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This study characterizes the melt season diatom assemblage of a middle arctic river with respect to hydrological conditions. In addition, the potential to identify species that show a strong affinity for the lotic environment provides an opportunity to interpret stratigraphic changes in these species in the lake sedimentary record in terms of past hydrological change. Understanding long-term hydrological variability is critical for assessing both current and future environmental change. Significantly higher relative abundances of Achnanthes minutissimaKützing, Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot, Diatoma tenuisAgardh, Cymbella arctica(Lagerstedt) Schmidt, C. minutaHilse ex. Rabenhorst, C. silesiaca Bleisch and Encyonema fogedii Krammer in the lotic environment throughout the 2001 growing season compared to the lacustrine sedimentary record suggest that these species characterize the Lord Lindsay River diatom assemblage. Comparison of seasonal abundances of these taxa to hydrological parameters including discharge, electrical conductivity, and water temperature reveal key information about the character of this community. The fact that the river diatom assemblage changes very little throughout the sampling period, despite major changes in hydrological conditions, suggests a degree of resilience and inherent structure in the community. However, a decrease in diatom biomass in response to rapid and dramatic changes in hydrological conditions following a major rainfall event suggests that a threshold tolerance may exist, with potentially important implications for interpreting stratigraphic changes in the paleoenvironmental record.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of disturbance frequency on diatom communities established on artificial substrates within an open canopy site and a closed canopy site of a 3rd order stream. The open canopy site (OCS) had a total of 80 diatom taxa colonizing the substrates, while the closed canopy site (CCS) had only 55 taxa. Cluster analysis revealed that the two sites had distinct diatom communities, although the most common species were similar between sites. There was no effect of disturbance frequency on species diversity (H') at OCS, however species diversity significantly decreased as disturbance frequency increased at CCS. At OCS, Amphora perpusilla increased in abundance as disturbance frequency increased, while Navicula lanceolata abundance decreased as disturbance increased. At CCS, Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta remained dominant regardless of disturbance frequency. The results suggest that some diatom species may be shade adapted, which may explain the site-specific responses. In addition, diatom growth-forms may explain the within site taxon-specific responses to disturbance. For example, Achnanthes sp. and Cocconeis sp., small horizontal forms, were predominant on the high disturbance substrates. Vertical or large horizontal forms may be mechanically removed by frequent physical disturbance allowing such small horizontal forms to become abundant. Frequent disturbance, by maintaining the community in an early stage of development, directly influences the diatom assemblage on rocks in streams.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are a major component of biofilms that form on surfaces submerged in marine environments. Roughness of the underlying substratum affects the settlement of both diatoms and subsequent macrofouling colonizers. This study reports the effects of roughness on estuarine diatom communities established in situ in the Indian River Lagoon, FL, USA. Natural communities were established on acrylic panels with a range of surface roughnesses. Smoother substrata exhibited higher cell density, species richness, and diversity. Twenty-three of 58 species were found either exclusively or more abundantly on the smooth surfaces compared to one or both roughened treatments. The results suggest a greater ability of benthic diatoms to recruit and colonize smooth surfaces, which is probably explained by a higher degree of contact between the cells and the surface.  相似文献   

Grazing is a key factor structuring aquatic communities, and can have both positive and negative effects. Here, we report on the effects of an intertidal estuarine gastropod, Assiminea globulus, on sediment bacteria, microphytobenthos and meiofauna, based on field observations and manipulative experiments. Field observations showed inconsistent patterns of chlorophyll-a concentrations in zones occupied by A. globulus relative to zones lacking this species, and meiofaunal density increased downshore. Bacterial density, however, was always consistently and significantly elevated in zones of A. globulus across all sites sampled, suggesting promotion of bacterial density by this snail. Field experiments were more conclusive, showing a significant negative effect of A. globulus on sediment chlorophyll-a levels at both the surface and at a sediment depth of 2 cm, but positive effects on bacterial density at both depths. A. globulus density did not affect overall meiofaunal density, but did affect meiofaunal community structure, generally by depressing the density of harpacticoid copepods but promoting platyhelminthes, and enhancing taxonomic diversity at high density. The complex effects of A. globulus probably reflect the interactive effects of bioturbation, fertilisation, grazing and pelletisation, all of which need to be considered when understanding grazer effects on soft-sediment communities.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled at regular intervals from rural and urban sections of the River Roding, Essex, England, in 1975 and 1976. During the latter year a severe drought led to a marked decline in flows and to desiccation of parts of the river bed. In general, drought conditions resulted in an increase in invertebrate populations and possible reasons for this are presented. A considerable number of individuals of certain groups such as cased caddisfly larvae and prosobranch molluscs were, however, eliminated from the river at this time, mainly as a result of stranding and chemical changes in the environment. The effect of reduced flows on river faunas is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies have been carried out on stream ecology in southern Africa although many species are endangered. This study investigated the stream fish assemblage and their habitat associations over a period of 3 months (October 2004 to January 2005), in view of the proposal to build a dam across the Nyagui River. Twenty-four fish species were collected and were separated into groups based on preferred microhabitats. The first group, dominated by Barbus paludinosus , comprised species collected from the upstream stations with slow flow, shallow depth (pools) and fine substrate type. Species associated with riffles, which included Chiloglanis neumanni , Labeobarbus marequensis and Opsaridium zambezense , comprised the second group on the downstream. The last group comprised species preferring pools with rock substrate and slow flow such as Pharyngochromis acuticeps and Pseudocranilabrus philander . The species were consistently associated with their habitat types throughout the sampling period. This relationship may be explained by the fish's morphological adaptations. Species richness increased from nine in the upstream section to twenty in the downstream section and this was related to increasing habitat complexity downstream. The construction of the Kunzvi Dam across the Nyagui River is likely to lead to loss of rheophilic species while cichlids and introduced species may increase.  相似文献   

