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Food mixing strategies were compared in the cryptically coloured, relatively sedentary `solitarious' and the highly mobile, conspicuously coloured `gregarious' phases of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Based on phase related differences in behaviour and nutritional regulatory responses, we predicted that solitarious nymphs, compared to gregarious nymphs, would move less between nutritionally complementary foods, particularly as the distance between the foods increased. We manipulated the nutritional composition [protein (p) and digestible carbohydrate (c) content] of two foods in an experimental arena and varied the distance between the foods using a factorial experimental design. Results indicated that in general, solitarious nymphs showed greater fidelity to individual food dishes than did gregarious insects (i.e., they concentrated their feeding mainly on one dish). However, results also demonstrated that for both phases fidelity to a particular food dish increased as the distance between the dishes increased, and that the number of switches between dishes decreased with increasing distance. In the smallest arenas, though, gregarious nymphs switched more frequently between the two food dishes than solitarious nymphs, even when the two dishes contained the same, near-optimal food (p18:c24). When challenged by having the two dishes either placed furthest apart (2 m) or more divergent in nutritional composition (p29:c13 vs. p7:c35), insects of both phases regulated protein intake more strongly than carbohydrate intake, by eating more from the dish containing higher-protein food.  相似文献   

[His7]-corazonin is a neuropeptide produced in the pars lateralis of the brain. It is stored in the corpora cardiaca and probably released from there. The only well-documented effect in locusts is increased melanization of the cuticle. We investigated whether this hormone might also be causally related to changes in behavior and morphometrics that, like melanization, occur during crowding-induced gregarization. Solitary fourth-instar nymphs of Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) were injected thrice with 1 nmol [His7]-corazonin. After molting to the 5th stadium their behavioral phase state was measured in an arena assay and analyzed using multiple logistic regression analysis. The hormone was found not to induce behavioral phase changes. Upon reaching adulthood, morphometrics shifts occurred towards values typical for crowd-reared and regregarized animals. Our results thus indicate that [His7]-corazonin is not involved in behavioral gregarization but may participate in morphometrical phase change.  相似文献   

The role of octopamine in locusts and other arthropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biogenic amine octopamine and its biological precursor tyramine are thought to be the invertebrate functional homologues of the vertebrate adrenergic transmitters. Octopamine functions as a neuromodulator, neurotransmitter and neurohormone in insect nervous systems and prompts the whole organism to “dynamic action”. A growing number of studies suggest a prominent role for octopamine in modulating multiple physiological and behavioural processes in invertebrates, as for example the phase transition in Schistocerca gregaria. Both octopamine and tyramine exert their effects by binding to specific receptor proteins that belong to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. Since these receptors do not appear to be present in vertebrates, they may present very suitable and specific insecticide and acaricide targets.  相似文献   

The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), is a major pest and well known in its gregarious phase. However, it is not well understood during recession periods, when the solitarious phase populations are discrete. Nonetheless, these populations are at the origin of the invasions when ecological conditions become favourable. This lack of knowledge of the solitarious phase individuals impedes effective preventive management of this pest. Archive data collected in Algeria from 1980 to 2011 were used to analyse solitarious population dynamics across the Algerian Sahara where some outbreak areas are located that play a major role in the invasion process. The results confirm previous empirical observations on solitarious population dynamics. First, a clear difference could be documented between the northern and southern Saharan regions of Algeria concerning the locust dynamics and the impact of environmental conditions. The importance of runoff was clear to create suitable habitats over a long period and to very distant places from rainy areas. Second, a link, on an annual basis, between green vegetation and presence of solitarious locusts was found. Third, statistical relationships between various locations demonstrated a clear regional dynamics. Our study confirmed the importance of migrations of solitarious populations among Algerian regions and more generally within the recession area of this species. The operational implications of these findings are multiple. First, they confirm the need of a flexible and scalable preventive system during the year, from 1 year to another and with a clear distinction between the northern and southern Saharan areas of Algeria. Second, they also confirm the necessity for the inclusion of wadis and soil moisture estimations from remote sensing in geographic information systems for preventive management. And third, they clearly illustrate the importance to target solitarious locusts for more efficient preventive survey operations.  相似文献   

