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Reactivity of N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) was studied in comparison with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The radioactivity of [guanidino-14C]-ENNG was incorporated only into the protein fraction and that of [ethyl-14C]ENNG was incorporated into DNA, RNA and protein fractions in ascites hepatoma AH7974 cells, as were those of [guanidino-14C]- and [methyl-14C]MNNG, respectively. The amounts of the binding of ENNG were less than those of MNNG, especially in the corporation of the ethyl moiety of ENNG into nucleic acid fractions. In a non-cellular system, the radioactivity of [guanidino-14C]ENNG was incorporated into proteins, preferentially into basic proteins such as cytochrome c, but was not incorporated into nucleic acids. This behavior is similar to that of [guanidino-14C]MNNG, while the amount of binding of the former was about half of that of the latter. The radioactivity of [ethyl-14C]ENNG was also incorporated into basic proteins to almost the same extent as that of [methyl-14C]MNNG. However, the binding of the ethyl moiety of ENNG to nucleic acids was much lower than that of the methyl moiety of MNNG. Horse heart cytochrome c, bovine pancreatic RNase A and regenerating rat liver chromatin had altered their biological activities to various degrees after modification by ENNG or MNNG.  相似文献   

Thymosin fraction 5 induces an increase in cyclic GMP but not cAMP in murine thymocytes. Calcium (0.6 mM) is necessary for an optimal response in both phosphate buffered saline and hepes-buffered RPMI 1640 media. The calcium dependence of the cGMP response was most pronounced in a minimal salts medium (PBS) and higher concentrations (greater than 0.8 mM) caused a lessening of the cGMP elevation induced by thymosin. Basal cGMP levels of thymus and spleen lymphocytes vary with increasing concentrations of calcium (0–1 mM) and to a lesser extent, the levels of cAMP also are increased. Calcium uptake was measured both at mitogenic levels of Con A and at thymosin concentrations which were similar to those necessary for the increase in cGMP. The results suggest that calcium and cGMP play an important role in T cell differentiation under the influence of thymosin.  相似文献   

The fusion of fresh human erythrocytes was shown to be induced by calcium and phosphate ions. Prior treatment of erythrocytes with phosphate ion was a pre-requisite for the calcium-induced fusion. ATP levels in cells incubated with phosphate and calcium decreased 46 fold while cell-associated calcium increased 70 fold during 1 hour of incubation at 37°C as compared to cells which were incubated with calcium in saline. Our results suggest that a phosphate complex formed bridges between adjacent erythrocytes causing agglutination followed by aggregation of membrane proteins leading to protein-free areas of lipids. Where these protein-free areas are in close contact fusion may occur.  相似文献   

A variety of cell strains and lines were frozen and thawed by conventional techniques for cell storage. Following thawing, extracts of cells were prepared and incubated with UV-irradiated E. coli DNA. Thymine dimer excision activity present in extracts of unfrozen cells was lost in extracts of recently thawed cells. The ability to exercise dimers was restored after about 40 h post-thawing, but the recovery was inhibited if cells were cultured in the presence of puromycin. Correlating with the loss of dimer excising activity there was a reduced cell viability as measured by trypan blue dye exclusion.  相似文献   

Adriamycin and 4'-epi-adriamycin were compared as to their effect on nRNA synthesis. 4'-Epi-adriamycin was a more effective inhibitor than the parent compound of RNA synthesis as measured by incorporation of [3H]-uridine. Adriamycin inhibited all three species of nRNA (ribosomal, non-poly(A)hnRNA, poly(A)hnRNA) to approximately the same extent. 4'-Epi-adriamycin on the other hand inhibited the nRNA species in the following order: non-poly(A)hnRNA greater than ribosomal RNA greater than poly(A)hnRNA. The inhibitory effects of both drugs on incorporation of uridine into RNA were reversible at low concentrations (5 microgram/ml).  相似文献   

The synthesis of the decapeptide luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in human, rat and mouse brain has been investigated by studying the in vitro translation products of Poly A+ mRNA extracts from the hypothalamus. The translation products of all three species contained a single 28000 MW polypeptide which immunoprecipitated with a specific anti-LHRH serum. This polypeptide was not present in the translation products of Poly A+ mRNA extracts from the hypothalamus of the hypogonadal mouse, a mutant strain totally deficient in LHRH. These results show that in the human, rat and normal mouse, LHRH is synthesized as a component of a precursor peptide with a molecular weight of 28000.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine, a substituted phenothiazine, commonly used as a sedative, has been found to photosensitize the inactivation of human adenovirus 5 to wavelengths of light between 330 and 390 nm. The slope of the inactivation curve is three fold greater when fibroblasts from people having xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) were used as viral hosts than when normal fibroblasts were used, showing that at least two-thirds of the damage produced in the virions is repairable by normal human fibroblasts. The phototreatment of chlorpromazine sensitized virions also results in the production of DNA strand breaks, which correlate fairly well with the production of lethal viral damage as measured in XP fibroblasts. These findings suggest that the photosensitization of the skin observed in patients treated with chlorpromazine might be due to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Initial rates of glutamine uptake were studied in human lymphoid cell lines whose γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activities vary from 93 to 11,300 units/mg. In general, glutamine was transported at lower rates than other amino acids (met, phe, leu) in all cell lines studied. A cell line with very high transpeptidase activity exhibited an increased rate of glutamine uptake as compared to other amino acids, and a markedly decreased intracellular concentration of glutamine. In all cell lines transported glutamine was extensively (80%) converted to glutamate. Treatment of cells with 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) decreased transpeptidase and conversion of transported glutamine to glutamate by about 80%. Inhibition of glutamine transport was less pronounced (0–20%). The findings indicate that transported glutamine does not equilibrate with glutamine in the intracellular pool, but may enter a separate pool in which it is rapidly converted to glutamate.  相似文献   

