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A reproducible method for studying three-dimensional knee kinematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The methods used in movement analysis often rely on the definition of joint coordinate systems permitting three-dimensional (3D) kinematics. The first aim of this research project was to present a functional and postural method (FP method) to define a bone-embedded anatomical frame (BAF) on the femur and tibia, and, subsequently, a knee joint coordinate system. The repeatability of the proposed method was also assessed. Using FP method to define the BAFs, 4 kinematic parameters (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, tibial internal/external rotation, and antero-posterior translation) were computed for 15 subjects walking on a treadmill. The repeatability for all four kinematic parameters was then assessed, using intra- and inter-observer settings. After pooling the results for all observers, the mean repeatability value ranged between 0.4 degrees and 0.8 degrees for rotation angles and between 0.8 and 2.2 mm for translation.  相似文献   

Many amputees who wear a leg prosthesis develop significant skin wounds on their residual limb. The exact cause of these wounds is unclear as little work has studied the interface between the prosthetic device and user. Our research objective was to develop a quantitative method for assessing displacement patterns of the gel liner during walking for patients with transtibial amputation. Using a reflective marker system and a custom clear socket, evaluations were conducted with a clear transparent test socket mounted over a plaster limb model and a deformable limb model. Distances between markers placed on the limb were measured with a digital caliper and then compared with data from the motion capture system. Additionally, the rigid plaster set-up was moved in the capture volume to simulate walking and evaluate if inter-marker distances changed in comparison to static data. Dynamic displacement trials were then collected to measure changes in inter-marker distance due to vertical elongation of the gel liner. Static and dynamic inter-marker distances within day and across days confirmed the ability to accurately capture displacements using this new approach. These results encourage this novel method to be applied to a sample of amputee patients during walking to assess displacements and the distribution of the liner deformation within the socket. The ability to capture changes in deformation of the gel liner will provide new data that will enable clinicians and researchers to improve design and fit of the prosthesis so the incidence of pressure ulcers can be reduced.  相似文献   

We report a new colorimetric assay to quantify endo-polygalacturonase activity, which hydrolyzes polygalacturonic acid to produce smaller chains of galacturonate. Some of the reported polygalacturonase assays measure the activity by detecting the appearance of reducing ends such as the Somogyi-Nelson method. As a result of being general towards reducing groups, the Somogyi-Nelson method is not appropriate when studying polygalacturonase and polygalacturonase inhibitors in plant crude extracts, which often have a strong reducing power. Ruthenium Red is an inorganic dye that binds polygalacturonic acid and causes its precipitation. In the presence of polygalacturonase, polygalacturonic acid is hydrolyzed bringing about a corresponding gain in soluble Ruthenium Red. The described assay utilizes Ruthenium Red as the detection reagent which has been used previously in plate-based assays but not in liquid medium reactions. The new method measures the disappearance of the substrate polygalacturonic acid and is compared to the Somogyi-Nelson assay. The experimental results using lemon peel, a fern fronds and castor leaf crude extracts demonstrate that the new method provides a way to the quickly screening of polygalacturonase activity and polygalacturonase inhibitors in plant crude extracts containing high amounts of reducing power. On the other hand, the Ruthenium Red assay is not able to determine the activity of an exo-polygalacturonase as initial velocity and thus would allow the differentiation between endo- and exo-polygalacturonase activities.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric method to quantify linear DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A spectrophotometric method for quantification of linear DNA is described. The assay measures ADP produced following digestion of linear DNA by an ATP-dependent deoxyribonuclease. Cleavage of the phosphodiester bond of the DNA substrate is proportional to ADP formed in the reaction which follows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics (K(m) of 0.6 microM, and a V(max) of 30 nmol/min/mg). The enzyme requires Mg(2+)-ATP and Mg(2+)-DNA as substrates, although the results suggest a requirement for yet another metal ion which may be enzyme bound. Both single-stranded and double-stranded linear DNA are substrates, as demonstrated by comparable initial velocity measurements. However, covalently closed circular (CCC) and nicked open circular DNA are not substrates for the enzyme. The rate of hydrolysis of ATP is not inhibited by 1 microg RNA or covalently closed circular DNA. The product (ADP) formed in the reaction is coupled to NADH oxidation using pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. NAD formed in the reaction is monitored spectrophotometrically as a loss in absorbance at 340 nm. This assay directly measures the amount of linear DNA present in preparations of supercoiled (CCC) plasmid DNA, and has direct utility for monitoring the quality of plasmid preparations for gene therapy.  相似文献   


Stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope ratios of sedimentary organic matter (OM) can reflect the biogeochemical history of aquatic ecosystems. However, diagenetic processes in sediments may alter isotope records of OM via microbial activity and preferential degradation of isotopically distinct organic components. This study investigated the isotope alteration caused by preferential degradation in surface sediments sampled from a eutrophic reservoir in Germany. Sediments were treated sequentially with hot water extraction, hydrochloric acid hydrolysis, hydrogen peroxide oxidation and di-sodium peroxodisulfate oxidation to chemically simulate preferential degradation pathways of sedimentary OM. Residue and extracts from each extraction step were analyzed using elemental analyzer-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Our results show that stable C and N isotope ratios reacted differently to changes in the biochemical composition of sedimentary OM. Preferential degradation of proteins and carbohydrates resulted in a 1.2‰ depletion of 13C, while the isotope composition of 15N remained nearly the same. Sedimentary δ15N values were notably altered when lignins and lipids were oxidized from residual sediments. Throughout the sequential fractionation procedure, δ13C was linearly correlated with the C:N of residual sediments. This finding demonstrates that changes in biochemical composition caused by preferential degradation altered δ13C values of sedimentary OM, while this trend was not observed for δ15N values. Our study identifies the influence of preferential degradation on stable C isotope ratios and provide additional insight into the isotope alteration caused by post-depositional processes.


A new micro-computed tomography (μCT) image processing approach to estimate the loss of cement-bone interlock was developed using the concept that PMMA cement flows and cures around trabeculae during the total knee arthroplasty procedure. The initial mold shape of PMMA cement was used to estimate the amount of interdigitated bone at the time of implantation and following in vivo service using enbloc human postmortem retrievals. Laboratory prepared specimens, where there would be no biological bone resorption, were used as controls to validate the approach and estimate errors. The image processing technique consisted of identifying bone and cement from the μCT scan set, dilation of the cement to identify the cement cavity space, and Boolean operations to identify the different components of the interdigitated cement-bone regions. For laboratory prepared specimens, there were small errors in the estimated resorbed bone volume fraction (reBVfr=0.11 ± 0.09) and loss in contact area fraction (CAfr=0.06 ± 0.15). These values would be zero if there were no error in the method. For the postmortem specimens, the resorbed volume fraction (reBVfr=0.85 ± 0.16) was large, meaning that only 15% of the cement mold shape was still filled with bone. The loss of contact area fraction (CAfr=0.84 ± 0.17) was similarly large. This new approach provides a convenient method to visualize and quantify trabecular bone loss from interdigitated regions from postmortem retrievals. The technique also illustrates for the first time that there are dramatic changes in how bone is fixed to cement following in vivo service.  相似文献   

A simple method to quantify maturation of wound collagen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While investigating the effect of NSAIDs and Zn(II) (NSAIDs)2 complexes on healing of dead space wounds we found that both NSAIDs and Zn(II) (NSAIDs)2 reduced collagen content to a comparable extent yet only NSAIDs reduced breaking strength (BS) of wounds. Since collagen content and maturation are the two important determinants of BS it was obvious that only NSAIDs reduced maturation. A simple method to assess the extent of maturation in available collagen is being reported in the present study. While all NSAIDs significantly reduced the maturation of collagen, Zn(II) (NSAIDs)2 complexes per se did not affect the maturation of collagen of 10-day old. Though, chronologically, granulation tissues obtained from both the treated groups were 10-day old, maturation-wise the age of NSAIDs and Zn(II) (NSAIDs)2 treated granulation was 6 and 12 days respectively.  相似文献   

A new method for deriving limb segment motion from markers placed on the skin is described. The method provides a basis for determining the artifact associated with nonrigid body movement of points placed on the skin. The method is based on a cluster of points uniformly distributed on the limb segment. Each point is assigned an arbitrary mass. The center of mass and the inertia tensor of this cluster of points are calculated. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the inertia tensor are used to define a coordinate system in the cluster as well as to provide a basis for evaluating non-rigid body movement. The eigenvalues of the inertia tensor remain invariant if the segment is behaving as a rigid body, thereby providing a basis for determining variations for nonrigid body movement. The method was tested in a simulation model where systematic and random errors were introduced into a fixed cluster of points. The simulation demonstrated that the error due to nonrigid body movement could be substantially reduced. The method was also evaluated in a group of ten normal subjects during walking. The results for knee rotation and translation obtained from the point cluster method compared favorably to results previously obtained from normal subjects with intra-cortical pins placed into the femur and tibia. The resulting methodology described in this paper provides a unique approach to the measurement of in vivo motion using skin-based marker systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anemia is the net result of decreased red blood cell (RBC) production and increased removal of RBCs. Replication and maturation of erythroid precursors and RBC lysis can be measured by standardized in vitro methods and surrogate markers, respectively. In contrast, erythrophagocytosis by autologous phagocytes is more difficult to quantify. METHODS: We developed a method to assess erythrophagocytosis by autologous monocytes from 5 ml of whole blood. RBCs were labeled with carboxyfluorescein-diacetate-succinimidyl ester (CFDA-SE) and subsequently coincubated with autologous CD14(+) monocytes. Phagocytosis was quantified using flow cytometry. After standardization, the assay was validated in patients with severe malarial anemia (SMA), a condition that is associated with increased erythrophagocytosis. RESULTS: After labeling, CFDA-SE was stably incorporated into RBCs and no significant leakage leading to contamination of nonlabeled cells was observed. Monocytes ingested opsonized, labeled RBCs seven times more than nonopsonized controls. Erythrophagocytosis was significantly higher in SMA than in healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: The established assay showed enhanced autoerythrophagocytosis associated with SMA and hence was able to detect clinically relevant erythrophagocytosis. This novel assay is well suited for rapid quantification of in vitro erythrophagocytosis by autologous monocytes.  相似文献   

