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Human and pig cDNAs for a novel stomach protein, the product of a gene expressed at high levels specifically in cells of the antrum mucosa, have been characterized. The general exon/intron structure of the genomic DNA is conserved in humans and mice. The predicted protein sequences of the human and mouse mRNAs contain 185 and 184 amino acids, respectively. The protein isolated from pig antral extracts has an NH2 terminus consistent with cleavage of a 20-amino acid signal peptide. Human cDNA was expressed in E. coli to generate a protein antigen for antibody production. The antibodies detected polypeptides of approximately 18 kDa in antrum extracts from all mammalian species tested. Immunocytochemistry located antrum mucosal protein (AMP)-18 to surface mucosal cells of the mouse antrum and, specifically, to secretion granules, suggesting that it is cosecreted with mucins. Antrum extracts and recombinant human AMP-18 exhibit growth-promoting activity on epithelial cells that can be blocked by the specific antisera. We suggest that AMP-18 is a "gastrokine" that maintains the integrity of the gastric mucosal epithelium.  相似文献   

Ccd1, a DIX domain containing Zebrafish protein involved in neural patterning, is a positive regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway. DIXDC1, the human homolog of Ccd1, has two predominant isoforms. The short form (s-DIXDC1) has a similar amino acid sequence compared with Ccd1, while the long form (l-DIXDC1) contains an extra N-terminal sequence containing a calponin-homology (CH) domain, suggesting additional interaction with actin that we have performed detailed analysis in this report. We show that mRNA expression of both DIXDC1 isoforms can be detected in various adult tissues by Northern blot analysis and is most abundant in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Both endogenous and ectopically expressed l-DIXDC1, but not s-DIXDC1, in cultured mammalian cells is localized to actin stress fibers at the filament ends in focal adhesion plaques. More importantly, l-DIXDC1 can directly bind to filamentous actin both in vitro and in vivo and the binding is mediated via a novel actin-binding domain (ABD) from amino acid 127 to 300. Thus, our data provide the first evidence that l-DIXDC1 may act as a novel branching component in the Wnt signaling pathway targeting both beta-catenin-TCF complex for gene expression and cytoskeleton for regulating dynamics of actin filaments.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone encoding a novel LIM-only protein was isolated and sequenced from a human fetal heart cDNA library. This full-length clone consists of 1416 base pairs and has a predicted open reading frame (ORF) encoding 279 amino acids. The ORF of this polypeptide codes for the human heart-specific

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(FHL2). It possesses an extra zinc finger that is a half LIM domain and four repeats of LIM domain. When the human FHL2 cDNA probe was used to hybridize with poly-A RNA of various human tissues, a very strong signal could be seen in heart tissues, and only moderately low signals could be detected in placenta, skeletal muscle and ovary. Virtually no signal could be detected in brain, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus, prostate, testis, small intestine, colon or peripheral blood leukocyte. FHL2 was mapped to chromosome 2q12–q13 by fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH).  相似文献   

Protein acetylation is increasingly recognized as an important post-translational modification. Although a lot of protein acetyltransferases have been identified, a few putative acetyltransferases are yet to be studied. In this study, we identified a novel protein acetyltransferase, Patt1, which belongs to GNAT family. Patt1 exhibited histone acetyltransferase activity and auto-acetylation activity. Deletion and mutation analysis of the predicted acetyltransferase domain in Patt1 showed that the conserved Glu139 was an important residue for its protein acetyltransferase activity. Furthermore, we found that Patt1 was highly expressed in liver and significantly downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. In addition, we showed that overexpression of Patt1 enhanced the apoptosis of hepatoma cells dependent on its acetyltransferase activity, whereas knockdown of Patt1 significantly protected Chang liver cells from apoptosis. These data suggest that Patt1 might be involved in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and could be served as a potential therapy target for hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

The POTE gene family encodes very closely related proteins that are highly expressed in testis and in many cancers. Recent studies indicate that the POTE proteins have a pro-apoptotic function. To examine if POTE is associated with cells that are undergoing apoptosis in testis, we determined the cellular location of POTE and of Cleaved Caspase-3 in testicular tissues from 26 azoospermic men. We found intense expression of POTE in round spermatids that are undergoing apoptosis, which are positive for Cleaved Caspase-3. This study suggests POTE may have a role in apoptosis in the human testis.  相似文献   

