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Formation of superoxide radical in isolated rat heart mitochondria under controlled oxygenation has been studied by spin trapping and EPR oxymetry. Lithium phthalocyanine and perdeuterated Tempone-D-15 N 16 were used to determine the oxygen concentration. Tiron was used as a spin trap. By varying the oxygen content in the reaction medium, we have shown that isolated heart mitochondria can produce superoxide even at an oxygen partial pressure of 17.5 mmHg, though at a rate considerably lower than under normal conditions. Raising the oxygen concentration increases the rate of superoxide generation.  相似文献   

The superoxide-dependent oxidation of adrenaline by skeletal muscle mitochondria (maximal inhibition by superoxide dismutase from 50 to 80%) is described. The oxidation reaction is initiated by antimycin A but not by rotenone. It was assumed that the main source of superoxide radicals in skeletal muscle mitochondria is the site of the respiratory chain between the rotenone and antimycin block. It was found that skeletal muscle mitochondria are characterized by a higher rate of superoxide anion formation and by a lower activity of superoxide dismutase as compared to heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

The superoxide radicals generated by the xanthine oxidase reaction reduced the myofibrillar Ca2+-ATPase activity. This negative effect was prevented by superoxide dismutase or by dithiothreitol, a protective thiol compound. Partial protection was achieved by catalase, while mannitol was ineffective. The myofibrillar Ca2+-ATPase exposed to O2-. radicals did not modify the affinity for Ca2+ while it showed a remarkable reduction of Vmax measured at the saturating level of Ca2+. The O2-. inhibited myofibrillar ATPase showed a higher value of Km for the cofactor associated to a reduced value of Vmax when studied in the presence of increasing concentration of ATP. Thus, circumstances that enhance the production of cardiac O2- radicals can be considered a negative metabolic event capable of depressing the myofibrillar Ca2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Sviriaeva IV  Ruuge EK 《Biofizika》2006,51(3):478-484
The effect of the duration of hypoxia on superoxide radical production in isolated rat heart mitochondria was studied by the spin trapping technique. 4,5-Dioxybenzene was used as a spin trap. Samples were placed into the cavity of an EPR spectrometer in thin-wall gas-permeable capillary tubes, which allowed keeping the suspension of mitochondria in aerobic or hypoxic conditions. Previously we have demonstrated that the rate of superoxide generation by mitochondria isolated from postischemic hearts depends radically on the duration of myocardial ischemia. By contrast, in mitochondria isolated from intact hearts, the effect did not depend on the duration of hypoxia. The rate of superoxide production by isolated mitochondria in the presence of antimycin A (a complex III Q-cycle inhibitor) and complex I or complex II substrates was 0.9 +/- 0.1 nmole O2*- /min/mg protein at 25 degrees C. Under reoxygenation conditions, after 10 min of hypoxia, the rate of superoxide production was considerably higher than before hypoxia. At the same time, after prolonged hypoxia, its value was practically the same as after 10-min hypoxia. The results enable the conclusion that isolated mitochondria are less sensitive to hypoxic conditions than mitochondria in ischemic heart.  相似文献   

Tiron (1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonic acid, disodium salt) was used as a spin trap to detect superoxide radicals produced by rat heart mitochondria. It was shown that ischemia results in the enhancement of the mitochondrial superoxide-forming activity. In the presence of the oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler mesoxalonitrile (3-chlorophenyl)-hydrazone the superoxide production rate in the control mitochondria increases, that in the ischemic mitochondria remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Tiron (4,5-dihydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonic acid, disodium salt) has been used as a spin trap to detect superoxide radicals produced by the rat heart mitochondria. In the presence of the oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler carbonyl cyanide (3-chlorophenyl)-hydrazone the superoxide production rate increases.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the generation of toxic radicals plays an important role in toxicity by Adriamycin (ADR) on cancer cell lines and in vivo. We have examined the role of free radicals in determining toxicity and resistance to ADR of rat glomerular epithelial cells in culture; this method provides a good model for analyzing the mechanisms responsible for ADR experimental nephrosis in rats. Three points were established: a) the intra- or extracellular site of ADR toxicity; b) the role of the superoxide anion and of the hydroxyl radical in determining intra- and-extracellular cytotoxicity; and c) the implication of oxido-reduction cycling as a potential route for ADR semiquinone transformation. Free ADR was found to induce the same inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA as ADR bound to an agarose macroporous bed which prevents the intracellular incorporation of the drug. Specific scavenging of free radical activity by the enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase, the hydroxyl radical inhibitors dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethylthiourea (DMTU) and by chelation of intracellular free iron with deferoxamine produced only a partial restoration of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, which was maximal for DMTU (30% of normal incorporation). DMTU treatment was unsuccessful in preventing the extracellular cytostatic effect of ADR. Finally, glomerular epithelial cell killing (51Cr-release method) by 5-iminodaunorubicin, an ADR analogue with a modified quinone function that prohibits oxido-reduction cycling, was higher than unmodified ADR. These results indicate that ADR may exert its cytotoxic effects on glomerular epithelial cells by interaction at the cell surface, whereas the intracellular compartment, principally DNA, does not seem to be the target of ADR effects. They also suggest that the free radicals are in part responsible for ADR intracellular cytotoxicity, but other mechanisms should also be hypothesized. Finally, the participation of the ADR semiquinone radical in oxido-reduction cycling seems not important for the induction of the cellular damage.  相似文献   

