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Water uptake by Agave deserti and Ferocatus acanthodes was predictedusing a two-dimensional simulation model in which the soil arounda plant was divided into a series of layers and concentric cylindricalshells. Root lengths in 0.05 m thick soil layers were determinedfor both species in the field, where mean root depths were only0.11 m for A. deserti and 0.10 m for F. acanthodes. For a yearwith average precipitation (159 mm), 42 per cent of the annualprecipitation could be taken up by A. deserti and 25 per centby F. acanthodes. Predicted water uptake by both species wasgreater from the upper soil layers (above 0.15 m) for averageand dry years, but was greater from the deeper layers for awet year. The actual root distribution for both species ledto more water uptake than when all of the roots were in a singlelayer. The large number of days per year when the soil temperaturesexceeded 57 °C (the temperature for 50 per cent inhibitionof uptake of a vital stain by root cells) may exclude rootsfrom the 0.00–0.05 m soil layer, even though water uptakewhen all roots were located there was predicted to be maximal.Therefore, the observed root distribution of A. deserti andF. acanthodes may be limited near the soil surface by high temperaturesand at maximum depths by water availability for all but wetyears. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, desert succulents, root system, root distribution, soil temperature, water uptake  相似文献   

The distribution of Calanus species was investigated in Kongsfjordenin summer of 1996 and 1997. In both years Calanus finmarchicusand Calanus glacialis dominated, although the boreal C. finmarchicuswas more abundant than the Arctic C. glacialis in 1997. Thiscoincided with a 2°C higher water temperature at 50 m in1997, indicating stronger influence of Atlantic origin waterthat year. Advected Calanus finmarchicus occurred in deep andsubsurface layers of the outer fjord in 1996 (200 ind. m-3,mainly CIII). A less abundant local population aggregated insurface layers of the inner fjord (100 ind. m-3). Similarly,advected C. finmarchicus occurred in subsurface layers in 1997(446 ind. m-3, mainly CIII and CIV) and a local population insurface layers (183 ind. m-3, mainly CI). Calanus glacialisin 1996 aggregated as CII and CIII in the deep layers of theouter fjord (272 ind. m-3), whereas CIII–CV were abundant(216 ind. m-3) in cold surface waters of the inner fjord. In1997 C. glacialis (mostly CIII–CV) was more abundant inthe outer than in the inner part of the fjord (40 and 192 ind.m-3, respectively). Within Kongsfjorden, Calanus finmarchicusneeds one year to complete its life cycle, whereas Calanus glacialisneeds two. Calanus hyperboreus seems to be an expatriate inthe fjord system.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds precipitated with caffeine were more widelydistributed in the cytoplasm and nucleus in the outermost layerof the columella of germinating Brassica napus root than inthe other layers. Amino-oxyacetic acid, an inhibitor of thebiosynthesis of the C6C3 part of phenolic compounds, inhibitedthe biosynthesis of phenolics, and made dark deposits less numerousin all three of the outermost layers of the columella. The firstlayer was the most responsive, because symptoms of inhibitionwere already visible after 3 h. After 24 h the inhibition inthe second and third layers was proportional to the concentration.The first layer contained less deposits than the control, butmore than the second and third layers, suggesting that manyof these compounds in the first layer were present at the outset.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Phenolics, 2-amino-oxyacetic acid, Brassica, germination, cytoplasm, nucleus  相似文献   

Changes in the buoyancy of Microcystis populations were followedover 24 h periods in two shallow well-mixed lakes, Lake Vinkeveen(area 0 6 km2) and Lake IJsselmeer (1190 km2), in the NetherlandsThe Microcystis colonies collected from the surface layers inboth lakes showed a buoyancy decrease during the day and anincrease at night The buoyant colonies, and especially the faster-movinglarge ones, became concentrated by flotation into the surfacemixed layers As a result the mean position of the cyanobacterialpopulation became located nearer the surface than that of othernon-buoyant phytoplankton, such as Scencdesmus. The cyanobacteriawould, therefore, have received a higher average irradianceThe Microcystis in these shallow lakes had weaker gas vesiclesthan those found previously in deeper lakes but it was demonstratedthat the loss of buoyancy, which occurred at high irradiances,resulted from an increase in carbohydrate ballast rather thanthrough turgoi-driven gas vesicle collapse  相似文献   

The distribution of phenolic deposits in the leaves of Eragrostisracemosa from different habitats was investigated during cultivationunder uniform environmental conditions. The plants retainedtheir leaf phenolic distribution pattern over a period of 8months. Plants from dry habitats had phenolic inclusions inboth epidermal layers, whereas phenolic deposits were absentor only occurred in the abaxial epidermal layers of plants occupyingmoist habitats. Eragrostis racemosa, narrow-heart love grass, Poaceae, phenolic deposits, epidermis, histochemistry, anatomy  相似文献   

