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AParacoccus sp. which transforms aniline and different halogen-substituted derivatives under aerobic and anaerobic conditions was isolated from the soil. In experiments with14C-ring-labeled 4-chloroaniline, approximately 60% of the radioactive material disappeared from the growth medium after incubation under anaerobiosis within 48 hr, but under aerobic conditions no decrease of radioactivity in the growth medium was observed, although 4-chloroaniline was completely metabolized. Acetylation appears to constitute, especially under aerobic conditions, a major transformation mechanism by the bacterium, since almost 50% of the acetylated compound could be detected and identified if aniline, 2-, 3-, and 4-chloroaniline served as substrate. The formation of different metabolites under aerobic and anaerobic conditions clearly indicates the existence of two separate pathways in the metabolism of aniline compounds depending on the oxygen status of the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract A facultative anaerobe, strain Ep01 produced a mixture of pyruvate, formate, acetate and ethanol from glucose anaerobically, and acetate and pyruvate aerobically. Cell extract of anaerobic-grown cells contained active pyruvate formatelyase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase, while cell extract of aerobic grown cells contained an active pyruvate dehydrogenase system, NaDH oxidase and NADH peroxidase. Levels of acetate kinase and phosphate acetyltransferase activities were not significantly different in cells grown under either condition. Based on the metabolic products and the emzyme activities, we propose the presence of two metabolic pathways in strain Ep01, namely, a pathway to form formate, acetate and ethanol under anaerobic conditions, and a pathway to form under aerobic conditions. This explains why strain Ep01 can grow well both under strictly anaerobic conditions and well-aerated conditions.  相似文献   

Measurements of suspended matter, particulate organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon were made over a three year period at stations spanning 150 km of the tidal freshwater Hudson River. Suspended matter concentrations varied from year-to-year and were not related to freshwater discharge. The increase in suspended matter with depth in vertical profiles suggests that, during medium to low flow conditions, resuspension of bottom sediments was as important a source of sediment as loadings from tributaries. Particulate organic carbon showed significant variability among stations, and both autochthonous primary production and detrital organic matter are contributing to POC standing stocks. Dissolved organic carbon represented over half of the total organic carbon in the water column and showed little variation among stations.Examining downstream changes in transport showed that there was significant production of both suspended matter and POC within the study reach during the ice-free season. Tributary loadings within the study reach do not appear to be the cause of these increases in downstream transport. Dissolved organic carbon behaved conservatively in that there was no evidence for net production or net consumption within the river.The spatial/temporal patterns and analyses of transport suggest that suspended matter and POC, but not DOC, were controlled to a significant extent by processes occurring within the river and were not simply related to loadings from outside.  相似文献   

Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Entamoeba histolytica   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Respiration by Entamoeba histolylica is confirmed. A doubling of the rate of oxygen uptake was observed upon the addition of d-glucose to cells in which the glycogen reserve had been partially depleted. In cells metabolizing endogenous substrates the rate of oxygen uptake was not influenced by sodium cyanide or sodium succinate. It was slightly depressed when d-mannose was the added sugar. The end products, CO2, ethanol, and acetate accounted for essentially all of the glucose carbon utilized in both aerobic and anaerobic experiments. The radioactivity from uniformly labelled 14C-glucose was found in these products. Three times as much ethanol as acetate was produced in the anaerobic experiments and in the aerobic experiments this ratio was approximately reversed.  相似文献   

Seven day old seedlings of Echinochloa crus-galli var. oryzicola (Vasing) had a higher total lipid content when germinated under N2 than in air, although ungerminated seeds contained more lipid than either seedling. The triacylglycerol pool was not depleted under anaerobiosis as it was in air and only air-grown seedlings showed a net increase in free fatty acids and polar lipids. Concentrations of most of the individual acids of the total fatty acid profile declined during germination in air and in the free acid and polar lipid fractions of these seedlings the relative proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids increased. Compared to air-grown seedlings, ungerminated seeds and N2-grown seedlings had a similar qualitative and quantitative lipid composition. Our results show that mobilization of storage lipids was apparently severely inhibited under anoxia. The importance of lipid metabolism to the germination and growth of Echinochloa during anoxia is discussed in terms of maintaining membrane integrity and serving (indirectly) to reoxidize pyridine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Analysis of oxygen consumption and lactic acid formation during five minutes of maximal activity by the rodents Microtus montanus (Cricetidae) and Dipodomys merriami (Hetermyidae) indicates that: (1) anaerobiosis provides approximately 10% of total energy utilized during the 5-minute activity period; (2) anaerobiosis may account for as much as one-third of total energy utilized during the first 30 seconds of activity. In addition, these data indicate at least one species of lizard may be capable of a higher total rate of metabolism during "burst" activity than are the rodents investigated here.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface waters of sub-humid to semi-arid lakes in east-central Alberta increase with increasing salinity and water residence time from about 20 to 330 mg L–1 as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This pattern is opposite to that observed among freshwater lakes spanning a gradient in water residence times, and is probably caused by evaporative concentration of refractory DOM. The proportion of total DOC, operationally defined as humic substances using XAD-8 resin, was high, though similar to surface waters typically referred to as "humic", and independent of salinity. Very long water residence times (hundreds of years) in saline lakes favors evapoconcentration of low-color, low molecular weight DOM, with N-content characteristic of allochthonous DOM.  相似文献   

