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The freely spawned eggs of Crania go through radial cleavage, embolic gastrulation, and the posteroventral part of the archenteron forms mesoderm through modified enterocoely. The blastopore closes in the posterior end of the larva. The ciliated, lecithotrophic larva has four pairs of coelomic pouches and three pairs of dorsal setal bundles. At metamorphosis, the larva curls ventrally by contraction of a pair of midventral muscles, which are extensions of the first pair of coelomic sacs; the larva attaches by the epithelium just behind the closed blastopore. The brachial valve is secreted by the middle part of the dorsal epithelium and the pedicle valve is secreted by the attachment epithelium. The second pair of coelomic sacs develop small attachment areas at the edge of the dorsal valve and become the lophophore coelom (mesocoel); the third pair of coelomic sacs become the body coelom (metacoel) with the adductor muscles. The posterior position of the closing blastopore is characteristic of deuterostomes. The ventral curving of the settling larva and the formation of both valves from dorsal epithelial areas indicate that the brachiopods have a very short ventral side as opposed to the phoronids. It is concluded that both groups have originated from a creeping ancestor with a straight gut.  相似文献   

Among other characteristics a trimeric coelomic compartmentation consisting of an anterior protocoel, followed by a mesocoel and a posterior metacoel is traditionally believed to substantiate the sister-group relationship between Lophophorata and Deuterostomia, together forming the Radialia. As molecular data cannot support this hypothesis a reanalysis of the coelomic cavities in Phoronida is undertaken, because corresponding coelomic compartmentation is widely accepted to support the Radialia hypothesis. A coelomic cavity can be recognized on the ultrastructural level because its lining is a true epithelium with polarized cells interconnected by apical adherens junctions. This study reveals that neither in larval nor adult Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida) an anterior cavity with such a lining is present. What on the light microscopic level leads to the impression of a cavity inside the larval episphere, actually is an enlarged subepidermal extracellular matrix with an amorphous, presumably gel-like filling, into which several muscle cells are embedded. Larvae, thus, possess only one coelomic cavity, the large trunk coelom of the larva which is adopted in the adult organization. The second coelomic cavity of adult P. muelleri, the lophophore coelom, develops as a double-layer of epithelialized mesodermal cells at the base of the adult tentacle buds and becomes fluid filled during metamorphosis. Like the larval episphere, larval tentacles and most parts of the blastocoel are filled by an amorphous matrix. Reanalysis of the literature and comparison with Brachiopoda and Bryozoa allows the hypothesis that a protocoel is lacking in all Lophophorata, and that merely two unpaired coelomic cavities, one tentacle and one trunk coelom, can be assumed for the ground pattern of this taxon. These results do not provide further evidence for the Radialia hypothesis, but also do not contradict it. Accepted: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

Abstract. The hypothesis of a common ancestry of the lophophorate taxa Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Phoronida, and the Deuterostomia can be traced back to the late 19th century when Masterman recognized a tripartite organization of the body consisting of pro-, meso-, and metasome, along with coelomic body cavities in each compartment, as characteristic for Echinodermata, Pterobranchia, Phoronida, and Brachiopoda. This idea became quite popular under the name "archicoelomate" concept. The organization of the phoronids, and especially of their transparent actinotroch larva, has for a long time been used as a touchstone for the validity of this concept. As a coelomic lining can reliably be recognized only on the ultrastructural level, this technique has been applied for adults of Phoronis ovalis , which is assumed to be a sister species to all other phoronids. Phoronis ovalis contains only two coelomic compartments, a posterior coelom inside the trunk (metasoma), occupying the space between the trunk epidermis and the digestive epithelium, and an anterior lophophoral coelom inside and basal to the tentacular crown (mesosoma). There is no coelomic cavity inside the epistome (prosoma). This part of the body is filled with myoepithelial cells, which are continuous with the epithelial lining of the lophophore cavity. These cells form a lumenless bilayer and possess long, tiny myofilamentous processes, which are completely embedded in an extracellular matrix. A comparison with data on P. muelleri shows that there is no need to assume three different coelomic cavities in Phoronida, in contrast to the predictions of the archicoelomate concept. At least for this taxon, a correspondence to the situation in deuterostomes can hardly be found.  相似文献   

