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Dissecting the genetic architecture of fitness-related traits in wild populations is key to understanding evolution and the mechanisms maintaining adaptive genetic variation. We took advantage of a recently developed genetic linkage map and phenotypic information from wild pedigreed individuals from Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada, to study the genetic architecture of ecologically important traits (horn volume, length, base circumference and body mass) in bighorn sheep. In addition to estimating sex-specific and cross-sex quantitative genetic parameters, we tested for the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTLs), colocalization of QTLs between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep, and sex × QTL interactions. All traits showed significant additive genetic variance and genetic correlations tended to be positive. Linkage analysis based on 241 microsatellite loci typed in 310 pedigreed animals resulted in no significant and five suggestive QTLs (four for horn dimension on chromosomes 1, 18 and 23, and one for body mass on chromosome 26) using genome-wide significance thresholds (Logarithm of odds (LOD) >3.31 and >1.88, respectively). We also confirmed the presence of a horn dimension QTL in bighorn sheep at the only position known to contain a similar QTL in domestic sheep (on chromosome 10 near the horns locus; nominal P<0.01) and highlighted a number of regions potentially containing weight-related QTLs in both species. As expected for sexually dimorphic traits involved in male-male combat, loci with sex-specific effects were detected. This study lays the foundation for future work on adaptive genetic variation and the evolutionary dynamics of sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

We studied the quantitative genetics of sexually selected traits in a captive population of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus L.) using a multi-generational 'animal model' approach. We found significant heritability of mass, tarsus length (both strongly sexually dimorphic), residual mass, and male comb (a fleshy head ornament) length. Residual mass has a genetic correlation between the sexes smaller than unity and so could show partially independent responses to selection in the two sexes. In males, tarsus length and mass were not genetically correlated, and this produced a negative genetic correlation between tarsus length and residual mass. The male red junglefowl's comb, an ornament influencing female choice, is highly condition dependent. We show that expression of this ornament is heritable, however, and shows strong genetic correlation with a condition index, residual mass. Because residual mass is partly influenced by various aspects of condition, it appears that comb size has 'captured' genetic variability in condition.  相似文献   

Because homologous traits of males and females are likely to have a common genetic basis, sex-specific selection (often resulting from sexual selection on one sex) may generate an evolutionary tug-of-war known as intralocus sexual conflict, which will constrain the adaptive divergence of the sexes. Theory suggests that intralocus sexual conflict can be mitigated through reduction of the intersexual genetic correlation (rMF), predicting negative covariation between rMF and sexual dimorphism. In addition, recent work showed that selection should favor reduced expression of alleles inherited from the opposite-sex parent (intersexual inheritance) in traits subject to intralocus sexual conflict. For traits under sexual selection in males, this should be manifested either in reduced maternal heritability or, when conflict is severe, in reduced heritability through the opposite-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. However, because we do not know how far these hypothesized evolutionary responses can actually proceed, the importance of intralocus sexual conflict as a long-term constraint on adaptive evolution remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the genetic architecture of sexual and nonsexual morphological traits in Prochyliza xanthostoma. The lowest rMF and greatest dimorphism were exhibited by two sexual traits (head length and antenna length) and, among all traits, the degree of sexual dimorphism was correlated negatively with rMF. Moreover, sexual traits exhibited reduced maternal heritabilities, and the most strongly dimorphic sexual trait (antenna length) was heritable only through the same-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. Our results support theory and suggest that intralocus sexual conflict can be resolved substantially by genomic adaptation. Further work is required to identify the proximate mechanisms underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism evolves when selection favors different phenotypic optima between the sexes. Such sexually antagonistic selection creates intralocus sexual conflict when traits are genetically correlated between the sexes and have sex‐specific optima. Brown anoles are highly sexually dimorphic: Males are on average 30% longer than females and 150% heavier in our study population. Viability selection on body size is known to be sexually antagonistic, and directional selection favors large male size whereas stabilizing selection constrains females to remain small. We build on previous studies of viability selection by measuring sexually antagonistic selection using reproductive components of fitness over three generations in a natural population of brown anoles. We estimated the number of offspring produced by an individual that survived to sexual maturity (termed RSV), a measure of individual fitness that includes aspects of both individual reproductive success and offspring survival. We found directional selection on male body size, consistent with previous studies of viability selection. However, selection on female body size varied among years, and included periods of positive directional selection, quadratic stabilizing selection, and no selection. Selection acts differently in the sexes based on both survival and reproduction and sexual conflict appears to be a persistent force in this species.  相似文献   