Effective isolation of freshwater bacterioplankton belonging to genus Polynucleobacter from a shallow eutrophic lake and its tributary was achieved by size-selective filtration with a 0.7-μm pore filter and cultivation on R2A agar medium. Partial 16S rRNA gene analysis showed that over 80% of all the strains were highly similar to the Polynucleobacter cluster. Essential medium components for effective cultivation are pyruvate, yeast extract and peptone, whereas soluble starch and glucose are not necessary. Isolate KF001 (affiliated with Polynucleobacter subcluster D) has a strict requirement for organic acids as carbon sources, and we hypothesize that the Polynucleobacter cluster of bacteria could utilize compounds formed via photochemically dissolved organic matter (DOM) degradation for growth. Because organic acids form from solar radiation of DOM in aquatic environments, carbon sources that are typical products of DOM photochemical degradation were added to the medium. These compounds were readily utilized by KF001 in this study. Finally, we observed the stimulation of strain KF001 activity by photochemical degradation of natural lake water. Our findings suggest a carbon flow of DOM photoproducts to Polynucleobacter in the freshwater microbial loop.  相似文献   

A defined medium with glucose as the carbon source was used to quantitatively determine the metabolic end products produced by Listeria monocytogenes under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Of 10 strains tested, all produced acetoin under aerobic conditions but not anaerobic conditions. Percent carbon recoveries of end products, typified by strain F5069, were as follows: lactate, 28%; acetate, 23%; and acetoin, 26% for aerobic growth and lactate, 79%; acetate, 2%; formate, 5.4%; ethanol, 7.8%; and carbon dioxide, 2.3% for anaerobic growth. No attempt to determine carbon dioxide under aerobic growth conditions was made. The possibility of using acetoin production to assay for growth of L. monocytogenes under defined conditions should be considered.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized the expression of a decapentaplegic homologue (designated Ttu-dpp) from the oligochaete annelid Tubifex tubifex. RT-PCR analysis and in situ hybridization revealed that Ttu-dpp begins to be expressed around the time of the onset of ectodermal germ band (GB) elongation (i.e., the onset of gastrulation). At this time, Ttu-dpp expression is detected in the anteriormost part of the GBs. As development proceeds and the GBs elongate, the domain of Ttu-dpp-expressing cells extends posteriorly. Then Ttu-dpp-expressing cells within the GB are divided into two groups: one group occurs along the ventral midline and coincides with the domain of ventral ganglia; the other is located more dorsally. The latter group of Ttu-dpp-expressing cells subsequently undergoes dorsalward expansion, which results in the formation of a lateral stripe of cells in every segment except the first (i.e., segment I). In embryos that undergo body elongation (that is one of the last morphogenetic movements occurring prior to hatchout), Ttu-dpp expression in the lateral region is confined to setal sacs, which are arranged in the same transverse plane around the periphery of each segment (except segment I).  相似文献   

Despite the importance of some Zygosaccharomyces species as agents causing spoilage of food, the carbon and energy metabolism of most of them is yet largely unknown. This is the case with Zygosaccharomyces bailii. In this study the occurrence of the Crabtree effect in the petite-negative yeast Z. bailii ATCC 36947 was investigated. In this yeast the aerobic ethanol production is strictly dependent on the carbon source utilised. In glucose-limited continuous cultures a very low level of ethanol was produced. In fructose-limited continuous cultures ethanol was produced at a higher level and its production increased with the dilution rate. As a consequence, on fructose the onset of respiro-fermentative metabolism caused a reduction in biomass yield. An immediate aerobic alcoholic fermentation in Z. bailii was observed during the transition from sugar limitation to sugar excess, both on glucose and on fructose. The analysis of some key enzymes of the fermentative metabolism showed a high level of acetyl-CoA synthetase in Z. bailii growing on fructose. At high dilution rates, the activities of glucose- and fructose-phosphorylating enzymes, as well as of pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase, were higher in cells during growth on fructose than on glucose.  相似文献   

