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广东沿海几种赤潮生物的分类学研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对1997年秋 ̄1998年春广东沿海多次赤潮发生期间的几种优势赤潮藻类进行了形态学和分类学研究。1种为我国首次报道引发赤潮的定革命金藻类(Prymnesiophytes)-球状棕囊藻(Phaeocystis cf.gliobosa)。另有甲藻类7种,其中裸甲藻目(Gymnodiniales)3种:米氏裸甲藻(Gymnodinium cf.mikimotoi)、环节环沟藻(Gyrodinium in  相似文献   

原生动物是水生食物网中主要的植食性生物, 在自然水体中能够有效控制浮游植物的生物量, 具有预防及延缓赤潮发生的潜在应用价值。在福建沿岸分离筛选出一种常见的原生动物—厚游仆虫(Euplotes crassus), 通过研究其对三种常见有毒赤潮藻类的毒素耐受性、抑藻率及自身在赤潮压力下的生长速率, 评测厚游仆虫对常见有毒赤潮藻类的抑制作用, 挖掘其作为控藻生物的应用潜力。将厚游仆虫分别接种于不同浓度的剧毒卡尔藻(Karlodinium veneficum)、赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)及米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)中, 在温度20 ℃、光照度100 μmol·M–2 ·s–1和光暗比12 h: 12 h 的条件下进行共培养。结果显示, 厚游仆虫对剧毒卡尔藻和赤潮异弯藻具有明显的抑制作用, 持续抑藻时间可达72 h以上, 且未见藻细胞数量的明显反弹, 而对于米氏凯伦藻则没有明显的抑制能力。说明厚游仆虫在一定条件下可作为一种有效可行的控藻生物, 但其对赤潮藻类的抑制作用具有一定的种类特异性。结果证明, 在赤潮形成初期厚游仆虫对赤潮藻类的摄食压力可能有助于抑制或延缓剧毒卡尔藻及赤潮异弯藻赤潮的发生与发展, 其在赤潮治理中的实际应用还需结合野外水体做进一步研究。  相似文献   

香港及珠江口海域有害赤潮发生机制初步探讨   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
颜天  周名江  邹景忠  钱培元 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1634-1641
回顾了香港及珠江口海域赤潮发生和藻毒素污染的历史及研究状况,结合3种代表赤潮藻种最适光温盐生长实验,4种不同形态氮营养盐对几种常见赤潮藻种生长影响实验,以及不同营养盐,温度,盐度条件下赤潮藻群落变化过程实验,初步探讨了物理,化学,生物等环境因子在香港和珠江口海域赤潮发生中的作用机制。  相似文献   

南海北部沿海夜光藻赤潮的生态模式研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文根据1980~1991年南海北部沿海发生的夜光藻赤潮资料,介绍了夜光藻的生物学特征.生态学特征,从夜光藻发生赤潮的起始、发展、维持和消亡四个阶段分析和探讨其发生机制,提出了夜光藻赤潮的生态模式。研究表明:夜光藻赤潮各阶段的消长过程受到物理、化学和生物因素的制约.这些因素在夜光藻赤潮发生的不同阶段所起的作用是不一样的,其发生机制仍然存在着生物地理学的差异等。  相似文献   

2020年5月初,深圳湾海域发生近5年来首次赤潮, 面积达到6 km2, 前期赤潮优势种为中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum), 后期转变为赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)。布放于深圳湾海域的海洋环境综合浮标自动监测到了赤潮发生过程的海水水质和生态数据变化: 赤潮发生前(4月底)硝酸盐和磷酸盐均大幅升高; 赤潮发生期间, 叶绿素a浓度迅速升高, 最高值达到127.1 μg·L-1(5月2日), 海水温度持续升高, 盐度整体下降; 5月4日开始, 赤潮逐渐消散, 当日水温日均值达到28 ℃以上, 风力也开始升高, 盐度则继续降低。经研究分析, 本次深圳湾赤潮的主要调控因素可能是水温, 活性磷酸盐大幅升高可能是引发中肋骨条藻大规模增殖的诱因, 而赤潮后期的陆源水体输入导致的悬浮物增加导致了赤潮快速消亡。本次赤潮优势种从硅藻到针胞藻的转变, 主要原因可能是赤潮前期磷酸盐快速消耗导致的磷供应不足。通过数据分析发现, 近十几年来, 深圳湾海域赤潮生物逐渐从硅藻转变为甲藻及其他藻类, 其原因与海域氮磷比持续升高、磷成为限制因子有关, 故海域赤潮监测预警应重点关注磷酸盐的变化。  相似文献   

