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Embryonic induction and cation concentrations in amphibian embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Explanted ectoderm from early gastrulae of Triturus alpestris was treated with the Na-K ionophore gramicidin (10(-9) to 10(-5) M) and the Ca-ionophore A 23187 (10(-7) to 10(-5) M). The ectoderm developed almost exclusively to atypical epidermis as in the control explants. When the ectoderm was treated with ouabain (10(-4) M), intracellular Na+ increased about 4.4-fold and K+ was reduced by half. Mesenchyme cells in small number differentiated in about 40% of the ouabain-treated explants. The time course of total Na+ and K+ ion concentrations was measured over a period of 72 h in ectoderm of T. alpestris after induction with vegetalizing factor and in control explants. In the first 15 h after explantation, no significant differences between control and induced explants were found. Thereafter, the steady state concentration of K+ decreased in the induced explants, whereas the steady-state concentration of Na+ slightly increased. The membrane resting potential recorded intracellularly of ectoderm sandwiches from early gastrula stages was found to be -41.3 mV in control and -59.3 mV in induced explants. From the specific conductances and permeabilities of non-induced and induced cells it is concluded that the induction process leads to a differentiation of the cell membrane, which acquires the characteristics of ionic selectivity. Ectoderm from Ambystoma mexicanum forms neural or neuroid tissue, mesenchyme and melanophores after explantation in salt solution in up to 50% of the explants without any additions. Isolated Ambystoma ectoderm is therefore not suitable for test experiments.  相似文献   

Vertebrate cranial placodes I. Embryonic induction   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cranial placodes are focal regions of thickened ectoderm in the head of vertebrate embryos that give rise to a wide variety of cell types, including elements of the paired sense organs and neurons in cranial sensory ganglia. They are essential for the formation of much of the cranial sensory nervous system. Although relatively neglected today, interest in placodes has recently been reawakened with the isolation of molecular markers for different stages in their development. This has enabled a more finely tuned approach to the understanding of placode induction and development and in some cases has resulted in the isolation of inducing molecules for particular placodes. Both morphological and molecular data support the existence of a preplacodal domain within the cranial neural plate border region. Nonetheless, multiple tissues and molecules (where known) are involved in placode induction, and each individual placode is induced at different times by a different combination of these tissues, consistent with their diverse fates. Spatiotemporal changes in competence are also important in placode induction. Here, we have tried to provide a comprehensive review that synthesises the highlights of a century of classical experimental research, together with more modern evidence for the tissues and molecules involved in the induction of each placode.  相似文献   

Although elevated plasma prorenin levels are commonly found in diabetic patients and correlate with microvascular complications, the pathological role of these increases, if any, remains unclear. Prorenin/renin binding to the prorenin/renin receptor [(p)RR] enhances the efficiency of angiotensinogen cleavage by renin and unmasks prorenin catalytic activity. We asked whether plasma prorenin could be activated in local vascular tissue through receptor binding. Immunohistochemical staining showing localization of the (p)RR in the aorta to vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). After cultured rat VSMCs were incubated with 10(-7) M inactive prorenin, cultured supernatant acquired the ability to generate ANG I from angiotensinogen, indicating that prorenin had been activated. Activated prorenin facilitated angiotensin generation in cultured VSMCs when exogenous angiotensinogen was added. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) against the (p)RR blocked this activation and subsequent angiotensin generation. Prorenin alone induced dose- and time-dependent increases in mRNA and protein for the profibrotic molecule plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1, effects that were blocked by siRNA, but not by the ANG II receptor antagonist saralasin. When inactive prorenin and angiotensinogen were incubated with cells, PAI-1 mRNA increased a striking 54-fold, 8-fold higher than the increase seen with prorenin alone. PAI-1 protein increased 2.75-fold. These effects were blocked by treatment with siRNA + saralasin. We conclude that prorenin at high concentration binds the (p)RR on VSMCs and is activated. This activation leads to increased expression of PAI-1 via ANG II-independent and -dependent mechanisms. These data provide a mechanism by which elevated prorenin levels in diabetes may contribute to the progression of fibrotic disease.  相似文献   