Previous culture experiments revealed that, in reproductively active E. foetida, the central nervous sytem (CNS) produces a neurohormone necessary for the secretion of an androgen by testes. The tracing of the origin of this neurohormone has now been done by culturing in vitro ovaries and testes with different ganglia of the nerve cord. In the presence of cerebral ganglia (CG), the percentage of testes transformed into ovotestes was low (3%), while reaching respectively 32% and 17% in the associations with sub-esophageal ganglia (SEG) or ganglia of the male or female genital segments (GS ♂ or ♀). Only the neurohormone produced by CG was able to stimulate secretion of the testicular androgen, the existence of which was proved by previous experiments. The secretion of this androgen was enough to transform 28% of the ovaries into ovotestes. On the other hand, no masculinization of the ovaries was observed in the presence of various ganglia of the ventral nerve cord (SEG, GS ♂ or ♀). It appears, therefore, that the secretion of the testicular androgen is stimulated by the CG.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and color were measuredas a function of time in enclosures and lakes at the Experimental Lakes Area,to calculate their net loss rates. Loss rates in enclosures werefirst order for both DOC and color, with half-times for loss of 166and 122 d, respectively. Thus, the colored, light-attenuating componentof the DOC pool is lost from water more rapidly than is bulk DOC. Loss ratesin lakes, calculated from a steady state model, were similar to values forcolor in enclosures, but for DOC in lakes were four times slower than inenclosures. In lakes, loss rate for DOC increased rapidly with decreasingwater residence time (w) but was independent ofw when it was greater than 3 years. In lakes, theloss rate for color was independent of water residence time. Thedifference in losses of DOC and color between lakes and enclosurescould be from release of low-color DOC from sediments.  相似文献   

When S. mansoni adults were cultured in vitro for 12 days in a diphasic medium, their gross morphology, motor activity, frequency of sexual pairings, rates of glucose utilization and of lactic acid production were the same in the presence (90% N2/5% O2/5% CO2) or absence (95% N2/5% CO2) of oxygen. Therefore, no Pasteur effect, nor any reduction in lactic acid formation, was demonstrable under aerobic conditions. While aerobic conditions did not affect the rate of glycolysis, they had a marked effect on egg production. In the presence of oxygen, the rate of egg-laying reached a maximum between days 4 and 6. The average number of viable eggs produced per worm pair during this period was 118 (Sx equals 2.2), which is within the overall range (68 to 248) recorded by others for this same strain in vivo. Conversely, under anaerobic conditions in vitro, virtually no eggs were laid. It remains to be determined whether oxidative metabolism actually is required for energy to produce eggs, or whether some reaction yielding no ATP is essential for completion of their developmental process, such as tanning of the eggshall brought about by the oxidation of some phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This is the first ultrastructural study of the development of a marine actinosporean and of a species belonging to the genus Sphaeractinomyxon Caullery & Mesnil, 1904. S. ersei n. sp. is described from a limnodriloidine oligochaete, Doliodrilus diverticulatus Erséus, 1985, from Moreton Bay. Queensland, Australia. Development is asynchronous, there being all stages from two-celled pansporoblasts through to mature spores present simultaneously within a host. Spores develop in groups of eight within pansporoblasts in the coelom and when mature are located also in the intestinal lumen. The primordial spore envelope and sporoplasm develop separately in the pansporoblast until the polar filament is formed within the polar capsule and the capsulogenic cell cytoplasm has begun to degrade. The sporoplasm then enters the spore through a separated valve junction. Mature spores are triradially symmetrical with three centrally located polar capsules and a single binucleate sporoplasm with about 46 germ cells. Swellings or projections of the epispore do not occur when spores exit the host and contact sea water.  相似文献   

1. The O2 consumption and lactic acid production of the lens of the toad Bufo marinus was measured under various conditions. The energy consumption was very low compared to other amphibian tissues and about 20% of that previously described in the rat lens. About 80% was derived from oxidative metabolism, which is the converse of that seen in mammals. 2. Cyanide abolished O2 consumption and increased lactate production 20-30 times ("Pasteur effect"). 3. Under aerobic conditions about 40% of the energy requirements of the lens are related to the presence of Na in the bathing-media but this was not seen in the presence of CN. 4. Oxidative metabolism was predominant in the outer cortical regions of the lens while glycolysis persisted even in the central nucleus. The energetic requirements of this region were, however, only about 10% of those in the intact lens. 5. Lactate readily leaves the lens and passes into its bathing fluids, and at high rates of glycolysis this occurs more readily across the posterior surface. 6. The results are discussed in relation to the unique physiological needs, structure and situation of the lens.  相似文献   

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