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Two series of experiments were performed to examine the relationship between force and change in average muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) during local muscle fatigue. The average MFCV was estimated using the cross-correlation method. In the first experiment this relationship was studied with surface EMG of vastus lateralis at force levels from 10 to 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with and without occluded circulation. The product of relative force and time was held constant. At 10-20% MVC, MFCV increased slightly under the 2 conditions. Between 30-40% MVC, MFCV decreased, this decline in conduction velocity being significantly greater with occluded circulation. Above 40% MVC the decline in MFCV was larger at higher forces, but without any differences between the ischaemic and non-ischaemic conditions. In the second experiment the relationship between change in force and MFCV was studied during sustained maximal voluntary contractions of biceps brachii. MFCV declined during the first 26-39 s of the contraction, followed by an increase. Since this increase occurred when the force had dropped to 30-50% of the initial maximal force, a partial restoration of blood flow is thought to be responsible for this phenomenon. Because an increase in MFCV was noted, despite a further decline in force, this implies that at high force levels the change in MFCV during fatigue could partly be caused by mechanisms different from those accounting for the force loss. It is concluded that above 40% MVC intramuscular pressure is sufficiently high to cause ischaemia, and MFCV is found to be very sensitive to changes in intramuscular blood flow.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure and analyse discomfort and biomechanics of cycling, i.e., muscle activation, centre of pressure of seat pressure profiles and pedal forces as a function of seat position. Twenty-one recreationally active individuals cycled for 10 min at 100 W on an ergometer cycle using five different seat positions. The neutral position was considered as basic seat position and was compared with upward, downward, forward and backward seat positions. The initial bout was repeated at the end of the recording session. Discomfort increased for upward and backward condition compared with neutral (P < 0.05). Normalized surface electromyography from gastrocnemius decreased in the downward and forward position but increased in the upward and backward position. The minimum force became less negative for forward position compared with neutral seat position (P < 0.05). The degree of variability of centre of pressure increased in the upward and backward position and the entropy of the centre of pressure of sitting posture for backward position decreased compared with neutral seat position (P < 0.05). The present study revealed that consecutive changes of seat position over time lead to increase in discomfort as well as alterations of the biomechanics of cycling.  相似文献   

Average muscle fibre conduction velocity (CV) measured with multichannel surface electrodes decreases with time during sustained isometric contraction. Based on this property, CV is considered a candidate for an objective index to localized muscular fatigue. CV, however, also depends on many other factors that include muscle temperature and voluntary contraction force. In this paper, the effect of contraction force on CV was studied by defining not only the target force level but also the whole force trajectory. The contraction was isometric and lasted 14 s. The target force was set at four levels from 30% to 90% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Three typical muscles were studied in seven healthy male subjects. In the vastus lateralis, CV increased with contraction force in many cases. In the biceps brachii, CV decreased rapidly with time before the contraction force reached the target levels of 70% or 90% MVC. At these force levels, CV was smaller than that at 50% MVC. CV in the biceps consequently showed no apparent dependence on the contraction force. The tibialis anterior showed intermediate change in CV between the vastus lateralis and the biceps brachii. These results indicate that CV basically increases with contraction force, but this relationship becomes unclear when CV decreases rapidly with time.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition, lactate threshold (LT), maximal oxygen uptake VO2max, and average muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) measured from surface electromyographic (EMG) signals during cycling exercise. Ten healthy male subjects participated in the study. MHC isoforms were identified from a sample of the vastus lateralis muscle and characterized as type I, IIA, and IIX. At least three days after a measure of LT and VO2max, the subjects performed a 2-min cycling exercise at 90 revolutions per minute and power output corresponding to LT, during which surface EMG signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle with an adhesive electrode array. MFCV and instantaneous mean power spectral frequency of the surface EMG were estimated at the maximal instantaneous knee angular speed. Output power corresponding to LT and VO2max were correlated with percentage of MHC I (R2=0.77; and 0.42, respectively; P<0.05). MFCV was positively correlated with percentage of MHC I, power corresponding to LT and to VO2max (R2=0.84; 0.74; 0.53, respectively; P<0.05). Instantaneous mean power spectral frequency was not correlated with any of these variables or with MFCV, thus questioning the use of surface EMG spectral analysis for indirect estimation of MFCV in dynamic contractions.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) gives critical information on neuromuscular control and can be considered a size principle parameter, being suggestive of motor unit recruitment strategies. MFCV has been recently measured during constant-load sub-maximal cycling exercise and was found to correlate positively with percentage of type I myosin heavy chain.The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that MFCV measured during an incremental cycling test using surface electromyography (sEMG), can be sensitive to the different metabolic requests elicited by the exercise. In particular, the relationship between ventilatory threshold (T-vent), VO2max and MFCV was explored.Eleven male physically active subjects (age 30 ± 9 years) undertook a 1-min incremental cycling test to exhaustion. T-vent and VO2max were measured using an open circuit breath by breath gas analyzer. The sEMG was recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle with an adhesive 4-electrodes array, and the MFCV was computed on each sEMG burst over the last 30-s of each step.The mean VO2max obtained during the maximal test was 53.32 ± 2.33 ml kg?1 min?1, and the T-vent was reached at 80.77 ± 3.49% of VO2max. In all subjects reliable measures of MFCV were obtained at every exercise intensity (cross correlation values >0.8). MFCV increased linearly with the mechanical load, reaching a maximum value of 4.28 ± 0.67 m s?1 at an intensity corresponding to the T-vent. Thereafter, MFCV declined until maximal work intensities. This study demonstrates that MFCV can be used as non-invasive tool to infer MUs recruitment/derecruitment strategies even during dynamic exercise from low to maximal intensities.  相似文献   