长期施肥对麦田土壤微生物垂直分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
应用微量热法研究了长期轮作下麦田不同土层中的微生物活性, 以及施肥对微生物垂直分布的影响。结果表明, 微生物活性基本随深度的增加而下降; 随着土层加深, 可培养细菌菌落数减少, 且可培养细菌菌落数目与最大时间(Peak time)Pt值(表示从微生物生长开始到达到峰值的时间)呈负相关; 热功率(P)-时间(t)曲线由陡变缓, 由规则变得起伏不定, 侧翼变得更短, 峰高也降低; 不同土层的微生物生长速率常数(Microbial growth rate constant) µ、峰高(Peak height)Ph值变化明显, 基本随深度增加而减小。施肥土样和不施肥土样的曲线形状不同, 特别是上层土样施肥后的曲线明显比不施肥的曲线陡, 侧翼也明显变短; 施肥土样的µPh值都大于不施肥土样, 且施肥土样的Pt都小于对照。这说明, 在不同的土壤深度有不同的微生物群落结构, 长期的施肥处理改变了土壤微生物的垂直分布特征。  相似文献   

Vertical distributions at noon and midnight of copepodites,males and females of three coexisting species of freshwatercyclopoid copepods, Cyclops vicinus (a cold-water form), Thermocyclopscrassus and Mesocyclops leuckarti (warm-water forms), were studiedin Dreiangel Lake, a small eutrophic gravel pit. The largestspecies, C. vicinus, inhabits deep water layers, both at noonand midnight, while the smaller species, T.crassus and M.leuckarti,inhabit upper water layers. In all three species, copepoditesand males live closer to the water surface than females. Insummer, abundance of the smallest species (T.crassus) is highest,although finite birth rates are lowest. The distribution patternsand population characteristics suggest that the vertical distributionof cyclopoid copepods in Oreiangel Lake is mainly governed byfish predation; different temperature tolerances and preferencesof the three species may also be of significance.  相似文献   

Structure, development and histochemistry of the seed epidermiswere studied inSolanum melongena L. andS. violaceum Ort. usinglight and scanning electron microscopy. The epidermal cellsat the endosperm mother cell stage of ovule development hadthickened outer periclinal walls, consisting of two layers,a thin inner layer, and a thick outer layer. The latter whichstained positively for pectic substances became further thickenedduring the course of seed development; more so inS. melongena.The inner layer of the outer periclinal wall also was thickenedby depositions of cellulose but remained comparatively thin.The development of the inner periclinal and anticlinal wallstook place by the uneven deposition of concentric layers. Thesesecondary wall thickenings which appeared as pyramids in transversesection stained for cellulose, lignin and pectin. Further unevensecondary thickenings near the outer part of the anticlinalwalls resulted in the formation of projections which were hair-or ribbon-like in appearance. InS. melongena, these projectionsprogressed only a short distance from the anticlinal wall. InS.violaceum, on the other hand, they grew much longer formingstriations on the inside of the outer periclinal wall. InS.melongena, partial removal of the outer periclinal wall by enzymeetching exposed to surface view a beaded appearance of the cellboundaries. Complete erosion of the outer periclinal wall revealedthe hair-like projections of the underlying anticlinal walls.InS. violaceum, enzyme treatment exposed the striations whichformed bridge-like structures over the curves in the anticlinalwalls. Solanum melongena ; Solanum violaceum; seed epidermis; seed structure; seed development; cell wall histochemistry; cell wall projections; cell wall striations  相似文献   

We explored whether epidermal pressure regulates cell and organgrowth in leaflets ofPisum sativumvar.argenteum,a mutant cultivarof the garden pea characterized by reduced adhesion betweenthe epidermis and subjacent mesophyll. Developing leaflets ofleaves arising at three positions on the seedling axis werepeeledin situand grown to maturity in humidity chambers. Themature anatomy and morphology could be accurately assessed becausewound responses normally associated with peeling were preventedby theArgmutation that permitted peeling without damage to themesophyll and by the humidity chambers that protected peeledareas from desiccation. The mesophyll cell size, state of differentiation,and layering pattern as well as the overall morphology of mature,peeled leaflets were indistinguishable from those of mature,intact leaflets grown under the same conditions. The epidermisexerted no detectable regulatory effect on the expansion ofthe leaflets as a whole or on the tissue layers and cells withinthe leaflets.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company. Biomechanics, compression, epidermis, leaf development, mesophyll, pressure, wound response,Pisum sativumvar.argenteum.  相似文献   

