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A series of 33 human femoral bones have been subjected to a four point bending test at high strain rates. Two different failure modes were recognized. A Y shaped fracture at the middle region induced by a pure bending moment yielded a zone of non-linearity at the load vs deformation curve and a higher bending force, more deformation of the structure and higher strain energy to fracture compared with the less frequently occurring oblique fracture at the distal third of the structure resulting in a failure without a 'plastic' portion at the load-deformation curve. Estimated values of bending modulus and maximum bending moment based upon a simple uniform beam model showed high correlation coefficients with the experimentally determined values. Scanning electron microscopic examination of the Y fracture showed distortion and void formation of the material at the structural level. This could explain the extensive non-elastic deformation prior to failure.  相似文献   

We determined the thermal biology of the oviparous Liolaemus boulengeri and the viviparous Liolaemus lineomaculatus populations localised at high and low latitude sites in Patagonia, Argentina. We present data of body temperatures in the field (Tb) and preferred temperature in the laboratory (Tpref), micro-environmental and operative temperatures and the effectiveness of thermoregulation. Liolaemus boulengeri and L. lineomaculatus choose different heat sources for active selection of suitable thermal micro-environments for thermoregulation, and the oviparous L. boulengeri is a more effective thermoregulator (E=0.55) than the viviparous L. lineomaculatus (E=0.43). Even when L. boulengeri is a better thermoregulator and both species show identical timing in the reproductive cycles, there are constraint factors that impose limitations on the southernmost distribution of the oviparous L. boulengeri.  相似文献   

Effects of mass loading on the upper airway   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To learn how increased cervical adipose tissue might affect upper airway function, we studied effects of mass loading on upper airway dimensions, stability, and resistance. Eight rabbits were studied (anesthetized and postmortem) using lard-filled bags to simulate cervical fat accumulation. Additionally, a handheld device was used to apply measured loads at localized sites along the airway. Upper airway resistance and closing pressure (a reflection of airway stability) were determined before and after loading. Endoscopy revealed concentric narrowing of the pharynx during loading in anesthetized and postmortem preparations. Upper airway resistance was increased by mass loads, with larger loads having greater effects. Loading caused decreased airway stability as reflected by closing pressures. The area over the thyrohyoid membrane was more vulnerable to mass loading than adjacent areas. Because mass loading of the upper airway causes changes in its configuration and function similar to those seen in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA), we speculate that such loading may contribute to the pathogenesis of OSA associated with obesity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare thermoregulatory responses between upper body and lower body exercise. Nine male subjects performed 60 min of arm crank (AC) and cycle (CY) exercise at the same absolute intensity (oxygen uptake = 1.61 X min-1) and at the same relative intensity (60% of ergometer specific peak oxygen uptake) in a temperate (24 degrees C, 20% rh) environment. During the absolute intensity experiments, rectal temperature and sweating rate responses were essentially the same for both modes of exercise. In addition, no differences were found for chest, back, arm, or thigh skin temperatures, but calf skin temperature was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. During the relative intensity experiments, thermoregulatory responses were lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. In addition, we found no difference between esophageal and rectal temperature values elicited by arm crank exercise. These results indicate that the examined thermoregulatory responses are independent of the skeletal muscle mass employed and dependent upon the absolute metabolic intensity.  相似文献   

The effect of varying the body surface area being cooled by a liquid microclimate system was evaluated during exercise heat-stress conditions. Six male subjects performed a total of six exercise (O2 uptake = 1.2 l/min) tests in a hot environment (ambient temperature = 38 degrees C, relative humidity = 30%) while dressed in clothing having low moisture permeability and high insulation. Each subject completed two upper body exercise (U; arm crank) tests: 1) with only the torso surface (T) cooled; and 2) with the surfaces of both the torso and upper arms (TA) cooled [coolant temperature at the inlet (Ti) was 20 degrees C for all upper body tests]. Each subject also completed four lower body exercise (L; walking) tests: 1) with only the T cooled (Ti = 20 degrees C); 2) with only the T cooled (Ti = 26 degrees C); 3) with torso, upper arm, and thigh surface (TAT) cooled (Ti = 20 degrees C); and 4) with TAT cooled (Ti = 26 degrees C). During U exercise, TA cooling had no effects compared with cooling only T. During L exercise, sweat rates, heart rates, and rectal temperature (Tre) changes were less with TAT cooling compared with cooling only the T. Altering Ti had no effect on Tre changes, but higher heart rates were observed with 26 than with 20 degrees C. These data indicate that cooling arms during upper body exercise provides no thermoregulatory advantage, although cooling the thigh surfaces during lower body exercise does provide an advantage.  相似文献   

