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We report a new common proviral insertion site in murine leukemia virus-induced T cell lymphomas to be N-myc. Proviral activation of N-myc was found in 35% of independently induced primary tumors. The vast majority of the proviral insertions occur within a small segment of the 3'-untranslated region of the N-myc gene, directly downstream of the protein-encoding domain. This results in an increased level of expression of a truncated N-myc mRNA. Together with the previously shown c-myc activation we now find involvement of myc genes in greater than 75% of the primary T cell lymphomas induced by Moloney murine leukemia virus in C57BL10 and BALB/c mice, and show for the first time that N-myc can be over-expressed by a mechanism other than gene amplification.  相似文献   

The LMO2 gene encodes a LIM-only protein and is a target of chromosomal translocations in human T-cell leukemia. Recently, two X-SCID patients treated by gene therapy to rescue T-cell lymphopoiesis developed T-cell leukemias with retroviral insertion into the LMO2 gene causing clonal T-cell proliferation. In view of the specificity of LMO2 in T-cell tumorigenesis, we investigated a possible role for Lmo2 in T-lymphopoiesis, using conditional knockout of mouse Lmo2 with loxP-flanked Lmo2 and Cre recombinase alleles driven by the promoters of the lymphoid-specific genes Rag1, CD19, and Lck. While efficient deletion of Lmo2 was observed, even in the earliest detectable lymphoid cell progenitors of the bone marrow, there was no disturbance of lymphopoiesis in either T- or B-cell lineages, and in contrast to Lmo2 transgenic mice, there were normal distributions of CD4- CD- thymocytes. We conclude that there is no mandatory role for LMO2 in lymphoid development, implying that its specific role in T-cell tumorigenesis results from a reprogramming of gene expression after enforced expression in T-cell precursors.  相似文献   

The myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPSV) is a mos-oncogenic retrovirus which induces an acute myeloproliferative disease in adult mice. The isolation and molecular cloning of two mutants of MPSV temperature sensitive (ts) for mos transformation (Kollek et al., J. Virol. 50:717-724, 1984) have been described previously. In this report, we describe the biological activity of these clones, the molecular basis of the ts lesion of one clone, and the construction of a selectable vector based on the MPSV ts genome. Both molecular clones, ts159 and ts124, proved to have retained the ts phenotype, the former being tighter for the induction and maintenance of the transformed phenotype. A single transition (G----A) at position 1888 in the mos coding region, resulting in the change of Gly to Arg at position 307, was responsible for the ts phenotype of clone ts159. Substitution of sequences carrying this mutation with the corresponding sequences of the wild-type virus generated a virus that was ts for transformation. Insertion of the dominant selectable marker gene for geneticin resistance (neor) into ts159 did not disrupt mos expression or its ts phenotype. neor-ts159 facilitates the study of mos action by allowing the selection of infected cells at the nonpermissive temperature before mos transformation has been induced. Furthermore, infected cells which show no obvious phenotype alteration due to mos expression can be identified by their Neor phenotype.  相似文献   

The literature describing the use of sewage in various stages of treatment as well as sewage sludge, both settled and digested, as irrigation or fertilizer supplements is reviewed. A project is described in which anaerobically digested sewage sludge was added to a field in northwestern Pennsylvania, and aerobically digested sewage sludge was added to a field in southeastern Pennsylvania. Samples of soil were taken immediately before this addition, and immediately afterward. Samples were taken at weekly intervals for five months and all were tested for the presence of fungi. From these samples 95 species or species groups of fungi were reported of which several represent species known to produce plant disease. The extent to which populations of such fungi could build up in soils to which sewages or sludges are added frequently is unknown.
Zusammenfassung Die Literatur, die den Gebrauch des Kloakenwassers in verschiedenen Etappen der Behandlung so wie auch diejenigen, welche die Benützung des bearbeiteten und des verdauten Sediments, als ein Supplement der Irrigation oder der Düngung beschreiben, ist kritisch nachgeprüft worden. Ein Projekt ist beschrieben, in welchem ein anaerob verdautes Kloakenwasser-Sediment an einem Feld in Norwest-Pennsylvania und ein aerob verdautes Kloakenwasser-Sediment an einem anderen in Südost-Pennsylvania verwendet wurde. Proben vom Erdboden wurden unmittelbar vor und nach der Verwendung des Materials entnommen. Dieser Prozess ist wöchentlich für fünf Monate wiederholt und für die Gegenwart von Pilzen untersucht. Von diesen Proben sind 95 Arten oder Artgruppen von Pilzen berichtet, von denen mehrere bekannt sind, daß sie Pflanzenkrankheiten verursachen. Der Umfang, zu welchem Grade solche Pilze eine Verbreitung im Erdboden finden können, zu welchem Kloakenwasser oder dessen Sediment hinzugefügt war, ist häufig unbekannt.

