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Recent work has identified LDL receptor-related family members, Lrp5 and Lrp6, as co-receptors for the transduction of Wnt signals. Our analysis of mice carrying mutations in both Lrp5 and Lrp6 demonstrates that the functions of these genes are redundant and are essential for gastrulation. Lrp5;Lrp6 double homozygous mutants fail to establish a primitive streak, although the anterior visceral endoderm and anterior epiblast fates are specified. Thus, Lrp5 and Lrp6 are required for posterior patterning of the epiblast, consistent with a role in transducing Wnt signals in the early embryo. Interestingly, Lrp5(+/-);Lrp6(-/-) embryos die shortly after gastrulation and exhibit an accumulation of cells at the primitive streak and a selective loss of paraxial mesoderm. A similar phenotype is observed in Fgf8 and Fgfr1 mutant embryos and provides genetic evidence in support of a molecular link between the Fgf and Wnt signaling pathways in patterning nascent mesoderm. Lrp5(+/-);Lrp6(-/-) embryos also display an expansion of anterior primitive streak derivatives and anterior neurectoderm that correlates with increased Nodal expression in these embryos. The effect of reducing, but not eliminating, Wnt signaling in Lrp5(+/-);Lrp6(-/-) mutant embryos provides important insight into the interplay between Wnt, Fgf and Nodal signals in patterning the early mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Anterior-posterior axis specification in the mouse requires signalling from a specialised extra-embryonic tissue called the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE). AVE precursors are induced at the distal tip of the embryo and move to the prospective anterior. Embryological and genetic analysis has demonstrated that the AVE is required for anterior patterning and for correctly positioning the site of primitive streak formation by inhibiting Nodal activity. We have carried out a genetic ablation of the Hex-expressing cells of the AVE (Hex-AVE) by knocking the Diphtheria toxin subunit A into the Hex locus in an inducible manner. Using this model we have identified that, in addition to its requirement in the anterior of the embryo, the Hex-AVE sub-population has a novel role between 5.5 and 6.5dpc in patterning the primitive streak. Embryos lacking the Hex-AVE display delayed initiation of primitive streak formation and miss-patterning of the anterior primitive streak. We demonstrate that in the absence of the Hex-AVE the restriction of Bmp2 expression to the proximal visceral endoderm is also defective and expression of Wnt3 and Nodal is not correctly restricted to the posterior epiblast. These results, coupled with the observation that reducing Nodal signalling in Hex-AVE ablated embryos increases the frequency of phenotypes observed, suggests that these primitive streak patterning defects are due to defective Nodal signalling. Together, our experiments demonstrate that the AVE is not only required for anterior patterning, but also that specific sub-populations of this tissue are required to pattern the posterior of the embryo.  相似文献   

Genetic and embryological experiments have demonstrated an essential role for the visceral endoderm in the formation of the forebrain; however, the precise molecular and cellular mechanisms of this requirement are poorly understood. We have performed lineage tracing in combination with molecular marker studies to follow morphogenetic movements and cell fates before and during gastrulation in embryos mutant for the homeobox gene Otx2. Our results show, first, that Otx2 is not required for proliferation of the visceral endoderm, but is essential for anteriorly directed morphogenetic movement. Second, molecules that are normally expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm, such as Lefty1 and Mdkk1, are not expressed in Otx2 mutants. These secreted proteins have been reported to antagonise, respectively, the activities of Nodal and Wnt signals, which have a role in regulating primitive streak formation. The visceral endoderm defects of the Otx2 mutants are associated with abnormal expression of primitive streak markers in the epiblast, suggesting that anterior epiblast cells acquire primitive streak characteristics. Taken together, our data support a model whereby Otx2 functions in the anterior visceral endoderm to influence the ability of the adjacent epiblast cells to differentiate into anterior neurectoderm, indirectly, by preventing them from coming under the influence of posterior signals that regulate primitive streak formation.  相似文献   