Antibodies to smooth muscle and non-muscle myosin allow the development of smooth muscle and its capillary system in the embryonic chicken gizzard to be followed by immunofluorescent techniques. Although smooth muscle development proceeds in a serosal to luminal direction, angiogenetic cell clusters develop independently at the luminal side close to the epithelial layer, and the presumptive capillaries invade the developing muscle in a luminal to serosal direction. The smooth muscle and non-muscle myosin heavy chains in this avian system cannot be separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and do not show isoform specificity in immunoblotting, unlike the system found in mammals. Only two myosin heavy chains with Mr of 200 and 196 kDa were separable and considerable immunological cross-reactivity was found between the denatured myosin isoform heavy chains.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle satellite cells play a critical role during muscle growth, homoeostasis and regeneration. Selective induction of the muscle determination genes Myf5, Myod and Mrf4 during prenatal development can potentially impact on the reported functional heterogeneity of adult satellite cells. Accordingly, expression of Myf5 was reported to diminish the self-renewal potential of the majority of satellite cells. In contrast, virtually all adult satellite cells showed antecedence of Myod activity. Here we examine the priming of myogenic cells by Mrf4 throughout development. Using a Cre-lox based genetic strategy and novel highly sensitive Pax7 reporter alleles compared to the ubiquitous Rosa26-based reporters, we show that all adult satellite cells, independently of their anatomical location or embryonic origin, have been primed for Mrf4 expression. Given that Mrf4Cre and Mrf4nlacZ are active exclusively in progenitors during embryogenesis, whereas later expression is restricted to differentiated myogenic cells, our findings suggest that adult satellite cells emerge from embryonic founder cells in which the Mrf4 locus was activated. Therefore, this level of myogenic priming by induction of Mrf4, does not compromise the potential of the founder cells to assume an upstream muscle stem cell state. We propose that embryonic myogenic cells and the majority of adult muscle stem cells form a lineage continuum.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies to chicken gizzard myosin and to chicken skin collagen type I allow the myofibrillar and connective tissue development in the embryonic chicken gizzard to be followed. Fibroblasts are assumed to synthesize collagen prior to the onset of smooth muscle cell development in the muscle primordium (day 5); they are presumably also responsible for collagen synthesis close to the presumptive lamina propria and in the developing tubular glands (day 14 to 17). From day 6 to 8, myosin and collagen are colocalized intracellularly, and from day 9 onward collagen fibers start to appear extracellularly, eventually forming the trellis-like connective tissue septa that give the rhomboid profile found in the adult muscle. The close association of collagen and myosin in early development suggests that the muscle cells themselves produce and export collagen.  相似文献   

The principle of embryonic induction was defined by early studies of lens determination, and because of the relative simplicity of the developing lens and its interaction with presumptive retinal tissue it has been a favored system for examining mechanisms of induction. Recent studies have led to substantial alterations of the classic model for this process, introducing several elements that significantly refine our view of vertebrate tissue determination.  相似文献   

Voluntary muscle activation varies with age and muscle group.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The consistency and the number of attempts required to achieve maximal voluntary muscle activation have not been documented and compared between young and old adults. Furthermore, few studies have contrasted activation between functional pairs of muscle groups, and no study has tested upper limb muscles. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare voluntary muscle activation of the elbow flexors and extensors in young and old men over two separate test sessions. With the method of twitch interpolation to measure activation, six young (24 +/- 1 yr) and six old (83 +/- 4 yr) men performed five maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) during each session for each muscle group. Elbow flexion and extension MVC was less (43 and 47%, respectively) in the old men, yet the best maximal voluntary muscle activation was similar between age groups. However, when all 10 attempts at MVC were compared, the mean activation scores were slightly less (approximately 5%) in the elbow extensors but were approximately 11% less (P < 0.001) in the elbow flexors of old men, compared with young men. During the second session, there was a significant improvement of 13% (P < 0.005) in mean elbow flexor activation in the old men. There were no session differences for either muscle group for the young men. The results indicate that, for aged men, elbow flexor maximal activation is achieved less frequently compared with elbow extensors, and thus mean activation for elbow flexors is less than for elbow extensors. However, if sufficient attempts are provided, the best effort for the old men is not different from that of the young men for either muscle group.  相似文献   

Neuregulins bind to and activate members of the EGF receptor family of tyrosine kinases that initiate a signaling cascade that induces acetylcholine receptor synthesis in the postsynaptic membrane of neuromuscular synapses. In addition to an EGF-like domain, sufficient for receptor binding and tyrosine auto-phosphorylation, many spliced forms also have an IG-like domain that binds HSPGs and maintains a high concentration of neuregulin at synapses. Here, we show that the IG-like domain functions to keep the EGF-like domain at sufficiently high concentrations for a sufficiently long period of time necessary to induce acetylcholine receptor gene expression in primary chick myotubes. Using recombinant neuregulins with and without the IG-like domain, we found that IG-like domain binding to endogenous HSPGs produces a 4-fold increase in receptor phosphorylation. This enhancement of activity was blocked by soluble heparin or by pretreatment of muscle cells with heparitinase. We show that at least 12-24 h of neuregulin exposure was required to turn on substantial acetylcholine receptor gene expression and that the erbB receptors need to be kept phosphorylated during this time. The need for sustained erbB receptor activation may be the reason why neuregulins are so highly concentrated in the extracellular matrix of synapses.  相似文献   