Following the recent work on wood tracheides and sisal fibres,a detailed investigation has been made of the fine structureof a wide variety of bamboo fibres. A combination of X-ray analysis,measurement of refractive indices in longitudinal view and ofphase differences in transverse section, has presented a completepicture of cellulose chain orientation. The wall of bamboo fibresis many layered. An outermost, thin layer is composed of cellulosechains making an angle of 35° to cell length and this isfollowed by other, inner layers where the angle steadily decreasesfrom outer to inner layers, first to about 20° and thento about 10°. These layers are separated by thicker layers,dark in transverse section between crossed nicols, in whichthe angle is seldom more than 5–6°. These are averagefigures. The results show most clearly that each angle, , varieswith the fibre length, L, in such a way that the longer cellshave steeper spirals in harmony with a relation of the typeL=A+Bcot already proposed for wood tracheides.  相似文献   

A series of eight submersible dives (the MIGRAGEL I cruise)was made during late April 1986 using the French submersibleCyana to investigate macrozooptankton in the upper 400–700m of the water column. Paired day and night dives were madeat stations 3, 6, 13 and 23 nautical miles off Cape Ferrat,near Villefranche-sur-Mer, France; the distances represent differentareas in the frontal system of the Ligurian Sea. Detailed day/nightvertical distribution data are shown for the most abundant species;these include the narcomedusa Solmissus albescens, teleost fishCyclothone spp., small appendiculanans (primarily Oikopleuraalbicans), large appendicularians (an undescribed oikopleurid),diphyid siphonophores (mostly Chelophyes appendiculata) andan abundant lobate ctenophore. Salps, pyrosomes, amphipods (Phroniumasedentaria), pteropods (Cavolinia inflexa), macroscopic ‘star-like’protozoa and marine snow are also briefly discussed. The coastalzone was dominated by small appendicularians in the upper layers,with other filter feeders including large appendicularians indeeper water—these just above a non-migratory populationof carnivorous Cyclothone. The carnivorous medusa Solmissusalbescens moved throughout the upper 600 m in the course ofits diel vertical migration. Offshore, carnivores were dominantthroughout the water column, with numerous diphyid siphonophoresin the upper layers, and Cyclothone, lobate ctenophores andmacroprotozoa abundant in deeper water. Solmissus was also present,and was more numerous offshore than in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

The cells responsible for the photosynthate efflux from coatsof developing seed of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L.were elucidated using known properties of the efflux mechanism.Sensitivity of sucrose efflux to NEM and high potassium concentrationswas retained by seed-coat halves of Phaseolus following pectinaseremoval of the branch parenchyma cell layer. In contrast, removalof the thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layer from Viciaseed-coat halves abolished this sensitivity. The membrane-impermeantthiol-binding fluorochrome, qBBr, selectively stained the surfaceof the thin-walled parenchyma transfer cells. This phenomenonwas inhibited by the slowly permeable sul-phydryl agent, PCMBS,indicating that the plasma membranes of these cells are enrichedin sulphydryl groups characteristic of membrance porter proteins.On the basis that carrier-mediated sucrose efflux from seedcoats appears to be proton coupled, the putative plasma membraneH+-ATPase was used as a marker for the cells responsible forcarrier-mediated photosynthate efflux. When seed-coat halveswere exposed briefly at pH 8.5 to the weak acid fluorochrome,SRG, the ground parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfercell layers selectively accumulated the dye. The apparent lowpH environment in the walls of these cells that renders SRGmembrane permeant appeared to be maintained by a VAN-sensitiveproton pump. The findings with SRG were corroborated by thecyto-chemical localization of plasma membrane ATPase activityto the ground parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfercells using precipitation of cerium phosphate. Together, ourobservations provide qualified support for the conclusion thatcarrier-mediated photosynthate efflux from coats of Phaseolusand Vicia seed is primarily restricted to the ground parenchymaand thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layers, respectively. Key words: Ground parenchyma, Phaseolus vulgaris L., photosynthate efflux, seed coat, transfer cell, Vicia faba L.  相似文献   