The origin of the mesoderm and the subsequent formation of the coelom in the larvae of the brachiopod species Notosaria nigricans and Calloria inconspicua is documented in detail at the ultrastructural level. During gastrulation, the blastocoel is completely displaced by the invaginating archenteron. Initial mesoderm formation was observed in late wedge-shaped to early three-lobed stages in both species. Proliferation of mesodermal cells from the archenteral epithelium mainly occurs in the dorsolateral (C. inconspicua) and caudolateral (N. nigricans) parts of the archenteral wall. Thus, a compact mesodermal cell mass pushes its way towards the subepidermal basal lamina. During further development of the larva, the mesoderm is separated from the archenteral epithelium by an extracellular matrix secreted frontad from behind. As a result, a single coelomic anlage is formed. The initial mesoderm in both species is of archenteral/endodermal origin. Considering endodermal origin as the crucial character for enterocoely, coelom formation through proliferation of a compact, endodermally derived mesodermal cell mass in Brachiopoda is clearly identified as enterocoely. Endodermal origin of mesoderm and, therefore, of the coelomic epithelium is hypothesised as a synapomorphy of Brachiopoda and Deuterostomia. As a consequence: (1) Brachiopoda and Deuterostomia are considered sister groups, (2) Brachiopoda group within Radialia and (3) lophophorates (”Tentaculata”) remain as a paraphyletic grouping. Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the somatic testicular tissues and sperm ducts are elaborations of the epithelial lining of the tail coelom. The testes consist of closely packed spermatogonia embedded between specialized lateral field cells. These cells contain few organelles and appear to function mainly as a compartment boundary. Masses of spermatogenic cells are released into the tail coelom from the anterior end of the testes. The sperm ducts, lined by simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium, collect mature spermatozoa from the tail coelom and convey them to the blindly ending seminal vesicles. The sperm ducts also modify coelomic fluid entering them along with the spermatozoa. The seminal vesicles consist of a simple glandular lining epithelium embedded in the stratified epidermis. Secretions of the lining epithelium surround the enclosed sperm mass and correspond in position to a noncellular spermatophore coat visible by light microscopy around released sperm masses. Spermatophores leave the seminal vesicles through a temporary split that forms between microfilament-containing suture cells. Maturation of spermatozoa and filling of the seminal vesicles is cyclical, occurring late each day. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Only species belonging to the bryozoan subtaxon Phylactolaemata possess an epistome. To test whether there is a specific coelomic cavity inside the epistome, Fredericella sultana, Plumatella emarginata, and Lophopus crystallinus were studied on the ultrastructural level. In F. sultana and P. emarginata, the epistome contains a coelomic cavity. The cavity is confluent with the trunk coelom and lined by peritoneal and myoepithelial cells. The lophophore coelom extends into the tentacles and is connected to the trunk coelom by two weakly ciliated coelomic ducts on either side of the rectum. The lophophore coelom passes the epistome coelom on its anterior side. This region has traditionally been called the forked canal and hypothesized to represent the site of excretion. L. crystallinus lacks an epistome. It has a simple ciliated field where an epistome is situated in the other species. Underneath this field, the forked canal is situated. Compared with the other species, it is pronounced and exhibits a dense ciliation. Despite the occurrence of podocytes, which are prerequisites for a selected fluid transfer, there is no indication for an excretory function of the forked canal, especially as no excretory porus was found. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(7):997-1011
The organization of the coelomic system and the ultrastructure of the coelomic lining are used in phylogenetic analysis to establish the relationships between major taxa. Investigation of the anatomy and ultrastructure of the coelomic system in brachiopods, which are poorly studied, can provide answers to fundamental questions about the evolution of the coelom in coelomic bilaterians. In the current study, the organization of the coelom of the lophophore in the brachiopod Lingula anatina was investigated using semithin sectioning, 3D reconstruction, and transmission electron microscopy. The lophophore of L. anatina contains two main compartments: the preoral coelom and the lophophoral coelom. The lining of the preoral coelom consists of ciliated cells. The lophophoral coelom is subdivided into paired coelomic sacs: the large and small sinuses (= canals). The lining of the lophophoral coelom varies in structure and includes monociliate myoepithelium, alternating epithelial and myoepithelial cells, specialized peritoneum and muscle cells, and podocyte‐like cells. Connections between cells of the coelomic lining are provided by adherens junctions, tight‐like junctions, septate junctions, adhesive junctions, and direct cytoplasmic bridges. The structure of the coelomic lining varies greatly in both of the main stems of the Bilateria, that is, in the Protostomia and Deuterostomia. Because of this great variety, the structure of the coelomic lining cannot by itself be used in phylogenetic analysis. At the same time, the ciliated myoepithelium can be considered as the ancestral type of coelomic lining. The many different kinds of junctions between cells of the coelomic lining may help coordinate the functioning of epithelial cells and muscle cells.  相似文献   