Darwin viewed the ornamentation of females as an indirect consequence of sexual selection on males and the transmission of male phenotypes to females via the ‘laws of inheritance’. Although a number of studies have supported this view by demonstrating substantial between‐sex genetic covariance for ornament expression, the majority of this work has focused on avian plumage. Moreover, few studies have considered the genetic basis of ornaments from a multivariate perspective, which may be crucial for understanding the evolution of sex differences in general, and of complex ornaments in particular. Here, we provide a multivariate, quantitative‐genetic analysis of a sexually dimorphic ornament that has figured prominently in studies of sexual selection: the brightly coloured dewlap of Anolis lizards. Using data from a paternal half‐sibling breeding experiment in brown anoles (Anolis sagrei), we show that multiple aspects of dewlap size and colour exhibit significant heritability and a genetic variance–covariance structure ( G ) that is broadly similar in males ( G m) and females ( G f). Whereas sexually monomorphic aspects of the dewlap, such as hue, exhibit significant between‐sex genetic correlations (rmf), sexually dimorphic features, such as area and brightness, exhibit reduced rmf values that do not differ from zero. Using a modified random skewers analysis, we show that the between‐sex genetic variance–covariance matrix ( B) should not strongly constrain the independent responses of males and females to sexually antagonistic selection. Our microevolutionary analysis is in broad agreement with macroevolutionary perspectives indicating considerable scope for the independent evolution of coloration and ornamentation in males and females.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the genetic architecture of behavioral traits can offer critical insight into the processes of sex‐specific selection and sexual conflict dynamics. Here, we assess genetic variances and cross‐sex genetic correlations of two personality traits, aggression and activity, in a sexually size‐dimorphic spider, Nuctenea umbratica. Using a quantitative genetic approach, we show that both traits are heritable. Males have higher heritability estimates for aggressiveness compared to females, whereas the coefficient of additive genetic variation and evolvability did not differ between the sexes. Furthermore, we found sex differences in the coefficient of residual variance in aggressiveness with females exhibiting higher estimates. In contrast, the quantitative genetic estimates for activity suggest no significant differentiation between males and females. We interpret these results with caution as the estimates of additive genetic variances may be inflated by nonadditive genetic effects. The mean cross‐sex genetic correlations for aggression and activity were 0.5 and 0.6, respectively. Nonetheless, credible intervals of both estimates were broad, implying high uncertainty for these estimates. Future work using larger sample sizes would be needed to draw firmer conclusions on how sexual selection shapes sex differences in the genetic architecture of behavioral traits.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that in sexual selection on human males, intrasexual competition plays a larger role than female choice. In a sample of men (N?=?164), we sought to provide further evidence on the effects of men's physical dominance and sexual attractiveness on mating success and hence in sexual selection. Objective measures and subjective ratings of male sexually dimorphic traits purportedly under sexual selection (height, vocal and facial masculinity, upper body size from 3D scans, physical strength, and baseline testosterone) and observer perceptions of physical dominance and sexual attractiveness based on self-presentation video recordings were assessed and associated with mating success (sociosexual behaviour and number of potential conceptions) in a partly longitudinal design. Results from structural equation models and selection analyses revealed that physical dominance, but not sexual attractiveness, predicted mating success. Physical dominance mediated associations of upper body size, physical strength, as well as vocal and facial physical dominance and attractiveness with mating success. These findings thus suggest a greater importance of intrasexual competition than female choice in human male sexual selection.  相似文献   

Female choice and male-male competition are traditionally considered to act in concert, with male competition facilitating female choice. This situation would enforce the strength of directional selection, which could reduce genetic variation and thus the benefits of choice. Here I show that in a water boatman, Sigara falleni, the direction of selection through female choice and male competition vary among traits under laboratory conditions. The two forces were mutually enforcive in acting on body size but exerted opposing selection on a sexually selected trait, male foreleg pala size. Female choice favored large palae, whereas male competition favored smaller palae, suggesting that large palae are costly in competition. This conflicting selection through female choice and male competition could be one of the forces that contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation in sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