Plants of the desert succulent Agave deserti were grown in partitionedcontainers to determine whether heterogeneity in soil moistureleads to differences in cellular development and hydraulic conductivityalong individual roots. Roots from containers with a dry distalcompartment (furthest from the shoot), a wet middle compartment,and a dry proximal compartment had distal regions (includingthe root tips) that were more suberized and lignified in theendodermis and adjacent cell layers than were root regions fromthe wet middle compartment. Proximal root regions about 40 mmfrom the succulent shoot base were also relatively unsuberized,suggesting that both external and internal supplies of waterdelayed tissue maturation. Root segments from wet middle compartmentsand from dry proximal compartments had higher hydraulic conductivitythan did the more suberized root segments from dry distal compartments.Unlike distal root segments from wet compartments, segmentsfrom dry compartments suffered no decrease in hydraulic conductivityafter immersion in mercuric chloride, suggesting that aquaporinactivity diminished for roots during drought. The possible closureof water channels could help limit root water loss to a dryingsoil. The delayed development of suberized cell layers may allowroot regions to maximize water uptake from wet soil patches(such as under rocks), and the relatively immature, absorptiveroot region near the base of the shoot may help A. deserti capturewater from a briefly wetted surface soil. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Agave deserti, root plasticity, water uptake, aquaporins, suberization, endodermis, divided pots.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Despite the number of orchid speciesthat are thought to be pollinated by hummingbirds, our knowledgeof the nectaries of these orchids is based solely on a singlespecies, Maxillaria coccinea (Jacq.) L.O. Williams ex Hodge.Nevertheless, it is predicted that such nectaries are likelyto be very diverse and the purpose of this paper is to comparethe nectary and the process of nectar secretion in Hexisea imbricata(Lindl.) Rchb.f. with that of Maxillaria coccinea so as to beginto characterize the nectaries of presumed ornithophilous Neotropicalorchids. • Methods Light microscopy, transmission electronmicroscopyand histochemistry were used to examine the histology and chemicalcomposition of nectary tissue and the process of nectar secretionin H. imbricata. • Key Results and Conclusions The nectary of H. imbricatahas a vascular supply, is bound by a single-layered epidermiswith few stomata and comprises two or three layers of subepidermalsecretory cells beneath which lie several layers of palisade-likeparenchymatous cells, some of which contain raphides or mucilage.The secretory cells are collenchymatous and their walls havenumerous pits with associated plasmodesmata. They contain thefull complement of organelles characteristic of secretory cellsas well as intravacuolar protein bodies but some of the secretoryepidermal cells, following secretion, collapse and their anticlinalwalls seem to fold. Nectar secretion is thought to be granulocrineand, following starch depletion, lipid droplets collect withinthe plastids. The nectar accumulates beneath the cuticle whichsubsequently forms swellings. Finally, nectar collects in thesaccate nectary spur formed by the fusion of the margins ofthe labellum and the base of the column-foot. Thus, althoughthe nectary of H. imbricata and M. coccinea have many featuresin common, they nevertheless display a number of important differences.  相似文献   

The surfaces of the pericarps of wheat and barley grains, 15–30days after anthesis, were examined. Stomata were found in thepericarp epidermis on the ventral side at the apical end inone variety of wheat and four varieties of barley. Layers whichstained red with Sudan IV were observed on the pericarp epidermisand on either side of the testa in immature barley grains. Theultrastructure of these layers was investigated. It was concludedthat the cuticular layer inside the testa is derived from thenucellus. The significance of these cuticular layers in relationto the supply of carbon dioxide to the photosynthesizing cellsof the pericarp is discussed. The movement of photosynthateand oxygen produced in the pericarp is also considered. Hordeum vulgare L, Triticum aestivum L, barley, wheat, cereal grain, cuticle, stomata, pericarp  相似文献   

The calanoid copepods of the family Arietellidae were studiedfrom the International Indian Ocean Expedition collections.The family is represented by three genera and the members usuallyinhabit deeper layers of the ocean. In the Indian Ocean fivespecies of Arietellus were encountered, mostly from southernlatitudes. Paraugaptilus is reported for the first time fromthe Indian Ocean. Three species of Phyllopus were encounteredin the IIOE collections. The members of the genus were concentratedmostly in the equatorial belt. *National Institute for Oceanography, Dona Paula-403004, Goa,India.  相似文献   

The development of primordia as leaves, petals, or as organsintermediate between leaves and petals can be regulated by photoperiodin Impatiens. In intermediate organs only some parts of theorgan differentiated as petal, and then only in some cell layers.Allometric measurements of primordium shape suggested that intermediateorgans may begin development as petals, and that their intermediatecharacter at maturity resulted from a switch of some parts ofthe organs from petal to leaf development when the primordiawere between 0.5 and 1 mm long. In reverted apices made to re-flower,primordia were not completely determined as leaves until theywere about 750 µm long. Determination typically occurredfirst at the tips and last at the bases of these primordia.The determination of primordia as leaves or petals in Impatiensis discussed in relation to primordium determination in otherspecies. It is suggested that the lack of commitment to flowermay result in relatively late primordium determination in Impatiens. Impatiens balsamina, determination, differentiation, leaf and petal development, flowering, reversion  相似文献   