Recent embryological and genetic experiments have suggested that the anterior visceral endoderm and the anterior primitive streak of the early mouse gastrula function as head- and trunk-organising centers, respectively. Here, we report that HNF3beta and Lim1 are coexpressed in both organising centers suggesting synergistic roles of these genes in regulating organiser functions and hence axis development in the mouse embryo. To investigate this possibility, we generated compound HNF3beta and Lim1 mutant embryos. An enlarged primitive streak and a lack of axis formation were observed in HNF3beta (-)(/)(-);Lim1(-)(/)(-), but not in single homozygous mutant embryos. Chimera experiments indicate that the primary defect in these double homozygous mutants is due to loss of activity of HNF3beta and Lim1 in the visceral endoderm. Altogether, these data provide evidence that these genes function synergistically to regulate organiser activity of the anterior visceral endoderm. Moreover, HNF3beta (-)(/)(-);Lim1(-)(/)(-) mutant embryos also exhibit defects in mesoderm patterning that are likely due to lack of specification of anterior primitive streak cells.  相似文献   

Anterior-posterior polarity of the mouse embryo has been thought to be established when distal visceral endoderm (DVE) at embryonic day (E) 5.5 migrates toward the future anterior side to form anterior visceral endoderm (AVE). Lefty1, a marker of DVE and AVE, is asymmetrically expressed in implanting mouse embryos. We now show that Lefty1 is expressed first in a subset of epiblast progenitor cells and then in a subset of primitive endoderm progenitors. Genetic fate mapping indicated that the latter cells are destined to become DVE. In contrast to the accepted notion, however, AVE is not derived from DVE but is newly formed after E5.5 from Lefty1(-) visceral endoderm cells that move to the distal tip. Concomitant with DVE migration, all visceral endoderm cells in the embryonic region undergo global movement. In embryos subjected to genetic ablation of Lefty1-expressing DVE cells, AVE was formed de novo but the visceral endoderm including the newly formed AVE failed to migrate, indicating that DVE guides the migration of AVE by initiating the global movement of visceral endoderm cells. Future anterior-posterior polarity is thus already determined by Lefty1(+) blastomeres in the implanting blastocyst.  相似文献   

The earliest recognizable sign of patterning of the mouse embryo along the anteroposterior (A-P) axis is the migration of the distal visceral endoderm (DVE) toward the future anterior side. Here we report an asymmetry in the mouse embryo at an unexpectedly early stage. The gene for Lefty1, a Nodal antagonist that influences the direction of DVE migration, was found to be asymmetrically expressed in the primitive endoderm of the implanting blastocyst. Lefty1 expression begins randomly in the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst but is regionalized to one side of the tilted ICM shortly after implantation. Asymmetric expression of Lefty1 can be established by in vitro culture, indicating that it does not require interaction with the uterus. The asymmetric Lefty1 expression is induced by Nodal signaling, although Nodal and genes for its effectors are expressed symmetrically. This asymmetry in molecular patterning of the mouse embryo pushes back the origin of the A-P body axis to the peri-implantation stage.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed on the posterior side of the embryo. Cells migrate out of the primitive streak to form the future mesoderm and endoderm. Fate mapping studies revealed a group of cell migrate through the proximal end of the primitive streak and give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm tissues such as the yolk sac blood islands and allantois. However, it is not clear whether the formation of a morphological primitive streak is required for the development of these extraembryonic mesodermal tissues. Loss of the Cripto gene in mice dramatically reduces, but does not completely abolish, Nodal activity leading to the absence of a morphological primitive streak. However, embryonic erythrocytes are still formed and assembled into the blood islands. In addition, Cripto mutant embryos form allantoic buds. However, Drap1 mutant embryos have excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast cells before gastrulation and form an expanded primitive streak, but no yolk sac blood islands or allantoic bud formation. Lefty2 embryos also have elevated levels of Nodal activity in the primitive streak during gastrulation, and undergo normal blood island and allantois formation. We therefore speculate that low level of Nodal activity disrupts the formation of morphological primitive streak on the posterior side, but still allows the formation of primitive streak cells on the proximal side, which give rise to the extraembryonic mesodermal tissues formation. Excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast at pre‐gastrulation stage, but not in the primitive streak cells during gastrulation, disrupts extraembryonic mesoderm development.  相似文献   

