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记述了我国湖南省马利蛛属1新种;龚氏马利蛛Mallinella gongi sp.nov和茂兰马利蛛Mallinella maolanensis Wang,Ran et Chen,1999的雌蛛。  相似文献   

记述我国湖南省巴利蛛属(Mallinella)1新种。  相似文献   

狼蛛、蟹蛛和跳蛛分别是蜘蛛目中三个科的蜘蛛的通称。这三类蜘蛛包括了我们日常见到的游猎型蜘蛛的大部分种类,它们在帮助人类消灭害虫中所起作用也较大,所以作为动物学教学中的例子加以介绍。 (一)狼蛛狼蛛在地面或植物上疾驰,凶狠如狼,故名。体长3-25毫米,但多数种类在5-8毫米间。体色多黄褐色,不鲜艳。8眼,排成三列。前列4个小眼,中、后两列各2个眼,较大;后列两眼的间距稍大于中列两眼的间距(图1左)。卵袋扁球形,由两片半圆形丝膜缝合而成。卵袋挂在母蛛腹部后端的纺器上,由母蛛随身携带。幼蛛孵出后不分散,而是爬伏在母蛛腹部  相似文献   

哈蛛属Hasarina自1963年Schenkel建立以来,至今仅知一种,即螺旋哈蛛Hasarina contortospinosa Schenkel, 1963 (Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat., 25A: 462—464, f. 262)模式标本釆自甘肃。Schenkel仅记述了雄性个体。继后 Wesolowska 于1981年再次报道了该种,也仅记述了雄性个体。(Ann.Zool. Warszawa, 36(7): 132—133, f. 10—13)。笔者整理我国跳蛛科蜘蛛标本时,从采自福建崇安、湖南张家界、四川峨眉山的标本中,发现了该种雌蛛,现将其补充描述于下。  相似文献   

蔡峻  赵敬钊 《蛛形学报》1998,7(1):48-53
实验室恒温条件下,研究了园蛛属3种园蛛——角园蛛(Araneus cornutus),叶斑园蛛(A.sta),大腹园蛛(A.ventricosus)的各龄幼蛛。描述它们各自的形态特征;指出它们之间的形态差异。  相似文献   

首次报道了雄性光面双舟蛛Dicymbium facetum(L. 自俄罗斯马加丹.Koch,1879),并对其形态结构进行了详细描述.研究标本采  相似文献   

奎孔蛛(跳蛛科)雌蛛记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述奎孔蛛的雌性和雄性鉴别特征。雌蛛最初记述于越南,雌蛛系新发现。文内附以雄蛛左触肢的腹面观和侧面观,其中侧面观的角度与原定名人的附图的角度不同,以供读者参考。本种在我国系新记录,产于湖南和云南两省,其实际分布范围尚待进一步调查。  相似文献   

采用DNA测序方法,获得了中国狼蛛科Lycosidae4亚科6属26种mtDNA-16S rRNA基因的部分序列,比较来自北美狼蛛科豹蛛属2种豹蛛的同一基因序列,并选取漏斗蛛科1种蜘蛛作为外群,采用Bayesian方法和最大简约法(MP)构建分子系统树.两种建树方法均支持娲蛛属和豹蛛属形成一大的单系;这一结果与现行狼蛛科传统分类体系中娲蛛属的分类地位有差别.据此,作者认为:娲蛛属和豹蛛属可以归为同一个分类亚单位.狼蛛科6属间的分子系统关系为(Rirata(Hippasa(Trochsa Arctosa(Pardosa Wadicosa)))).  相似文献   

中国吻额蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了作者1986年采自湖北省神农架林区的吻额蛛属Aprifrontalia一新种:膨大吻额蛛,新种Aprifrontalia afflata sp.nov.。目前,除本新种外,世界仅报道过1种:Aprifrontalia mascula,本新种雄蛛最显著的特征是:其额向前突呈吻状,触肢胫节前端甚膨大。外雌器形成一斜向下方的突起。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

中国捕鸟蛛科2)过去记述5种.除虎纹捕鸟蛛Ornithoctonus huwena外,其它4种均为单性描述.经补充采集,发现了广西近捕鸟蛛Plesiophrictus guangxiensis Yin et Tan,2000和海南捕鸟蛛Selenocosmia hainana Liang,Peng,Wang et Chen,1999的雄性个体.补充描述如下.标本保存在湖南师范大学生命科学学院,文中量度单位均为mm.  相似文献   

Chi Jin  Feng Zhang 《ZooKeys》2013,(296):79-88
Two new species of the spider genus Mallinella Strand, 1906 are reported from China: Mallinella sphaerica sp. n. (male, female) from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province and Mallinella pluma sp. n. (male) from Daming Mountain, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

Riassunto Lo studio comprende una revisione critico-sperimentale della specie Actinomyces albus, della quale vengono considerati come sinonimi circa 30 nomi speeifici, fra i quale A. chromogenus, A. odorifer, A. thermophylus p.p.; della specie é data una diagnosi ed una particolareggiata descrizione.Sono inoltre studiate le specie A. viridis, (= A. viridochromogenus) e A. innominatus, n. nomen. Quest'ultima é preceduta da una breve discussione sulla specie A. homini.
Summary Twenty-six strains of Actinomyces albus are studied redescribed from morphological, cultural and biochemical standpoints. Many biological activities of A. chromogenus, A. odorifer and A. thermophilus are in common with other species of the same genus, so that they may be considered for sub-specific, (not specific) differentiation. A discussion on A. farcinicus, A. albidoflavus and A. aureus has been originated from mislabeling as A. albus; the group including the two last named species (flavus group) must be revised. A few strains classified A. farcinicus are in no doubt true A. albus, but this real specific entity remains to be revised from Nocard's strain. A. viridis, for the first time described by Lombardo-Pellegrino, has been redescribed three times as a new species under the same binomial, and the fourth as A. viridochromogenes. A. hominis Bostroem is an uncorrect determination for the species originally described by Waksmann and Curtiss, and it is renamed A. innominatus, the binomial A. (Streptothrix) hominis Auct. being a nomen ambiguum. In conclusion, 30 bionmial are appended in sinonimy to A. albus, including Cladothrix dichotoma Macé (1888) non Cohn, G. invulnerabilis Acosta et G. Rossi, C. odorifera Rullm. Actinomyces chromogenus Gasp., A. thermophilus Auct., p.p., A. (Streptothrix) Sanninii (Cif.) Westerd., A. Almquisti Duché, A. Gougeroti Duché, and so on.

Chromosome number determinations from 118 populations of eight species of the aster genus Virgulus are reported for the first time. Based on these counts and literature reports the geographic distributions of diploids and tetraploids in V. concolor, V. novae-angliae, V. oblongifolius, and V. patens have been determined. In the first three species, diploids were widely distributed, while tetraploids were more restricted. In V. patens, diploids were restricted to the southwestern portion of the species’ range, while tetraploids were found throughout the range. Both V. adnatus and V. walteri were found only at the tetraploid level throughout their ranges. Two other species with restricted distributions were consistently found to be high level polyploids: V. georgianus with 2n = 50, V. grandiflorus with 2n = 60. The following new combinations are listed: Virgulus georgianus (Alexander ex Small) Semple; Virgulus subsect. Brachyphylli (Torr. & Gray) Semple; and Virgulus sect. Polyliguli (Semple & Brouillet) Semple.  相似文献   

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