Sexual traits are subject to evolutionary forces that maximize reproductive benefits and minimize survival costs, both of which can depend on environmental conditions. Latitude explains substantial variation in environmental conditions. However, little is known about the relationship between sexual trait variation and latitude, although body size often correlates with latitude. We examined latitudinal variation in male and female sexual traits in 22 populations of the false blister beetle Oedemera sexualis in the Japanese Archipelago. Males possess massive hind legs that function as a female‐grasping apparatus, while females possess slender hind legs that are used to dislodge mounting males. Morphometric analyses revealed that male and female body size (elytron length), length and width of the hind femur and tibia, and allometric slopes of these four hind leg dimensions differed significantly among populations. Of these, three traits showed latitudinal variation, namely, male hind femur was stouter; female hind tibia was slenderer, and female body was smaller at lower latitudes than at higher latitudes. Hind leg sizes and shapes, as measured by principal component analysis of these four hind leg dimensions in each sex, covaried significantly between sexes, suggesting coevolutionary diversification in sexual traits. Covariation between sexes was weaker when variation in these traits with latitude was removed. These results suggest that coevolutionary diversification between male and female sexual traits is mediated by environmental conditions that vary with latitude.  相似文献   

Allometry of secondary sexual traits has been the subject of recent debate, and the generality of positive allometry and its association with sexual selection have been recently questioned. Whereas some studies suggest an almost universal positive allometry for traits under sexual selection and isometry or a negative allometry for traits not under such pressure, other studies argue that this pattern results from the study of exaggerated (ornamental) traits. To answer the call for an examination of the allometry of less-exaggerated sexually selected traits, we have examined morphological data from 14 sexually dimorphic traits and six monomorphic traits from three anuran species. Although we found evidence of positive allometry in male secondary sexual traits of several species and populations, not all nonsexual traits were isometric or exhibited negative allometry. Furthermore, our results indicate that larger traits in the populations that we studied were not associated with greater allometric slopes. Therefore, our study is in line with the contention suggesting no specific kind of allometric pattern for sexual and nonsexual characters, and we can only advocate for further investigation of trait allometry and sexual selection to understand the complexity underlying the evolution of allometry in sexual traits.  相似文献   

When selection differs between the sexes for traits that are genetically correlated between the sexes, there is potential for the effect of selection in one sex to be altered by indirect selection in the other sex, a situation commonly referred to as intralocus sexual conflict (ISC). While potentially common, ISC has rarely been studied in wild populations. Here, we studied ISC over a set of morphological traits (wing length, tarsus length, bill depth and bill length) in a wild population of great tits (Parus major) from Wytham Woods, UK. Specifically, we quantified the microevolutionary impacts of ISC by combining intra‐ and intersex additive genetic (co)variances and sex‐specific selection estimates in a multivariate framework. Large genetic correlations between homologous male and female traits combined with evidence for sex‐specific multivariate survival selection suggested that ISC could play an appreciable role in the evolution of this population. Together, multivariate sex‐specific selection and additive genetic (co)variance for the traits considered accounted for additive genetic variance in fitness that was uncorrelated between the sexes (cross‐sex genetic correlation = ?0.003, 95% CI = ?0.83, 0.83). Gender load, defined as the reduction in a population's rate of adaptation due to sex‐specific effects, was estimated at 50% (95% CI = 13%, 86%). This study provides novel insights into the evolution of sexual dimorphism in wild populations and illustrates how quantitative genetics and selection analyses can be combined in a multivariate framework to quantify the microevolutionary impacts of ISC.  相似文献   

A precise method was used for estimating the proportion of heritable variation in two life history parameters of the yellow dung fly, whereby environmental components of variance were minimized. Significant heritable variation for body size was revealed for father to son and mother to daughter relationships. Variation in development time was not significantly heritable. There is a marked sexual dimorphism in body size in this species which is discussed in the light of the observed sex-genotype interaction in heritabilities and low genetic correlation for size between the sexes. It is suggested that opposing pressures of sexual and natural selection and/or genetic pleotropy may be responsible for the maintenance of heritable variation, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in these two traits.  相似文献   