The hypoblast (equivalent to the mouse anterior visceral endoderm) of the chick embryo plays a role in regulating embryonic polarity. Surprisingly, hypoblast removal causes multiple embryonic axes to form, suggesting that it emits an inhibitor of axis formation. We show that Cerberus (a multifunctional antagonist of Nodal, Wnt, and BMP signaling) is produced by the hypoblast and inhibits primitive streak formation. This activity is mimicked by Cerberus-Short (CerS), which only inhibits Nodal. Nodal misexpression can initiate an ectopic primitive streak, but only when the hypoblast is removed. We propose that, during normal development, the primitive streak forms only when the hypoblast is displaced away from the posterior margin by the endoblast, which lacks Cerberus.  相似文献   

Anteroposterior (AP) polarity in the mammalian embryo is specified during gastrulation when naive progenitor cells in the primitive ectoderm are recruited into the primitive streak to form mesoderm and endoderm. At the opposite pole, this process is inhibited by signals previously induced in distal visceral endoderm (DVE). Both DVE and primitive streak formation, and hence positioning of the AP axis, rely on the TGFbeta family member Nodal and its proprotein convertases Furin and Pace4. Here, we show that Nodal and Furin are initially co-expressed in the primitive endoderm together with a subset of DVE markers such as Lefty1 and Hex. However, with the appearance of extra-embryonic ectoderm (ExE), DVE formation is transiently inhibited. During this stage, Nodal activity is essential to specify embryonic VE and restrict the expression of Furin to the extra-embryonic region. Activation of Nodal is also necessary to maintain determinants of pluripotency such as Oct4, Nanog and Foxd3 during implantation, and to stimulate elongation of the egg cylinder, before inducing DVE and germ layer formation. We conclude that Nodal is already activated in primitive endoderm, but induces a functional DVE only after promoting the expansion of embryonic VE and pluripotent progenitor cells in the epiblast.  相似文献   

The three fibronectin leucine-rich repeat transmembrane (FLRT) proteins contain 10 leucine-rich repeats (LRR), a type III fibronectin (FN) domain, followed by the transmembrane region, and a short cytoplasmic tail. XFLRT3, a Nodal/TGFβ target, regulates cell adhesion and modulates FGF signalling during Xenopus gastrulation. The present study describes the onset and pattern of FLRT1-3 expression in the early mouse embryo. FLRT3 expression is activated in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), and during gastrulation appears in anterior streak derivatives namely the node, notochord and the emerging definitive endoderm. To explore FLRT3 function we generated a null allele via gene targeting. Early Nodal activities required for anterior-posterior (A-P) patterning, primitive streak formation and left-right (L-R) axis determination were unperturbed. However, FLRT3 mutant embryos display defects in headfold fusion, definitive endoderm migration and a failure of the lateral edges of the ventral body wall to fuse, leading to cardia bifida. Surprisingly, the mutation has no effect on FGF signalling. Collectively these experiments demonstrate that FLRT3 plays a key role in controlling cell adhesion and tissue morphogenesis in the developing mouse embryo.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed Polycomb Group protein Yin-Yang1 (YY1) is believed to regulate gene expression through direct binding to DNA elements found in promoters or enhancers of target loci. Additionally, YY1 contains diverse domains that enable a plethora of protein-protein interactions, including association with the Oct4/Sox2 pluripotency complex and Polycomb Group silencing complexes. To elucidate the in vivo role of YY1 during gastrulation, we generated embryos with an epiblast specific deletion of Yy1. Yy1 conditional knockout (cKO) embryos initiate gastrulation, but both primitive streak formation and ingression through the streak is severely impaired. These streak descendants fail to repress E-Cadherin and are unable to undergo an appropriate epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Intriguingly, overexpression of Nodal and concomitant reduction of Lefty2 are observed in Yy1 cKO embryos, suggesting that YY1 is normally required for proper Nodal regulation during gastrulation. Furthermore, definitive endoderm is specified but fails to properly integrate into the outer layer. Although anterior neuroectoderm is specified, mesoderm production is severely restricted. We show that YY1 directly binds to the Lefty2 locus in E7.5 embryos and that pharmacological inhibition of Nodal signaling partially restores mesoderm production in Yy1 cKO mutant embryos. Our results reveal critical requirements for YY1 during several important developmental processes, including EMT and regulation of Nodal signaling. These results are the first to elucidate the diverse role of YY1 during gastrulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent genetic and embryological experiments have demonstrated that head formation in the mouse embryo is dependent on signals provided by two organising centers during gastrulation, the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the anterior primitive streak (also called the Early Gastrula Organiser, EGO). However the molecular nature of the signals triggering anterior neural formation from the epiblast is not clearly understood. The analysis of mouse mutants has allowed the identification of some of the molecular players involved in the process of head formation. In this review, we describe different mutant embryos in which impairment of visceral endoderm function leads to similar defects in antero-posterior axis specification. These phenotypes are consistent with a role of the AVE in protecting anterior embryonic regions from signals that promote posterior development. We propose that a genetic cascade in the AVE, involving HNF3beta, Lim1, Otx2, Smad2 and ActRIB, leads to the production of secreted TGFbeta antagonists that protect the anterior epiblast region from Nodal signalling.  相似文献   