Douris, PC, Handrakis, JP, Gendy, J, Salama, M, Kwon, D, Brooks, R, Salama, N, and Southard, V. Fatiguing upper body aerobic exercise impairs balance. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3299-3305, 2011-There are many studies that have examined the effects of selectively fatiguing lower extremity muscle groups with various protocols, and they have all shown to impair balance. There is limited research regarding the effect of fatiguing upper extremity exercise on balance. Muscle fiber-type recruitment patterns may be responsible for the difference between balance impairments because of fatiguing aerobic and anaerobic exercise. The purpose of our study was to investigate the effect that aerobic vs. anaerobic fatigue, upper vs. lower body fatigue will have on balance, and if so, which combination will affect balance to a greater degree. Fourteen healthy subjects, 7 men and 7 women (mean age 23.5 ± 1.7 years) took part in this study. Their mean body mass index was 23.6 ± 3.2. The study used a repeated-measures design. The effect on balance was documented after the 4 fatiguing conditions: aerobic lower body (ALB), aerobic upper body (AUB), anaerobic lower body, anaerobic upper body (WUB). The aerobic conditions used an incremental protocol performed to fatigue, and the anaerobic used the Wingate protocol. Balance was measured as a single-leg stance stability score using the Biodex Balance System. A stability score for each subject was recorded immediately after each of the 4 conditions. A repeated-measures analysis of variance with the pretest score as a covariate was used to analyze the effects of the 4 fatiguing conditions on balance. There were significant differences between the 4 conditions (p = 0.001). Post hoc analysis revealed that there were significant differences between the AUB, mean score 4.98 ± 1.83, and the WUB, mean score 4.09 ± 1.42 (p = 0.014) and between AUB and ALB mean scores 4.33 ± 1.40 (p = 0.029). Normative data for single-leg stability testing for this age group are 3.9 ± 1.9. Higher scores reflect greater balance deficits. The AUB condition produced the greatest balance deficit. Our data provide evidence of the important role of the upper body in maintaining unilateral standing balance and supports its inclusion as part of rehabilitation and training protocols designed to improve balance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the removal of isopropanol by gas-phase biotrickling filtration. Two plastic packing materials, one structured and one random, have been evaluated in terms of oxygen mass transfer and isopropanol removal efficiency. Oxygen mass transfer experiments were performed at gas velocities of 104 and 312 m h?1 and liquid velocities between 3 and 33 m h?1. Both materials showed similar mass transfer coefficients up to liquid velocities of 15 m h?1. At greater liquid velocities, the structured packing exhibited greater oxygen mass transfer coefficients. Biotrickling filtration experiments were carried out at inlet loads (IL) from 20 to 65 g C m?3 h?1 and empty bed residence times (EBRT) from 14 to 160 s. To simulate typical industrial emissions, intermittent isopropanol loading (16 h/day, 5 day/week) and intermittent spraying frequency (15 min/1.5 h) were applied. Maximum elimination capacity of 51 g C m?3 h?1 has been obtained for the random packing (IL of 65 g C m?3 h?1, EBRT of 50 s). The decrease in irrigation frequency to 15 min every 3 h caused a decrease in the outlet emissions from 86 to 59 mg C Nm?3 (inlet of 500 mg C Nm?3). The expansion of spraying to night and weekend periods promoted the degradation of the isopropanol accumulated in the water tank during the day, reaching effluent concentrations as low as 44 mg C Nm?3. After a 7-week starvation period, the performance was recovered in less than 10 days, proving the robustness of the process.  相似文献   

