a critical role in p53 activation via acetylating p53 and counteracting Mdm2 action, providing a novel pathway by which nucleolar protein activates p53 as a cellular stress sensor.  相似文献   

研究了表面活性素(surfactin)体外抗伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies Virus,PRV)效果。观察表面活性素的细胞毒性、对PRV直接灭活作用、抗PRV吸附作用及对PRV生物合成抑制作用。结果表明表面活性素对猪肾(porcinekidney,PK-15)细胞的TD50和TD0分别为31.25、4.03μg/mL;具有直接灭活PRV效果,不具有抗PRV吸附作用,对PRV生物合成无显著影响.  相似文献   

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