Protein kinases play an important role in the signaling pathway of growth factors in most of the higher organisms. During the study of protein kinase profiles of mosquitoes using RT-PCR and degenerate primers for consensus catalytic domain motifs to amplify protein kinase genes, we have noticed that a novel mosquito kinase, AaPK-38, shares a stretch of amino acids identical to the corresponding domain in Tousled gene ofArabidopsis thaliana that is required for leaf and flower development. A 2.1-kb cDNA encoding human HsHPK gene, which is a homolog of AaPK-38, was isolated from human testis cDNA library. This cDNA contains an open reading frame of 563 amino acids, with a complete kinase domain in its carboxyl terminus. The expressed Flag-tagged HsHPK was shown to have kinase activity based on in vitro autophosphorylation. Northern blot analysis revealed that human HsHPK mRNA is most abundant in testes, much less in heart and skeletal muscle and almost undetectable in liver and lung. Finally, we found that the expression of HsHPK in 4 out of 6 human hepatoma tissues is much higher than that in the adjacent normal counterpart. This result suggests HsHPK may play a role in the development of human hepatoma.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes a novel serine protease, prosemin, from human brain. The cDNA of human prosemin is 1306 bp, encoding 317 amino acids. It showed significant homology with the sequence of a chromosome 16 cosmid clone (accession no. NT_037887.4). The prosemin gene contains six exons and five introns. The amino acid sequence of prosemin shows significant homology to prostasin, gamma-tryptase, and testisin (43%, 41%, and 38% identity, respectively), the genes of which are also located on chromosome 16. Northern hybridization showed that prosemin is expressed predominantly in the pancreas and weakly in the prostate and cerebellum. However, western blot and RT-PCR analyses showed that prosemin is expressed and secreted from various kinds of cancer cells, such as glioma, pancreas, prostate, and ovarian cell lines. Prosemin is secreted in the cystic fluid of clinical ovarian cancers. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry showed prosemin protein localized in the apical parts of ovarian carcinomas. Recombinant prosemin was expressed in COS cells and was purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. Recombinant prosemin preferentially cleaved benzyloxycarbonyl (Z)-His-Glu-Lys-methylcoumaryl amidide (MCA) and t-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc)-Gln-Ala-Arg-MCA. Our results suggest that prosemin is a novel serine protease of the chromosome 16 cluster that is highly expressed in the pancreas. The usefulness of this serine protease as a candidate tumor marker should be further examined.  相似文献   

Spz1, a novel bHLH-Zip protein, is specifically expressed in testis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Yoo KW  Kim EH  Jung SH  Rhee M  Koo BK  Yoon KJ  Kong YY  Kim CH 《FEBS letters》2006,580(18):4409-4416
Notch signaling has an evolutionarily conserved function for cell fate determination and stem cell maintenance. Previously, we identified a novel component of the Notch signaling pathway in zebrafish, mind bomb, which encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase essential for Notch signal activation. Further studies showed that Mind bomb(-/-) mouse embryos exhibited pan-Notch phenotypes in various tissues, suggesting that Mind bomb function is conserved in mammals. Therefore we sought to understand the various molecular partners of Mind bomb using yeast two-hybrid screening. In this search we identified Sorting nexin 5 (Snx5) as a novel interacting partner of Mind bomb. Furthermore we demonstrated that Snx5 colocalizes with Mind bomb in early endosomal compartments, suggesting that Snx5 is important for Mind bomb trafficking. In addition, we identified zebrafish orthologue of Snx5 and showed that snx5 is predominantly expressed in hematopoietic and endothelial precursor cells in zebrafish. We also found defects in hematopoiesis and blood vessel development in snx5 morpholino-injected embryos. Taken together, we show that Snx5, a novel interacting partner of Mind bomb, may have an essential role for cell fate determination in early development.  相似文献   

FDC-SP,a novel secreted protein expressed by follicular dendritic cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To define better the molecular basis for follicular dendritic cell (FDC) function, we used PCR-based cDNA subtraction to identify genes specifically expressed in primary FDC isolated from human tonsils. In this work we report the discovery of a novel gene encoding a small secreted protein, which we term FDC-SP (FDC secreted protein). The FDC-SP gene lies on chromosome 4q13 adjacent to clusters of proline-rich salivary peptides and C-X-C chemokines. Human and mouse FDC-SP proteins are structurally unique and contain a conserved N-terminal charged region adjacent to the leader peptide. FDC-SP has a very restricted tissue distribution and is expressed by activated FDCs from tonsils and TNF-alpha-activated FDC-like cell lines, but not by B cell lines, primary germinal center B cells, or anti-CD40 plus IL-4-activated B cells. Strikingly, FDC-SP is highly expressed in germinal center light zone, a pattern consistent with expression by FDC. In addition, FDC-SP is expressed in leukocyte-infiltrated tonsil crypts and by LPS- or Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain 1-activated leukocytes, suggesting that FDC-SP can also be produced in response to innate immunity signals. We provide evidence that FDC-SP is posttranslationally modified and secreted and can bind to the surface of B lymphoma cells, but not T lymphoma cells, consistent with a function as a secreted mediator acting upon B cells. Furthermore, we find that binding of FDC-SP to primary human B cells is markedly enhanced upon activation with the T-dependent activation signals such as anti-CD40 plus IL-4. Together our data identify FDC-SP as a unique secreted peptide with a distinctive expression pattern within the immune system and the ability to specifically bind to activated B cells.  相似文献   

