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The hyaluronic acid-binding region was prepared by trypsin digestion of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan aggregate from the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma, and biotinylated in the presence of hyaluronic acid and link protein. After isolation by gel filtration and HPLC in 4 M guanidine HCl, the biotinylated hyaluronic acid-binding region was used, in conjunction with avidin-peroxidase, as a specific probe for the light and electron microscopic localization of hyaluronic acid in developing and mature rat cerebellum. At 1 w postnatal, there is strong staining of extracellular hyaluronic acid in the presumptive white matter, in the internal granule cell layer, and as a dense band at the base of the molecular layer, surrounding the parallel fibers. This staining moves progressively towards the pial surface during the second postnatal week, and extracellular staining remains predominant through postnatal week three. In adult brain, there is no significant extracellular staining of hyaluronic acid, which is most apparent in the granule cell cytoplasm, and intra-axonally in parallel fibers and some myelinated axons. The white matter is also unstained in adult brain, and no staining was seen in Purkinje cell bodies or dendrites at any age. The localization of hyaluronic acid and its developmental changes are very similar to that previously found in immunocytochemical studies of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in nervous tissue (Aquino, D. A., R. U. Margolis, and R. K. Margolis. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 99:1117-1129; Aquino, D. A., R. U. Margolis, and R. K. Margolis. J. Cell Biol. 99:1130-1139), and to recent results from studies using monoclonal antibodies to the hyaluronic acid-binding region and link protein. The presence of brain hyaluronic acid in the form of aggregates with chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans would be consistent with their similar localizations and coordinate developmental changes.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic data confirm the results gained with rapid Golgi preparations of adult rodent brains that tanycytes occur in clusters along the lateral wall of the third ventricle. The cytoplasmic matrix of these cells is considerably denser than that of typical ependymal cells. They have filaments and microtubules throughout their cytoplasm along with mitochondria and polysomes. At the surface is a compact group of microvilli which suggest that tanycytes might selectively absorb material from the ventricle.The tanycytes are segregated from neuropil by other tanycyte processes, by neighboring ependymal cells and by astrocytes. Yet there are gaps in this sheath. At these points tanycytes either abut upon or surround nonglial components of the neural fabric.Their cytological features and relations with the neuropil suggest that tanycytes selectively absorb material from the ventricle and release it along the basal process, primarily affecting those segments of neurons immediately adjacent to the tanycyte.Supported by: NINDS Grants 5 R01 NS 09001-02 NEUA, 5T01 NB 5309, and GM 00958, and by the Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation Research Institute.Acknowledgements: This work was initiated in the Anatomy Department of the Harvard Medical School with facilities provided by Prof. S. L. Palay (U.S. Public Health Service Grant No. NB 05591). Dr. R. B. Wuerker kindly and patiently provided the instruction and orientation to electron microscopy. The major portion of the study was completed in the Neurology Department of the University of Utah with the extremely competent, challenging assistance of Dee Lerdahl, Nina Belgarian, Keith Johnson and Lynn Kendricks.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy, three hemocyte types are described in the hemolymph of the crayfish. The coagulocyte comprises 65% of the total hemocyte number and contains medium-sized cytoplasmic granules, abundant dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum, and a highly developed Golgi complex. It rapidly undergoes cytolysis in vitro and participates in coagulation by releasing the contents of its granules to the hemolymph. The granulocyte comprises 31% of the total hemocyte number and is capable of phagocytosis. It contains large, irregularly shaped cytoplasmic granules, a moderately developed Golgi complex, and moderate amounts of non-dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum. During coagulation in vitro, the cell attaches and spreads onto the substratum; this is followed by a slow intracellular granule breakdown and cytolysis. The amebocyte comprises 4% of the total hemocyte number and it is also capable of phagocytosis. It possesses small cytoplasmic granules, many vacuoles, a moderately developed Golgi complex, and large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It is distinguished from the other two cell types by being stable and motile in vitro.  相似文献   