Abstract Darwin envisaged male-male and male-female interactions as mutually supporting mechanisms of sexual selection, in which the best armed males were also the most attractive to females. Although this belief continues to predominate today, it has been challenged by sexual conflict theory, which suggests that divergence in the interests of males and females may result in conflicting sexual selection. This raises the empirical question of how multiple mechanisms of sexual selection interact to shape targeted traits. We investigated sexual selection on male morphology in the sexually dimorphic fly Prochyliza xanthostoma , using indices of male performance in male-male and male-female interactions in laboratory arenas to calculate gradients of direct, linear selection on male body size and an index of head elongation. In male-male combat, the first interaction with a new opponent selected for large body size but reduced head elongation, whereas multiple interactions with the same opponent favored large body size only. In male-female interactions, females preferred males with relatively elongated heads, but male performance of the precopulatory leap favored large body size and, possibly, reduced head elongation. In addition, the amount of sperm transferred (much of which is ingested by females) was an increasing function of both body size and head elongation. Thus, whereas both male-male and male-female interactions favored large male body size, male head shape appeared to be subject to conflicting sexual selection. We argue that conflicting sexual selection may be a common result of divergence in the interests of the sexes.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behavior has been shown in a number of species, and several studies have found observable sex differences in these behaviors, yet their evolutionary implications remain unclear. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of behavioral traits requires knowledge of their genetic architectures and whether this architecture differs between the sexes. We conducted a quantitative genetic study in a sexually size‐dimorphic spider, Larinioides sclopetarius, which exhibits sex differences in adult lifestyles. We observed pedigreed spiders for aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness and used animal models to disentangle genetic and environmental influences on these behaviors. We detected trends toward (i) higher additive genetic variances in aggression, activity, and exploration in males than females, and (ii) difference in variances due to common environment/maternal effects, permanent environment and residual variance in aggression and activity with the first two variances being higher in males for both behaviors. We found no sex differences in the amount of genetic and environmental variance in boldness. The mean heritability estimates of aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness range from 0.039 to 0.222 with no sizeable differences between females and males. We note that the credible intervals of the estimates are large, implying a high degree of uncertainty, which disallow a robust conclusion of sex differences in the quantitative genetic estimates. However, the observed estimates suggest that sex differences in the quantitative genetic architecture of the behaviors cannot be ruled out. Notably, the present study suggests that genetic underpinnings of behaviors may differ between sexes and it thus underscores the importance of taking sex differences into account in quantitative genetic studies.  相似文献   

Whether contemporary human populations are still evolving as a result of natural selection has been hotly debated. For natural selection to cause evolutionary change in a trait, variation in the trait must be correlated with fitness and be genetically heritable and there must be no genetic constraints to evolution. These conditions have rarely been tested in human populations. In this study, data from a large twin cohort were used to assess whether selection will cause a change among women in a contemporary Western population for three life-history traits: age at menarche, age at first reproduction, and age at menopause. We control for temporal variation in fecundity (the "baby boom" phenomenon) and differences between women in educational background and religious affiliation. University-educated women have 35% lower fitness than those with less than seven years education, and Roman Catholic women have about 20% higher fitness than those of other religions. Although these differences were significant, education and religion only accounted for 2% and 1% of variance in fitness, respectively. Using structural equation modeling, we reveal significant genetic influences for all three life-history traits, with heritability estimates of 0.50, 0.23, and 0.45, respectively. However, strong genetic covariation with reproductive fitness could only be demonstrated for age at first reproduction, with much weaker covariation for age at menopause and no significant covariation for age at menarche. Selection may, therefore, lead to the evolution of earlier age at first reproduction in this population. We also estimate substantial heritable variation in fitness itself, with approximately 39% of the variance attributable to additive genetic effects, the remainder consisting of unique environmental effects and small effects from education and religion. We discuss mechanisms that could be maintaining such a high heritability for fitness. Most likely is that selection is now acting on different traits from which it did in pre-industrial human populations.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that sexual selection drives the evolution of condition dependence is not firmly supported by empirical evidence, and the process remains poorly understood. First, even though sexual competition typically involves multiple traits, studies usually compare a single sexual trait with a single "control" trait, ignoring variation among sexual traits and raising the possibility of sampling bias. Second, few studies have addressed the genetic basis of condition dependence. Third, even though condition dependence is thought to result from a form of sex-specific epistasis, the evolution of condition dependence has never been considered in relation to intralocus sexual conflict. We argue that condition dependence may weaken intersexual genetic correlations and facilitate the evolution of sexual dimorphism. To address these questions, we manipulated an environmental factor affecting condition (larval diet) and examined its effects on four sexual and four nonsexual traits in Prochyliza xanthostoma adults. As predicted by theory, the strength of condition dependence increased with degree of exaggeration among male traits. Body shape was more condition dependent in males than in females and, perhaps as a result, genetic and environmental effects on body shape were congruent in males, but not in females. However, of the four male sexual traits, only head length was significantly larger in high-condition males after controlling for body size. Strong condition dependence was associated with reduced intersexual genetic correlation. However, homologous male and female traits exhibited correlated responses to condition, suggesting an intersexual genetic correlation for condition dependence itself. Our findings support the role of sexual selection in the evolution of condition dependence, but reveal considerable variation in condition dependence among sexual traits. It is not clear whether the evolution of condition dependence has mitigated or exacerbated intralocus sexual conflict in this species.  相似文献   