Origin of body axes in the mouse embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How and at what stage of development are the axes of the body determined? The left-right axis of the mouse embryo is generated de novo at embryonic day (E) 8.0 in a manner dependent on pre-existing positional cues. The anterior-posterior (A-P) axis becomes apparent earlier when distally located visceral endoderm migrates toward the future anterior side at E5.5. The direction of this migration is predetermined by asymmetric expression of Lefty1 and Cerl1(Cerberus-like 1). Asymmetric expression of Lefty1 takes place even earlier, in the primitive endoderm of the implanting blastocyst, pushing back the origin of the A-P axis to the peri-implantation stage. Although its functional significance remains to be seen, studies on how this molecular asymmetry emerges may provide insight into the origin of A-P polarity. The first cell fate decision occurs by the morula stage. Although blastomeres at the two-cell or four-cell stage may have biased fates, it is currently unknown whether this bias has any causal relation to later fate.  相似文献   

The signaling pathway for Nodal, a ligand of the TGFβ superfamily, plays a central role in regulating the differentiation and/or maintenance of stem cell types that can be derived from the peri-implantation mouse embryo. Extra-embryonic endoderm stem (XEN) cells resemble the primitive endoderm of the blastocyst, which normally gives rise to the parietal and the visceral endoderm in vivo, but XEN cells do not contribute efficiently to the visceral endoderm in chimeric embryos. We have found that XEN cells treated with Nodal or Cripto (Tdgf1), an EGF-CFC co-receptor for Nodal, display upregulation of markers for visceral endoderm as well as anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), and can contribute to visceral endoderm and AVE in chimeric embryos. In culture, XEN cells do not express Cripto, but do express the related EGF-CFC co-receptor Cryptic (Cfc1), and require Cryptic for Nodal signaling. Notably, the response to Nodal is inhibited by the Alk4/Alk5/Alk7 inhibitor SB431542, but the response to Cripto is unaffected, suggesting that the activity of Cripto is at least partially independent of type I receptor kinase activity. Gene set enrichment analysis of genome-wide expression signatures generated from XEN cells under these treatment conditions confirmed the differing responses of Nodal- and Cripto-treated XEN cells to SB431542. Our findings define distinct pathways for Nodal and Cripto in the differentiation of visceral endoderm and AVE from XEN cells and provide new insights into the specification of these cell types in vivo.  相似文献   