The precise cellular and subcellular locations of coated vesicle protein, clathrin, in rat kidney and cerebellum have been visualized by immunocytochemical techniques. In the renal tubular epithelia, clathrin-positive products were found on both free ribosomes and on those attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the nuclear envelope. No clathrin was observed in the cisternae of RER or the Golgi apparatus. Clathrin-positive reaction products could also be seen on coated pits, coated vesicles, Golgi-associated vesicles, basolateral cell membrane, the ground substance, and in the autophagic vacuoles. In cerebellar Purkinje and granule cell bodies, reaction products were seen localized on coated vesicles, on the budding areas from the Golgi-associated membrane and Golgi-associated vesicles. Furthermore, the membrane of the multivesicular body, the bound-ribosomes, and the ground substance were also stained. In the myelinated axon, the clathrin appeared to be concentrated on certain segments and seemed to fill in the space between neurotubules and some vesicles. In certain synaptic terminals clathrin was often seen attached to presynaptic vesicles, presynaptic membrane, and post-synaptic membrane. However, in most mossy fibers, some synaptic vesicles were not stained. These observations suggest that clathrin is synthesized on bound and free ribosomes and discharged into the cytosol where it becomes associated with a variety of ground substances and assembles on coated pits, coated vesicles, Golgi-associated vesicles, presynaptic vesicles, and pre- and postsynaptic membranes. Clathrin may be finally degraded in autophagic vacuoles.  相似文献   

An exotoxin (HS-6) produced by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum isolated from certain lesions of cutaneous nocardiosis of a male 82-year-old patient induced severe injuries in the pancreas, liver, stomach, small intestine, heart, thymus and kidney of male ICR mice. Mice given Nocardia-free preparation of HS-6 at a dose of 1 mg/kg of body weight developed several autophagic vacuoles in the pancreas and liver within 20 min after the i.p. injection. Thereafter, the autophagic vacuoles increased in number and size with time. About 24 hr after the administration of HS-6, the liver showed marked accumulation of fat droplets in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Although they contained abundant autophagic vacuoles in the regions of RER, there were no lipomatoses in the acinar cells of the pancreas, those of the chief cells and smooth muscle cells of the stomach, Paneth cells, goblet cells, smooth muscle cells of the small intestine, and plasma cells in the digestive tract. Biochemical examinations revealed that HS-6 had no significant effect on the protein synthesis of reticulocytes. Inoculation of the Nocardia into the mouse peritoneal cavities caused marked granulomatoses in the pancreas, liver and regional lymph nodes, but did not develop autophagic vacuoles in RER regions of these organs.  相似文献   

K. Wells 《Protoplasma》1978,94(1-2):83-108
Summary The two division of meiosis that occur in the distal portion of the basidia ofPholiota terrestris were studied with light and electron microscopy. A diglobular spindle pole body (SPB), consisting of two globular elements and a connecting, electron-dense middle piece, is closely attached to the nuclear envelope of the fusion nucleus. During prometaphase I the globular elements separate and pass to the opposite poles as the chiastic spindle is formed. Evidently, the middle piece also separates with each resulting half persisting as an eccentric, electron-dense portion of the monoglobular SPB of meta-, ana-, and telophase nuclei. Also during prometaphase I, the nuclear envelope becomes discontinuous, especially in the lower region of the spindle. Light microscopic evidence of nucleolar extrusion at prometaphase I and II was observed. At metaphase I the SPB's move away from the condensed chromatic mass as the chromatids move asynchronously along the expanding spindle, evidently, due both to the elongation of the continuous fibers and the shortening of the chromosomal fibers. Two images resembling typical kinetochroes are illustrated in anaphase I nuclei, and others were seen during the study. At early telophase I and II the nuclear envelope is present laterally, is then formed in the interpolar region, and eventually appears between the chromatin and monoglobular SPB. A perforated ER cap, which is penetrated by microtubules, delimits the SPB. The nucleus enlarges, the chromatin becomes diffused except adjacent to the SPB, and the perinuclear ER becomes uniformly oriented around the nuclear envelope. At interphase I a diglobular SPB was not clearly documented. During interphase I the ER cap disappears but the perinuclear ER persists. Division II, with the exception of prophase, is essentially identical to division I. The postmeiotic, haploid nuclei migrate to the median or proximal region of the basidium. The diglobular SPB reappears. The meiotic apparatus inP. terrestris is considered to have the same fundamental features as those of plants and animals and in detail conforms to the pattern described in several light and electron microscopic studies of other Homobasidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Summary The light and electron microscopic structure of the high-endothelial postcapillary venules of lymph nodes were studied in the mouse, rat, guinea pig, and rabbit. The venules were most frequently found in the mouse and rat. In all species, they reached their highest degree of differentiation in the paracortical area. The morphology in the light microscope was identical in all four species. The venules in the rat and mouse were surrounded by a cuff of concentrically-arranged lymphocytes, which was rarely seen in the guinea pig and rabbit.The ultrastructure of the high-endothelial cells in all four species was very complex; a prominent Golgi apparatus was present which often occupied large parts of the cytoplasm. Coated and uncoated vesicles originating in the Golgi apparatus often permeated the cytoplasm. These vesicles emptied their contents into the extracellular space after fusion with the plasma membranes.Numerous lymphocytes traversed vessel walls. During their passage, they were always located between, not inside the high-endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Adult mice were fed a choline-deficient ethionine enriched (CDE) diet for 24, 48 or 72 h. They were then fasted for 24 or 48 h prior to sacrifice. All tissues were studied by light and electron microscopy. Animals fed the CDE diet for 24 h exhibited cells with vacuolated cytoplasm, and the accumulation of lipid in these cells was clearly abnormal. Animals fed the CDE diet for 24 h and subsequently a regular diet for 48 h displayed normal hepatocytes, suggesting that the alterations at 24 h were reversible. Following 48 or 72 h of feeding the CDE diet, abundant lipid-laden cells were observed in the hepatic lobules, and at the electron microscope level these cells were undergoing frank degeneration. Evidence indicated that changes after 48 or 72 h were irreversible.  相似文献   