Genetic theory predicts that directional selection should deplete additive genetic variance for traits closely related to fitness, and may favor the maintenance of alleles with antagonistically pleiotropic effects on fitness-related traits. Trait heritability is therefore expected to decline with the degree of association with fitness, and some genetic correlations between selected traits are expected to be negative. Here we demonstrate a negative relationship between trait heritability and association with lifetime reproductive success in a wild population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) at Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada. Lower heritability for fitness-related traits, however, was not wholly a consequence of declining genetic variance, because those traits showed high levels of residual variance. Genetic correlations estimated between pairs of traits with significant heritability were positive. Principal component analyses suggest that positive relationships between morphometric traits constitute the main axis of genetic variation. Trade-offs in the form of negative genetic or phenotypic correlations among the traits we have measured do not appear to constrain the potential for evolution in this population.  相似文献   

Substantial inter- and intraspecific variation is found in reproductive traits, but the evolutionary implications of this variation remain unclear. One hypothesis is that natural selection favours female reproductive morphology that allows females to control mating and fertilization and that diverse male reproductive traits arise as counter adaptations to subvert this control. Such co-evolution predicts the establishment of genetic correlations between male and female reproductive traits that closely interact during mating. Therefore, we measured phenotypic and genetic correlations between male and female reproductive tract characteristics in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), using a nested half-sib breeding experiment. We found significant heritabilities for the size of most reproductive tract traits investigated in both females (spermathecae and their ducts, accessory glands and their ducts) and males (testis size but not sperm length). Within the sexes, phenotypic and genetic correlations were mostly nil or positive, suggesting functional integration of or condition-dependent investment in internal reproductive traits. Negative intrasexual genetic correlations, potentially suggestive of resource allocation trade-offs, were not evident. Intersexual genetic correlations were mostly positive, reflecting expected allometries between male and female morphologies. Most interestingly, testis size correlated positively with female accessory gland size and duct length, potentially indicative of a co-evolutionary arms race. We discuss these and alternative explanations for these patterns of genetic covariance.  相似文献   

The maintenance of variation in sexually selected traits is a puzzle that has received increasing attention in the past several decades. Traits that are related to fitness, such as life‐history or sexually selected traits, are expected to have low additive genetic variance (and hence, heritability) due to the rapid fixation of advantageous alleles. However, previous analyses have suggested that the heritabilities of sexually selected traits are on average higher than nonsexually selected traits. We show that the heritabilities of sexually selected traits are not significantly different from those of nonsexually selected traits overall or when separated into the three trait categories: behavioural, morphological and physiological. In contrast with previous findings, the heritability of preference is quite low (h2 = 0.25 ± 0.06) and is in the same range as life‐history traits. We distinguish preferred traits as a category of sexually selected traits and find that the heritability of the former is not significantly different than sexually selected traits overall (0.48 ± 0.04 vs. 0.46 ± 0.03). We test the hypothesis that the heritability of sexually selected traits is negatively correlated with the strength of sexual selection. As predicted, there is a significant negative correlation between the heritabilities of sexually selected traits and the strength of selection. This suggests that heritabilities do indeed decrease as sexual selection increases but sexual selection is not strong enough to cause heritabilities of sexually selected traits to deviate from the same type of nonsexually selected traits.  相似文献   

In many damselfly species mature females exhibit colour polymorphism: one female morph resembles the conspecific male (androchrome) while the others do not (gynochromes). Hypotheses for the maintenance of such polymorphisms differ mainly as to whether they are based on density- and/or frequency-dependent selection and on the nature of the frequency dependence. We collected lifetime fitness data (individual lifespan, number of copulations and number of ovipositions) for female morphs of the damselfly Ischnura elegans from 15 insectaries differing in population parameters (density, sex ratio and ratio of andro- to gynochromes). Both density and frequency affected a specific set of the studied fitness components. While morph frequency influenced lifespan, sex ratio influenced the number of copulations, and density affected lifespan and the number of ovipositions. Clearly, discrepancies among studies may be generated if the studied fitness components differ. Our final fitness estimate, the number of ovipositions, was only influenced by density, thereby not supporting frequency-based hypotheses. Contrary to expectation under the current density-based hypothesis, androchromes compared to gynochromes had a lower number of ovipositions at high density. We discuss our findings in the light of mechanisms maintaining the female polymorphism.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 515–523.  相似文献   

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