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Speciation by sexual selection is commonly modeled as the divergent co-evolution of male signals and female preferences in geographically isolated populations. Upon secondary contact, females fail to recognize divergent males as suitable mates and exhibit a strong preference for their own type. The result is behavioral isolation and, if behavioral isolation is strong enough, there is an absence of gene flow between two species. Growing evidence of both mutual and male choice challenges the conventional role of females as primary regulators of species boundaries; however, to date, few studies have explicitly compared males and females for conspecific preference. The relative contribution of the two sexes to species boundaries therefore remains poorly understood. We examined the strength of preference for conspecifics in both males and females using two closely related species of darters. Males in these species exhibit substantial parental investment; therefore, we hypothesized that selection for male choosiness would result in male preference for conspecifics comparable to females’. Results show that females exhibited strong and significant preference for conspecific males; whereas, male preference for conspecific females was highly variable. Some males showed a strong preference for conspecifics while others preferred heterospecifics or showed no preference, resulting in a non-significant mean preference for conspecifics. Therefore, despite considerable parental investment by males in this system, our results suggest females play a larger role in regulating species boundaries.  相似文献   

Many soft-bottom benthic invertebrates display sediment-associated patterns of dispersion. Habitat selection experiments have shown that the larvae of some species can choose to settle in favourable habitats, and this process could establish patterns observed in the field. However, many soft-bottom infauna, including the bivalves Cerastoderma edule and Macoma balthica, show postlarval relocation. Such movements could obviate patterns established at initial settlement, and active habitat selection in these postlarval stages may be responsible for adult distributions. We investigated sediment selection in postlarval stages of these bivalves on an intertidal mudflat using a field survey and experiment. Our 1225 m2 grid survey showed a strong spatial correlation between the smallest individuals of both species, which showed no correlation with sediment characteristics. Larger size groups showed increasingly strong associations with sediment type: C. edule with sandy sediments and M. balthica with muddy. In our sediment choice experiment, the numbers of bivalves recruited into muddy, sandy and muddy depression (to detect small-scale hydrodynamic effects) treatments after 2 days in the field were recorded. There were no significant treatment effects in either C. edule or M. balthica. All bivalves were too large to be initial settlers; they were thus relocating individuals. Neither the survey nor the experiment provided any evidence that relocating individuals of these two species could choose the sediment in which they alight. The sediment-related patterns observed in adults of these species must therefore be due to other mechanisms, possibly postsettlement predation by Carcinus maenas and/or an ability to leave less-preferred sediments in a series of migrations until the preferred habitat is found.  相似文献   

Preferences for mates within and between species are often harmonious, as traits that females prefer are usually more developed in conspecifics than heterospecifics. This need not be the case, however. When it is not, conflict between these arenas of mate choice can be resolved if females attend to different cues for each task. But this raises the potential for correlations among preferences to limit the opportunity for these two processes to operate independently. Here, we show that, within individual female pygmy swordtails (Xiphophorus pygmaeus), directional preferences for conspicuous ornamentation are inversely associated with discrimination against a sympatric heterospecific, Xiphophorus cortezi. Thus, mate choice among and within species need not be separate, independent processes; instead, they can be mechanistically intertwined. As a consequence, different arenas of mate choice can constrain one another, even when females assess multiple cues.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, mate choice is an integrated part of sexual selection. However, whether mate choice occurs independently of the genetic relatedness among mating pairs has received little attention, although inbreeding may have fitness consequences. We studied whether genetic relatedness influenced females' choice of partner in a highly polygynous ungulate--the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)--in an experimental herd during two consecutive rutting seasons; the herd consisting of 75 females in 1999 and 74 females in 2000 was exposed to three 4.5-year-old adults and three 1.5-year-old young males, respectively. The females' distribution during peak rut was not influenced by their genetic relatedness with the dominant males of the mating groups. Further, genetic relatedness did not influence the actual choice of mating partner. We conclude that inbreeding avoidance through mating group choice as well as choice of mating partner, two interconnected processes of female mate choice operating at two different scales in space and time, in such a highly female-biased reindeer populations with low level of inbreeding may not occur.  相似文献   

