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A new mode of interaction, to be termed chiral interaction, is proposed between chiral molecules such as proteins and polar solvents (H2O). Such a mode of interaction is well-recognized for macroscopic chiral devices, such as windmills or electric cells, and various media, such as wind or electrolyte. This mode of interaction requires several structural ingredients, all possessed by proteins, and its source is in ionic motion in the solvent. Such an interaction exists only for chiral objects or molecules and therefore possesses several peculiar and uncommon features, which may be of special biological significance. From a thermodynamical viewpoint this phenomenon is non-ergodic and time-irreversible, and therefore does not obey the principle of detailed balance. The energy content of this interaction is rather small and therefore it is to be regarded as a subthermal organization. Chiral interaction appears in the form of an intrinsic flow of perturbation or currents throughout the molecule and hence it is not easily observable. Two experiments are proposed for its observation. One is direct and the other is based on an assumption that couples chiral interaction with enzymatic activity. A model is proposed that links this interaction with the natural selection of the L-enantiomer of amino acids via the magnetic field of the earth. Several structural and other properties may obtain biological significance via the concept of chiral interaction. It is conjectured that chiral interaction may play a significant role in the control of protein activity.  相似文献   

Numerous short peptides have been shown to form β‐sheet amyloid aggregates in vitro. Proteins that contain such sequences are likely to be problematic for a cell, due to their potential to aggregate into toxic structures. We investigated the structures of 30 proteins containing 45 sequences known to form amyloid, to see how the proteins cope with the presence of these potentially toxic sequences, studying secondary structure, hydrogen‐bonding, solvent accessible surface area and hydrophobicity. We identified two mechanisms by which proteins avoid aggregation: Firstly, amyloidogenic sequences are often found within helices, despite their inherent preference to form β structure. Helices may offer a selective advantage, since in order to form amyloid the sequence will presumably have to first unfold and then refold into a β structure. Secondly, amyloidogenic sequences that are found in β structure are usually buried within the protein. Surface exposed amyloidogenic sequences are not tolerated in strands, presumably because they lead to protein aggregation via assembly of the amyloidogenic regions. The use of α‐helices, where amyloidogenic sequences are forced into helix, despite their intrinsic preference for β structure, is thus a widespread mechanism to avoid protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Gao J  Li Z 《Biopolymers》2008,89(12):1174-1178
Inter-residue interactions play an essential role in driving protein folding, and analysis of these interactions increases our understanding of protein folding and stability and facilitates the development of tools for protein structure and function prediction. In this work, we systematically characterized the change of inter-residue interactions at various sequence separation cutoffs using two protein datasets. The first set included 100 diverse, nonredundant and high-resolution soluble protein structures, covering all four major structural classes, all-alpha, alpha/beta, alpha+beta, and all-beta; and the second set included 20 diverse, nonredundant and high-resolution membrane protein structures, representing 19 unique superfamilies. It was shown that the average number of inter-residue interactions in structures of both datasets displays the power-law behavior. Fitting parameters of the power-law function are directly related to the structural classes analyzed. These findings provided further insight into the distribution of short-, medium-, and long-range inter-residue interactions in both soluble and membrane proteins and could be used for protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

Silverman BD 《Proteins》2003,53(4):880-888
The helical hydrophobic moment is a measure of the amphiphilicity of a segment of protein secondary structure. Such measure yields information of potential relevance for issues relating to cell surface binding and secondary structure function. The present article describes a global analog of the helical hydrophobic moment. The global moment provides a concise measure of the degree and direction of the amphiphilicity or hydrophobic imbalance across the entire protein tertiary structure. Therefore, this measure is a succinct representation of the spatial organization of residue hydrophobicity for each protein. With this measure, a simple comparison of the hydrophobic imbalance or segregation of different protein structures can be made. For example, two structures having the same fold and close in root-mean-square deviation may exhibit very different overall hydrophobic organization. Such difference is classified simply by the global moment. Furthermore, the direction of the global moment may point to regions of functional interest. Certain formal issues in the development of such moment are described, and a number of applications to particular protein structures are discussed.  相似文献   

The log-normal distribution is very popular for modeling positive right-skewed data and represents a common distributional assumption in many environmental applications. Here we consider the estimation of quantiles of this distribution from a Bayesian perspective. We show that the prior on the variance of the log of the variable is relevant for the properties of the posterior distribution of quantiles. Popular choices for this prior, such as the inverse gamma, lead to posteriors without finite moments. We propose the generalized inverse Gaussian and show that a restriction on the choice of one of its parameters guarantees the existence of posterior moments up to a prespecified order. In small samples, a careful choice of the prior parameters leads to point and interval estimators of the quantiles with good frequentist properties, outperforming those currently suggested by the frequentist literature. Finally, two real examples from environmental monitoring and occupational health frameworks highlight the improvements of our methodology, especially in a small sample situation.  相似文献   