目的:获得五种典型藻类(甲藻属微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium minutum)和锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea),赤潮硅藻中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)以及绿藻属杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)和青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica tsingtaoensis))对C,N,P营养的吸收动力学参数,并利用经典藻类种间竞争模型,构建一个藻类混合共存的生态平衡体系,揭示藻类种间竞争规律,为赤潮爆发机制和预测的研究提供一个新思路。方法:监测批次培养过程中藻体的生长规律以及培养基中C,N,P营养的消耗,计算出藻类营养吸收动力学参数,将参数代入Huisman-Weissing竞争模型,模拟藻类种间竞争。结果:(1)在单独培养条件下,杜氏藻具有最高的比生长率(0.834 d~(-1))和最大细胞浓度(3.4×10~6 cells/mL),锥状斯氏藻和微小亚历山大藻的比生长率μ和最大细胞浓度与其它三种藻相比均明显偏低,p0.01;(2)随着环境总碳浓度从5 mM提高到20 mM,五种藻的比生长率和最大细胞浓度均显著上升,其中杜氏藻和青岛大扁藻对C浓度改变的响应更加敏感;(3)杜氏藻和中肋骨条藻理论最大比生长率(μmax)明显高于其它三种藻类,锥状斯氏藻和微小亚历山大藻对C,N,P营养盐的需求量相比于其它三种藻明显偏高,p0.01;(4)藻类共生平衡系统中,N营养添加有利于杜氏藻和中肋骨条藻发挥更好的种间竞争优势,P营养添加有利于微小亚历山大藻和锥状斯氏藻发挥种间竞争优势;结论:不同环境条件下,五种藻类最大比生长速率μmax和营养吸收半饱和常数Ks直接影响它们的种间竞争能力,基于藻类动力学参数的种间竞争模型为赤潮爆发机制和预测的研究提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

广东沿海赤潮的特点及成因研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
列举了广东沿海1980-1992年发生的66起赤潮事件并对其进行研究分析,归纳广东沿海赤潮具有频率增多、全年均可发生赤潮,发生赤潮区域扩大,持续时间长和危害程度大,新记录种和有毒赤潮多等特点。并就其成因进行了研究,认为:①广东沿海赤潮种类繁多是赤潮发生的重要原因;②海洋污染和海水养殖业的自身污染是赤潮发生频繁的根本原因;③与季风转换有关密切联系,广东沿海赤潮主要发生在东北季风向西南季风转换时期的3  相似文献   

藻类污染生物防治新策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1 水体藻类污染生物防治的必要性近些年来由于污染造成的环境恶化逐步加重 ,水体藻类污染的程度也逐年加深。赤潮或水华 (RedtideorBloom)在全球范围内频繁出现是藻类污染程度加深的直接反映。我国在 1 933年到 1 979年的 46年中仅发生过 1 2次赤潮 ,而 1 990年到 1 994年的 5年中就发生了 1 39次赤潮 ,藻类污染灾害日趋严重。赤潮可以造成海水pH值升高 ,粘稠度增大 ,改变浮游生物的生态系统群落结构。当赤潮藻类过度密集或死亡腐解时 ,又造成了海域大面积的缺氧 ,甚至无氧。藻细胞代谢及腐解又会产生大量有害气体和毒素 (…  相似文献   

由暨南大学、中国科学院海洋所、国家海洋局南海分局和中山大学等联合申请的国家自然科学基金重大项目“中国东南沿海赤潮发生机理研究”已论证通过资助。亦潮是由甲藻、硅藻、蓝藻和夜光藻等海洋浮游生物在适宜的条件下,短时间内突发性地大量增殖,密集于海面,使海水相应地变成红色、褐色或其他颜色的一种自然现象。科学家认为赤潮是至今尚难预测的一种海洋生物性的自然灾害。赤潮的危害毒化水质而导致海洋生物大量死亡。如果赤潮恰好发生在水产养殖区、  相似文献   

为了探究外来船舶压载舱沉积物中甲藻休眠包囊的种类组成及外来甲藻入侵风险, 本文根据包囊及其萌发细胞的形态特征辅以分子生物学信息对江阴港5艘外来船舶压载舱沉积物中的活体甲藻休眠包囊的种类进行鉴定和分析。共鉴定出甲藻休眠包囊29种(不含3种未鉴定种), 包括膝沟藻类、钙甲藻类、裸甲藻类、翼甲藻类以及原多甲藻类, 活体休眠包囊密度介于0.73-44.3 cysts/g DW。其中塔玛亚历山大藻复合种(Alexandrium tamarense species complex)、网状原角藻(Protoceratium reticulatum)、具刺膝沟藻(Gonyaulax spinifera)等有毒有害甲藻的包囊在取样的5艘船舶中均有发现。此外还发现了多种中国近海未报道的甲藻包囊种类, 其中一种经过分子手段确定为异常亚历山大藻(Alexandrium insuetum)包囊, 萌发和培养实验表明该种包囊能够在中国近海萌发并增殖, 有潜在的入侵风险和暴发赤潮的可能性。  相似文献   