Before using electromyographic (EMG) variables such as muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and the mean or median frequency (MDF) of an EMG power spectrum as indicators of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is necessary to determine the influence of a joint angle, contraction force and contraction speed on the EMG variables. If these factors affect the EMG variables, their influence must be removed or compensated for before discussing fatigue. The vastus lateralis of eight normal healthy male adults was studied. EMG signals during non-fatiguing dynamic knee extension exercises were detected with a three-bar active surface electrode array. EMG variables were calculated from the detected signals and compared with the angle of the knee joint, the extension torque and the extension speed. The extension torque was set at four levels with 10% intervals between 40 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction. The extension speed was set at five levels with 60 degrees /s intervals between 0 and 240 degrees /s. Because the joint angle unsystematically affected the MFCV, EMG variables at a given joint angle were extracted for comparison. The influence of the extension torque and speed on the extracted EMG variables was clarified with an ANOVA and a regression analysis. The statistical analyses showed that MFCV increased with the extension torque but did not depend on the extension speed. In contrast, MDF was independent of the extension torque but was dependent on the extension speed. MDF thus showed a behavior different from that of MFCV. It became clear that if MFCV is used as an indicator of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is at least necessary to extract MFCV at a predetermined joint angle and then remove the influence of extension torque on MFCV.  相似文献   

The relationship between muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and the power spectrum of surface EMGs in 3 human volunteers was studied during isometric contractions at 40% maximum voluntary contraction. In addition, the recovery of these two parameters was measured during short lasting contractions at the same force level every 30 s. The recovery phase was also studied during ischaemia, thereby preventing the recovery of MFCV. The mean MFCV was calculated by the cross-correlation method. The measurements were facilitated by a real-time estimation of the cross-correlation and the MFCV and by a graphic display of the digitised signal. During contraction a nearly linear relation was found between MFCV and the median frequency of the power spectrum (MPF). During recovery this relationship was lost in one subject: MPF restored much faster then MFCV. During recovery under ischemia MFCV did not recover, but MPF recovered partially in all subjects. It is concluded that the shift of the power spectrum to lower frequencies during fatigue cannot be explained by changes in MFCV alone. Central mechanisms also influence the power spectrum and studying the recovery of local muscle fatigue during ischemia may separate these influences from that of MFCV on the power spectrum during fatigue.  相似文献   