Retroviral insertional mutagenesis has been instrumental for the identification of genes important in cancer development. The molecular mechanisms involved in retroviral-mediated activation of proto-oncogenes influence the distribution of insertions within specific regions during tumorigenesis and hence may point to novel gene structures. From a retroviral tagging screen on tumors of 1767 SL3-3 MLV-infected BALB/c mice, intron 2 of the AP-1 repressor Jdp2 locus was found frequently targeted by proviruses resulting in upregulation of non-canonical RNA subspecies. We identified several promoter regions within 1000 bp upstream of exon 3 that allowed for the production of Jdp2 protein isoforms lacking the histone acetylase inhibitory domain INHAT present in canonical Jdp2. The novel Jdp2 isoforms localized to the nucleus and over-expression in murine fibroblast cells induced cell death similar to canonic Jdp2. When expressed in the context of oncogenic NRAS both full length Jdp2 and the shorter isoforms increased anchorage-independent growth. Our results demonstrate a biological function of Jdp2 lacking the INHAT domain and suggest a post-genomic application for the use of retroviral tagging data in identifying new gene products with a potential role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The properties of a derivative of alpha-chymotrypsin in which histidine-57 has been methylated have been examined. Although the modified enzyme binds substrate with the same affinity as does native alpha-chymotrypsin, acylation and deacylation occur at much decreased rates. As for native alpha-chymotrypsin, a basic group of pK(a) approx. 7 is involved in both acylation and deacylation. The significance of these results is considered in relation to the normal function of histidine-57.  相似文献   

Triant DA  DeWoody JA 《Gene》2007,401(1-2):61-70
Mitochondrial DNA translocations to the nucleus (numt pseudogenes) are pervasive among eukaryotes, but copy number within the nuclear genome varies widely among taxa. As an increasing number of genomes are sequenced in their entirety, the origins, transfer mechanisms and insertion sites of numts are slowly being characterized. We investigated mitochondrial transfers within a genetically diverse rodent lineage and here report 15 numts totaling 21.8 kb that are harbored within the nuclear genome of the vole Microtus rossiaemeridionalis. The 15 numts total 21.8 kb and range from 0.39 to over 3.0 kb in length. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that these numts resulted from three independent insertions to the nucleus, two of which were followed by subsequent nuclear duplication events. The dates of the two translocations that led to subsequent duplications were estimated at 1.97 and 1.19 MYA, which coincide with the origin and radiation of the genus Microtus. Numt sequence data from five Microtus species were used to estimate an average rate of nucleotide substitution as 2.6x10(-8) subs/site/yr. This substitution rate is higher than in many other mammals, but is concordant with the elevated rate of mtDNA substitution in this lineage. Our data suggest that numt translocation in Microtus is more extensive than in either Mus or in Rattus, consistent with the elevated rate of speciation, karyotypic rearrangement, and mitochondrial DNA evolution in Microtus.  相似文献   

Activation mechanism of raf oncogene was studied by applying in vitro mutagenesis to its cDNA. Previous studies suggested the presence of an activation suppressing sequence in the amino-terminal half of c-raf product. Loss of the sequence by genetic rearrangement was presumed to convert c-raf to possess transforming activity. To identify such sequence, we prepared cDNA mutants by random linker insertion. Synthetic oligonucleotide linker was inserted into the plasmid containing cDNA at a single and random site. Coupling two different mutants, in-frame deletion mutants were constructed systematically. Analysis of these deletion mutants revealed a region, the loss of which made c-raf activated.  相似文献   

The transsulfuration pathways allow the interconversion of homocysteine and cysteine with the intermediary formation of cystathionine. The various organisms studied up to now incorporate reduced sulfur into a three- or a four-carbon chain and use differently the transsulfuration pathways to synthesize sulfur amino acids. In enteric bacteria, the synthesis of cysteine is the first step of organic sulfur metabolism and homocysteine is derived from cysteine. Fungi are capable of incorporating reduced sulfur into a four-carbon chain, and they possess two operating transsulfuration pathways. By contrast, synthesis of cysteine from homocysteine is the only existing transsulfuration pathway in mammals. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, genetic, phenotypic, and enzymatic study of mutants has allowed us to demonstrate that homocysteine is the first sulfur amino acid to be synthesized and cysteine is derived only from homocysteine (H. Cherest and Y. Surdin-Kerjan, Genetics 130:51-58, 1992). We report here the cloning of genes STR4 and STR1, encoding cystathionine beta-synthase and cystathionine gamma-lyase, respectively. The only phenotypic consequence of the inactivation of STR1 or STR4 is cysteine auxotrophy. The sequencing of gene STR4 has allowed us to compare all of the known sequences of transsulfuration enzymes and enzymes catalyzing the incorporation of reduced sulfur in carbon chains. These comparisons reveal a partition into two families based on sequence motifs. This partition mainly correlates with similarities in the catalytic mechanisms of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) is an oncogenic retrovirus that rapidly causes myeloblastic leukemia in chickens and transforms myeloid cells in culture. AMV carries an oncogene, v-myb, that is derived from a cellular gene, c-myb, found in the genomes of vertebrate species. We constructed a plasmid vector that allows expression of a portion of the coding region for v-myb in a procaryotic host. We then used the myb-encoded protein produced in bacteria to immunize rabbits. The antisera obtained permitted identification of the proteins encoded by both v-myb and chicken c-myb. The molecular weights of the products of v-myb and c-myb (45,000 and 75,000 respectively) indicate that the v-myb protein is an appreciably truncated version of the c-myb protein.  相似文献   