It has been established that, in the presence of S-nitrosothiols, cysteine, and mitochondria, dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) coupled to low-molecular-weight ligands and proteins are formed. The concentration of DNIC depended on oxygen partial pressure. It was shown that, under the conditions of hypoxia, the kinetics of the formation of low-molecular DNIC was biphasic. After the replacement of anaerobic conditions of incubation with aerobic ones, the level of DNIC came down; in this case, protein dinitrosyl complexes became more stable. We proposed that iron-and sulfur-containing proteins and low-molecular-weight iron complexes are the sources of iron for DNIC formation in mitochondrial suspensions. It was shown that a combination of DNIC and S-nitrosothiols inhibited effectively the respiration of cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The influence of Adriamycin (doxorubicin) on the rate of superoxide radical formation in isolated rat heart mitochondria was studied by EPR with the Tiron spin trap not penetrating the mitochondrial inner membrane. Adriamycin at 10–150 μM considerably enhanced superoxide generation in the presence of succinate (substrate of the respiratory chain complex II) and glutamate/malate (complex I substrate) when electron transfer was blocked in complex III with antimycin A. Such effects may partly account for the known cardiotoxicity of this antitumor drug.  相似文献   

Korkisha OV  Ruuge EK 《Biofizika》2000,45(4):695-699
The generation of superoxide radicals by isolated rat heart mitochondria was studied by the spin trapping technique. The sample was placed into the cavity of an EPR spectrometer in a thin-wall teflon capillary tube, which made it possible to maintain the partial oxygen pressure in the mitochondrial suspension at a constant level. Tiron was used as a spin trap, and the intensity of its EPR signal corresponded to the rate of O2-. formation in the sample. The addition of oxidation substrates (succinate, glutamate, and malate) into the incubation mixture caused the appearance of the Tiron EPR signal. The rate of superoxide radical generation by heart mitochondria strongly increased in the presence of antimycin A, an inhibitor of the Q-cycle in complex III of the respiratory chain, but it was completely depressed by another inhibitor of Q-cycle myxothiazol. The inhibition of the reverse electron transport in complex I of the respiratory chain by rotenone (oxidation substrate--succinate) caused a substantial decrease in the rate of O2-. formation by mitochondria.  相似文献   

A correlation between the changes in the rates of superoxide radical generation, upsilon, in microsomes, mitochondria, and nuclei and the Cu, Zn- and Mn-SOD activities in rat liver during the first 5 days after partial hepatectomy, has been studied. Level of upsilon in microsomal and mitochondrial membranes in the regeneration process was reduced. The Cu, Zn- and Mn-SOD activities changed in an extreme and antibate manner: the former was characterized by a minimum, whereas the latter-by a maximum with an extreme on the 3rd day after surgery. Analysis of the correlation between the values of upsilon in the nuclear membranes and cell cycle stages (on a literary basis) revealed that the upsilon was decreased 2 times on the stage of DNA synthesis. When mitosis was at maximum, upsilon showed a 4-5-fold increase in comparison with the control, the Cu, Zn-SOD activity being essentially unchanged. A role of SOD and O2-. in cell division is postulated. O2-. is assumed to play a role in gene expression, disassembly, and regeneration of the nuclear membrane; that of SOD is thought to consist in regulation of the proliferative activity.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase reduces carminomycin and adriamycin to the semiquinones which have been detected by ESR technique. The steady state carminomycin semiquinone concentration is some tens times higher than the corresponding value for adriamycin. This effect appears to be a result of carminomycin semiquinone stabilization due to internal hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