Less than 1% of an ingested inoculum of the pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was retained for long enough (ca. 24 h) in the gut of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, for germination and penetration to have occurred. The residual inoculum did not initiate an infection in guts of fed conventional or axenic locusts. However, symptoms of mycosis (hyphal bodies in the haemolymph, fungal penetration of the hindgut intima and epithelium, tetanic paralysis) were consistently observed in axenic but not conventional locusts which were starved post-inoculation.It is concluded that the antifungal toxin produced by the gut bacteria defends the desert locust against gut invasion by Metarhizium anisopliae during periods of starvation when the physical defences, prominent in fed insects, are less apparent.  相似文献   

Summary Aggregates of synaptic vesicles, stained black by the zinc iodide-osmium procedure, can be visualised with the light microscope in 1 m plastic sections. This allows the main branches of a neurone to be reconstructed relatively rapidly and the associated vesicle aggregates to be plotted. By resectioning, the identity of the vesicle aggregates has been confirmed with the electron microscope. Two flight motor neurones in the mesothoracic ganglion of the locust have been examined. One is identified as a dorsal longitudinal muscle motor neurone (muscle 112) and the other is probably a subalar neurone (muscle 99). Both have a large density of vesicle aggregates on the neuropilar segment, the widest part of the main neuronal axis, but few on the neurite within 250 m of the cell body. The larger branches arising from the neuropilar segment tend to have a lower density of aggregates than fine branches, which suggests that synapses to the branches may occur mainly on the distal twigs. These results are an important preliminary step in determining the integrative functions of such neurones and have immediate implications in the interpretation of microelectrode recordings.JSA is supported by grant KU 240/3 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Dr. W. Kutsch. We thank Mrs. Christine Davies for valuable assistance with the resectioning technique.  相似文献   

Conclusions The importance of using azadirachtin in the field at levels causing primary antifeedancy may have been overemphasised in the past. Currently, it is recommended that commercial preparations of neem be applied at 50–100 ppm (a.i.). While this would undoubtedly have an antifeedant effect in many phytophagous insects it may also harm beneficial species (Schmutterer, 1990). By lowering the concentration of azadirachtin applied to the crop, food intake by insect pests with low chemoreceptor sensitivity to azadirachtin, e.g. aphids (Nisbet et al., 1993; 1994), would not initially be affected. However, secondary antifeedant effects, IGR and sterilant effects could rapidly manifest themselves and bring about crop protection by reducing insect pest populations without harming natural predator or parasitoid populations.  相似文献   