Animals use a number of different mechanisms to acquire crucial information. During social encounters, animals can pass information from one to another but, ideally, they would only use information that benefits survival and reproduction. Therefore, individuals need to be able to determine the value of the information they receive. One cue can come from the behaviour of other individuals that are already using the information. Using a previous extended dataset, we studied how individual decision-making is influenced by the behaviour of conspecifics in Drosophila melanogaster. We analysed how uninformed flies acquire and later use information about oviposition site choice they learn from informed flies. Our results suggest that uninformed flies adjust their future choices based on how coordinated the behaviours of the informed individuals they encounter are. Following social interaction, uninformed flies tended either to collectively follow the choice of the informed flies or to avoid it. Using social network analysis, we show that this selective information use seems to be based on the level of homogeneity of the social network. In particular, we found that the variance of individual centrality parameters among informed flies was lower in the case of a ‘follow’ outcome compared with the case of an ‘avoid’ outcome.  相似文献   

To test whether male body size affects female reproductive investment in the polygamous crayfish Procambarus clarkii, we described mating behaviour of virgin females paired with either small or large males, and analysed the number, size and weight of both eggs and juveniles sired by either types of male. Along with confirming the overt selection by females of larger mates, we found that the size and weight of both the eggs and the juveniles were higher when sired by larger fathers. This suggests that P. clarkii females exert a form of cryptic choice for large males, seemingly adjusting the quantity of egg deutoplasm in function of the mate body size. The question of why females spend time and energy to brood low-fitness offspring is finally raised.  相似文献   

A possible explanation for one of the most general trends in animal evolution - rapid divergent evolution of animal genitalia - is that male genitalia are used as courtship devices that influence cryptic female choice. But experimental demonstrations of stimulatory effects of male genitalia on female reproductive processes have generally been lacking. Previous studies of female reproductive physiology in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans suggested that stimulation during copulation triggers ovulation and resistance to remating. In this study we altered the form of two male genital structures that squeeze the female's abdomen rhythmically in G. morsitans centralis and induced, as predicted, cryptic female choice against the male: sperm storage decreased, while female remating increased. Further experiments in which we altered the female sensory abilities at the site contacted by these male structures during copulation, and severely altered or eliminated the stimuli the male received from this portion of his genitalia, suggested that the effects of genital alteration on sperm storage were due to changes in tactile stimuli received by the female, rather than altered male behavior. These data support the hypothesis that sexual selection by cryptic female choice has been responsible for the rapid divergent evolution of male genitalia in Glossina; limitations of this support are discussed. It appears that a complex combination of stimuli trigger female ovulation, sperm storage, and remating, and different stimuli affect different processes in G. morsitans, and that the same processes are controlled differently in G. pallidipes. This puzzling diversity in female triggering mechanisms may be due to the action of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a major force behind the rapid evolution of male genital morphology among species. Most within-species studies have focused on sexual selection on male genital traits owing to events during or after copulation that increase a male''s share of paternity. Very little attention has been given to whether genitalia are visual signals that cause males to vary in their attractiveness to females and are therefore under pre-copulatory sexual selection. Here we show that, on average, female eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki spent more time in association with males who received only a slight reduction in the length of the intromittent organ (‘gonopodium’) than males that received a greater reduction. This preference was, however, only expressed when females chose between two large males; for small males, there was no effect of genital size on female association time.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions under which signals are perceived can affect receiver responses. Many songbird populations produce a song chorus at dawn, when, in cold habitats, they would experience thermal challenge. We recorded temperature and the song activity of Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) on a high-elevation meadow, and determined that song behaviour is concentrated around the coldest time of the day, at dawn. We hypothesized that this is because male song in the cold is more attractive to females than song in the warm. To test this, we exposed laboratory-housed Lincoln's sparrow females to songs at 1°C and 16°C, which they naturally experience in the wild. Females spent 40 per cent more time close to the speaker during playback at 1°C than at 16°C. When tested at 16°C 1-2 days later, females biased their movement towards the speaker playing songs previously heard at 1°C over 16°C. Thus, female Lincoln's sparrows remembered and affiliated with songs they heard under thermal challenge, indicating that the thermal environment can affect the attractiveness of a sexual signal.  相似文献   

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