Trauma during pregnancy especially occurring during car crashes leads to many foetal losses. Numerical modelling is widely used in car occupant safety issue and injury mechanisms analysis and is particularly adapted to the pregnant woman. Material modelling of the gravid uterus tissues is crucial for injury risk evaluation especially for the abruption placentae which is widely assumed as the leading cause of foetal loss. Experimental studies on placenta behaviour in tension are reported in the literature, but none in compression to the authors' knowledge. This lack of data is addressed in this study. To complement the already available experimental literature data on the placenta mechanical behaviour and characterise it in a compression loading condition, 80 indentation tests on fresh placentae are presented. Hyperelastic like mean experimental stress versus strain and corridors are exposed. The results of the experimental placenta indentations compared with the tensile literature results tend to show a quasi-symmetrical behaviour of the tissue. An inverse analysis using simple finite element models has permitted to propose parameters for an Ogden material model for the placenta which exhibits a realistic behaviour in both tension and compression.  相似文献   

When continuation of exercise calls for a will, the cerebral metabolic ratio of O2 to (glucose + lactate) decreases, with the largest reduction (30-50%) at exhaustion. Because a larger effort is required to exercise with the arms than with the legs, we tested the hypothesis that the reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio would become more pronounced during arm cranking than during leg exercise. The cerebral arterial-venous differences for blood-gas variables, glucose, and lactate were evaluated in two groups of eight subjects during exhaustive arm cranking and leg exercise. During leg exercise, exhaustion was elicited after 25 +/- 6 (SE) min, and the cerebral metabolic ratio was reduced from 5.6 +/- 0.2 to 3.5 +/- 0.2 after 10 min and to 3.3 +/- 0.3 at exhaustion (P < 0.05). Arm cranking lasted for 35 +/- 4 min and likewise decreased the cerebral metabolic ratio after 10 min (from 6.7 +/- 0.4 to 5.0 +/- 0.3), but the nadir at exhaustion was only 4.7 +/- 0.4, i.e., higher than during leg exercise (P < 0.05). The results demonstrate that exercise decreases the cerebral metabolic ratio when a conscious effort is required, irrespective of the muscle groups engaged. However, the comparatively small reduction in the cerebral metabolic ratio during arm cranking suggests that it is influenced by the exercise paradigm.  相似文献   

The capacity of different types of exercise to rewarm the body, especially the feet, was studied. Six healthy male subjects wearing winter clothing (2.4 clo, 0.37 degrees C.m2.W-1) were exposed on three occasions to -15 degrees C for 120 min. For the first 60 min the subjects were cooled while sitting motionless and for the latter 60 min they were submitted to cycle ergometer exercise (CE), arm ergometer exercise (AE) or step exercise (ST). The rate of work in CE (about 350 W) served as a reference value for AE and ST. The cooling resulted in an average 1.7 (SEM 0.03) degrees C decrease in mean body temperature (Tb) corresponding to a 425 (SEM 9) kJ heat debt. The ST increased most effectively mean skin, rectal and lower body skin temperatures as well as dry heat loss. The ST increased Tb by 0.83 (SEM 0.16) degrees C, CE by 0.10 (SEM 0.11) degrees C and AE by only 0.07 (SEM 0.12) degrees C. At the end of the exercise the foot temperature was approximately 6 degrees C higher in ST than in CE. The superior rewarming by ST was apparently due to its low mechanical efficiency. Because the increase in Tb could not explain all the changes in foot temperatures, increased circulation and metabolism of the feet would also appear to have been involved.  相似文献   

