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Linear body measurements and body weights of 17 Crabeater seals and four Ross seals were recorded, and the relationships of weight to linear dimensions were calculated. There were no significant differences between sexes of these relationships in Crabeater seals. All Ross seals were males.
The major body components (blood, fat, skin, muscle, bone, connective tissue and viscera) of seven Crabeater seals were weighed after dissection.
Blood, fat and skin of two Ross seals were weighed. Weights of 22 visceral organs of the same animals, and linear bone dimensions of eight Crabeater seals and skull measurements of five Ross seals were recorded.
There was no significant difference between sexes or ages in body composition of Crabeater seals. Relatively, Crabeater and Ross seals had less blood (9–10% body weight) than Elephant seals, and less fat (21–22% body weight) than most other marine mammals. The low body fat content may have been attributable to season and physiological status of the animals when dissected. The percentages of body weight represented by the other major components of Crabeater seals were: skin 8%, muscle 44%, bone 10%, connective tissue 0.7% and total viscera 8%. These figures, and the relative sizes of individual organs, were discussed in relation to their possible function in Crabeater and Ross seals.  相似文献   

A total of 40 (29 female and 11 male) Ross seals were sampled in January over three years. Seals were weighed, measured and age determined by counting dentine lines in teeth. Stomach contents were identified against reference material and species of helminths were determined using standard techniques. Asymptotes in body mass and length are reached at some nine years of age. Age class varied from 2–20 years. Antarctic silverfish Pleurogrammma antarcticum was the only fish species identified. Psychroteuthis glacialis dominated the squid component. Fish was dominant in three samples, squid was the exclusive component in two samples and a minor component in another two. Glandicephalus antarcticus, Diphyllobothrium wilsoni and Contracaecum spp were the dominant helminths present. The high proportion of empty or nearly empty stomachs conforms with the knowledge that this species moults and consequently fasts in January.  相似文献   

When to commence breeding is a crucial life-history decision that may be the most important determinant of an individual''s lifetime reproductive output and can have major consequences on population dynamics. The age at which individuals first reproduce is an important factor influencing the intensity of potential costs (e.g. reduced survival) involved in the first breeding event. However, quantifying age-related variation in the cost of first reproduction in wild animals remains challenging because of the difficulty in reliably recording the first breeding event. Here, using a multi-event capture–recapture model that accounts for both imperfect detection and uncertainty in the breeding status on an 18-year dataset involving 6637 individuals, we estimated age and state-specific survival of female elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in the declining Macquarie Island population. We detected a clear cost of first reproduction on survival. This cost was higher for both younger first-time breeders and older first-time breeders compared with females recruiting at age four, the overall mean age at first reproduction. Neither earlier primiparity nor delaying primiparity appear to confer any evolutionary advantage, rather the optimal strategy seems to be to start breeding at a single age, 4 years.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycles of captive female Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) were unaffected over two consecutive years by a photoperiod that differed substantially from that of the natural range. Breeding was observed in July and August, or at the same time as in the wild. Growth was comparable in captive and wild fetuses, indicating a similar timing of delayed implantation of the blastocysts.  相似文献   

In many species, temporary emigration (TE) is a phenomenon, often indicative of life-history characteristics such as dormancy, skipped reproduction, or partial migration, whereby certain individuals in a population are temporarily unobservable at a particular site. TE may be a flexible condition-dependent strategy that allows individuals to mitigate effects of adverse conditions. Consequently, TE rates ought to be highly variable, but sources of variations are poorly understood for most species. We used data from known-aged female Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) tagged in Erebus Bay, Antarctica, to investigate sources of variation in TE rates prior to reproduction and to evaluate possible implications for age-specific probability of first reproduction. TE rates were near 1 the year after birth, decreased to an average of 0.15 ( $ \widehat{\text{SE}} $  = 0.01) by age 8, and were similar thereafter. TE rates varied substantially from year-to-year and were lower for seals that attended reproductive colonies the previous year than for seals that did not attend (e.g., $ \overline{{\hat{\psi }_{{i,{\text{age}}\,8}}^{\text{UU}} - \hat{\psi }_{{i,\,{\text{age}}\,8}}^{\text{PU}} }} $  = 0.22). Recruitment rates were marginally greater for seals that did attend than for seals that did not attend colonies the previous year. For Weddell seals specifically, our results suggest that (1) motivation to attend colonies varied temporally, (2) as seals grew older they had increased motivation to attend even before reproductive maturity, and (3) seals appear to follow various attendance strategies. More broadly, our results support the idea of TE as a variable, condition-dependent strategy, and highlight the utility of TE models for providing population and life-history insights for diverse taxa.  相似文献   