We investigated adult rudiment induction in the direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma microsurgically. After removal of the archenteron (which includes presumptive coelomic mesoderm as well as presumptive endoderm) from late gastrulae, larval ectoderm develops properly but obvious rudiments (tube feet, nervous system, and adult skeleton) fail to form, indicating that coelomic mesoderm, endoderm, or both are required for induction of adult development. Recombination of ectoderm and archenteron rescues development. Implanted endoderm alone or left coelom alone each regenerate the full complement of archenteron derivatives; thus, they are uninformative as to the relative inductive potential of the two regions. However, in isolated ectoderm, more limited regeneration gives rise to larvae containing no archenteron derivatives at all, endoderm only, or both endoderm and left coelom. Adult nervous system begins to develop only in the latter, indicating that left coelom is required for the inductive signal. Isolated ectoderm develops a vestibule (the precursor of adult ectoderm) and correctly regulates vestibular expression of the ectodermal territory marker HeET-1, indicating that the early phase of vestibule development occurs autonomously; only later development requires the inductive signal. Another ectodermal marker, HeARS, is regulated properly in the larval ectoderm region, but not in the vestibule. HeARS regulation thus represents an early response to the inducing signal. We compare HeARS expression in H. erythrogramma with that in indirect developers and discuss its implications for modularity in the evolution of developmental mode.  相似文献   

Results provided by modern TEM methods indicate the existence of the lophophoral and trunk coelomes but not of the preoral coelom in Phoronida. In the present work, the epistome in Phoronopsis harmeri was studied by histological and ultrastructural methods. Two kinds of cells were found in the frontal epidermis: supporting and glandular. The coelomic compartment is shown to be inside the epistome. This compartment has a complex shape, consists of a central part and two lateral branches, and contacts the lophophoral coelom, forming two complete dissepiments on the lateral sides and a partition with many holes in the center. TEM reveals that some portions of the incomplete partition are organized like a mesentery, with the two layers of cells separated by ECM. The myoepithelial cells of the coelomic lining form the circular and radial musculature of the epistome. Numerous amoebocytes occur in the coelom lumen. The tip of the epistome and its dorso-lateral parts lack a coelomic cavity and are occupied by ECM and muscle cells. The fine structure of the T-shaped vessel is described, and its localization inside lophophoral coelom is demonstrated. We assert that the cavity inside the epistome is the preoral coelom corresponding to the true preoral coelom of the larva of this species. Proving this assertion will require additional study of metamorphosis in this species. To clarify the patterns of coelom organization in phoronids, we discuss the bipartite coelomic system in Phoronis and the tripartite coelomic system in Phoronopsis.  相似文献   