Laser scanning confocal microscopy is a powerful technique that can be applied to study the localisation and behaviour of proteins and nucleic acids in many experimental situations. It is a particularly useful technique for the study of virus infections because of the changes that occur in the distribution and amounts of both viral and cellular proteins as infection develops. These changes reflect key stages and important regulatory events that govern the efficiency of infection. Using herpes simplex virus type 1 infected cells as an experimental model, this article provides guidance for users new to confocal microscopy on basic principles and techniques. The emphasis is on recognising, diagnosing and avoiding potential artifacts, and the workflow of the production of high quality, technically correct images.  相似文献   

A sex steroid-binding plasma protein-like antigen has been detected in human mammary carcinoma cells. A monospecific antiserum was used, and this protein was located mainly on the cytoplasmic membranes. These results are in agreement with a recent hypothesis according to which steroid hormones could be carried into cells by specific binding plasma proteins.  相似文献   

The synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein was measured in L1210 cells following treatment with 8-methoxypsoralen in combination with long wavelength ultraviolet irradiation. The results show that the DNA synthesis is strongly inhibited (approximately 95%) at 200 ng/ml reaching a minimum within 2 hours while RNA synthesis is only weakly affected at this concentration (approximately 40% inhibition). At 2 micrograms/ml the RNA synthesis is inhibited approximately 90%. Even at this concentration only a moderate effect is seen on the protein synthesis. These results strongly indicate that the phototoxic action of 8-methoxypsoralen is primarily due to inhibition of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

BHK-21 cells, infected with Semliki Forest virus, were treated with cycloheximide to stop further synthesis but not intracellular transport of the viral membrane proteins. These proteins were then localized in thin, frozen sections using specific antibodies labelled indirectly with ferritin or gold. Quantitation of the labelling on micrographs showed the movement of spike proteins from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and through the Golgi stacks. The spike proteins spent about 15 minutes in each of these intracellular organelles and their final destination was the plasma membrane. Parallel biochemical studies showed that most of the simple oligosaccharides on the viral spike proteins were modified to the complex form at the same time as these membrane proteins were passing through the Golgi stacks. Cell fractionation studies revealed the same pattern; the proteins passed from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane via a vesicle fraction isolated according to its content of galactosyl transferase. Independent evidence that this fraction was derived at least in part from the Golgi complex in BHK cells was obtained by showing that it reacted specifically with an antibody raised to rat liver Golgi membranes.  相似文献   

The major cell surface protein of a strain of human fetal lung fibroblasts is a 220,000 dalton glycoprotein termed fibronectin. Fibronectin is released from fibroblasts into the culture medium with a half-time of about 25 hours. The release occurs with an initial (0–3 hours) rapid phase followed by a second (3–48 hours) slower phase. Release of fibronectin occurs in a stoichiometric fashion. All of the fibronectin released from the cells is quantitatively recovered from the culture media as a similar sized soluble glycoprotein. Thus, release of fibronectin from normal human fibroblasts results from mechanisms other than extensive degradation of the protein.  相似文献   

Rat cell lines tranformed by viral DNA fragments, EcoRI-C and HindIII-G, of adenovirus type 12 DNA were analyzed for the viral transforming DNA sequences present in cell DNAs. Cell lines transformed by the EcoRI-C fragment of adenovirus type 12 DNA (leftmost 16.5% of the viral genome) contain most of the HindIII-G sequences of the HindIII-G fragment, but at a different frequency depending on the portions of the fragment. The sequence of the AccI-H fragment of adenovirus type 12 DNA (the left part of the HindIII-G; leftmost 4.5% of the viral genome) was detected dominantly in cells transformed by the HindIII-G fragment Southern blot analysis showed that viral DNA sequences are present at multiple integration sites in high-molecular-weight cell DNA from cells transformed by the EcoRI-C or HindIII-G fragment of adenovirus type 12 DNA. These results suggest that most of the HindIII-G sequences in cells transformed by the HindIII-G fragment are present as fragmented forms.  相似文献   

Peanut agglutinin was acylated with a new heterobifunctional, cleavable photosensitive crosslinking reagent, N-[4-(p-azidophenylazo)benzoyl]-3-aminopropyl-N′-oxysuccinimide ester. The lectin derivative binds specifically and reversibly to neuraminidase-treated human erythrocyte ghosts and upon irradiation covalent attachment of over 35% of the bound lectin occurs. The affinity-crosslinked ghosts were solublized in deoxycholate, immunoprecipitated with anti-peanut agglutinin antiserum, and analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamine gel electrophoresis. Bands containing both peanut agglutinin and membrane glycoproteins were detected with apparent molecular weights of 58 000, 85 000, 110 000 and 135 000. Upon subsequent cleavage with sodium dithionite, asialoglycophorin A (apparent M.W. 41 000 and 85 000) and a second glycoprotein (apparent M.W. 58 000 – 61 000) were tentatively identified as the receptors for peanut agglutinin in the intact membrane.  相似文献   

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