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According to reproductive strategy theory, males in polygamousbreeding systems should invest in morphological or behavioralfeatures that increase reproductive success. When the earlydevelopment of such traits conflicts with predator protection,we expect that male calves will exhibit risk-taking behavior,such as high activity level and increasing distance from mother,to a greater extent than female calves. We investigated sexdifferences in mother–calf distance, calf activity levels,and calf mortality in a semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifertarandus) population. The results show that male calves strayfarther away from their mothers, exhibit a higher level of locomotivebehavior in terms of play and walking, and are more vulnerableto predation than are female calves. Although mother–calfdistance increased over time in 1- to 6-month-old calves, noevidence was apparent for an increase in sex difference in mother–calfdistance over this period. The results suggest a trade-off betweenpredation vulnerability and investments in behavioral traitsthought to be important for future reproductive success andsuggest that these sex-related differences in behavior are apparentas early as 6 months of age.  相似文献   

Whether male competition and female choice act in concert, independently,or in opposition is a critical issue for understanding sexualselection. In complex social systems, the outcomes of pairwiseinteractions may not be accurate indicators of how sexual selectionemerges. We investigated how female choice and male competitioninteract in the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei, in a 3-stagedexperiment where 1) females could choose between 2 males, 2)those males could interact in the presence of that female, and3) females and males could freely interact and spawn. In thepairwise stages (1 and 2), females displayed pronounced preferencesbetween males and male competition produced a distinctly dominantindividual. None of the morphological traits, including color,measured in males were associated with either female preferenceor male dominance. When all 3 fish interacted (stage 3), maleactivity level was the sole predictor of spawning success. Maleswith elevated activity levels were more aggressive toward malesand females, exhibited intensified courtship, and obtained morespawns. Female preference did not predict the number of spawnswith a male, but it did predict her latency to spawn; femalesspawned more quickly with preferred males. Thus, male competitionand female choice interact to determine reproductive success,but there is evidence for conflict and a cost to females ofassociating with dominant males. Reproductive success in thisspecies is not easily predicted from simple measures of morphologyor female preference and is influenced by complex social interactions,both between males, and between males and females.  相似文献   

Animals are expected to trade-off current and future reproductionin order to maximize lifetime reproductive success. Old individualsmay accept higher risks during courtship and mate choice astheir residual reproductive value (RRV) diminishes (the terminalinvestment hypothesis). Alternatively, young individuals maybe forced to take higher risks during courtship to compensatefor their lower competitiveness and/or attractiveness (the compensationhypothesis). In this study, we used the sex-role reversed pipefishSyngnathus typhle to test how mate choice and courtship behaviorof males with different RRV were affected by an increase inpredation risk. Males of different ages were given the opportunityto court and choose between 2 partners. In half of the trials,a predator was present in a separate aquarium. We found no supportfor the terminal investment hypothesis: no difference in responseto the increased predation risk by males of different ages wasevident. In agreement with the compensation hypothesis, youngmales invested more in courtship behavior compared with oldermales. In addition, in the absence of a predator, we found thata high female activity was important for male mate choice decisions.During increased predation risk, this relationship was, however,reversed and males preferred less active, and thus less conspicuous,partners. This suggests that both female activity and size areimportant factors for male mating decisions in this speciesand that these decisions mainly are affected by predation riskand advantages in mate acquisition.  相似文献   

We tested for facultative changes in behavior of an aquaticinsect in response to cues from predation and for evolutionof prey behavior in response to experimental predation regimes.Larvae of the tree hole mosquito Aedes triseriatus reducedfiltering, browsing, and time below the surface in responseto water that had held a feeding larva of the predator Toxorhynchitesrutilus. We subjected experimental A. triseriatus populationsto culling of 50% of the larval population, either by T. rutiluspredation or by random removal. After two generations of laboratoryculling, behavior of the two treatment groups diverged. Aedestriseriatus in control-culled lines retained their facultativeshift from filtering to resting, but tended to lose the response of reduced browsing below the surface in water that had helda feeding predator. Predator-culled lines lost their facultativeresponse of reduced filtering in water that had held a feedingpredator and evolved toward more time resting and less timefiltering in both water that had held a feeding predator andwater that had held only A. triseriatus. Predator-culled linesretained their facultative response of reduced browsing belowthe surface in water that had held a feeding predator. Twofield populations and their reciprocal hybrids responded similarlyto cues from predation and did not differ in their evolutionaryresponse to experimental culling. We conclude that consistentpresence or absence of predation can select rapidly for divergencein prey behavior, including facultative behavioral responsesto predators.  相似文献   