温度是苹果花期最为敏感的生态因子,选择两种在黄土高原区具有代表性的不同树龄和树形结构(盛果期小冠开心形和初挂果期自由纺锤形)的富士苹果园,利用小气候梯度自动测定系统在2011—2014年苹果花期进行定位观测,分析花期不同天气类型下(晴天、阴天或多云、雨天)的果园温度梯度及树体温度的变化特征,并基于气象站温度(TM)建立了果园冠下温度(TL)的推算模型.结果表明: 花期果园温度的垂直分布及与园外的差异主要取决于树形结构,而不同天气类型下的差异不显著.平均温度、日最低温度从树冠下到顶部递增,日最高温度、日较差递减.小冠开心形冠层下部晴天日较差最大,多云或阴天冠层中部和顶部日较差较自由纺锤形小.园内外温差的日变化自由纺锤形呈现高 低 高的单波谷形态、而小冠开心形呈单峰形态,园外最低温度高于冠层下部而与冠层中部的温度接近,小冠开心形冠层下的最低温度较园外最低温度更低,特别是多云或阴天更明显,而冠层中部和顶部与园外的温度差异则较自由纺锤形小.线性模型能够较好地推算树冠下部的温度,误差绝对值在1 ℃以内,特别是自由纺锤形果园和雨天条件下效果更好.  相似文献   

We perform a statistical analysis of solvent accessibility and hydrophobicity profiles of a representative set of proteins. The joint probability distribution is well fitted to a multivariable Gaussian, which takes a relatively simple form when expressed in terms of the Fourier transforms of the profiles. This allows us to quantify the asymmetric manner by which these profiles influence each other. For example, the α‐helix periodicity in sequence hydrophobicity is dictated by the solvent accessibility of structures, and not vice versa, possibly indicating the faster evolution of sequences compared to structures. The decorrelated hydrophobicity and solvent accessibility profiles show distinct behaviors at long periods, where sequence hydrophobicity fluctuates less, while solvent accessibility fluctuates more than average. The correlations between the two profiles can be interpreted as the Boltzmann weight of the solvation energy at room temperature, consistent with earlier observations. Proteins 2006. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ellis JJ  Jones S 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1518-1526
Many protein-RNA recognition events are known to exhibit conformational changes from qualitative observations of individual complexes. However, a quantitative estimation of conformational changes is required if protein-RNA docking and template-based methods for RNA binding site prediction are to be developed. This study presents the first quantitative evaluation of conformational changes that occur when proteins bind RNA. The analysis of twelve RNA-binding proteins in the bound and unbound states using error-scaled difference distance matrices is presented. The binding site residues are mapped to each structure, and the conformational changes that affect these residues are evaluated. Of the twelve proteins four exhibit greater movements in nonbinding site residues, and a further four show the greatest movements in binding site residues. The remaining four proteins display no significant conformational change. When interface residues are found to be in conformationally variable regions of the protein they are typically seen to move less than 2 A between the bound and unbound conformations. The current data indicate that conformational changes in the binding site residues of RNA binding proteins may not be as significant as previously suggested, but a larger data set is required before wider conclusions may be drawn. The implications of the observed conformational changes for protein function prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteins exhibit a nonuniform distribution of structures. A number of models have been advanced to explain this observation by considering the distribution of designabilities, that is, the fraction of all sequences that could successfully fold into any particular structure. It has been postulated that more designable structures should be more common, although the exact nature of this relationship has not been addressed. We find that the nonuniform distribution of protein structures found in nature can be explained by the interplay of evolution and population dynamics with the designability distribution. The relative frequency of different structures has a greater-than-linear dependence on designability, making the distribution of observed protein structures more uneven than the distribution of designabilities. The distribution of structures is also affected by additional factors such as the topology of the sequence space and the similarity of other structures.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of dietary protein on the distribution of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins in chicken plasma. Three groups of male broilers (n=6 per group) were fed (ad libitum) isocaloric diets containing 12, 21 or 30% dietary protein. Birds were fed respective diets beginning at 7 days of age and killed at 28 days. No differences were observed between adequate (21%) and high (30%) protein intakes for any of the parameters investigated (growth criteria, plasma levels of IGF-I, growth hormone or IGF-binding proteins). Feeding protein deficient diets (12%) resulted in a 34% decrease in body weight, 17% decrease in feed intake and a 39% increase in feed/gain ratio. IGF-binding proteins in plasma samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose sheets. Nitrocellulose blots were probed with [125I]chicken IGF-II. Four regions of binding activity corresponding to 70, 43, 30 and 24 kDa were observed in all samples. Birds consuming 12% dietary group protein had less than 50% of the 43-kDa binding activity of birds consuming 21 or 30% dietary protein. The 30-kDa binding activity was 42% lower in the 12% dietary protein group compared to birds consuming adequate protein. In contrast, 70- and 24-kDa binding activities were not influenced by dietary protein. Chickens consuming 12% dietary protein had higher levels of growth hormone and lower levels of IGF-I than those consuming 21 or 30% dietary protein. These data indicate that in chickens, the circulating levels of at least two independent IGF-binding proteins are influenced by dietary protein.  相似文献   