This paper presents some new arguments for the metameric-wonn-theory for the evolution of the Vertebrates (Gutmann 1966a). Metameric coelomoducts in Enteropneust larvae (Goodrich 1947) which should be interpreted as metanephridia show that the Enteropneusts can be derived from metameric Chordate-like predecessors. The myomeres of Branchiostoma are no solid organs as there exist sclerocoels. These must be interpreted as vestigial coelomic cavities. They can be cited as a proof for the metameric worm-theory. They function as a canal system, which gathers excretory stuff in the myomeres which these organs could otherwise not get rid of. The coelom-cavities are cleaned by the protonephridia in the gill region. Some additional details of the phylogenetic transformation of metameric coelom cavities into myomeres are reconstructed. It is shown that the problem of coelomic and myomeric metamerism cannot be solved in the way proposed in the literature concerned with this question. The metameric-worm-theory for the evolution of the Vertebrates pretends that metameric metanephridia were fused on the lower level of Vertebrate phylogeny and formed the archinephric ducts. A paper of Goodrich (1947) shows that there are similar cases of fused metanephridia in some Annelids. These are parallels to the postulated formation of the metanephridia in the lowest Vertebrates. The archinephric duct acquired its muscular coat when it was formed by fusion of metanephridia in the bodywall. Muscles of the body wall took over a new function by making peristaltic movements of the newly formed archinephric ducts possible. When the archinephric duct was moved back into the coelom it did not lose the still functioning muscular coat.  相似文献   

The tentacles of the pterobranch Cephalodiscus, a hemisessile ciliary feeder, originate from the lateral aspects of the arms and are covered by an innervated epithelium, the majority of its cells bearing microvilli. Each side of a tentacle has two rows of ciliated cells and additional glandular cells. The coelomic spaces in the tentacles are lined by cross-striated myoepithelial cells, allowing rapid movements of the tentacles. One, possibly two, blood vessels accompany the coelomic canal. On their outer sides the arms are covered by a simple ciliated epithelium with intra-epithelial nerve fibres; the inner side is covered by vacuolar cells. On both sides different types of exocrine cells occur. The collar canals of the mesocoel are of complicated structure. Ventrally their epithelium is pseudostratified and ciliated; dorsally it is lower and forms a fold with specialized cross-striated myoepithelial cells of the coelomic lining. Arms, tentacles, associated coelomic spaces and the collar canal of the mesocoel are considered to be functionally interrelated. It is assumed that rapid regulation of the pore width is possible and even necessary when the tentacular apparatus is retracted, which presumably leads to an increase of hydrostatic pressure in the coelom.  相似文献   

Morris, V.B., Selvakumaraswamy, P., Whan, R., and Byrne, M. 2011. The coeloms in a late brachiolaria larva of the asterinid sea star Parvulastra exigua: deriving an asteroid coelomic model. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 266–275. The coeloms and their interconnexions in a late pre‐metamorphic brachiolaria larva of a sea star are described from the series of images in the frontal, transverse and sagittal planes obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy. A larval, brachial coelom connects with the coeloms of the adult rudiment that lie posteriorly. The connexion is through the anterior coelom, which lies over the head of the archenteron, to the right anterior coelom and then to the left posterior coelom through the ventral horn of the left posterior coelom. The right posterior coelom is a separate coelom. The hydrocoele is on the larval left side separated from other coeloms except for a connexion to the anterior coelom. On the larval right side, the anterior coelom and right anterior coelom connect with the pore canal that opens to the exterior at the hydropore. From these coeloms, we derived an asteroid coelomic model comprising the larval left and right coeloms linked over the head of the archenteron by a common anterior coelom. The asymmetry of the hydrocoele and the left posterior coelom on the left side linked through the common anterior coelom to the right side, with the external opening, translates into the oral and aboral coeloms of the adult stage. The coelomic model has application in the search for morphological homology between the echinoderm classes and the deuterostome phyla.  相似文献   

A new type of phoronid development, viviparity of larvae, has been discovered in a new phoronid species that lives as a commensal of digging sand shrimps in Vostok Bay, the Sea of Japan. The embryos develop in the mother’s trunk coelom up to the young larva stage. During development, embryos increase in size twice and probably obtain nutriment from the mother’s coelomic fluid. Spawning occurs by young larvae, which are released through nephridiopores. The new type of development is described in a phoronid that has a small body size but a high fertility, producing large amounts of extremely small eggs. The combination of viviparity and large number of eggs increases the number of competent larvae that can undergo metamorphosis in the burrows of shrimps.  相似文献   