Is mating of copepods associated with increased risk of predation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In laboratory experiments, we tested whether the cyclopoid copepodCyclops vicinus is more vulnerable to predation by juvenile(young-of-the-year) roach (Rutilus rutilus) and/or larvae ofthe phantom midge Chaoborus flavicans during mating than individualadult copepods of the same species. We also tested whether C.vicinusavoided mating, displayed shorter mating times and/or loweractivity when a predator (Chaoborus) was present, or when exposedto water in which predators (Chaoborus) were previously held.Fish ate the same quantity of pairs in copulation and individualegg-bearing females but significantly fewer females withouteggs. Chaoborus ate similar quantities of pairs and femalesbut fewer males. Pairs in copulation and egg-bearing femaleswere detected earlier by fish than individual non-ovigerousfemales or males, and pairs in copulation were captured mosteasily by fish. Cyclops vicinus mated less often when Chaoboruslarvae were present than in water in which Chaoborus was previouslyheld, or in pure tap water. However, predator presence or exposureto predator-treated water had no effect on (i.e. did not reduce)mating duration. Activity of C.vicinus pairs during copulationwas significantly lower when a predator was present, or in predator-treatedwater, than in pure tap water, and activity of pairs decreasedwith increasing activity of the predator. Although our experimentswere carried out under artificial conditions which cannot betransferred to the complex conditions in the field, they suggestthat mating in copepods is dangerous and that copepods haveevolved particular strategies to reduce the risk of predationduring mating.  相似文献   

We conducted a two-part study to assets predator avoidance byreproductive male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelos) subjectedto predation threat from northern pike (Esox lucius). First,we determined if patterns of nest use by egg-guarding male minnowsin a boreal lake were related to pike densities. We samplednorthern pike and identified four areas of "high pike-density"and three areas of "low pike-density." We censused natural nestsand placed nest boards in these areas. We found eggs on naturalnests more frequently in areas with low densities of pike thanin areas with high densities of pike. However, we could notfully explain the distribution of nests by predation risk. Second,we evaluated the behavioral response of egg-guarding males toa control stimulus (a piece of wood) or a live pike in a wirecage. We used time to return to the nest after a stimulus asa measure of risk taking. Males took different amounts of riskbased on predation threat; males in the predator treatment tooklonger to return to their nests than control males. Risk takingwas not related to the number or age of the eggs but to distanceto nearest egg-guarding neighbor; males with close neighborsreturned sooner than more isolated males. Males in the predatortreatment had lower total activity and egg rubbing than controlmales after they returned to their nests. We conclude that malefathead minnows altered their reproductive behavior in waysthat reduced predation risk, but the cost of predator avoidancemight include egg predation, lost mating opportunities, or usurpationof nests  相似文献   

Bird song often varies geographically, and when this geographicvariation has distinct boundaries, the shared song types arereferred to as song dialects. We investigated the role of songdialect in male mating success in a wild breeding populationof mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrysoriantha). In 2 of 3 years, males singing unusual songs ("nonlocal"males) had lower total fertilization success (measured by microsatellitepaternity analysis) than did males singing the local dialect ("local" males). Similarly, females produced disproportionately more young with local than with nonlocal males. However, dialectwas not a significant predictor of male mating success whencontrolling for other factors that might affect paternity.Instead, the low mating success of nonlocal males was apparentlydue to an interaction between song dialect and parasite load.Nonlocal males were more severely infected by bloodborne Haemoproteusthan were local males, although they did not differ in anyother measured aspect of quality. Immigrant birds may be immunologically disadvantaged, possibly due to a lack of previous experiencewith the local parasite fauna, resulting in low mating success.  相似文献   

Male mating strategies under predation risk: do females call the shots?   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Many authors have reported that, under elevated risk of predation,male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) alter their behavior fromcourtship to forced copulation (gonopodial thrusts not precededby sigmoid displays). This shift is presumed to benefit thebrightly colored male, whose intense courting activity mightotherwise increase his risk of detection and attack by predators.However, there is some evidence that females engaged in reproductiveactivity with males may be even more vulnerable to predatorsthan the males themselves, which suggests an alternative hypothesis:females in high-risk situations are less receptive to male courtship,and this leads males to change their behavior. We tested thishypothesis by providing either males and females separately,or both sexes concurrently, with information about elevatedpredation risk from a cichlid (Crenicichla sp.). We found thatwhen only females were provided with information about increased risk,males performed fewer courtship displays and fewer thrusts.They did not perform more forced copulations in any treatmentgroup. Nonetheless, our results suggest that the female's perceptionof predation risk can be at least as important as the male'sin changing male mating behavior.  相似文献   