Lim1 is a homeobox gene expressed in the extraembryonic anterior visceral endoderm and in primitive streak-derived tissues of early mouse embryos. Mice homozygous for a targeted mutation of Lim1 lack head structures anterior to rhombomere 3 in the hindbrain. To determine in which tissues Lim1 is required for head formation and its mode of action, we have generated chimeric mouse embryos and performed tissue layer recombination explant assays. In chimeric embryos in which the visceral endoderm was composed of predominantly wild-type cells, we found that Lim1(-)(/)(-) cells were able to contribute to the anterior mesendoderm of embryonic day 7.5 chimeric embryos but that embryonic day 9.5 chimeric embryos displayed a range of head defects. In addition, early somite stage chimeras generated by injecting Lim1(-)(/)(-) embryonic stem cells into wild-type tetraploid blastocysts lacked forebrain and midbrain neural tissue. Furthermore, in explant recombination assays, anterior mesendoderm from Lim1(-)(/)(-) embryos was unable to maintain the expression of the anterior neural marker gene Otx2 in wild-type ectoderm. In complementary experiments, embryonic day 9.5 chimeric embryos in which the visceral endoderm was composed of predominantly Lim1(-)(/)(-) cells and the embryo proper of largely wild-type cells, also phenocopied the Lim1(-)(/)(-) headless phenotype. These results indicate that Lim1 is required in both primitive streak-derived tissues and visceral endoderm for head formation and that its inactivation in these tissues produces cell non-autonomous defects. We discuss a double assurance model in which Lim1 regulates sequential signaling events required for head formation in the mouse.  相似文献   

The fate of the embryonic endoderm (generally called visceral embryonic endoderm) of prestreak and early primitive streak stages of the mouse embryo was studied in vitro by microinjecting horseradish peroxidase into single axial endoderm cells of 6.7-day-old embryos and tracing the labelled descendants either through gastrulation (1 day of culture) or to early somite stages (2 days of culture). Descendants of endoderm cells from the anterior half of the axis were found at the extreme cranial end of the embryo after 1 day and in the visceral yolk sac endoderm after 2 days, i.e. they were displaced anteriorly and anterolaterally. Descendants of cells originating over and near the anterior end of the early primitive streak, i.e. posterior to the distal tip of the egg cylinder, were found after 1 day over the entire embryonic axis and after 2 days in the embryonic endoderm at the anterior intestinal portal, in the foregut, along the trunk and postnodally, as well as anteriorly and posteriorly in the visceral yolk sac. Endoderm covering the posterior half of the early primitive streak contributed to postnodal endoderm after 1 day (at the late streak stage) and mainly to posterior visceral yolk sac endoderm after 2 days. Clonal descendants of axial endoderm were located after 2 days either over the embryo or in the yolk sac; the few exceptions spanned the caudal end of the embryo and the posterior yolk sac. The clonal analysis also showed that the endoderm layer along the posterior half of the axis of prestreak- and early-streak-stage embryos is heterogeneous in its germ layer fate. Whereas the germ layer location of descendants from anterior sites did not differ after 1 day from that expected from the initial controls (approx. 90% exclusively in endoderm), only 62% of the successfully injected posterior sites resulted in labelled cells exclusively in endoderm; the remainder contributed partially or entirely to ectoderm and mesoderm. This loss from the endoderm layer was compensated by posterior-derived cells that remained in endoderm having more surviving descendants (8.4 h population doubling time) than did anterior-derived cells (10.5 h population doubling time). There was no indication of cell death at the prestreak and early streak stages; at least 93% of the cells were proliferating and more than half of the total axial population were in, or had completed, a third cell cycle after 22 h culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growth and Differentiation Factor 1 (GDF-1) has been implicated in left-right patterning of the mouse embryo but has no other known function. Here, we demonstrate a genetic interaction between Gdf1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutants displayed several abnormalities that were not present in either Gdf1-/- or Nodal+/- single mutants, including absence of notochord and prechordal plate, and malformation of the foregut; organizing centers implicated in the development of the anterior head and branchial arches, respectively. Consistent with these deficits, Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutant embryos displayed a number of axial midline abnormalities, including holoprosencephaly, anterior head truncation, cleft lip, fused nasal cavity, and lack of jaws and tongue. The absence of these defects in single mutants indicated a synergistic interaction between Nodal and GDF-1 in the node, from which the axial mesendoderm that gives rise to the notochord, prechordal plate, and foregut endoderm originates, and where the two factors are co-expressed. This notion was supported by a severe downregulation of FoxA2 and goosecoid in the anterior primitive streak of double mutant embryos. Unlike that in the lateral plate mesoderm, Nodal expression in the node was independent of GDF-1, indicating that both factors act in parallel to control the development of mesendodermal precursors. Receptor reconstitution experiments indicated that GDF-1, like Nodal, can signal through the type I receptors ALK4 and ALK7. However, analysis of compound mutants indicated that ALK4, but not ALK7, was responsible for the effects of GDF-1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. These results indicate that GDF-1 and Nodal converge on ALK4 in the anterior primitive streak to control the formation of organizing centers that are necessary for normal forebrain and branchial arch development.  相似文献   