Sea urchins have a fluid-filled body cavity, the coelom, containing four types of immunocytes called coelomocytes. Within minutes after coelomic fluid is removed from the body cavity, a massive cell-cell adhesion of coelomocytes occurs. This event is referred to as clotting. Clotting is thought to be a defense mechanism against loss of coelomic fluid if the body wall is punctured, and it may also function in the cellular encapsulation of foreign material and microbes. Here we show that this intercoelomocyte adhesion is mediated by amassin, a coelomic plasma protein with a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 75 kD. Amassin forms large disulfide-bonded aggregates that adhere coelomocytes to each other. One half of the amassin protein comprises an olfactomedin (OLF) domain. Structural predictions show that amassin and other OLF domain-containing vertebrate proteins share a common architecture. This suggests that other proteins of the OLF family may function in intercellular adhesion. These findings are the first to demonstrate a function for a protein of the OLF family.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the axial organ of Asterias amurensis has been studied The organ is a network of canals of the axial coelom separated by haemocoelic spaces. The axial coelom is lined with two types of monociliary cells: podocytes and musculo-epithelial cells. Podocytes form numerous basal processes adjacent to the basal lamina on the coelomic side. Musculo-epithelial cells form processes running along the basal lamina. Some bundles of these processes wrapped in the basal lamina pass through haemocoelic spaces between neighboring coelomic canals. It is hypothesized that the axial organ serves for filtration of fluid from haemocoelic spaces into the axial coelom cavity, from which urine is excreted through the madreporite to the exterior.  相似文献   

Two types of choanocyte-like cells have been found in the digestive tract of the starfish. Type I choanocytes are in the lining epithelium of all organs of the digestive system. These are narrow, columnar cells strongly anchored basally and expanded apically into a protuberance projecting into the lumen. A prominent flagellum surrounded by microvilli projects from the center of this protuberance. Apical cytoplasm contains numerous mitochondria, secondary lysosomes, and multivesicular bodies. A distinctive characteristic of these cells is a filament bundle that traverses the length of the cell from its region of attachment on the rootlet of the flagellar basal body to its terminus on the basal plasma membrane. Between the attenuated basal ends of type I cells are the nerve fibers of an intraepithelial nerve plexus. Thickness of the plexus is correlated with the quantity of type I cells in the epithelium. Type II choanocytes are in the cuboidal coelomic epithelium that forms the outer layer of digestive tract organs. These cells are smaller than those of type I, and they have an apical collar surmounted by a ring of 13 microvilli. Within the collar is a cup-shaped depression with a central flagellum. Coated vesicles, secondary lysosomes, and phagocytic infoldings are observed in and near the collar cytoplasm. Filament bundles similar to those in type I choanocytes are also observed in coelomic epithelial cells that are sufficiently tall. Injection of peroxidase into the stomach and ferritin into the coelom results in phagocytic uptake of these macromolecules by type I and type II choanocytes, respectively.  相似文献   

The dependence of proboscis eversion on the behaviour of the trunk coelom and the effect of increasing the external resistance to eversion have been investigated in Arenicola marina (L.).Two types of proboscis eversion are distinguished; Type I, in which there is an increase of 50–100% in the volume of the head region and where the high pressures recorded in the trunk coelom are needed, it is suggested, to force fluid into the head coelom; Type II, in which the volume change in the head region is small and where simultaneous recordings of head and trunk coelomic pressures indicate that the head coelom can be isolated from the rest of the coelom.Pressures in the trunk are only related to the extent of proboscis eversion when there is a high external resistance to eversion.  相似文献   