Summary The neurointermediate lobe of the hypophysis in the Chameleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) was examined with light and electron microscopic methods, with special reference to the cytology of the pars intermedia (PI). The PI is the largest lobe of the hypophysis consisting of (1) dark cells with secretory granules ranging from 200–600 nm; (2) light cells, far fewer in number, containing granules 150–300 nm in diameter; (3) stellate, non-secretory cells. The secretory cells abut onto the perivascular basal lamina of the capillary sinusoids while their apical part borders an intercellular space. This surface of the cells often bears a cilium. The granules arise from the Golgi cisternae while small detached vesicles are found between circumscribed sites of the cell membrane and the Golgi apparatus. No nervous elements were found in the pars intermedia and it is assumed that the regulation of this lobe is purely humoral. This is supported by the presence of three types of nerve terminals in the pars nervosa: (a) terminals with large secretory granules and small vesicles; (b) terminals with dense-core vesicles and small vesicles; (c) terminals with small vesicles only. All of these are secretory as indicated by the presence of the synaptic semidesmosomes formed with the perivascular basal lamina.I would like to thank Mr. W.N. Newton for his skill and aid in all aspects of this work, Mr. A. Ansary for expert photographic assistance and the Central Pathology Laboratory, University of Dar es Salaam, for the electron microscopic facilities provided. Research sponsored by the University of Zambia Grants J02-18-00 and Medic 74/6  相似文献   

The subclavian glomera (aortic bodies) of young New Zealand white rabbits were studied with the light, fluorescence, and electron microscopes. Two cell types were identified: type I, granule-containing (chief) cells, and type II, agranular (sustentacular) cells. The type I cells possessed large nuclei, the normal complement of cytoplasmic organelles and numerous electron-opaque cytoplasmic granules. The type II cells were agranular with attenuated cytoplasmic processes which partially or completely ensheathed the type I cells. The glomera were well vascularized. Capillary endothelial cells contained numerous pinocytotic vesicles, but few fenestrae. Two profiles of nerve terminals were observed. One, apposing the type I cells, contained numerous electron-lucent vesicles, several dense-cored vesicles, mitochondria and possessed membrane specializations resembling those usually observed in synaptic zones. The other profile contained abundant mitochondria and a few electron-lucent and dense-cored vesicles. Structural specializations were not observed on the apposed membranes of these terminals or adjacent to type II cells. Fluorescence histochemistry revealed an intense yellow-green fluorescence in the glomera, which indicated the presence of biogenic amines, possibly primary catecholamines or an indolamine. The electron-opaque granules observed in the type I cells were believed to be the storage sites for these amines. The subclavian glomera were found to be morphologically similar to the carotid body which is a known chemoreceptor.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic observations were made on eosinophilic globule (EG) cells found in 27 subcutaneous malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH)-like sarcomas in aged ICR mice. These tumors, which were composed of fibroblast-like cells as the major component, with small numbers of histiocyte-like cells and undifferentiated cells, showed one or more of five growth patterns: storiform, pleomorphic, fascicular, myxoid, and hemangiopericytoma-like. EG cells were interspersed among the tumor cells and were also present in metastatic lesions. They were pleomorphic in shape and contained various numbers of cytoplasmic globules, which were positive with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and resistant to diastase digestion. Electron microscopic observation revealed that these cells had small finger-like and pseudopodia-like projections, and contained varied numbers of characteristic osmiophilic globules and glycogen particles in the cytoplasm which seemed to become more abundant as the cells differentiated. The osmiophilic globules consisted of a dense homogeneous core and a marginal area rich in small vesicular membranous structures. A small population of EG cells exhibited features suggesting differentiation to fibroblasts; these were characterized by an increased amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the EG cell is a neoplastic cell, perhaps derived from a primitive mesenchymal cell, although an inflammatory cell origin is also possible.  相似文献   

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