For spatial navigation many insects rely on compass information derived from the polarization pattern of the sky. We demonstrate that tethered flying desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) show e-vector-dependent yaw-torque responses to polarized light presented from above. A slowly rotating polarizer (5.3° s–1) induced periodic changes in yaw torque corresponding to the 180° periodicity of the stimulus. Control experiments with a rotating diffuser, a weak intensity pattern, and a stationary polarizer showed that the response is not induced by intensity gradients in the stimulus. Polarotaxis was abolished after painting the dorsal rim areas of the compound eyes black, but remained unchanged after painting the eyes except the dorsal rim areas. During rotation of the polarizer, two e-vectors (preferred and avoided e-vector) induced no turning responses: they were broadly distributed from 0 to 180° but, for a given animal, were perpendicular to each other. The data demonstrate polarization vision in the desert locust, as shown previously for bees, flies, crickets, and ants. Polarized light is perceived through the dorsal rim area of the compound eye, suggesting that polarization vision plays a role in compass navigation of the locust.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of nymphs and adults in the gregarious phase of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were investigated in a single-chamber bioassay system to a choice of two columns of air, one permeated with airborne volatiles emanating from either sex of nymphs or adults and the other untreated. There was no sexual differentiation in the production of or response to nymphal volatiles. Young adults of either sex did not produce a stimulus with significant activity. Of the older adults, only the males produced the aggregation stimulus to which both sexes were equally responsive. Charcoal-trapped volatiles from the two sexes of nymphs and adults evoked similar aggregation responses. Antennae of the older adults showed significantly higher EAG responses than those of fifth instar nymphs to all four volatile collections, of which volatiles from older adult males were the most stimulatory and evoked the highest EAG amplitudes.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying the phase-dependent polyphenism in hatchling body coloration was studied by testing for a possible causal relationship with egg size in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Crowd-reared (gregarious) females typically produce large, black offspring, whereas females reared in isolation (solitarious) deposit small, green offspring. We first tested for possible genetic differences in the role of egg foam by washing or separating eggs from two strains of locust. No solitarizing effect was found in either of the strains tested, supporting a previous finding, using another laboratory strain, to show that the hatchling body coloration and size are pre-determined in the ovary of the mother and no egg foam factor is involved in the control of the hatchling body coloration. Topical application of fenoxycarb, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), and implantation of extra corpora allata (CA), taken from Locusta migratoria, caused gregarious female adults of S. gregaria to produce small eggs. Some eggs laid by CA-implanted females produced green hatchlings. All large eggs chosen among those deposited by gregarious females produced black hatchlings. When eggs were either kept on dry filter paper at nearly saturated relative humidity during embryogenesis or pricked with a needle so that some egg yolk was squeezed out, some produced small, green hatchlings. These results suggested that the amount of egg yolk or the availability of yolk material may determine the body coloration of hatchlings.  相似文献   

Many insects can detect the polarization pattern of the blue sky and rely on polarization vision for sky compass orientation. In laboratory experiments, tethered flying locusts perform periodic changes in flight behavior under a slowly rotating polarizer even if one eye is painted black. Anatomical tracing studies and intracellular recordings have suggested that the polarization vision pathway in the locust brain involves the anterior optic tract and tubercle, the lateral accessory lobe, and the central complex of the brain. To investigate whether visual pathways through the anterior optic tract mediate polarotaxis in the desert locust, we transected the tract on one side and tested polarotaxis (1) with both eyes unoccluded and (2) with the eye of the intact hemisphere painted black. In the second group of animals, but not in the first group, polarotaxis was abolished. Sham operations did not impair polarotaxis. The experiments show that the anterior optic tract is an indispensable part of visual pathways mediating polarotaxis in the desert locust.  相似文献   

In tethered flying locusts, optomotor thrust responses induced by translatory pattern motion within the lateral visual fields were studied under closed-loop conditions. By modulating thrust in a compensatory manner, locusts counteracted a bias motion superposed on the thrust-related motion. This way, pattern speed was kept at 0° s–1, indicating the set point of the respective optomotor control circuit. Though the quality of bias compensation varied greatly, it was largely independent from pattern characteristics. It might indicate that the gain of behavior not only is controlled by an automatic mechanism but also is affected by spontaneous modulations. Compensation of bias motion was critically dependent on the relation between self- and bias-generated motion: Locusts did not take control over pattern motion if self- and bias-generated motion differed greatly. Instead, locusts adopted a constant, supposingly preferred, thrust value. Therefore, flight speed is assumed to be controlled by two systems: the optomotor and a preferred thrust system. In free flight, an equalization of the flight speed of locusts within a swarm might result from similar behavior. In combination with a presumed coordination of the locusts' course direction, this may explain the continued cohesion of swarms in the field.  相似文献   

Take-off activity of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), phasegregaria, was studied in a temperature-controlled laboratory environment and possible relationships with certain meteorological factors were analysed. A statistically significant relationship between the passage of cold fronts and an increased take-off rate was found. The reaction of the locusts could not be correlated to changes in VLF electromagnetic radiation or to the atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