The BRCT domain is a highly conserved module found in many proteins that participate in DNA damage checkpoint regulation, DNA repair, and cell cycle control. Here we describe the cloning, characterization, and targeted mutagenesis of Brctx, a novel gene with a BRCT motif. Brctx was found to be expressed ubiquitously in adult tissues and during development, with the highest levels found in testis. Brctx-deficient mice develop normally, show no pathological abnormalities, and are fertile. BRCTx binds to the C terminus of hRAD18 in yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation assays and colocalizes with this protein in the nucleus. Despite this, Brctx-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) do not show overt sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. MEFs from Brctx-deficient embryos grow at a similar rate to wild-type MEF CD4/CD8 expressions, and the cell cycle parameters of thymocytes from wild-type and Brctx knockout animals are indistinguishable. Intriguingly, the BRCT domain of BRCTx is responsible for mediating its localization to the nucleus and centrosome in interphase cells. We conclude that, although highly conserved, Brctx is not essential for the above-mentioned processes and may be redundant.  相似文献   

A putative Drosophila melanogaster homologue of mammalian PP5, termed Dm PP5, was identified from cDNA. Dm PP5 comprises a phosphatase catalytic domain preceded by an amino terminal domain containing three tetratricopeptide repeat motifs and shares 60% overall amino acid identity with human PP5. Genomic restriction analysis identified a single Dm PP5 gene that was mapped to the third chromosome at locus 85E10-12 and a strain carrying a deletion that encompasses this gene was identified. Dm PP5 mRNA and protein are more highly expressed in the embryo than at later developmental stages, but their expression levels do not always change synchronously. Dm PP5 protein localises to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells at the periphery of newly cellularized embryos.  相似文献   

Gene trapping in mouse embryonic stem cells is an efficient method for identifying new genes and examining their functions. This method has been used in an effort to identify some novel genes involved in mouse development. In the present paper, one such gene named IZP6 is reported. Expression of the IZP6 gene, as monitored by beta-galactosidase expression in heterozygous mice, was detected in a developmentally regulated fashion: the expression pattern has two phases during the embryogenesis. In the first phase, from embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) until E14.5, the reporter gene is mainly expressed in the forebrain. In the second phase, from E15.5 until birth, expression in the forebrain becomes weaker but is still observed in the olfactory bulb and the skin around the eyes, nose, limbs and tail. Thus, IZP6 gene expression changes from the central nervous system (the first phase) to the peripheral tissues (the second phase) during development. The IZP6 gene encodes a protein of 228 amino acids. Analysis of the secondary structure of the IZP6 protein revealed four hydrophobic regions, indicating that the IZP6 protein is a four transmembrane region protein. These results suggest that IZP6 is a transmembrane protein related to neurogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

Eml5, a novel WD40 domain protein expressed in rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have identified a cDNA coding for a protein of 160 kDa which is expressed in in vitro cultured human peripheral blood monocytes. The predicted amino acid sequence contains an alpha-helical rod domain possessing features characteristic of intermediate filament proteins. However, the immunocytochemical staining pattern, abundance and solubility in Triton X-100/high salt buffers suggest that this protein is probably only associated with the intermediate filament network and represents a new type of intermediate filament associated protein. In a survey of normal, inflammatory and human tumour tissue samples, this protein, which we have named restin, was found to be highly expressed in Reed-Sternberg cells, the tumoral cells diagnostic for Hodgkin's disease. We suggest that restin overexpression may be a contributing factor in the progression of Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium gene ampA, initially identified by the D11 cDNA, encodes a novel anti-adhesive-like protein. The ampA gene product inhibits premature cell agglutination during growth and modulates cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion during development. Analysis of the promoter indicates that cap site-proximal sequence directs ampA expression during both growth and early development. Expression following tip formation is controlled by more distal sequence, which contains TTGA repeats known to regulate prestalk cell gene expression in other promoters. Comparison of reporter gene expression and endogenous mRNA accumulation indicates that during growth the ampA gene is expressed in an increasing number of cells as a function of density. The number of cells expressing the ampA gene drops as development initiates, but the cells that continue to express the gene do so at high levels. These cells are initially scattered throughout the entire aggregate. By the tip formation stage, however, the majority of ampA-expressing cells are localized to the mound periphery, with only a few cells remaining scattered in the upper portion of the mound. In the final culminant, ampA is expressed only in the upper cup, lower cup, and basal disc. Although reporter expression is observed in cells that migrate anteriorly to a banded region just posterior to the tip, expression is rarely observed in the extreme tip. AmpA protein however, is localized to the tip as well as to ALCs during late development. The results presented here suggest that ampA gene expression is shut off in ALCs that continue along the prestalk differentiation pathway before they are added to the primordial stalk.  相似文献   

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