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The paper reviews stomatal types observed in 500 species of angiosperms besides those described in the literature and deals with the problems of their structure, delimitation, nomenclature and classification. In view of the varied definitions available in the literature for subsidiaries, stomatal types and,the definition and delimitations being variously interpreted by different workers, a modified definition for the subsidiaries and stomata is presented. In accordance with the international code of nomenclature for plants, the names of the stomata widely in use are retained (rule of priority). They have been presently classified as pericytic, desmocytic, paracytic, diacytic, anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic, tetracytic,staurocytic, anomocytic, cyclocytic and a good number of varieties under each type are presented. These stomatal types are recognised on the basis of their structure rather than its ontogenetic pathways.  相似文献   

The paper reviews stomatal types observed in 500 species of angiosperms besides thosedescribed in the literature and deals with the problems of their structure, delimitation, nomenclature andclassification. In view of the varied definitions available in the literature for subsidiaries, stomatal types and,the definition and delimitations being variously interpreted by different workers, a modified definition forthe subsidiaries and stomata is presented. In accordance with the international code of nomenclature forplants, the names of the stomata widely in use are retained (rule of priority). They have been presentlyclassified as pericytic, desmocytic, paracytic, diacytic, anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic, tetracytic,staurocytic, anomocytic, cyclocytic and a good number of varieties under each type are presented. Thesestomatal types are recognised on the basis of their structure rather than its ontogenetic pathways.  相似文献   

植物气孔控制着植物蒸腾和光合两个基本生命过程,影响着陆生植物的生产和生命.气孔不仅是植物形态学上的重要特征,而且在研究植物间的亲缘关系、系统进化和分类、染色体倍性鉴定、估价植物的抗病性和生存环境以及生理等方面均具有重要的意义.对植物气孔的分类、气孔的分布特点、气孔的发育过程以及其影响因素进行了综述.  相似文献   

After analysis, statistics and conclude 1175 species (variety) of plants,1370 Dai names and 1691 meanings were obtained to elucidate how the Dai people recognize and define the plant. They used ‘hong e bin’, which means‘the things with life come out from the ground’ to define the plant. This is similar to the modern science which defined the plant as ‘anything that grows from the ground’. This is a highly synthesized scientific term that seldom seen in many other ethnics in the world. In their method of naming plants, they used the types of plant life form and economic type for ‘generic’ names, and used the meanings of plant morphogenesis and characters, economic uses, ecological distribution, and stories and legends etc. for ‘specific’ names. Among the 1691 meanings, they are occupied 60%, 30%, 8% and 2% respectively. This reflected that the naming method of Dai for plant ‘Just see what′s looking alike on naming them’ is similar to Linnaeus′ bi nomenclature of the modern botanical taxonomy. Moreover, the folk plant classification system based on the structure of Dai names is then established, including 5 categories as plant kingdom, tow ‘families’ of wild or cultivated plant, about 20 ‘genera’ of life forms and economic types, and more than 3000 species and over 1000 varieties, by the ‘two names’ in the paper as well.  相似文献   

气孔长期以来被认为是植物病原菌入侵植物体内的被动通道,而最新的研究则表明气孔作为植物先天免疫的重要环节,在限制细菌入侵方面起到主动作用。这一发现也带动了植物免疫学,即植物气孔开合调控和植物免疫学交叉学科的快速发展。基于此,本文对气孔免疫的机制研究展开综述并对其对植物水分利用效率的影响进行展望。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(11):2001-2012.e2
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气孔是植物叶片内外气体交换的场所。斑驳气孔在形态结构、动态变化、光合气体交换机制等方面都与常见的普通气孔不同,是植物体响应环境变化而形戍的特殊气孔形式。本文介绍了斑驳气孔的特点及其形成机理。  相似文献   

大量研究证明活性氧(ROS)在气孔运动中起信号分子的作用。保卫细胞中ROS的产生依赖于特定的酶,其中NADPH氧化酶组分RBOH已得到深入研究,并已证实其参与生物与非生物胁迫反应。植物激素包括脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯、生长素及细胞分裂素等,它们均通过ROS的介导来调控气孔运动。生物胁迫(如毒性细菌和真菌)也会调控气孔运动。ROS参与这些调控过程。保卫细胞中存在多层次对ROS产生及其作用的调节,抗氧化活性物质和ROS敏感蛋白(如蛋白激酶和磷酸酶)均可传递ROS信号并调节气孔运动。ROS对离子通道调节的证据也越来越多。保卫细胞由于可通过ROS整合复杂的信号途径,已成为研究植物ROS信号转导过程的良好模式系统。  相似文献   