Information on health parameters, such as antibody prevalences and serum chemistry that can reveal exposure to pathogens, disease, and abnormal physiologic conditions, is scarce for Antarctic seal species. Serum samples from Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella, n=88) from Bouvet?ya (2000-2001 and 2001-2002), and from Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii, n=20), Ross seals (Ommatophoca rossii, n=20), and crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus, n=9) from the pack-ice off Queen Maud Land, Antarctica (2001) were analyzed for enzyme activity, and concentrations of protein, metabolites, minerals, and cortisol. Adult Antarctic fur seal males had elevated levels of total protein (range 64-99 g/l) compared to adult females and pups (range 52-79 g/l). Antarctic fur seals had higher enzyme activities of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and amylase, compared to Weddell, Ross, and crabeater seals. Antibodies against Brucella spp. were detected in Weddell seals (37%), Ross seals (5%), and crabeater seals (11%), but not in Antarctic fur seals. Antibodies against phocine herpesvirus 1 were detected in all species examined (Antarctic fur seals, 58%; Weddell seals, 100%; Ross seals, 15%; and crabeater seals, 44%). No antibodies against Trichinella spp., Toxoplasma, or phocine distemper virus (PDV) were detected (Antarctic fur seals were not tested for PDV antibodies). Antarctic seals are challenged by reduced sea ice and increasing temperatures due to climate change, and increased anthropogenic activity can introduce new pathogens to these vulnerable ecosystems and represent a threat for these animals. Our data provide a baseline for future monitoring of health parameters of these Antarctic seal species, for tracking the impact of environmental, climatic, and anthropogenic changes in Antarctica over time.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulation of reproductive phenotype is a potentially powerful approach for understanding the fitness relationships of traits such as egg size, egg composition, and egg number. In this study, I investigated the effect of the antiestrogen tamoxifen on multiple, estrogen-dependent reproductive traits in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Short-term tamoxifen treatment of egg-laying females (two daily injections before laying) had no effect on the timing or the pattern of egg laying compared to sham controls. However, tamoxifen treatment caused (1) a marked, but transient, decrease in egg size; (2) increased within-clutch egg-size variation; (3) a reduction in plasma vitellogenin (VTG) levels; and (4) lower dry yolk and yolk protein content of tamoxifen-treated females. Plasma levels of the second yolk precursor, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), were not affected by tamoxifen, and tamoxifen appeared to have no effect on oviduct function in egg-laying females. These results are consistent with tamoxifen blocking estrogen receptors in the liver, suppressing VTG production, and decreasing the plasma pool of yolk precursors below a level required to maintain yolk formation at the normal rate. Tamoxifen treatment can therefore be used successfully to manipulate several components of the female reproductive phenotype (egg composition, intraclutch egg-size variation) to further explore the fitness consequences of these traits.  相似文献   

Ismail ST 《Theriogenology》1987,28(3):363-371
The Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius), the one-humped camel, is a primary inhabitant of the northern half of Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan and India. The dromedary is a multipurpose animal used for transportation, the production of milk and meat, as well as such by-products as wool, hair and hides. Dromedaries are extremely well adapted to their hot, arid environment. Consequently, Arabian camels are of considerable economic importance. Relatively little attention has been paid to the breeding of dromedaries. In the literature, particularly that in the English language, information on reproduction in the dromedary tends to be fragmentary. This review consolidates several widely scattered reports as projected against the author's own experience. It is hoped that the information is of particular help for those in charge of the breeding of dromedaries in zoological gardens and animal parks in countries where the one-humped camel is a rare species.  相似文献   

Natal philopatry is an important component of mammalian behaviour but is difficult to study in natural vertebrate populations due to the requirement for long-term individual-based spatial observations. Consequently, we quantified fine-scale patterns of natal philopatry in an intensively studied colony of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella), where a scaffold walkway allows individual locations to be measured to the nearest metre. Using subcutaneous PIT tags, we tracked the early life histories of 335 females born within the colony, of which 38 were resighted as breeding adults. We found that individual females returned to as little as one body length (2 m) of their birth locations. Moreover, distances between natal and pupping sites were not correlated with female age, but instead tended to decrease with the number of seasons an individual was sighted ashore. This suggests that breeding experience may be a better predictor than age of the ability of females to occupy preferred sites within fur seal colonies.  相似文献   

Results of breeding of ruffed lemurs (Lemur variegatus) at the Duke Primate Facility provide information concerning estrous cycle, sexual behavior, age of first conception, gestation period, parturition, litter size. L. variegatus differs from other Lemur species in these respects.  相似文献   