A common approach to protein modeling is to propose a backbone structure based on homology or threading and then to attempt to build side chains onto this backbone. A fast algorithm using the simple criteria of atomic overlap and overall rotamer probability is proposed for this purpose. The method was first tested in the context of exhaustive searches of side chain configuration space in protein cores and was then applied to all side chains in 49 proteins of known structure, using simulated annealing to sample space. The latter procedure obtains the correct rotamer for 57% and the correct χ1 value for 74% of the 6751 residues in the sample. When low-temperature Monte-Carlo simulations are initiated from the results of the simulated-annealing processes, consensus configurations are obtained which exhibit slightly more accurate predictions. The Monte-Carlo procedure also allows converged side chain entropies to be calculated for all residues. These prove to be accurate indicators of prediction reliability. For example, the correct rotamer is obtained for 79% and the correct χ1 value is obtained for 84% of the half of the sample residues exhibiting the lowest entropies. Side chain entropy and predictability are nearly completely uncorrelated with solvent-accessible area. Some precedents for and implications of this observation are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Directed evolution has been successfully used to engineer proteins for basic and applied biological research. However, engineering of novel protein functions by directed evolution remains an overwhelming challenge. This challenge may come from the fact that multiple simultaneously or synergistic mutations are required for the creation of a novel protein function. Here we review the key developments in engineering of novel protein functions by using either directed evolution or a combined directed evolution and rational or computational design approach. Specific attention will be paid to a molecular evolution model for generation of novel proteins. The engineered novel proteins should not only broaden the range of applications of proteins but also provide new insights into protein structure-function relationship and protein evolution.  相似文献   

Analysis of insertions/deletions in protein structures.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
An analysis of insertions and deletions (indels) occurring in a databank of multiple sequence alignments based on protein tertiary structure is reported. Indels prefer to be short (1 to 5 residues). The average intervening sequence length between them versus the percentage of residue identity in pairwise alignments shows an exponential behaviour, suggesting a stochastic process such that nearly every loop in an ancestral structure is a possible target for indels during evolution. The results also suggest a limit to the average size of indels accommodated by protein structures. The preferred indel conformations are reverse turn and coil as are the preferred conformations at the indel edges (N- and C-terminal sides). Interruptions in helices and strands were observed as very rare events.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific effects of low growth temperature on maize chloroplast thylakoid protein accumulation were analysed using immunocytology. Sections of leaves from plants grown at 25 and 14°C were probed with antibodies to specific chloroplast thylakoid proteins from the four major protein multisubunit complexes of the thylakoid membrane followed by fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibodies. At a normal growth temperature of 25°C, the 32 kDa D1 protein of the photosystem II reaction centre and the 33 kDa protein of the extrinsic oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II are both accumulated to a greater degree in the mesophyll than in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. In contrast, subunit II of photosystem I, cytochrome f and the α- and β-subunits of ATP synthetase are predominant in the bundle sheath thylakoids at 25°C. A striking difference between the 25°C-grown and the 14°C-grown leaf tissue was the presence in the latter of (20–30%) cells whose chloroplasts apparently completely lack several of the thylakoid proteins. In plants grown at 14°C, the accumulation of the 33 kDa protein of the extrinsic oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II was apparently unchanged, but other thylakoid proteins showed a significant reduction. The uneven distribution of proteins between the bundle sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts observed at 25°C was also maintained at 14°C. Reduction in the fluorescence at 14°C was manifested either as an overall reduction in the diffuse fluorescence across the chloroplast profiles or less frequently as a reduction to small discrete bodies of intense fluorescence. The significance of these results to low-temperature-induced reduction in the photosynthetic productivity of maize is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein structures are routinely compared by their root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) in atomic coordinates after optimal rigid body superposition. What is not so clear is the significance of different RMSD values, particularly above the customary arbitrary cutoff for obvious similarity of 2–3 Å. Our earlier work argued for an intrinsic cutoff for protein similarity that varied with the number of residues in the polypeptide chains being compared. Here we introduce a new measure, ρ, of structural similarity based on RMSD that is independent of the sizes of the molecules involved, or of any other special properties of molecules. When ρ is less than 0.4–0.5, protein structures are visually recognized to be obviously similar, but the mathematically pleasing intrinsic cutoff of ρ>1.0 corresponds to overall similarity in folding motif at a level not usually recognized until smoothing of the polypeptide chain path makes it striking. When the structures are scaled to unit radius of gyration and equal principle moments of inertia, the comparisons are even more universal, since they are no longer obscured by differences in overall size and ellipticity. With increasing chain length, the distribution of ρ for pairs of random structures is skewed to higher values, but the value for the best 1% of the comparisons rises only slowly with the number of residues. This level is close to an intrinsic cutoff between similar and dissimilar comparisons, namely the maximal scaled ρ possible for the two structures to be more similar to each other than one is to the other's mirror image. The intrinsic cutoff is independent of the number of residues or points being compared. For proteins having fewer than 100 residues, the 1% ρ falls below the intrinsic cutoff, so that for very small proteins, geometrically significant similarity can often occur by chance. We believe these ideas will be helpful in judging success in NMR structure determination and protein folding modeling. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