The Lippe is a lowland river located in the Western part of Germany and has been heavily impacted by coal mining activities ever since. Although mining activities significantly decreased during the last decades, the associated discharge of salt-enriched mine water into the river still poses a persistent threat to the local benthic invertebrate and diatom communities. To analyze the effect of salt pollution on invertebrate and diatom species, biological and chemical data were compiled for this study from a publicly available database. Changes in the community composition due to increased salt concentrations were explored by Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling. Indicator species and salinity thresholds for single species and communities were identified using the method TITAN (Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis). The method is an analytical approach to detect changes in frequency and abundance of species along an environmental gradient by combining the methods of change point analysis (nCPA) and indicator species analysis. The obtained salinity preferences and individual and community thresholds were compared to the literature and existing salinity classifications. For both diatoms and benthic invertebrates, Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling showed a clear split between samples of high and low salinities. Significant salinity thresholds were determined for 50 invertebrate and 58 diatom species of which 23 respectively 18 species were described as ‘reliable’ indicators according to the specifications given by Baker and King (2010). A majority of salt-tolerant indicator organisms were invasive species. For both organism groups, major changes in community composition were detected at a conductivity value exceeding 900 μS/cm. A reduction of the average salinity to below this threshold may have positive effects on the overall species richness and the persistence of sensitive taxa in the river Lippe. Individual and community thresholds may however be data-dependent to a certain degree and subjected to fluctuations considering the potential interdependencies between salinity and additional physico-chemical and environmental parameters (e.g. water temperature, lime content).  相似文献   

Aims Better understanding of microbial compositional and physiological acclimation mechanisms is critical for predicting terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change. The aim is to assess variations in soil microbial communities under future scenarios of changing precipitation and N deposition in a semiarid grassland of northern China.Methods In order to explicitly estimate microbial responses, a field experiment with water and N addition was established in April 2005 and continuously conducted for 4 years. Specifically, soil microbial community composition and microbial C utilization potential were determined by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and community-level physiological profiles, respectively.Important findings Water addition had no effects on the PLFA concentrations of gram-positive (GP) and negative bacteria (GN), total bacteria and fungi. However, N addition caused significant reductions in the PLFA concentrations of GP, GN, total bacteria and fungi and thus decreased total PLFA of microbial communities. Moreover, there were interactive effects of water and N addition on GN/GP and the ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFA (F/B). In addition, synergistic effects were found between water and nitrogen in affecting microbial C utilization potentials, which implies that microbial C utilization potentials tend to be enhanced when both N and water availability are sufficient. Overall, the microbial responses to water and N addition support our hypothesis that water and N addition may be combined together to affect microbial communities in the semiarid grassland.  相似文献   

A study was made to determine whether a new reservoir being constructed on Huntington Creek, Utah would have significant effects on the attached diatom communities of the stream. Cluster analysis and other statistical methods indicated only small differences in the diatom communities before and after construction of the dam.  相似文献   