Quantitative in vivo measurements are essential for developing a predictive understanding of cellular behavior. Here we present a technique that converts observed fluorescence intensities into numbers of molecules. By transiently expressing a fluorescently tagged protein and then following its dilution during growth and division, we observe asymmetric partitioning of fluorescence between daughter cells at each division. Such partition asymmetries are set by the actual numbers of proteins present, and thus provide a means to quantify fluorescence levels. We present a Bayesian algorithm that infers from such data both the fluorescence conversion factor and an estimate of the measurement error. Our algorithm works for arbitrarily sized data sets and handles consistently any missing measurements. We verify the algorithm with extensive simulation and demonstrate its application to experimental data from Escherichia coli. Our technique should provide a quantitative internal calibration to systems biology studies of both synthetic and endogenous cellular networks.  相似文献   

We propose a simple and inexpensive method to determine the rate and pattern of surface sediment reworking by benthic organisms. Unlike many existing methods commonly used in bioturbation studies, which usually require sediment sampling, our approach is fully non-destructive and is well suited for investigating non-cohesive fine sediments in streams and rivers. Optical tracer (e.g. luminophores or coloured sand) disappearance or appearance is assessed through time based on optical quantification of surfaces occupied by tracers. Data are used to calculate surface sediment reworking (SSR) coefficients depicting bioturbation intensities. Using this method, we evaluated reworking activity of stream organisms (three benthic invertebrates and a fish) in laboratory microcosms mimicking pool habitats or directly in the field within arenas set in depositional zones. Our method was sensitive enough to measure SSR as low as 0.2 cm2 day?1, such as triggered by intermediate density (774 m?2) of Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda) in microcosms. In contrast, complex invertebrate community in the field and a fish (Barbatula barabatula) in laboratory microcosms were found to yield to excessively high SSR (>60 cm2 day?1). Lastly, we suggest that images acquired during experiments can be used for qualitative evaluation of species-specific effects on sediment distribution.  相似文献   

A quantitative, atom-based, method is described for comparing protein subunit interfaces in icosahedral virus capsids with quasi-equivalent surface lattices. An integrated, normalized value (between 0 and 1) based on equivalent residue contacts (Q-score) is computed for every pair of subunit interactions and scores that are significantly above zero readily identify interfaces that are quasi-equivalent to each other. The method was applied to all quasi-equivalent capsid structures (T=3, 4, 7 and 13) in the Protein Data Bank and the Q-scores were interpreted in terms of their structural underpinnings. The analysis allowed classification of T=3 structures into three groups with architectures that resemble different polyhedra with icosahedral symmetry. The preference of subunits to form dimers in the T=4 human Hepatitis B virus capsid (HBV) was clearly reflected in high Q-scores of quasi-equivalent dimers. Interesting differences between the classical T=7 capsid and polyoma-like capsids were also identified. Application of the method to the outer-shell of the T=13 Blue tongue virus core (BTVC) highlighted the modest distortion between the interfaces of the general trimers and the strict trimers of VP7 subunits. Furthermore, the method identified the quasi 2-fold symmetry in the inner capsids of the BTV and reovirus cores. The results show that the Q-scores of various quasi-symmetries represent a "fingerprint" for a particular virus capsid architecture allowing particle classification into groups based on their underlying structural and geometric features.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN program for displaying the correspondence betweencodon changes and different possible base changes is presented.Changes of both single bases and dimers are considered. Theuser can specify the mutagenesis spectrum. Additionally, theuser can choose whether or not to consider single or doubleevents in a codon and whether or not to consider the possibilitythat the change of two bases (a dimer) can overlap a codon boundary.Furthermore, a variety of ways may be chosen to display andsummarize the codon changes that can result from the specifiedmutagenesis. A user-supplied sequence or the genetic code tablecan be analyzed. Received on January 27, 1987; accepted on September 4, 1987  相似文献   