The effects of long-chain fatty acids on mitochondrial functions and red cell stability were studied. In albumin-containing incubation media, fatty acid distribution between the albumin-bound and the unbound fraction was estimated by calculation. When fatty acids are compared to one another on the basis of identical unbound concentrations, their effectiveness differs by orders of magnitude. Fatty acids stimulate mitochondrial basic oxygen consumption, thus lowering the respiratory control index, without changing the ATP/O ratio at lower concentrations. Lower concentrations increase Ca2+ uptake velocity, but decrease maximal Ca2+ storage capacity. The order of effectiveness of different fatty acids is the same for both oxidative phosphorylation and Ca2+ uptake. The influence of fatty acids on red cell stability in hypotonic media is similar to these effects both in concentration range and in order of effectiveness. The influence of fatty acids on red cell stability and their critical micellar concentrations were investigated because these are general characteristics of ‘detergent-like’ compounds. Critical micellar concentrations of the fatty acids in physiological salt buffers are, in general, at least 10-fold higher than the concentrations exhibiting membrane effects in vitro. Based on these findings it is suggested that, of the various concentrations reported in literature for myocardial non-esterified fatty acids, only the lowest values are physiologically possible.  相似文献   

Here we show that both Antimycin A, a respiratory chain inhibitor inducing apoptosis, and endotoxic shock, a syndrome accompanied by both necrosis and apoptosis, cause not only an increase but also the leakage of superoxide radicals (O(2)(*-)) from rat heart mitochondria (RHM), while O(2)(*-) generated in intact RHM do not escape from mitochondria. This was shown by a set of O(2)(*-)-sensitive spin probes with varying hydrophobicity. The levels of O(2)(*-) detected in intact RHM gradually increase as the hydrophobicity of spin probes increases and were not sensitive to superoxide dismutase (SOD) added to the incubation medium. Both Antimycin A and endotoxic shock elevated O(2)(*-) levels. Elevated O(2)(*-) levels became sensitive to SOD but in a different manner. The determination of O(2)(*-) with water-soluble PPH was fully sensitive to SOD, while the determination of O(2)(*-) with the more hydrophobic CMH and CPH was only partially sensitive to SOD, suggesting the release of a portion of O(2)(*-) into the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

A number of biochemical properties of mitochondria from a cytoplasmic petite mutant ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae with an extremely high adenine plus thymine content have been studied.When such particles are isolated by means of standard procedures developed for use with wild-type yeasts they are grossly contaminated by non-mitochondrial membrane fragments. Further enrichment of mitochondria is achieved by non-equilibrium centrifugation in sucrose gradients.Throughout this purification procedure the particles can be shown to retain an outer limiting, as well as a non-cristate inner membrane. In many of their morphological and physical features (size, shape, buoyant density) they resemble mitochondria isolated from the wild type.Although enzymes of the respiratory chain are absent from the mutant particles, their content ofl-malate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, and ATPase is comparable to that found in the wild type. The mitochondrial ATPase in this mutant strain is cold stable, oligomycin insensitive, Dio-9 sensitive, and susceptible to inhibition by the F1 inhibitor of beef heart. The enzyme can be rendered cold labile by its detachment from the membrane, followed by fractionation with protamine sulfate and ammonium sulfate.The existence of mutant particles that are incapable of function in oxidation and phosphorylation but resemble their functional homologues in many other ways raises the possibility that mitochondria are required in the cellular economy for purposes not directly linked to oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport. This hypothesis has led us to suggest that, contrary to models currently under discussion, mitochondria did not evolve as a consequence of endosymbiosis. We propose as an alternative that the mitochondrial organelle evolved as a means of improvement of existing subcellular structures in the primordial (perhaps eukaryotic) cell. Partial autonomy may thus constitute a relatively recent modification; the present-day mitochondrial genome had its origin in nuclear DNA and may have been amplified in a manner not unlike the amplification of ribosomal RNA cistrons in developing oocytes ofXenopus.Supported by Research Grant GM 12228 from the National Institute of General Medical Science, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.Recipient of a Public Health Service Career Award No. GM 05060 from the Institute of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Recently, we have observed that the simultaneous application of free calcium (fCa) and ADP-magnesium (Mg) reduced the ADP:O ratio in isolated cardiac mitochondria. The uncoupling was prevented by cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore. The purpose of this study was to know if the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) is involved in this phenomenon and if it occurs during reoxygenation (Reox) of cultured cardiomyocytes. Cardiac mitochondria were harvested from male Wistar rats. Respiration was assessed in two media with different fCa concentrations (0 or 0.6 M) with palmitoylcarnitine and ADP-Mg as respiration substrates. The production of Krebs cycle intermediates (KCI) was determined. Without fCa in the medium, the mitochondria displayed a large production of citrate + isocitrate + -ketoglutarate. fCa drastically reduced these KCI and promoted the accumulation of succinate. To know if OFR are involved in the respiratory uncoupling, the effect of 4OH-TEMPO (250 M), a hydrosoluble scavenger of OFR, was tested. 4OH-TEMPO completely abolished the fCa- and ADP-Mg-induced uncoupling. Conversely, vitamin E contributed to further decreasing the ADP:O ratio. Since no hydrosoluble electron acceptor was added in our experiment, the oxygen free radical-induced oxidized vitamin E was confined near the mitochondrial membranes, which should reduce the ADP:O ratio by opening the permeability transition pore. The generation of OFR could result from the matrix accumulation of succinate. Taken together, these results indicate that mitochondrial Ca uptake induces a slight increase in membrane permeability. Thereafter, Mg enters the matrix and, in combination with Ca, stimulates the isocitrate and/or -ketoglutarate dehydrogenases. Matrix succinate favors oxygen free radical generation that further increases membrane permeability and allows respiratory uncoupling through proton leakage. To determine whether the phenomenon takes place during Reox, cultured cardiomyocytes were subjected to hypoxia and Reox. 14C-palmitate was added during Reox to determine the KCI profile. Succinate had not increased during Reox. In conclusion, calcium- and ADP-Mg-induced respiratory uncoupling is due to oxygen free radical generation through excess matrix accumulation of succinate. The phenomenon does not occur during reoxygenation because of a total restoration of mitochondrial magnesium and/or ADP concentration.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of calcium and ADP-Mg on the oxidative phosphorylation in isolated cardiac mitochondria. The influence of cyclosporin A was also evaluated. The mitochondria were extracted from rat ventricles. Their oxidative phosphorylations were determined in two respiration media with different free Ca2+ concentrations. Respiration was determined with palmitoylcarnitine and either ADP- or ADP-Mg. With elevated free Ca2+concentrations and ADP-Mg, the transition state III to state IV respiration did not occurred. The ADP:O ratio was reduced. The phenomenon was not observed in the other experimental conditions (low free Ca2+ concentration with either ADP- or ADP-Mg or elevated free Ca2+ concentration with ADP-). Uncoupling was allied with a constant AMP production, which maintained an elevated ADP level in the respiration medium and prevented the return to state IV respiration. It was also observed in a respiration medium devoid of free Ca2+ when the mitochondria were pre-loaded with Ca2+. Uncoupling was inhibited by cyclosporin A. Furthermore, the Krebs cycle intermediates released from14C-palmitoylcarnitine oxidation revealed that succinate was increased by elevated free Ca2+ and ADP-Mg. Succinate is a FAD-linked substrate with low respiration efficiency. Its accumulation could account for the decreased ADP:O ratio. The Ca2+- and ADP-Mg-induced uncoupling might be partly responsible for the mechanical abnormalities observed during low-flow ischemia. (Mol Cell Biochem 000: 000-000, 1999)  相似文献   