Animal migrations can link ecosystems across space. We discovered an aquatic insect that migrates between a river mainstem and its tributaries, and provides an important trophic subsidy for tributary predators. A mayfly, Ephemerella maculata, rears in a warm, sunlit productive river mainstem, then migrates as adults to cool, shaded unproductive tributaries where they oviposit and die. This migration tripled insect flux into a tributary for 1 month in summer. A manipulative field experiment showed that this E. maculata subsidy nearly tripled the growth of the young of the year steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the recipient tributary over the summer months, and was more important than terrestrial invertebrate subsidies, which have been considered the primary food source for predators in small, forested creeks. By delivering food subsidies from productive but warming river mainstems to cool but food‐limited tributaries, aquatic insect migrations could enhance resilience to cool‐water predators in warming river networks.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the construction of the A-15 highway between 1991 and 1995, some modifications affecting the Larraun River (Navarra, North of Spain) were made. One of the most important effects was the channelization of a section of the river in the middle zone. Fish were caught by electrofishing in August of 1996 in the channelized reach, as well as in non-modified stretches upstream and downstream. Physical and chemical variables and shelter availability were also analyzed. The captured fish were measured (total length) and released into the river. We calculated the density, biomass, length distribution and diversity, comparing the obtained results from the different stretches. The number of species was higher in the lower zones of the river and diversity increased progressively downstream. The fish density in the channelized section was slightly lower than in the other two points. Also biomass in the channelized section was about a factor of 10 smaller than the calculated biomass in unaltered points. Moreover, in comparison with the unaltered sections of the river, in the channelized area a major decrease in the presence of fish larger than 150 mm was detected. The low shelter availability in the channelized section, lack of bank vegetation and alterations in the substratum could explain the observed variations in the length distribution, biomass and the lower value of the density of European minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus, 1758).  相似文献   

The rip-rap along an approx. 3-km-long shore in the main channel of the River Danube in Austria was completely removed to initiate the formation of a river bank through natural erosional and depositional processes. This study aimed to determine the short-term effect of this restoration measure on species composition and abundance of different developmental stages of fish at two spatial scales (micro- and mesohabitat). For this purpose, changes in abundance of early stages, as well as assemblage structure and species diversity of the benthic and the sub-littoral fish community were studied before and after restoration. No significant effects of restoration measures on the benthic fish assemblage were found. Significant and contradictory effects of the measures on the early stages and on the sub-littoral assemblage were observed. The abundance of fish larvae decreased after restoration, and this change could be attributed to the generally higher flow velocities in the new inshore microhabitats. Simultaneously, the species number and the abundance of fishes from the sub-littoral assemblage increased after restoration. This study has found that the main channel of the Danube still contain a high fish species diversity, and potentially plays a crucial role in recruitment of characteristic fluvial fishes.  相似文献   

Over two vegetation cycles we compared the recovery of macrophytes from flood disturbances that occured at different seasons (July vs December) on patches of a former channel of the Rhône River, France. Some patches were disturbed twice; others were disturbed either in summer or in winter; others were never disturbed and were used as controls.The recovery rate of the vegetation was estimated from the duration of recolonization of the disturbed areas and of growth of the recolonizing species. The influence of the summer disturbance appeared to be strong because the disturbance occurred when the development of the vegetation was maximum. The influence of the winter disturbance was apparently much lower since most species had already declined at this time because of their phenology. The repetition of the two disturbances on the same patch had little influence on the vegetation community.In all cases, the recovery of the vegetation occurred rapidly, both for total vegetation cover and species richness. By the following spring, no significant differences appeared between disturbed and reference patches. The effect of the disturbances varied according to the phenology of the plants, and the macrophyte community studied was more sensitive in summer than in winter.  相似文献   

The effects of dredging on the benthic communities in the Noosa River, a subtropical estuary in SE Queensland, Australia, were examined using a ‘Beyond BACI’ experimental design. Changes in the numbers and types of animals and characteristics of the sediments in response to dredging in the coarse sandy sediments near the mouth of the estuary were compared with those occurring naturally in two control regions. Samples were collected twice before and twice after the dredging operations, at multiple spatial scales, ranging from metres to kilometres. Significant effects from the dredging were detected on the abundance of some polychaetes and bivalves and two measures of diversity (numbers of polychaete families and total taxonomic richness). In addition, the dredging caused a significant increase in the diversity of sediment particle sizes found in the dredged region compared with elsewhere. Community composition in the dredged region was more similar to that in the control regions after dredging than before. Changes in the characteristics of the sedimentary environment as a result of the dredging appeared to lead to the benthic communities of the dredged region becoming more similar to those elsewhere in the estuary, so dredging in this system may have led to the loss or reduction in area of a specific type of habitat in the estuary with implications for overall patterns of biodiversity and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

1 The effects of disturbances, in the form of storm events, on phytoplankton community structure were examined over the course of four years in Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin, USA.
2 Disturbances consistently brought about significant, but highly transient, increases in apparent phytoplankton species richness. It is likely that these resulted from temporary increases in the biomass of previously undetected rare species.
3 Substantial shifts in community dominance were confined to large, early season events, and were seldom long-lived. Later 'climax' communities were highly resistant to any changes in dominance, even when increases in species richness occurred.
4 Regardless of when they occurred, disturbances tended to favour species from a narrow range of the successional sequence.  相似文献   