The presence of 10 types of normal stomata along with 4 subtypes, one intermediate type between stephanocytic and hemiparacytic and some abnormal stomatal structures both in the vegetative and floral organs of Canella winterena (L.) Geartn. (Canellaceae) is reported here. The epidermal cells are polygonal, isodiametric in surface view with straight anticlinal walls. The stomata are amphibrachyparacytic, anomocytic, anisocytic, brachyparacytic, brachyparatetracytic, cyclocytic, hemiparacytic, laterocytic, holoparacytic, stephanocytic, one intermediate type between stephanocytic and hemiparacytic, etc. Abnormalities like contiguous stomata, different types of twin stomata and cytoplasmic bridge between adjacent stomata, stomata with single guard cell, single guard cell with pore juxtaposed with normal stoma are also found. The presence of giant stomata is a significant finding. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

该研究利用植物制片技术,以中国青藏高原和内蒙古高原典型草地常见种或优势种植物的叶片为研究对象,通过比较分析叶片哑铃型气孔器和肾型气孔器的特征及其与环境因子的关系,揭示植物叶片两类气孔器对环境因子的响应策略。结果表明:(1)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔指标的变异系数小于肾型气孔器。(2)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔指标与环境气候指标的关系弱于肾型气孔器。(3)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔特征与环境关系在叶片上下表面之间存在显著差异,而肾型气孔器气孔特征与环境因子的关系在叶片上下表面之间无显著差异。(4)叶片哑铃型气孔器的气孔特征与降水关系密切,而肾型气孔器气孔特征与温度关系密切。(5)同一种气孔器的气孔特征在两个地区(青藏高原和内蒙古高原)间存在显著差异。研究认为,肾型气孔器和哑铃型气孔器的气孔特征及其与环境之间的关系存在差异,在分析气孔特征时有必要将肾形与哑铃形保卫细胞形成的气孔器加以区分,该研究结果有助于进一步理解中国草地植物叶气孔特征对气候变化的响应与适应策略。  相似文献   

种皮气孔是一类较少见的生物学特征,是位于种子外种皮表面的一种气孔类型。本文首次报道了分布于澳大利亚的东北和北部的大戟科澳洲杨属植物澳洲杨(Homalanthus populifolius Graham)的种皮气孔,并与其叶背气孔形态进行了比较。同时从国内外种皮气孔的研究历史、结构、发育、生理功能与进化学意义等方面进行了较为系统全面的分析总结,总结种皮气孔在水分吸收与气体交换方面的生理功能,推测种皮气孔可能是叶片结构转变为外珠被后的残存这一结论的可能性,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

通过陕西太白山13个样点表土花粉组合特征和气孔器及其与植物类型之间关系的分析,结果发现:针阔混交林花粉组合能很好地反映植物类型特征,落叶阔叶林和针叶林花粉组合能较好地与植物类型相对应,高山灌丛草甸花粉组合未能反映植物类型数量特征;主要花粉类型松属、铁杉属和桦属花粉具超代表性,胡桃属和榆属花粉具适宜代表性,落叶松属、冷杉属、杜鹃花科和槭属花粉具低代表性;DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis)分析表明,通过花粉数据能够较好区分不同植被类型,结合气孔器特征能够准确反映植被特征。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(22):4467-4475.e4
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植物气孔对全球环境变化的响应及其调控防御机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
气孔是植物与环境发生联系的重要门户,控制着植物与外界的气体和水分交换。本文针对全球大气CO2浓度升高、气候变暖、干旱加剧等环境问题,分析了气孔对全球水循环、碳循环的重要贡献。系统总结了气孔的形态发育和生理功能对大气高CO2浓度、干旱、土壤盐渍化、病虫害等的响应及其调控防御机制。综述了脱落酸(ABA)、Ca2+、H2O2、一氧化氮(NO)和光信号调控气孔运动的分子机制。从理论和实践两方面,提出了通过调控气孔运动协调CO2同化和水分散失的矛盾,在不影响光合效率的前提下提高水分利用率等未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

水杨酸对黄瓜子叶表皮气孔开度的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄瓜品种中农203(Cucumis sativus L.cv.Zhongnong 203)幼苗为试材,采用SA溶液根部施用和子叶表皮浸泡两种方式,显微观测了不同外源水杨酸(Salicylic acid,SA)溶液处理对其子叶表皮气孔开度的影响,以探讨SA与气孔运动的关系.结果表明:SA子叶表皮浸泡或根部施用后,气孔运动的趋势是随着SA浓度增加而孔径逐渐变小,且SA磷酸缓冲液的作用效果与SA水溶液相似.随着处理时间的延长,气孔开度逐渐变小,且气孔开度与SA处理时间达极显著(r=-0.962**)或显著(r=-0.914*)负相关.溶液低pH值,增强了SA对气孔开度的抑制作用,且SA浓度越高作用越明显;0.1 mmol/L SA处理后,pH为8、7、6溶液的气孔开度抑制率分别为90.2%、93.8%和96.3%,即SA溶液对气孔开度的抑制率随着溶液pH降低而升高.可见,外源SA能够促进气孔关闭,其作用随着SA浓度升高、处理时间延长和溶液pH值降低而增强,相对于磷酸缓冲液,以蒸馏水作为溶剂的SA溶液促进气孔关闭的作用更大.  相似文献   

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