For the first time, the electroorientation effect of isolated rat liver mitochondria has been investigated in a nonuniform alternating electric field at frequencies from 50 to 10(7) Hz. Two relaxation regions of mitochondria electroorientation have been revealed; they are due to the presence of low-frequency alpha - and high-frequency beta-dispersion. It has been shown that incubation of mitochondria in a medium with a low electroconductivity as well as in the presence of ionophores (valinomycin, 2,4-dinitrophenol) results in a decreased electroorientation value in the region of the high-frequency structural polarization. This is explained by a marked lowering of the effective electroconductivity of mitochondria due to changes in the permeability of the inner membrane of organelles. Upon the addition of ionophores, the decrease in the electroorientation effect value becomes more pronounced. Inhibition of respiration of mitochondria by antimycin A resulted in a slight diminution of the effect, followed by time-dependent stabilization, probably due to a lowered electroconductivity of the mitochondrial matrix, induced by the reduction of pH in the intramitochondrial space, change in the ionization of inner enzyme structures, and a partial limitation of the inner ion mobility.  相似文献   

Both reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ATP depletion may be significant in hypoxia-induced damage and death, either collectively or independently, with high energy requiring, metabolically active cells being the most susceptible to damage.We investigated the kinetics and effects of ROS production in cardiac myoblasts, H9C2 cells, under 2%, 10% and 21% O2 in the presence or absence of apocynin, rotenone and carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone.H9C2 cells showed significant loss of viability within 30 min of culture at 2% oxygen which was not due to apoptosis, but was associated with an increase in protein oxidation. However, after 4 h, apoptosis induction was observed at 2% oxygen and also to a lesser extent at 10% oxygen; this was dependent on the levels of mitochondrial superoxide anion radicals determined using dihydroethidine. Hypoxia-induced ROS production and cell death could be rescued by the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, rotenone, despite further depletion of ATP.In conclusion, a change to superoxide anion radical steady state level was not detectable after 30 min but was evident after 4 h of mild or severe hypoxia. Superoxide anion radicals from the mitochondrion and not ATP depletion is the major cause of apoptotic cell death in cardiac myoblasts under chronic, severe hypoxia.  相似文献   

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