We show that the largest tropical species of terrestrial poikilotherms from 25 taxa exceed, in linear body size, the largest representatives of the same taxa from the temperate (e.g. Great Britain) and polar (e.g. Wrangel Island) zones by 3.2 and 5.7 times, respectively. Here we develop a theoretical approach which quantitatively explains the observed body size patterns and relates them to ambient temperature under the assumption that there exists a temperature-independent critical minimum value of mass-specific metabolic rate bmin, a fall below which is incompatible with successful biological performance. This value sets an upper limit to linear body size within a taxon. Mass-specific metabolic rate decreases with increasing body size but, in poikilotherms, grows exponentially with ambient temperature. Such compensation of the size-related drop in mass-specific metabolic rate b by higher ambient temperature extends the permitted range of body sizes for which b≥bmin. As a result, the maximum linear body size grows approximately twofold per each ten degrees of increase in ambient temperature. We also discuss why this prediction does not apply to interspecific comparisons of aquatic poikilotherms, for which an opposite trend is to be expected. We quantify in theory the maximum body size patterns recently reported for benthic gammaridean amphipods.  相似文献   

Fracture under mixed-mode I+II was induced in bovine cortical bone tissue using a developed miniaturized version of the single leg bending test (SLB). Due to the difficulty in crack length monitoring in the course of the test, an equivalent crack method based on specimen compliance and beam theory was adopted as a data reduction scheme. The method was applied to the experimental results in order to obtain the Resistance curves in each loading mode. The determined fracture energy is well described by an energetic power law whose exponent is below one, which means that the linear energetic criterion is not applicable to this material. The proposed procedure was numerically validated by means of a cohesive mixed-mode I+II damage model with bilinear softening. It was concluded that the miniaturized version of the SLB test is adequate for mixed-mode I+II fracture characterization of bone for a constant mode ratio.  相似文献   

Damage development in cemented acetabular replacements has been studied in bovine pelvic bones under long-term physiological loading conditions, including normal walking, stair climbing and a combined block loading with representative routine activities. The physiological loading conditions were achieved using a specially designed hip simulator for fixation endurance testing. Damage was detected and monitored using micro-CT scanning at regular intervals of the experiments, and verified by microscopic studies post testing. The results show that debonding at the bone–cement interface defined the failure of cement fixation in all cases, and debondings initiated near the dome of the acetabulum in the superior–posterior quadrant, consistent with the high-stress region identified from the finite element analysis of implanted acetabular models Zant, N.P., Heaton-Adegbile, P., Hussell, J.G., Tong, J., 2008b. In-vitro fatigue failure of cemented acetabular replacements—a hip simulator study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 130, 021019-1–9]; [Tong, J., Zant, N.P., Wang, J-Y., Heaton-Adegbile, P., Hussell, J.G., 2008. Fatigue in cemented acetabulum. International Journal of Fatigue, 30(8), 1366–1375].  相似文献   

We measured whole body and regional lipolytic and adipose tissue blood flow (ATBF) sensitivity to epinephrine in 8 lean [body mass index (BMI): 21 +/- 1 kg/m(2)] and 10 upper body obese (UBO) women (BMI: 38 +/- 1 kg/m(2); waist circumference >100 cm). All subjects underwent a four-stage epinephrine infusion (0.00125, 0.005, 0.0125, and 0.025 microgram. kg fat-free mass(-1). min(-1)) plus pancreatic hormonal clamp. Whole body free fatty acid (FFA) and glycerol rates of appearance (R(a)) in plasma were determined by stable isotope tracer methodology. Abdominal and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue lipolytic activity was determined by microdialysis and (133)Xe clearance methods. Basal whole body FFA R(a) and glycerol R(a) were both greater (P < 0.05) in obese (449 +/- 31 and 220 +/- 12 micromol/min, respectively) compared with lean subjects (323 +/- 44 and 167 +/- 21 micromol/min, respectively). Epinephrine infusion significantly increased FFA R(a) and glycerol R(a) in lean (71 +/- 21 and 122 +/- 52%, respectively; P < 0.05) but not obese subjects (7 +/- 6 and 39 +/- 10%, respectively; P = not significant). In addition, lipolytic and ATBF sensitivity to epinephrine was blunted in abdominal but not femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese compared with lean subjects. We conclude that whole body lipolytic sensitivity to epinephrine is blunted in women with UBO because of decreased sensitivity in upper body but not lower body subcutaneous adipose tissue.  相似文献   

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