At early embryonal and larval stages of development 7 species of amphibia have been studied. The ultimobranchial anlage and processes resulted in formation of the secretory follicle are investigated. Dynamics on changes of amount of the gland cells and the first appearance of capillaries are analyzed. In Anura and Urodela the anlage of the ultimobranchial gland develops from the epithelial lining of the pharynx behind the last branchial pocket rudiment. The gland is asymmetric and can be laid either in the right or in the left side of the body. Death of calcitonin-secreting cells is compensated at the expense of repeated anlage of follicles from the pharyngeal epithelium. The newly formed follicles can either incorporate into the existing gland, or form independent follicles. For amphibia formation of the capillary network around the gland after beginning of the follicular secretion is specific. Owing to these data, it is possible to conclude that the stimulus for the gland to become overgrown with capillaries is the beginning of calcitonin secretion.  相似文献   

The functional role of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and c-Jun induction in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced human 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene expression was studied in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells. Among the family of MAPK, PMA only increased the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Treatment of cells with PD98059, which is an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), decreased the PMA-induced expression of 12(S)-lipoxygenase. Transfection of cells with Ras, Raf and ERK2 dominant negative mutants inhibited the PMA-induced promoter activation of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene in all cases. PMA-induced expression of c-Jun was inhibited by pretreatment with PD98059. Following treatment with PMA, the interaction between c-Jun and simian virus 40 promoter factor 1 (Sp1) in cells increased with time. Enhancement of binding between the c-Jun-Sp1 complex and the Sp1 oligonucleotide was observed in cells treated with PMA, suggesting the possible interaction of c-Jun-Sp1 with GC-rich binding sites in the gene promoter. These results indicate that PMA treatment induced ERK activation mainly through the Raf-MEK-ERK signaling pathway following induction of c-Jun expression, and the formation of the c-Jun-Sp1 complex. Finally, PMA activated the promoter activity of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene in cells overexpressing protein kinase C (PKC)delta but not PKCalpha, indicating that PKCdelta played the functional role in mediating the gene activation of 12(S)-lipoxygenase induced by PMA.  相似文献   

Because both T lymphocyte and airway smooth muscle (ASM) cell activation are events fundamentally implicated in the pathobiology of asthma, this study tested the hypothesis that cooperative intercellular signaling between activated T cells and ASM cells mediates proasthmatic changes in ASM responsiveness. Contrasting the lack of effect of resting human T cells, anti-CD3-activated T cells were found to adhere to the surface of naive human ASM cells, increase ASM CD25 cell surface expression, and induce increased constrictor responsiveness to acetylcholine and impaired relaxation responsiveness to isoproterenol in isolated rabbit ASM tissues. Comparably, exposure of resting T cells to ASM cells prestimulated with IgE immune complexes reciprocally elicited T cell adhesion to ASM cells and up-regulated T cell expression of CD25. Extended studies demonstrated that: 1) ASM cells express mRNAs and proteins for the cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)/costimulatory molecules, CD40, CD40L, CD80, CD86, ICAM-1 (CD54), and LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18); 2) apart from LFA-1, ASM cell surface expression of the latter molecules is up-regulated in the presence of activated T cells; and 3) pretreatment of ASM cells and tissues with mAbs directed either against CD11a or the combination of CD40 and CD86 completely abrogated both the activated T cell-induced changes in expression of the above CAMs/costimulatory molecules in ASM cells and altered ASM tissue responsiveness. Collectively, these observations identify the presence of bi-directional cross-talk between activated T cells and ASM cells that involves coligation of specific CAMs/costimulatory molecules, and this cooperative intercellular signaling mediates the induction of proasthmatic-like changes in ASM responsiveness.  相似文献   

Dicer plays an important role in the course of RNA interference (RNAi), i.e., it digests long double-stranded RNAs into 21-25 nucleotide small-interfering RNA (siRNA) duplexes functioning as sequence-specific RNAi mediators. In this study, we investigated the expression levels of Dicer and eIF2C1 approximately 4, which, like Dicer, appear to participate in mammalian RNAi, in various mouse tissues. Results indicate that the levels of eIF2C1 approximately 4 as well as Dicer are lower in skeletal muscle and heart than in other tissues. To see if RNAi could occur under such a condition with low levels of expression of Dicer and eIF2C1 approximately 4, we examined RNAi activity in mouse skeletal muscle fibers. The results indicate that RNAi can be induced by synthetic siRNA duplexes in muscle fibers. We further examined RNAi activity during myogenic differentiation of mouse C2C12 cells. The data indicate that although the expression levels of Dicer and eIF2C1 approximately 4 decrease during the differentiation, RNAi can be induced in the cells. Altogether, the data presented here suggest that muscle cells retain the ability to induce RNAi, although Dicer and eIF2C1 approximately 4 appear to be barely expressed in them.  相似文献   

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