Aspects of reproduction in the alpaca   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Variation in probability of first reproduction of Weddell seals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. For many species, when to begin reproduction is an important life-history decision that varies by individual and can have substantial implications for lifetime reproductive success and fitness. 2. We estimated age-specific probabilities of first-time breeding and modelled variation in these rates to determine age at first reproduction and understand why it varies in a population of Weddell seals in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. We used multistate mark-recapture modelling methods and encounter histories of 4965 known-age female seals to test predictions about age-related variation in probability of first reproduction and the effects of annual variation, cohort and population density. 3. Mean age at first reproduction in this southerly located study population (7.62 years of age, SD=1.71) was greater than age at first reproduction for a Weddell seal population at a more northerly and typical latitude for breeding Weddell seals (mean=4-5 years of age). This difference suggests that age at first reproduction may be influenced by whether a population inhabits the core or periphery of its range. 4. Age at first reproduction varied from 4 to 14 years, but there was no age by which all seals recruited to the breeding population, suggesting that individual heterogeneity exists among females in this population. 5. In the best model, the probability of breeding for the first time varied by age and year, and the amount of annual variation varied with age (average variance ratio for age-specific rates=4.3%). 6. Our results affirmed the predictions of life-history theory that age at first reproduction in long-lived mammals will be sensitive to environmental variation. In terms of life-history evolution, this variability suggests that Weddell seals display flexibility in age at first reproduction in order to maximize reproductive output under varying environmental conditions. Future analyses will attempt to test predictions regarding relationships between environmental covariates and annual variation in age at first reproduction and evaluate the relationship between age at first reproduction and lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds, that is true seals (Phocidae), eared seals (Otariidae), and walruses (Odobenidae), possess highly developed vibrissal systems for mechanoreception. They can use their vibrissae to detect and discriminate objects by direct touch. At least in Phocidae and Otariidae, the vibrissae can also be used to detect and analyse water movements. Here, we review what is known about this ability, known as hydrodynamic perception, in pinnipeds. Hydrodynamic perception in pinnipeds developed convergently to the hydrodynamic perception with the lateral line system in fish and the sensory hairs in crustaceans. So far two species of pinnipeds, the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) representing the Phocidae and the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) representing the Otariidae, have been studied for their ability to detect local water movements (dipole stimuli) and to follow hydrodynamic trails, that is the water movements left behind by objects that have passed by at an earlier point in time. Both species are highly sensitive to dipole stimuli and can follow hydrodynamic trails accurately. In the individuals tested, California sea lions were clearly more sensitive to dipole stimuli than harbour seals, and harbour seals showed a superior trail following ability as compared to California sea lions. Harbour seals have also been shown to derive additional information from hydrodynamic trails, such as motion direction, size and shape of the object that caused the trail (California sea lions have not yet been tested). The peculiar undulated shape of the harbour seals’ vibrissae appears to play a crucial role in trail following, as it suppresses self-generated noise while the animal is swimming.  相似文献   

Aspects of reproduction and development of the young in Galago senegalensiswere investigated as part of a long-term study of small groups which were housed at indoor and outdoor enclosures in southern Germany. Estrus and delivery of the young may occur in all months of the year. All of the 23 births recorded were singletons. Postpartum estrus is unusual; normally, females come into estrus 4 to 5 weeks after parturition. Gestation length was 141 ± 1.6 days measured from midestrus. Gravid females, or females with off-spring, were never separated from their family groups since the fathers and offspring from earlier litters were intensivly engaged in positive interactions with the growing young. The development of locomotion, social behavior, and vocal patterns from birth to nutritional weaning is described. Youngsters had specific vocalizations, which were, for the most part, different from those of adults. The results are compared with reproduction and behavioral ontogeny in related prosimian species.  相似文献   

G. Duhamel 《Polar Biology》1982,1(3):141-151
Summary Recent cruises on board research vessels and trawlers have followed the adult fishes of the Notothenia rossii rossii Richardson, 1844 population from the Kerguelen Islands. The food of this Nototheniidae being mainly planktonic, the movements of shoals are connected with the high productivity areas. In the Southern Ocean these areas are localized around the Antarctic Convergence. At the Kerguelen Islands the irregular configuration of the shelf and seasonal variations in water masses change the positions of the productive areas. For this reason the adult population can be to the north or south off the archipelago. Spawning only gathers the mature fishes in the southeast of Kerguelen during winter. At that time this species is very vulnerable to fishing efforts. The population dynamics of this Antarctic fish is studied with fishery statistics and biological data. A decline of the average length and catches per unit effort are observed from one year to the next.
Resumé De récentes missions à bord de navires de recherche et de chalutiers ont permis de suivre la population adulte de Notothenia rossii rossii Richardson, 1844 des îles Kerguelen. Le régime alimentaire de ce Nototheniidae étant principalement de nature planctonique, les mouvements des bancs de poissons sont liés aux zones de haute productivité. Dans l'océan austral ces zones sont localisées au niveau de la convergence antarctique. Aux îles Kerguelen la topographie du plateau continental et les variations saisonnières de l'hydrologie modifient continuellement la position des zones de productivité. Pour cette raison la population adulte peut se trouver soit au nord soit au sud de l'archipel. Seule la ponte réunit les poissons matures dans le sud-est des îles Kerguelen pendant l'hiver. A cette période l'espèce est très vulnérable à un effort de pêche. La dynamique de la population de ce poisson antarctique est étudiée à partir des statistiques de pêche et des données biologiques. Une baisse de la longueur moyenne de la population ainsi qu'une diminution des valeurs de la prise par unité d'effort sont observées pendant la période considérée.

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