Kim SO  Ha SD  Lee S  Stanton S  Beutler B  Han J 《BioTechniques》2007,42(4):493-501
Diploidy is a major obstacle to the mutagenic analysis of function in cultured mammalian cells. Here, we show that 6-8 rounds of chemical mutagenesis generates quasi-haploid cells that can be used as targets for insertional mutagenesis using a specially designed retroviral vector that permits rapid identification of disrupted genes in each cell that bears a phenotype of interest. The utility of combined chemical and insertional mutagenesis is illustrated by the identification of novel host genes that are required for macrophage sensitivity to anthrax lethal factor.  相似文献   

Mammalian APOBEC molecules comprise a large family of cytidine deaminases with specificity for RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). APOBEC1s are invariably highly specific and edit a single residue in a cellular mRNA, while the cellular targets for APOBEC3s are not clearly established, although they may curtail the transposition of some retrotransposons. Two of the seven member human APOBEC3 enzymes strongly restrict human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in vitro and in vivo. We show here that ssDNA hyperediting of an infectious exogenous gammaretrovirus, the Friend-murine leukemia virus, by murine APOBEC1 and APOBEC3 deaminases occurs in vitro. Murine APOBEC1 was able to hyperdeaminate cytidine residues in murine leukemia virus genomic RNA as well. Analysis of the edited sites shows that the deamination in vivo was due to mouse APOBEC1 rather than APOBEC3. Furthermore, murine APOBEC1 is able to hyperedit its primary substrate in vivo, the apolipoprotein B mRNA, and a variety of heterologous RNAs. In short, murine APOBEC1 is a hypermutator of both RNA and ssDNA in vivo, which could exert occasional side effects upon overexpression.  相似文献   

The fused gag-v-myc oncogene was microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs, which were then implanted into foster mothers. Approximately 26% of the offsprings from injected eggs carried v-myc sequences. 26 of 32 progeny animals were found to be transgenic and some progeny containing the amplified oncogene (about 40 copies per genome). In one F0 and one F1 mice 1.5-2 months after birth the development of tumors was observed: rhabdomyosarcoma and sebaceous carcinoma. In both the cases the tumors were highly differentiated. Because spontaneous tumors of these types are seldom observed in common lines of mice it seems probable that the tumors observed in this study may be associated with the presence of oncogene v-myc.  相似文献   

The essential catalytic base at the active site of the glycolytic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase is the carboxylate group of Glu-165, which directly abstracts either the 1-pro-R proton of dihydroxyacetone phosphate or the 2-proton of (R)-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to yield the cis-enediol intermediate. Using the methods of site-directed mutagenesis, we have replaced Glu-165 by Asp. The three enzymes chicken isomerase from chicken muscle, wild-type chicken isomerase expressed in Escherichia coli, and mutant (Glu-165 to Asp) chicken isomerase expressed in E. coli have each been purified to homogeneity. The specific catalytic activities of the two wild-type isomerases are identical, while the specific activity of the mutant enzyme is reduced by a factor of about 1000. The observed kinetic differences do not derive from a change in mechanism in which the aspartate of the mutant enzyme acts as a general base through an intervening water molecule, because the D2O solvent isotope effects and the stoichiometries of inactivation with bromohydroxyacetone phosphate are identical for the wild-type and mutant enzymes. Using the range of isotopic experiments that were used to delineate the free-energy profile of the wild-type chicken enzyme, we here derive the complete energetics of the reaction catalyzed by the mutant protein. Comparison of the reaction energetics for the wild-type and mutant isomerases shows that only the free energies of the transition states for the two enolization steps have been seriously affected. Each of the proton abstraction steps is about 1000-fold slower in the mutant enzyme. Evidently, the excision of a methylene group from the side chain of the essential glutamate has little effect on the free energies of the intermediate states but dramatically reduces the stabilities of the transition states for the chemical steps in the catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   

G. M. Weir 《Mycopathologia》1962,18(3):189-193
Summary Aseptic tissue cultures of Crown-gall ofScorzonera hispanica L. andHelianthus tuberosus L. have a higher rate of respiration than tissue cultures of the respective healthy tissue. Cultures of healthy tissue ofS. hispanica which have been subjected to high concentrations of auxin (napthalene acetic acid) until they reached an habituated stage in which they could grow without addition of the auxin, show an increased respiration similar to that of Crown-gall tissue cultures. It is concluded that the respiratory increase shown by Crown-gall tissue is not due to the retentive effect of a respiratory toxin alone but due also to a pathogen induced auxin metabolism.This work formed part of a Ph. D. thesis submitted to the Univ. of London, July 1961.  相似文献   

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