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Risky mate search and male self-sacrifice in redback spiders   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Male redback spiders twist their abdomens onto the fangs oftheir mates during copulation and, if cannibalized (65% of matings),increase their paternity relative to males that are not cannibalized.The adaptive male sacrifice hypothesis proposes that this increasedreproductive payoff from a single mating outweighs the residualreproductive value of a cannibalized male, because high mortalityduring mate searching restricts alternative mating opportunities.It has been reported that redback male residual reproductivevalue is low because males are functionally sterile after onemating—a putative intrinsic constraint that could arguablyfavor self-sacrifice in the absence of ecological restrictionson multiple mating. However, sterility and self-sacrifice mayboth arise as aspects of a terminal investment strategy if theprobability of multiple mating is sufficiently low. Here I reportfield data that support the adaptive male sacrifice hypothesis.More than 80% of redback males die without finding a potentialmate in nature. Data from two observational field studies andone release experiment suggest that in the absence of cannibalism,male redbacks would expect fewer than one mating opportunityin a lifetime. This expectation was not significantly higherfor a large male or one in good condition. A simple quantitativeanalysis confirms that even if males are assumed to be fertilethroughout life, the measured mortality rate during mate searchin combination with previously documented paternity benefitsof cannibalism is sufficient to ensure that self-sacrifice isadaptive for male redback spiders.  相似文献   

Traits that mediate reproductive isolation between species, such as those involved in mate choice and/or recognition, are predicted to experience stabilizing selection towards the species mean. Male orchid bees collect chemical compounds from many sources, such as plants and fungi, which they use as a perfume signal (pheromone) during courtship display, and are suggested to contribute to reproductive isolation between species. Environmentally acquired signals are more prone to variation as source availability can vary through space and time. If orchid bee perfumes are important for reproductive isolation between species, we expect them to exhibit stable species-specific differences in time and space. Here, we describe phenotypic patterns of inter- and intraspecific variation in the male perfumes of three sympatric species of Euglossa orchid bees across an entire year, investigating both their seasonality and species specificity. Our analysis revealed considerable within-species variation in perfumes. However, species specificity was maintained consistently throughout the year, supporting the idea that these perfumes could play an important role in reproductive isolation and are experiencing stabilizing selection towards a species mean. Our analysis also identified strong correlations in the abundance of some compounds, possibly due to shared collection sources between species. Our study suggests that orchid bee perfumes are robust in the face of environmental changes in resource availability and thus can maintain reproductive isolation between species.  相似文献   

Courtship displays are often energetically and temporally costly as well as highly conspicuous to predators. Selection should therefore favour signalling tactics that minimize courtship costs while maintaining or increasing signal attractiveness. In fiddler crabs, males court females by waving their one greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous and costly display. Here, we investigate whether courting males adjust their wave rate, and therefore the cost of courtship, to the current level of competition. We show that display rate increases as competition increases and that when competition is removed, males reduce their display rate by 30 per cent. These results suggest that male fiddler crabs actively reduce the cost of courtship by adjusting their wave rate in response to the immediate level of competition.  相似文献   

It is clear that male hamsters discriminate between the odors of individual, conspecific females, as shown by using habituation-dishabituation methods. However, it is not clear from past research whether male hamsters are able to discriminate between the odors of estrous and non-estrous females. A series of habituation-dishabituation experiments was conducted to determine whether males discriminated between different estrous cycle states using two female secretions, those from flank-glands and vaginal secretions. We found that, when habituated to a female flank-gland secretion, males discriminated between this female and a second female on the test trial, whether both were in estrus, both were in diestrus, or one was in estrus and the other in diestrus. There was no difference, however, in the magnitude of their dishabituation response toward flank-gland odors of females in estrus and diestrus. These results suggest that males use flank-gland odors to gain information primarily about individuals. When tested with vaginal secretions in habituation-dishabituation tests, males only showed differences in investigation when the second female was in estrus, indicating that males use vaginal secretions to gain information primarily about reproductive state.  相似文献   

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