辽宁省地表温度时空变化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张威  纪然 《生态学报》2019,39(18):6772-6784
地温是评价气候变化的重要指标,对土壤的成分、结构以及形成和演化都具有很大影响。分析地温自身的时空变化规律以及与气候间的相互关系,对深入了解地气间相互作用的机理、明确气候变化的响应规律、预测未来地温的发展趋势等方面具有重要的科学意义。辽宁省位于内蒙古高原向渤海湾的过渡地带,地形地势复杂,此外辽宁省又处在季节性冻土区,地温的变化机制更具复杂性。利用辽宁省24个气象站点1960—2016年0cm地温(地表温度)数据和各气象要素(气温、日照时数、风速、降水量)数据资料,采用气候倾向率法、Mann-Kendall突变分析、小波周期分析等方法,系统的分析辽宁省地表温度的时空变化特征以及与气候要素间的关系。结果表明:辽宁省地表温度年际变化随时间向暖趋势发展,气候倾向率达0.36℃/10a,不同年代际存在不同的变化趋势,其中20世纪60—80年代低于多年平均地表温度,90年代至21世纪10年代高于多年平均地表温度,此外冬季地表温度增温幅度最大;突变分析显示在1995年发生突变,经检验其升高趋势显著;经周期分析显示辽宁省年地表温度具有30—46a和19—25a的两种时间尺度的周期变化;年地表温度呈西南向东北逐渐降低分布特征。相关分析表明,地表温度与气温的相关性最大,并且其大小在整个区域内呈西高东低的分布特点;在与降水的关系中,降水量高的年份地表温度均比较低,夏季受降水和日照时数的影响最显著,地表温度与风速均呈负相关,但夏季相关性较小,考虑夏季地表温度主要是受气温、日照和降水共同的作用,弱化了风速对地表温度的影响。  相似文献   


1. 1.Increased heat tolerance in FHM-cells from Pimephales promelas (Pisces) can be induced by culturing the cells at elevated temperatures (heat resistant acclimation) as well as by heat shock (heat hardening).

2. 2.After shift of culturing temperature (CT) from 16 to 32°C both effects are detectable with different temporal patterns.

3. 3.Cellular concentrations of heat-shock proteins correlate with the hardening effect but not with heat resistance acclimation.

4. 4.Several culturing temperature specific proteins were detected. The patterns of some enzymes are also altered by culturing temperature.

5. 5.Heat resistance acclimation is not caused by selection of a thermoresistant subpopulation of cells.

6. 6.Heat hardening and heat resistance acclimation must be distinguished as different phenomena in FHM-cells.

Author Keywords: Culturing temperature specific proteins; esterase isoenzymes; FHM-cells; heat hardening; heat-shock proteins; heat resistance acclimation; thermotolerance  相似文献   

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