The atremate brachiopods are unique in that they possess shellsof calcium phosphate. In Lingula adamsi and Gloltidia pyramidata,the shell mineral is (CO3 + F)-containing apatite and is crystallo-chemicallysimilar but not identical to the mineral francolite. The shellof Glottidia consists of a thin periostracum, a mineralizedthick primary layer, and alternating mineralized layers andless mineralized chitin layers. The basic unit of the crystalsis the spherulite. Proteinaceous and glycosaminoglycan (GAG)matrices are present in the primary and mineralized layers.The GAGS in the chitin layer are morphologically different fromthose of the other layers. The GAGS are intimately associatedwith the apatite crystals. Shell formation appears to be mediated by three different typesof cells in the outer epithelium. The cells primarily involvedin the mineral formation are characterized by many vacuoleswith electron-dense granular inclusions containing Ca, P, andS. The connective tissue at the anterior edge of the mantlealso contains fine granules with Ca, P, and S. Those granulesare considered to be a mineral reserve for shell formation.Some problems of the mechanisms of shell formation are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional morphology of shell infrastructure in 2 speciesof intertidal trochid was compared with that in 2 species ofnerite. The shell of Monodonta constrictais typical of the majorityof trochids. The shell is composed of 4 layers: a distal layer(calcite), anouter prismatic layer (aragonite), a nacreous layer(aragonite), and an oblique prismatic layer (aragonite). Monodontalabio lacks a distal layer and an oblique prismatic layer. Theoblique prismatic layer is replaced by an inner prismatic layerwhich forms an apertural ridge as a result of deposition andresorption. The shells of Nerita versicolor and N. tessellataconsistof 3 layers: an outer prismatic layer (calcite), a crossedlamellar layer (aragonite), and a complex crossed lamellar layer(aragonite). The complex crossed lamellar layer is covered withinclined platelets which superficially resemble the surfaceof the ique prismatic layer of trochids. In addition, the complexcrossed lamellar layer forms an apertural ridge which is similarin appearance to that of Monodonta labio. The outer surfaceof the mantle of Nerita versicolor and N. tessellata is throwninto a series of large folds which lie in contact with the inclinedplatelets of the omplex crossed lamellar layer. The interactionof the mantle folds with the inclined platelets is thought toserve as a rachet mechanism to aid in extension of themantle;a similar function has previously been proposed for trochids.The apertural ridges of Monodonta labio and Nerita are thoughtto prevent excessive desiccation when these gastropodsare exposedat low tide. 1Contribution No. 56 of the Tallahassee, Sopchoppy & GulfCoast Marine Biological Association (Received 6 July 1979;  相似文献   

Diurnal mixed layers and the long-term dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The population dynamics of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosain a hypertrophic, subtropical lake (Hartbeespoort Dam, SouthAfrica) were followed over 4.5 years. We examined the hypothesisthat M.aeruginosa dominated (>80% by volume) the phytoplanktonpopulation up to 10 months of each year because it maintaineditself within shallow diurnal mixed layers and was thus ensuredaccess to light, the major limiting resource. Wind speeds overHartbeespoort Dam were strong enough to mix the entire epilimnionthrough Langmuir circulations only 12% of the time. At othertimes solar heating led to the formation of diurnal mixed layers(z1) that were shallower (<2 m) than the euphotic zone (zcu;mean = 3.5 m, range: 0.45–8.4 m) while the seasonal mixedlayer (zm) was always deeper than zcu (range: 7–18 m).By means of its buoyancy mechanism M.aeruginosa maintained thebulk of its population within z1, while non-buoyant speciessank into dark layers. Adaptation to strong light intensitywas implicated from low cellular chlorophyll a content (0.132µg/106 cells) and high Ik (up to 1230 µE m–2s–1). Ensured access to light, the post-maximum summerpopulations persisted throughout autumn and winter, despitesuboptimal temperatures, by sustaining low losses. Increasedsedimentation losses caused a sharp decline of the populationat the end of winter each year, and a short (2–3 months)successional episode followed, but by late spring M.aeruginosawas again dominant. The data from Hartbeespoort Dam point outthe importance of distinguishing between zm and z1, and showthe profound effect that the daily pattern of z1 as opposedto the seasonal pattern of zm, can have on phytoplankton populationspecies composition.  相似文献   

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