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The structure of the O-polysaccharide of Proteus mirabilis CCUG 10705 (OF) was determined by chemical analyses along with one- and two-dimensional (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy. The polysaccharide was found to contain an amide of D-galacturonic acid with L-alanine and based on the uniqueness of the O-polysaccharide structure and serological data, it was suggested to classify P. mirabilis OF into a new separate Proteus serogroup, O74. A weak cross-reactivity of P. mirabilis OF and P. mirabilis O5 was observed and accounted for by a similarity of their O-repeating units. The following structure of the polysaccharide of P. mirabilis OF was established: [chemical structure: see text]  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Providencia stuartii O43:H28 and studied by sugar and methylation analyses, Smith degradation and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D ROESY, and H-detected 1H, 13C HSQC and HMBC experiments, as well as a NOESY experiment in a 9:1 H2O/D2O mixture to reveal correlations for NH protons. It was found that the polysaccharide is built up of linear tetrasaccharide repeating units containing an amide of D-galacturonic acid with L-serine [D-GalA6(L-Ser)] and has the following structure:[3)-beta-D-GalpA6(L-Ser)-(1-->3)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Rhap4NAc-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcpA-(1-->]n.  相似文献   

An O-specific polysaccharide was isolated by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Proteus vulgaris O45 and studied by sugar and methylation analyses along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, H-detected 1H,13C HSQC and HMBC experiments. The following structure of the pentasaccharide repeating unit of the polysaccharide was established:-->6)-alpha-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalpNAc-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalpA-(1-->3)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-beta-D-Fucp3NAc4Ac-(1-->where Fuc3NAc4Ac is 3-acetamido-4-O-acetyl-3,6-dideoxygalactose. A cross-reactivity of anti-P. vulgaris O45 serum was observed with several other Proteus lipopolysaccharides, which contains Fuc3N derivatives.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Proteus vulgaris TG 155 was found to contain 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-mannose (N-acetyl-L-rhamnosamine, L-RhaNAc), a monosaccharide that occurs rarely in Nature. The following structure of the O-polysaccharide was established by NMR spectroscopy, including 2D COSY, TOCSY, ROESY and 1H,13C HSQC experiments, along with chemical methods: [carbohydrate structure in text] Rabbit polyclonal O-antiserum against P. vulgaris TG 155 reacted with both core and O-polysaccharide moieties of the homologous LPS but showed no cross-reactivity with other LPS from the complete set of serologically different Proteus strains. Based on the unique O-polysaccharide structure and the serological data, we propose classifying P. vulgaris TG 155 into a new, separate Proteus O-serogroup, O55.  相似文献   

An acidic O-specific polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Proteus vulgaris O15 and studied by sugar and methylation analyses along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, and H-detected 1H,(13)C HMQC experiments. The polysaccharide was found to contain an ether of GlcNAc with lactic acid, and the following structure of the repeating unit was established:-->3)-alpha-D-GlcpNAc4(R-Lac)6Ac-(1-->2)-beta-D-GlcpA-(1-->3)-alpha-L-6dTalp2Ac-(1-->3)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->where L-6dTal and D-GlcNAc4(R-Lac) are 6-deoxy-L-talose and 2-acetamido-4-O-[(R)-1-carboxyethyl]-2-deoxy-D-glucose, respectively. The latter sugar, which to our knowledge has not been hitherto found in nature, was isolated from the polysaccharide by solvolysis with anhydrous triflic acid and identified by comparison with the authentic synthetic compound. Serological studies with the Smith-degraded polysaccharide showed an importance of 2-substituted GlcA for manifesting of the immunospecificity of P. vulgaris O15.  相似文献   

An O-polysaccharide was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella enterica O41, and the following structure of the O-unit was determined by chemical analyses along with 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy:→2)-β-d-Manp-(1→4)-α-d-Glcp-(1→3)-α-l-QuipNAc-(1→3)-α-d-GlcpNAc-(1→where QuiNAc stands for 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxyglucose. The structure established is in agreement with the O-antigen gene cluster of S. enterica O41 and tentative assignment of the gene functions reported earlier.  相似文献   

An O-polysaccharide was isolated by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Proteus vulgaris O42 and studied by sugar and methylation analyses along with 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy. The following structure of the polysaccharide having a linear pentasaccharide phosphate repeating unit was established: -->3)-alpha-L-FucpNAc4Ac-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glcp-1-P-(O-->4)-alpha-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->3)-alpha-L-FucpNAc4Ac-(1-->3))-alpha-D-GlcpNAc6Ac-(1--> where the degree of O-acetylation is approximately 80% on GlcNAc and approximately 40% on each of the FucNAc residues. A weak serological cross-reaction of anti-P. vulgaris O42 serum with the lipopolysaccharide of P. vulgaris O39 was observed and accounted for by the sharing of a disaccharide fragment of the O-polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide of the lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas putida FERM P-18867 was found to contain D-mannose and D-rhamnose and have the following structure of the trisaccharide repeating unit:-->2)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Rhap-(1-->3)-beta-D-Manp-(1-->  相似文献   

On mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Proteus vulgaris O34, strain CCUG 4669, the O-polysaccharide was cleaved at a glycosyl-phosphate linkage that is present in the main chain. The resultant phosphorylated oligosaccharides and an alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide were studied by sugar and methylation analyses along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and the following structure of the branched tetrasaccharide phosphate repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide was established: [carbohydrate structure: see text]The O-polysaccharide of Proteus mirabilis strain TG 276 was found to have the same structure and, based on the structural and serological data, this strain was proposed to be classified into the same Proteus serogroup O34.  相似文献   