The motor unit twitch torque is modified by sustained contraction, but the association to changes in muscle fiber electrophysiological properties is not fully known. Thus twitch torque, muscle fiber conduction velocity, and action potential properties of single motor units were assessed in 11 subjects following an isometric submaximal contraction of the tibialis anterior muscle until endurance. The volunteers activated a target motor unit at the minimum discharge rate in eight 3-min-long contractions, three before and five after an isometric contraction at 40% of the maximal torque, sustained until endurance. Multichannel surface electromyogram signals and joint torque were averaged with the target motor unit potential as trigger. Discharge rate (mean +/- SE, 6.6 +/- 0.2 pulses/s) and interpulse interval variability (33.3 +/- 7.0%) were not different in the eight contractions. Peak twitch torque and recruitment threshold increased significantly (93 +/- 29 and 12 +/- 5%, P <0.05) in the contraction immediately after the endurance task with respect to the preendurance values (0.94 +/- 0.26 mN.m and 3.7 +/- 0.5% of the maximal torque), whereas time to peak of the twitch torque did not change (74.4 +/- 10.1 ms). Muscle fiber conduction velocity decreased and action potential duration increased in the contraction after the endurance (6.3 +/- 1.8 and 9.8 +/- 1.8%, respectively, P <0.05; preendurance values, 3.9 +/- 0.2 m/s and 11.1 +/- 0.8 ms), whereas the surface potential peak-to-peak amplitude did not change (27.1 +/- 3.1 microV). There was no significant correlation between the relative changes in muscle fiber conduction velocity or surface potential duration and in peak twitch torque (R2= 0.04 and 0.10, respectively). In conclusion, modifications in peak twitch torque of low-threshold motor units with sustained contraction are mainly determined by mechanisms not related to changes in action potential shape and in its propagation velocity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the pedal rate and chronobiological impacts on muscle activity pattern and propulsive force production during cycling. Ten male competitive cyclists performed at 06:00 and 18:00 h a submaximal exercise on a cycle ergometer at a power output which elicited 50% of their respective W(max). The exercise was divided into 4 periods lasting 5 min each during which subjects were requested to use different pedal rates (free pedal rate, 70, 90 and 120 rev min-1) in random order. The study demonstrated that, under high pedal rate, several muscles exhibited a phase advance of activity. These modifications of temporal organization of muscle activity were not sufficient to keep an identical propulsive torque pattern. Time to peak torque was delayed when pedal rate increased. The effects of circadian fluctuation on electromyographic activity were limited to a later M. rectus femoris burst end and shorter activity duration for M. tibialis anterior at 06:00 h. From the results of this study, it seems that the influence of pedal rate in the range of torque fluctuation would depend on time-of-day of testing. The decrease in torque fluctuation due to pedal rate increase is reinforced when testing in the early morning. Taking this specific variable into consideration, the chronobiological effect increases the impact of pedal rate variations.  相似文献   

It has been reported that oxygen uptake (VO2) increases exponentially with levels of the pedal rate during cycling. The purpose of this study was therefore to test the hypothesis that the O2 cost for internal power output (Pint) exerted in exercising muscle itself would be larger than for an external power output (Pext) calculated from external load and pedal rate during cycling exercise under various conditions of Pint and Pext in a large range of pedal rates. The O2 cost (DeltaVO2/ Deltapower output) was investigated in three experiments that featured different conditions on a cycle ergometer that were carried out at the same levels of total power output (Ptot; sum of Pint and Pext) (Exp. 1), Pext (Exp. 2) and load (Exp. 3). Each experiment consisted of three exercise tests with three levels of pedal rate (40 rpm for a lower pedal rate: LP; 70-80 rpm for a moderate pedal rate: MP; and 100-120 rpm for a higher pedal rate: HP) lasting for 2-3 min of unloaded cycling followed by 4-5 min of loaded cycling. Blood lactate accumulations (2.3-3.4 mmol l(-1)) at the HP were significantly higher compared with the LP (0.6-0.9 mmol l(-1)) and MP (0.9-1.0 mmol l(-1)) except for the LP in Exp. 1. The VO2 (360-432 ml min(-1) for LP, 479-644 ml min(-1) for MP, 960-1602 ml min(-1) for HP) during unloaded cycling in the three experiments increased exponentially with increasing pedal rates regardless of Pext=0. Moreover, the slope of the VO2-Pint (13.7 ml min(-1) W(-1)) relation revealed a steeper inclination than that of the VO2-Pext (10.2 ml min(-1) W(-1)) relation. We concluded that the O2 cost for Pint was larger than for Pext during the cycling exercises, indicating that the O2 cost for Ptot could be affected by the ratio of Pint to Ptot due to the levels of pedal rate.  相似文献   

Muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) is a basic physiological parameter biophysically related to the diameter of muscle fibres and properties of the sarcolemma. The aim of this study was to assess the intersession reproducibility of the relation between voluntary force and estimates of average muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) from multichannel high-density surface electromyographic recordings (HDsEMG). Ten healthy men performed six linearly increasing isometric ankle dorsiflexions on two separate experimental sessions, 4 weeks apart. Each session involved the recordings of voluntary force during maximal isometric (MViF) and submaximal ramp contractions at 35–50–70% of MViF. Concurrently, the HDsEMG activity was detected from the tibialis anterior muscle and MFCV estimates were derived in 250-ms epochs. Absolute and relative reproducibility of MFCV initial value (intercept) and rate of change (regression slope) as a function of force were assessed by within-subject coefficient of correlation (CVw) and with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). MFCV was positively correlated with voluntary force (R2 = 0.75 ± 0.12) in all individuals and test conditions (P < 0.001). Average CVw for MFCV intercept and slope were of 2.6 ± 2.0% and 11.9 ± 3.2% and ICC values of 0.96 and 0.94, respectively.Overall, MFCV regression coefficients showed a high degree of intersession reproducibility in both absolute and relative terms. These results may have important practical implications in the tracking of training-induced neuromuscular changes and/or in the monitoring of the progress of neuromuscular disorders when a full sEMG signal decomposition is problematic or not possible.  相似文献   

Cyclists seek to maximize performance during competition, and gross efficiency is an important factor affecting performance. Gross efficiency is itself affected by pedal rate. Thus, it is important to understand factors that affect freely chosen pedal rate. Crank inertial load varies greatly during road cycling based on the selected gear ratio. Nevertheless, the possible influence of crank inertial load on freely chosen pedal rate and gross efficiency has never been investigated. This study tested the hypotheses that during cycling with sub-maximal work rates, a considerable increase in crank inertial load would cause (1) freely chosen pedal rate to increase, and as a consequence, (2) gross efficiency to decrease. Furthermore, that it would cause (3) peak crank torque to increase if a constant pedal rate was maintained. Subjects cycled on a treadmill at 150 and 250W, with low and high crank inertial load, and with preset and freely chosen pedal rate. Freely chosen pedal rate was higher at high compared with low crank inertial load. Notably, the change in crank inertial load affected the freely chosen pedal rate as much as did the 100W increase in work rate. Along with freely chosen pedal rate being higher, gross efficiency at 250W was lower during cycling with high compared with low crank inertial load. Peak crank torque was higher during cycling at 90rpm with high compared with low crank inertial load. Possibly, the subjects increased the pedal rate to compensate for the higher peak crank torque accompanying cycling with high compared with low crank inertial load.  相似文献   

To determine the relation between muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and muscle fiber diameter (MFD) in pathological conditions, we correlated invasively measured MFCV values with MFD data obtained from muscle needle biopsies in 96 patients with various neuromuscular disorders. MFCV was significantly correlated with MFD and independent of the underlying disorder. Pathological diameter changes were fiber-type dependent, with corresponding MFCVs. A linear equation expresses the relation well: MFCV (m/s)=0.043.MFD (microm)+0.83. We conclude that fiber diameter determines MFCV largely independent of the underlying neuromuscular disorders studied.  相似文献   