Degenerative processes like repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) cause normal movement patterns to change slowly over time. Accurately tracking how these disease/injury processes evolve over time and predicting their future progression could allow early intervention and prevent further deterioration. However, these processes often cannot be measured directly and first-principles models of these processes and how they affect movement control are highly complex and difficult to derive analytically. This study was conducted to determine if algorithms developed to track damage accumulation in mechanical systems without requiring first-principles models or direct measurements of the damage itself could also track a similar "hidden" process in a biomechanical context. Five healthy adults walked on a motorized treadmill at their preferred speed, while the treadmill inclination angle was slowly increased from 0 degrees (level) to approximately +8 degrees . Sagittal plane kinematics for the left hip, knee, and ankle joints were computed. The treadmill inclination angle was independently recorded and defined the "damage" to be tracked. Scalar tracking metrics were computed from the lower extremity walking kinematics. These metrics exhibited strong cubic relationships with treadmill inclination (88.9%相似文献   

Despite recent evidence of the beneficial effects of moderate alcohol consumption in arteriosclerosis prevention, the neurotoxic effects of alcohol abuse are well known. Our hypothesis was that uncontrolled alcohol consumption may cause cerebrovascular damage detectable by rheoencepholography (REG), a noninvasive bio-impedance technique for estimating cerebral blood flow. Test subjects were 48 alcoholic patients in Hungary; the control group consisted of 12 drug-addicted and depressed patients in Hungary and 13 healthy male subjects in the United States. Additional subgroups were formed according to smoking habits and average daily alcohol dose. REG was measured by a computer-based system, "Cerberus"; REG anacrotic time above 180 ms was considered pathological. ANOVA showed that daily alcohol consumption and smoking were significantly higher in alcoholics than in drug-addicted and depressed patients. Twelve alcoholics showed a pathological REG anacrotic time. Longer REG anacrotic time was correlated with higher daily alcohol consumption. In the alcoholic group, the steeper regression line of REG slope reflected the pathological impact of alcohol abuse. The healthy control sample showed a nearly identical slope for both REG and age. The correlation of increased REG anacrotic time and daily alcohol consumption supports the hypothesis that REG detects accelerated cerebrovascular aging (arteriosclerosis) in alcoholic subjects.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional study of the kinematics of the human knee   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper represents a three-dimensional study of the human knee-joint and studies kinematic effects of the cruciate ligaments. Two methods were used for our studies, one method was preferred. This method used a time lapse photograph and strobe light to give us a plot of reference points to carry out our analysis using the method of Rouleaux applied to three dimensions. Five cadaver joints were used, each of which was used for three series of experiments, including the joint with capsule intact, with one of the ligaments cut and with the remaining ligament cut. Both lateral and medial studies were conducted to provide data for a three-dimensional study.

It was found that the cruciate ligaments had little effect on the kinematics of the knee, and that the knee motion remained unchanged after cutting one or both of the cruciate ligaments. It was concluded that the motion of the knee was due to the geometry of the bones and perhaps the collateral ligaments, and that the joint could be replaced with a prosthesis having a three dimensional axis of rotation with a fixed center.  相似文献   

A novel colorimetric method to quantify tannase activity of viable bacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel colorimetric method to quantify tannase activity of viable tannase-producing bacterial strains was developed through application of a visual reading method that was to detect the activity qualitatively. The novel method was sensitive enough to quantify the marginal tannase activity of strains that could not be otherwise measured by conventional spectrophotometric or colorimetric methods.  相似文献   

Patellofemoral osteoarthritis and its potential precursor patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) are common, costly, and debilitating diseases. PFPS has been shown to be associated with altered patellofemoral joint mechanics; however, an actual variation in joint contact stresses has not been established due to challenges in accurately quantifying in vivo contact kinematics (area and location). This study developed and validated a method for tracking dynamic, in vivo cartilage contact kinematics by combining three magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, cine-phase contrast (CPC), multi-plane cine (MPC), and 3D high-resolution static imaging. CPC and MPC data were acquired from 12 healthy volunteers while they actively extended/flexed their knee within the MRI scanner. Since no gold standard exists for the quantification of in vivo dynamic cartilage contact kinematics, the accuracy of tracking a single point (patellar origin relative to the femur) represented the accuracy of tracking the kinematics of an entire surface. The accuracy was determined by the average absolute error between the PF kinematics derived through registration of MPC images to a static model and those derived through integration of the CPC velocity data. The accuracy ranged from 0.47 mm to 0.77 mm for the patella and femur and from 0.68 mm to 0.86 mm for the patellofemoral joint. For purely quantifying joint kinematics, CPC remains an analytically simpler and more accurate (accuracy <0.33 mm) technique. However, for application requiring the tracking of an entire surface, such as quantifying cartilage contact kinematics, this combined imaging approach produces accurate results with minimal operator intervention.  相似文献   

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