The addition of L-alanine reduced lactate dehydrogenase leakage from primary cultured rat hepatocytes treated with galactosamine (D-gal), while D-alanine and other amino acids did not. However, the mechanisms have not yet been entirely clarified. In this study, we used various inhibitors of metabolism, i.e., aminooxyacetate, oligomycin, and quinolinic acid, to examine the relation between this protective effect and the metabolism of L-alanine. Quinolinic acid (10 mM) did not affect the hepatoprotective effect of L-alanine, while oligomycin (0.1 mug/ml) and aminooxyacetate (1 mM) eliminated the hepatoprotective effect of L-alanine. L-Alanine also increased the albumin secretion by cultured hepatocytes treated with D-gal, while pyruvate had little effect. It was revealed that the intracellular content of pyruvate did not increase as a result of addition of L-alanine. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that L-alanine metabolism is important for hepatoprotection, but pyruvate cannot be used as a substitute for L-alanine.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide of Citrobacter youngae O1, strain PCM 1492 was degraded with acid or alkali under mild conditions, and the resultant polysaccharide was isolated by GPC and studied by sugar and methylation analyses and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies, including 2D COSY, TOCSY, NOESY and 1H, 13C HSQC experiments. The following structure of the branched tetrasaccharide repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide was established: [structure: see text] where substitution with the alpha-D-Ribf group is nonstoichiometric. This group occurs rarely in bacterial polysaccharides and is easily cleaved under mild acidic conditions. Studies with polyclonal rabbit antisera against whole cells of C. youngae PCM 1492 and PCM 1506 showed the serological identity of the lipopolysaccharides of C. youngae PCM 1492, PCM 1493 and PCM 1506, which are classified in serogroup O1.  相似文献   

An acidic O-polysaccharide was isolated by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli O112ab and studied by sugar analysis along with (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy. The O-polysaccharide was found to contain a rarely occurring sugar component, L-iduronic acid (L-IdoA), and the following structure of the branched pentasaccharide repeating unit was established: [structure: see text].  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide (O-antigen) was obtained by mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of Providencia stuartii O57:H29. Studies by sugar and methylation analyses along with (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy, including two-dimensional (1)H,(1)H COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, H-detected (1)H,(13)C HSQC, and HMBC experiments, showed that the polysaccharide contains an amide of D-galacturonic acid with L-alanine and has the following pentasaccharide repeating unit: [formula: see text]  相似文献   

6-O-(L-Tyrosylglycyl)- and 6-O-(L-tyrosylglycylglycyl)-D-glucopyranose were synthesized by condensation of the pentachlorophenyl esters of the respective di- and tripeptide with fully unprotected D-glucose. The intramolecular reactivity of the sugar conjugates was studied in pyridine-acetic acid and in dry methanol, at various temperatures and for various incubation times. The composition of the incubation mixtures was monitored by a reversed-phase HPLC method that permits simultaneous analysis of the disappearance of the starting material and the appearance of rearrangement and degradation products. To determine the influence of esterification of the peptide carboxy group on its amino group reactivity, parallel experiments were done in which free peptides were, under identical reaction conditions, incubated with D-glucose (molar ratios 1:1 and 1:5). Depending on the starting compound, different types of Amadori products (cyclic and bicyclic form), methyl ester of peptides, and Tyr-Gly-diketopiperazine were obtained.  相似文献   

Base-catalysed isomerisation of aldoses of the arabino and lyxo series in aluminate solution has been investigated. L-Arabinose and D-galactose give L-erythro-2-pentulose (L-ribulose) and D-lyxo-2-hexulose (D-tagatose), respectively, in good yields, whereas lower reactivity is observed for 6-deoxy-D-galactose (D-fucose). From D-lyxose, D-mannose and 6-deoxy-L-mannose (L-rhamnose) are obtained mixtures of ketoses and C-2 epimeric aldoses. Small amounts of the 3-epimers of the ketoses were also formed. 6-Deoxy-L-arabino-2-hexulose (6-deoxy-L-fructose) and 6-deoxy-L-glucose (L-quinovose) were formed in low yields from 6-deoxy-L-mannose and isolated as their O-isopropylidene derivatives. Explanations of the differences in reactivity and course of the reaction have been suggested on the basis of steric effects.  相似文献   

Mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide of the bacterium Idiomarina zobellii, type strain KMM 231T, with aq 2% HOAc at 100 degrees C, yielded an oligosaccharide, which represents one repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide. A polysaccharide was obtained by mild base degradation of the lipopolysaccharide. The following structure of the O-polysaccharide was elucidated by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy of the oligosaccharide and base-degraded lipopolysaccharide, including COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, 1H, 13C HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY and HMBC experiments: [-->3)-alpha-D-Quip4N-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcpA-(1-->6)-alpha-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->4)-alpha-L-GulpNA-(1-->3)-beta-D-FucpNAc-(1-->] The O-polysaccharide is distinguished by the presence of two unusual amino sugars, 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-glucose (D-Qui4N) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-L-guluronic acid (L-GulNA), both having the free amino group. The unexpectedly high acid lability of the glycosidic linkage of 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (D-FucNAc) could be associated with the presence of a free amino group adjacent to the site of attachment of FucNAc to Qui4N.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide of Aeromonas hydrophila O:34 was obtained by mild-acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide and studied by chemical methods and NMR spectroscopy before and after O-deacetylation. The polysaccharide was found to contain D-Man, D-GalNAc and 6-deoxy-L-talose (L-6dTal), and the following structure of the tetrasaccharide repeating unit was established [carbohydrate structure see text] where 6dTal(I) is O-acetylated stoichiometrically at position-2 and 6dTal(II) carries no, one or two O-acetyl groups at any positions.  相似文献   

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