Neuromodulators orchestrate complex behavioral routines by their multiple and combined effects on the nervous system. In the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, frontal ganglion neurons innervate foregut dilator muscles and play a key role in the control of foregut motor patterns. To further investigate the role of the frontal ganglion in locust behavior, we currently focus on the frontal ganglion central pattern generator as a target for neuromodulation. Application of octopamine, a well-studied insect neuromodulator, generated reversible disruption of frontal ganglion rhythmic activity. The threshold for the modulatory effects of octopamine was 10–6 mol l–1, and 10–4 mol l–1 always abolished the ongoing rhythm. In contrast to this straightforward modulation, allatostatin, previously reported to be a myoinhibitor of insect gut muscles, showed complex, tri-modal, dose-dependent effects on frontal ganglion rhythmic pattern. Using a novel cross-correlation analysis technique, we show that different allatostatin concentrations have very different effects not only on cycle period but also on temporal characteristics of the rhythmic bursts of action potentials. Allatostatin also altered the frontal ganglion rhythm in vivo. The analysis technique we introduce may be instrumental in the study of not fully characterized neural circuits and their modulation. The physiological significance of our results and the role of the modulators in locust behavior are discussed.Abbreviation CPG central pattern generator - FG frontal ganglion - JH juvenile hormone - STNS stomatogastric nervous system  相似文献   

The glucosinolates of a Saharan crucifer Schouwia purpurea (Forskål) (Brassicaceae) were determined by liquid chromatography. Two of these glucosinolates and sinigrin were tested for their deterrent effect on Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Glucobrassicin, three indolyls and epigoitrin were synthesized for this purpose. Epiprogoitrin was extracted from Crambe seeds. Choice tests on artificial substrate compared feeding responses to glucosinolates and to related breakdown products released when the plant is eaten. Breakdown products were more efficient in deterring the generalist locust than were glucosinolates. Two patterns of dose responses were recorded: glucosidic compounds deterred or stimulated feeding, depending on the concentration tested; aglycones did not stimulate feeding at any concentration. Allyl isothiocyanate, a volatile compound, was a 100-fold higher deterrent than its substrate (sinigrin).  相似文献   

Summary In Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, the projection areas and branching patterns of the tympanal receptor cells in the thoracic ganglia were revealed. Four auditory neuropiles can be distinguished on each side of the ventral cord, always located in the anterior part of the ring tract in each neuromere (two in the meta-, one in the meso-, and one in the prothoracic ganglion). Some of the receptor fibres ascend to the suboesophageal ganglion. There are distinct subdivisions within the auditory, frontal metathoracic and mesothoracic neuropiles. The arrangement of the terminal arborisations of the four types of tympanal receptor cells according to their different frequency-intensity responses is somatotopic and similar in the two ganglia. Here the receptor cells of type-1 form a restricted lateroventral arborisation. Cells of type-4 occupy the caudal part with a dorsorostral extension. Cells of type-2 and -3 arborise in a subdivision between both. Most of the stained low-frequency receptors (type-1, -2, and -3) terminate either in the metathoracic or, predominantly, in the mesothoracic ganglion. In contrast, the high-frequency cells (type-4) ascend to the prothoracic ganglion. The receptor fibres of the different types of receptor cells differ in diameter.Abbreviations aRT anterior part of the ring tract - cf characteristic frequency - MVT median ventral tract - SEG suboesophageal ganglion - SMC supramedian commissure - VMT ventral median tract - VIT ventral intermediate tract Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; part of program A7 in Sonderforschungsbereich 305 (Ecophysiology)  相似文献   

Localization of [22,23-(3)H(2)] dihydroazadirachtin binding sites in locust (Schistocerca gregaria) testes was investigated by in vitro autoradiography. Preferential binding of the ligand at concentrations of 10(-8) M was located in the testes follicles, localized on the tail portions of developing sperm. This binding was fully displaceable with an excess of unlabelled ligand. The results indicate that Azadirachtin binds preferentially to sites on the organelles associated with maturing locust sperm tails. Azadirachtin, at concentrations of 10(-4)M and above, caused a time-dependent reduction in the motility of eupyrene sperm bundles liberated from the accessory glands of mature male S. gregaria. The effect of azadirachtin on boar sperm motility was also time- and concentratiion-dependent. Forward motility was significantly reduced by concentrations above 10(-5)M at each time interval (P<0.05).  相似文献   

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