Promotion of harmful algal blooms by zooplankton predatory activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitra A  Flynn KJ 《Biology letters》2006,2(2):194-197
The relationship between algae and their zooplanktonic predators typically involves consumption of nutrients by algae, grazing of the algae by zooplankton which in turn enhances predator biomass, controls algal growth and regenerates nutrients. Eutrophication raises nutrient levels, but does not simply increase normal predator-prey activity; rather, harmful algal bloom (HAB) events develop often with serious ecological and aesthetic implications. Generally, HAB species are outwardly poor competitors for nutrients, while their development of grazing deterrents during nutrient stress ostensibly occurs too late, after the nutrients have largely been consumed already by fast-growing non-HAB species. A new mechanism is presented to explain HAB dynamics under these circumstances. Using a multi-nutrient predator-prey model, it is demonstrated that these blooms can develop through the self-propagating failure of normal predator-prey activity, resulting in the transfer of nutrients into HAB growth at the expense of competing algal species. Rate limitation of this transfer provides a continual level of nutrient stress that results in HAB species exhibiting grazing deterrents protecting them from top-down control. This process is self-stabilizing as long as nutrient demand exceeds supply, maintaining the unpalatable status of HABs; such events are most likely under eutrophic conditions with skewed nutrient ratios.  相似文献   

The occurrences of harmful algal blooms (HABs), in terms of frequency and area in the Chinese coastal waters, have been increasing since 1980s and caused considerable economic losses. In the present study, we have analyzed spatial and seasonal characteristics of HAB events in the southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea along Chinese coast from 1933 to 2004. With a total 435 HAB records, the most frequent HAB occurrence area (FHA) is off the Yangtze River mouth and another two FHA areas are located south of the Yangtze River estuary along about isobaths of 30–60 m coastal water in the East China Sea. The time of HAB occurrence shifted during our study period: from autumn (August–October) before 1980s to July–August in 1980s, during May–July in 1990s, and May–June for the period of 2000–2004. Causative species were found to be different: Noctiluca scintillans and Skeletonema costatum were dominant causative species prior to 2000; and Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu was dominant from 2000 to 2004 and also caused large blooms in May. Trichodesmium sp. caused many HABs in autumn (August–October) prior to 1980s with only one HAB between 1980 and 2004. The changes of the dominant HAB species may have affected the timings of HAB occurrence, as well as the increasing HAB-affected areas in recent years.  相似文献   

Di Jin  Porter Hoagland   《Harmful algae》2008,7(6):772-781
In this study, we develop a framework for measuring the value of harmful algal bloom (HAB) predictions. The framework captures the effects of both private and public responses to HABs. Using data from the New England nearshore commercial shellfish fishery and impact estimates for a large-scale HAB event in 2005, we illustrate how the potential value of HAB forecasts may be estimated. The results of our study suggest that the long-term value of a HAB prediction and tracking system for the Gulf of Maine is sensitive to the frequency of HAB events, the accuracy of predictions, the choice of HAB impact measures, and the effectiveness of public and private responses.  相似文献   

The ecological factors driving the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HAB) have been traditionally analysed from a hydrological point of view, whereas the interplay between atmospheric oscillations and HAB has been scarcely explored. Here we address the possible link between atmospheric oscillations in SW Europe, using as proxies the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO) indices and the interannual variability in HAB. The yearly series (1973–2005) of mortality of water birds and fish in Doñana National Park (SW Spain) due to toxins associated with the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, and the monthly incidence (January 1999 to December 2007) of the paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin produced by the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum in the Rías Baixas (NW Spain), were selected as models of HAB in SW Europe. The incidences of both toxic algal events were fitted to a binary logistic regression as a function of the atmospheric oscillation indices (with different delays in accordance with each toxic event) and a favourability function was then computed. The favourability for the wildlife mortality in Doñana National Park was as a function of the AO averaged for the summer period (June–August) whereas the favourability for the incidence of PSP in the Rías Baixas was a function of the NAO recorded 1 month before the event. Since HAB have a relevant impact on ecosystems and human health, there is great interest in deciphering the ecological conditions favouring these events. Here we show that the atmospheric oscillations could be drivers of ecological processes linked to the occurrence of HAB in SW Europe. Moreover, the favourability functions relating NAO and AO indices with algal toxic events in SW Europe could be used as a powerful tool to predict toxic events.  相似文献   

有害藻华预警预测技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来有害藻华频繁发生且危害严重,对有害藻华预警预测技术的研究可为有害藻华的预警预报、生态学防治及防灾减灾提供借鉴.本文从有害藻华的运动预测预警、指标临界值预警、数据驱动模型和生态数学模型4个方面介绍了国内外有害藻华的预警技术研究进展,分析了各类预警技术的优劣,并提出了基于细胞特征预测蓝藻生长速率以及基于藻类群落特征预警蓝藻水华的新思路.  相似文献   