Comparisons of litter standing-stocks in low-lying and higher areas of the floodplain and the effects of controlled flooding events on leaf litter decomposition and leaf litter nutrients were examined during autumn and winter in a southeastern Australian river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) floodplain forest. The mean mass of total litter and some litter components was significantly greater in autumn than in winter but there were few differences in litter mass between low-lying flood runners and higher sites (1.5 m) on the floodplain, regardless of season. Leaf decomposition was more rapid in flooded areas than in non-flooded areas and was significantly faster in autumn than in winter. In flooded leaves, concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen dropped rapidly during the first 3 days of each experiment, increased to near original after 7–10 weeks and then decreased again. After 112 days of decomposition the C:N:P ratios of leaf litter increased, but this effect was most marked for flooded leaves. Simple models of leaf litter dynamics indicated that leaf litter standing-stocks in low-lying flood runners would be reduced by flooding, particularly during autumn. In contrast, models predicted a net gain in standing-stocks of leaf litter to be higher on the floodplain, particularly in autumn. Alteration to the seasonal timing of floods by river regulation has probably decreased litter standing-stocks and nutrients available in low-lying areas of the floodplain to support the production of macrophytes and biofilms during winter and spring floods.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to alter the magnitude and variation of flow in streams and rivers, hence providing new conditions for riverine communities. We evaluated plant ecological responses to climate change by transplanting turfs of riparian vegetation to new elevations in the riparian zone, thus simulating expected changes in water‐level variation, and monitored the results over 6 years. Turfs moved to higher elevations decreased in biomass and increased in species richness, whereas turfs transplanted to lower elevations gained biomass but lost species. Transplanted plant communities responded slowly to the new hydrologic conditions. After 6 years, biomass of transplanted turfs was statistically indistinguishable from target level controls, but species richness and species composition of transplants were intermediate between original and target levels. By using projections of future stream flow according to IPCC climate change scenarios, we predict likely changes to riparian vegetation in boreal rivers. Climate‐driven hydrologic changes are predicted to result in narrower riparian zones along the studied Vindel River in northern Sweden towards the end of the 21st century. Present riparian plant communities are projected to be replaced by terrestrial communities at high elevations as a result of lower‐magnitude spring floods, and by amphibious or aquatic communities at low elevations as a result of higher autumn and winter flows. Changes to riparian vegetation may be larger in other boreal climate regions: snow melt fed spring floods are predicted to disappear in southern parts of the boreal zone, which would result in considerable loss of riparian habitat. Our study emphasizes the importance of long‐term ecological field experiments given that plant communities often respond slowly and in a nonlinear fashion to external pressures.  相似文献   

Social structure influences ecological processes such as dispersal and invasion, and affects survival and reproductive success. Recent studies have used static snapshots of social networks, thus neglecting their temporal dynamics, and focused primarily on a limited number of variables that might be affecting social structure. Here, instead we modelled effects of multiple predictors of social network dynamics in the spotted hyena, using observational data collected during 20 years of continuous field research in Kenya. We tested the hypothesis that the current state of the social network affects its long‐term dynamics. We employed stochastic agent‐based models that allowed us to estimate the contribution of multiple factors to network changes. After controlling for environmental and individual effects, we found that network density and individual centrality affected network dynamics, but that social bond transitivity consistently had the strongest effects. Our results emphasise the significance of structural properties of networks in shaping social dynamics.  相似文献   

Nagamatsu  Dai  Miura  Osamu 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(2):191-200
To clarify vegetation-landform relationships, we examined the soil disturbance regime in relation to micro-scale landforms and its effects on vegetation structure in a mixed temperate forest in a hilly area in northeastern Japan. Soil profiles in each micro-landform unit were surveyed to elucidate the effects of soil disturbances on the vegetation structure. The hilly area studied consisted of an upper and a lower hillslope area divided by an erosion front, which differed considerably with respect to vegetation structure. In the upper hillslope area, canopy was closed and dominated by Pinus densiflora and Quercus serrata. In the lower hillslope area, on the other hand, canopy was less closed and shrubs, ferns, and herbaceous species were abundant. The species composition changed gradually from the crest slope to the upper sideslope to the head hollow in the upper hillslope area. However, micro-landforms in the lower hillslope area seemed to have less effect on the vegetation structure. This may be because the lower hillslope area, in contrast to the upper hillslope area, has suffered from soil disturbances, and hence shrubs, ferns, and herbs have developed irrespective of micro-landforms. Thus, vegetation can be quite different depending on whether or not sites have suffered from soil disturbance. In disturbed stands, it is suggested that the frequency and intensity of disturbance are more important for species composition than the type of soil disturbance.  相似文献   

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