The formation of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) in the pre-gastrulation mouse embryo represents a crucial event in patterning of the anterior-posterior axis. Here, we show that the transforming growth factor beta (Tgfbeta) family member Gdf3 (growth-differentiation factor 3), a close relative of Xenopus Vg1, resembles the Tgfbeta ligand Nodal in both its signaling activity and its role in AVE formation in vivo. Thus, in cell culture, Gdf3 signaling requires the EGF-CFC co-receptor Cripto and can be inhibited by Lefty antagonists. In Xenopus embryos, Gdf3 misexpression results in secondary axis formation, and induces morphogenetic elongation and mesendoderm formation in animal caps. In mouse embryos, Gdf3 is expressed in the inner cell mass and epiblast, and null mutants frequently exhibit abnormal formation or positioning of the AVE. This phenotype correlates with defects in mesoderm and definitive endoderm formation, as well as abnormal Nodal expression levels. Our findings indicate that Gdf3 acts in a Nodal-like signaling pathway in pre-gastrulation development, and provide evidence for the functional conservation of Vg1 activity in mice.  相似文献   

The fate of the embryonic endoderm (generally called visceral embryonic endoderm) of midstreak to neural plate stages of the mouse embryo was studied by microinjecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into single axial endoderm cells in situ, and tracing the labeled descendants to early somite stages in vitro. Axial endoderm cells along the anterior fifth of the late streak/neural plate stage embryo contributed descendants either to the yolk sac endoderm or to the anterior intestinal portal. Cells of the exposed head process contributed to the trunk endoderm and notochord; neighboring endoderm cells contributed to the dorsal foregut. Contributions to the ventral foregut came from endoderm at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the younger, midstreak embryo (in which the head process was not yet exposed). Endoderm over the primitive streak contributed to the postsomite endoderm. We argue from these results and those in the literature that during gastrulation the axial embryonic endoderm is of mixed lineage: (1) an anterior population of cells is derived from primitive endoderm and contributes to the yolk sac endoderm; (2) a population at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the midstreak embryo, extending more anteriorly at late streak/neural plate stages, is presumed to emerge from primitive ectoderm at the beginning of gastrulation and contributes to the foregut and anterior intestinal portal; (3) the axial portion of the head process that begins to incorporate into the ventral surface at the late streak stage contributes to notochord and trunk endoderm. Cells or their descendants that were destined to die within 24 hr were evident at the midstreak stage. There was a linear trend in the incidence of cell death among labeled cells at the late streak/neural plate stages, ranging from 27% caudal to the node to 57% in the anterior fifth of the embryo. The surviving axial endoderm cells divided sufficiently fast to double the population in 24 hr.  相似文献   

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