Gregarines constitute a large group of apicomplexans with diverse modes of nutrition and locomotion that are associated with different host compartments (e.g. intestinal lumena and coelomic cavities). A broad molecular phylogenetic framework for gregarines is needed to infer the early evolutionary history of apicomplexans as a whole and the evolutionary relationships between the diverse ultrastructural and behavioral characteristics found in intestinal and coelomic gregarines. To this end, we sequenced the SSU rRNA gene from (1) Lankesteria abbotti from the intestines of two Pacific appendicularians, (2) Pterospora schizosoma from the coelom of a Pacific maldanid polychaete, (3) Pterospora floridiensis from the coelom of a Gulf Atlantic maldanid polychaete and (4) Lithocystis sp. from the coelom of a Pacific heart urchin. Molecular phylogenetic analyses including the new sequences demonstrated that several environmental and misattributed sequences are derived from gregarines. The analyses also demonstrated a clade of environmental sequences that was affiliated with gregarines, but as yet none of the constituent organisms have been described at the ultrastructural level (apicomplexan clade I). Lankesteria spp. (intestinal parasites of appendicularians) grouped closely with other marine intestinal eugregarines, particularly Lecudina tuzetae, from polychaetes. The sequences from all three coelomic gregarines branched within a larger clade of intestinal eugregarines and were similarly highly divergent. A close relationship between Pterospora schizosoma (Pacific) and Pterospora floridiensis (Gulf Atlantic) was strongly supported by the data. Lithocystis sp. was more closely related to a clade of marine intestinal gregarines consisting of Lankesteria spp. and Lecudina spp. than it was to the Pterospora clade. These data suggested that coelomic parasitism evolved more than once from different marine intestinal eugregarines, although a larger taxon sample is needed to further explore this inference.  相似文献   

This study deals primarily with the morphology and ultrastructure of the pronephros in the green toad Bufo viridis during prometamorphosis when the pronephros and the developing mesonephros function simultaneously. Furthermore, the mesonephros was studied during pro- and postmetamorphosis with emphasis on the distal segments of the nephron. The paired kidneys consist of two cranial pronephroi immediately behind the gill region and two more caudal elongated mesonephroi. Each pronephros consists of a single convoluted tubule which opens into the coelom via three nephrostomes. This tubule is divided into three ciliated tubules, three proximal tubule branches, a common proximal tubule and a distal tubule, which in turn continues into the nephric duct. No intermediate segment is present. The length of the pronephric tubule is 12 mm, including the three branches of the ciliated tubules and proximal tubules. Primary urine is formed upon filtration from an external glomerulus, which is a convoluted capillary lined by podocytes, a specialization of the coelomic epithelium. From the coelom the filtrate is swept into the ciliated tubules. In the collecting duct system of the developing mesonephric nephron epithelial cells with conspicuous, apical osmiophilic granules appear in larvae of 9-10 mm. Heterocellularity of mixed intercalated (mitochondria rich) cells and principal cells is observed in the collecting duct system and nephric duct from a larval body length of 14 mm. As the proliferation of mitochondria-rich cells proceeds, the osmiophilic granules disappear and are completely absent from the adult amphibian mesonephros.  相似文献   

The microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of nephridium have been studied in the sipunculan Thysanocardia nigra Ikeda, 1904 (Sipuncula, Sipunculidea) from the Sea of Japan using histological and electron microscopic techniques (SEM and TEM). This paper describes ultrastructural features of nephridial epithelium, muscle grid, and coelomic epithelium on the surface of the nephridium, the area of the ciliary funnel, and the tongue. Several types of cells were distinguished in the excretory tube of the nephridium: (1) a columnar epithelium of the excretory bunches; (2) a cubical or flattened epithelium of flask-shaped infoldings; and (3) granulocytes that migrate from the coelom to the extracellular matrix of the nephridial wall. The system of podocytes and multiciliary cells were described in the nephridial coelothelium. Two types of secretion of nephridial epithelium have been discovered: a merocrine secretion of columnar cells and an apocrine secretion of cells of the flask-shaped infoldings. Using ultrastructural data, two zones of filtration through the wall of excretory tube have been found, namely (1) the tips of flask-shaped infoldings (via the extracellular matrix and microvillary canals between the epithelial cells) and (2) areas between the flask-shaped infoldings (via the contacts of podocytes, extracellular matrix, and the basal labyrinth of the columnar cells). Unlike previously studied representatives of the genus Phascolosoma, no coelomic epithelium is present on the tips of the flask-shaped infoldings in Th. nigra. This data on the anatomy and histology allow us to conclude that the funnel only works like a gonoduct.  相似文献   

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