Qi  Yuzao  Chen  Jufang  Wang  Zhaohui  Xu  Ning  Wang  Yan  Shen  Pingping  Lu  Songhui  Hodgkiss  I.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,512(1-3):209-214
The year 1998 was an unusual year for Guangdong Province and Hong Kong, both in southern China, as the frequency and intensity of harmful algal blooms (HAB) were much higher than usual. This paper describes the causative organisms found associated with these blooms and speculates on the possible causes of these blooms, including the effects of increased temperature, reduced salinity, eutrophication and meteorological and oceanographic events on the initiation and spread of these blooms.  相似文献   

潘刚  段舜山  徐宁 《生态科学》2007,26(5):460-465
海洋水色遥感已成为赤潮探测与监测的重要技术手段之一。文章回顾了赤潮卫星遥感技术的发展历程,阐述了水色遥感的原理--水体的离水辐射及其光谱特征。着重论述了高光谱卫星在赤潮水色遥感中的作用,通过大气校正减少大气和气溶胶对遥感信息的衰减,同时就赤潮发生的海洋学机理进行了探讨。综合分析后指出中分辨率成像光谱辐射计(MODIS)作为图谱合一的新一代卫星传感器将在赤潮的卫星监测研究中发挥及其重要的作用。并对今后赤潮遥感的主攻方向提出了一些建议:拓宽遥感数据来源,与地理信息系统技术结合及加强赤潮的预警研究等。  相似文献   

山东海域赤潮灾害特征及预警报管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
掌握赤潮灾害时空分布规律是科学设计赤潮监控方案、提高防灾管理效率的基础和依据。本文统计分析了1990—2010年间山东海域的76次赤潮灾害事件数据。结果表明:赤潮灾害频率显著地分为4个波段,且峰值呈递增趋势;灾害面积呈现周期性倒U型曲线变化;每年的5—10月是赤潮灾害的多发期,其中,8月的灾害次数和灾害面积均占全年总数的30%以上;灾害空间分布集中在莱州湾海域、青岛近海、庙岛群岛的北隍城海域,烟台四十里湾的赤潮灾害最频繁;夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)和球型棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)引发的赤潮灾害面积最高,夜光藻和红色裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sanguineum)致灾次数最多。本文从赤潮监测与信息采集、赤潮预报方法以及赤潮灾害预警报管理机制3个方面分析总结了山东海域赤潮灾害预警报业务化管理现状,结合山东海域赤潮灾害特征和预警报管理实践,提出了以控制污染和修复生态环境为根本的赤潮防控建议。  相似文献   

The parasitic dinoflagellates in the genus of Amoebophrya can infect broad ranges of planktonic dinoflagellates, and transform algal biomass into organic matter that can be recycled within the planktonic community. The ecological significance of Amoebophrya spp. during harmful algal bloom (HAB) events was gradually recognized along with revelation of its host specificity and diversity in picoplankton communities. The eutrophicated coastal waters of China are frequently affected by HABs, particularly in Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and the adjacent East China Sea; while, no research has been conducted to explore the ecological roles of parasitism during HAB events and the related dinoflagellate bloom dynamics. For the first time, we confirmed the presence of Amoebophrya infections in the planktonic community of this region; six species of dinoflagellates were infected, including Ceratium tripos, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Gonyaulax spinifera, Gymnodinium sp., Gonyaulax sp. and an Alexandrium sp. Molecular sequences retrieved from environmental water samples revealed high genetic diversity of Amoebophryidae-like organisms in the water column. Amoebophrya-infected dinoflagellates were only observed in high salinity (>20) stations suggesting that salinity may be a factor limiting the distribution of Amoebophyra infections in natural environment. Whereas, no evidence of Amoebophrya infection was observed in the bloom-forming species Karenia mikimotoi, suggesting that K. mikimotoi in this region was likely free of Amoebophridae infection.  相似文献   

有害赤潮藻对浮游动物影响的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
有害赤潮藻对浮游动物的影响在赤潮危害的研究中越来越受到关注,本文综述了有害赤潮藻对浮游动物的毒害作用,主要表现为影响浮游动物的存活和生长,降低母体的产卵力、卵的受精率或受精卵的孵化率以及减慢胚胎发育或造成畸形,影响幼体的正常发育,抑制浮游动物的摄食和改变其正常行为等;这些毒害作用主要是由赤潮藻产生的藻毒素或其它一些胞外渗出物通过降低浮游动物对食物的利用率、造成生理损伤、破坏细胞膜、降低亲体产生的配子质量、抑制有丝分裂和胚胎发育等造成的.某些赤潮藻营养成分单一如缺乏多不饱和脂肪酸,也会对浮游动物的生长繁殖产生影响.  相似文献   

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