Somatosympathetic reflexes were studied in young hyperinsulinemic, insulin-resistant (Zucker fatty) rats (ZFR) and a related control (Zucker lean) strain (ZLR). Glucose metabolism was characterized by minimal model analysis of intravenous glucose tolerance test data. Seven-week-old ZFR (n=18) and ZLR (n=17) were studied under pentobarbital anesthesia. Mean body weight and plasma glucose and insulin concentration were significantly greater (P<0.05) in ZFR than in ZLR, whereas basal values of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were not significantly different. Increments of MAP (DeltaMAP) and HR (DeltaHR) elicited by electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve (5-s trains of 100 pulses, 0.5-ms pulse duration, 100- to 400-microA pulse intensity) were significantly higher (ANOVA, P<0.05) in ZFR at each level of stimulus intensity. Regression analysis showed a linear increase in DeltaMAP and DeltaHR with increasing sciatic nerve stimulus intensity. Pressor responses to phenylephrine after ganglionic blockade demonstrated that vascular reactivity to adrenergic stimulation is not increased in ZFR compared with ZLR. Thus this factor does not contribute to enhancement of somatosympathetic reflexes observed in this strain. Insulin sensitivity in ZFR was one-fourth (P<0.05) that in ZLR. These results suggest that stronger sympathetic nervous reactivity in ZFR is associated with a severe insulin-resistant state before the onset of hypertension and support the hypothesis that insulin-mediated stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system is involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases related to alterations of glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

A doublet is defined as two consecutive discharges of a motor unit occurring at short time interval between each other (e.g., <20 ms). In this paper, we propose a method for the estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) from two partly overlapping action potentials generated by the same motor units. The method is based on the minimization of the mean square error between time-filtered versions of two surface EMG signals recorded along the direction of muscle fibers. The minimization is performed over the filter parameters that define the two propagation delays. The method was tested on simulated and experimental signals. Simulation results showed that the method is only in some cases superior to the simpler peak approach, due to limitations in the ideal model used for the algorithm development. However, application to experimental signals that mimic doublet motor unit discharges showed a substantial improvement in estimation quality of the new method with respect to the peak method.  相似文献   

To estimate muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV), the normalized peak-averaging technique was developed along with complementary software and reported in a previous study. Electromyograms were recorded from the vicinity of end-plate zones (EMG data 1) and a site farther from the end-plates and distal tendons (EMG data 2) of biceps brachii muscles using surface array electrodes during 50% maximal voluntary isometric contractions in ten healthy volunteers. The MFCV values obtained with normalized peak-averaging technique were compared to those obtained with the cross-correlation technique and examined by computer simulation of the MFCV distribution. The MFCV values obtained with normalized peak-averaging technique highly correlated with those obtained with cross-correlation technique in both EMG data 1 and EMG data 2. It was also confirmed that MFCV values obtained from EMG data 1 were distributed much more widely than those obtained from EMG data 2. These results show the clinical usefulness of normalized peak-averaging technique for the detailed assessment of MFCV.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of muscle innervation zone (IZ) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) were examined in nine healthy young male participants. High-density surface electromyography (EMG) was collected from the biceps brachii muscle when subjects performed isometric elbow flexions at 20% to 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A total of 9498 samples of IZs were identified and CVs were calculated using the Radon transform. The center and width of IZ sample distribution were compared within four different force levels and six medial to lateral electrode column positions using repeated measures ANOVA and multiple comparison tests. Significant shifts of IZ center were observed in the medial columns (Columns 5, 6, and 7) compared with the lateral columns (Columns 3 and 4) (p < 0.05). Similarly, significant differences in the IZ width were found in Column 7 and 8 compared to Column 3 (p < 0.05). In contrast, muscle CV was unaffected by column position. Instead, muscle CV was faster at 40% and 80% MVC compared to 20% MVC (p < 0.05). The findings of this study add further insights into the physiological properties of the biceps brachii muscle.  相似文献   



To examine the relationship between the biceps brachii muscle innervation zone (IZ) width and the mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) during a sustained isometric contraction.


Fifteen healthy men performed a sustained isometric elbow flexion exercise at their 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) until they could not maintain the target force. Mean MFCV was estimated through multichannel surface electromyographic recordings from a linear electrode array. Before exercise, IZ width was quantified. Separate non-parametric one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine whether there was a difference in each mean MFCV variable among groups with different IZ width. In addition, separate bivariate correlations were also performed to examine the relationships between the IZ width and the mean MFCV variables during the fatiguing exercise.


There was a significant difference in the percent decline of mean MFCV (%ΔMFCV) among groups with different IZ width (χ2 (3)=11.571, p=0.009). In addition, there was also a significant positive relationship between the IZ width and the %ΔMFCV (Kendall’s tau= 0.807; p<0.001).


We believe that such relationship is likely influenced by both muscle fiber size and the muscle fiber type composition.  相似文献   

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