Male courtship displays and bright coloration are usually assumedto provide information to females about some aspect of themale's value as a mate. However, in some species, courtshipmay serve another function—namely, indicating the currentpredation risk at the mating site and assuring the female thatit is safe to mate there at this time. We developed this safetyassurance hypothesis (SAH) and tested its predictions in thebluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum), a Caribbean reef fish. Females in this species come to males' territories to spawn,and males court each arriving female. Males with larger whiteflank patches court less intensely than less bright males.We show that such males are probably more visible to predatorsand thus need not court so intensely to provide the same degreeof safety assurance to a female. When model lizardfish predatorsare presented at spawning sites, males habituate to them quickly,but newly arriving females who see the predator are expectedto demand more assurance of site safety. Accordingly, and consistentwith the SAH, males court females more intensely (longer averagecourtship bout length) under such circumstances, but maleswith bright flank patches do not increase their courtship asmuch as duller males do. Despite this relatively low intensityof courtship, the spawning rate of bright males does not declinerelative to that of duller males in the presence of a predator,suggesting that bright coloration conveys a differential benefit.Females of species like the bluehead wrasse, who spawn repeatedlyover the course of their life, are expected to be more concernedwith their own risk of mortality during each spawning boutthan with the quality of a particular male. It is in such speciesthat we expect the SAH to be most applicable.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that territory owners will help established neighbours to repel intruders, when doing so is less costly than renegotiating boundaries with successful usurpers of neighbouring territories. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, cooperative territory defence between heterospecific male neighbours in the fiddler crabs Uca elegans and Uca mjoebergi. We show experimentally that resident U. elegans were equally likely to help a smaller U. mjoebergi or U. elegans neighbour during simulated intrusions by intermediate sized U. elegans males (50% of cases for both). Helping was, however, significantly less likely to occur when the intruder was a U. mjoebergi male (only 15% of cases).  相似文献   

We found evidence that a nematode (Skrjabinoclava morrisoni) adaptivelymanipulates the behavior of its intermediate host (the amphipod Corophiumvolutator) to increase its likelihood of transmission to itsfinal host (the semipalmated sandpiper, Calidris pusilla). We foundthat male and female amphipods parasitized by nematodes increasedtheir surface activity in the field during daytime, but notduring nighttime hours. Increased surface activity is knownto increase susceptibility of amphipods to predation by sandpipersduring the day, but not at night, when sandpipers do not feedvisually. Also, as predicted by the manipulation hypothesis,only late-stage (infective) larvae of nematodes were associatedwith behavioral changes of amphipods. We found no evidence thatparasites were associated with other amphipod behaviors in thelaboratory, such as trail complexity, distance traveled, orburrow-probing activity of crawling males as would be expectedif parasitized hosts altered their own behavior. Survivorshipof amphipods was also unaffected by parasitism, which may favorparasite transmission. Thus, behavioral changes of parasitizedhosts were simple, and their expression was context-dependentand related to likelihood of predation. We argue that maturationtimes of nematodes in relation to migration schedules of sandpipers providea narrow window of opportunity and may explain why nematodes manipulateamphipod behavior.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment by males has been reported from several live-bearingfishes (Poeciliidae) and has been shown to inflict costs onfemales. For example, poeciliid females have reduced feedingopportunities when accompanied by a male because females dedicateattention to avoiding male copulation attempts. Poeciliid speciesdiffer considerably in male mating behavior, such as the presenceor absence of courtship. Courting males display in front ofthe females, but males attempting to sneak-copulate approachfemales from behind, that is, in the blind portion of theirvisual field, and force copulations, which can be viewed asa male persistence trait. We predicted that poeciliid femalesneed to be more vigilant in the presence of noncourting males,and costs of harassment by noncourting males might be stronger.In a comparative approach we examined the costs of male sexualharassment for females as reduced feeding time in 9 speciesof live-bearing fishes, including courting (Poecilia latipinna,Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus cortezi, Xiphophorus variatus)and noncourting species (Poecilia mexicana [surface- and cave-dwellingform], Poecilia orri, Gambusia affinis, Gambusia geiseri, Heterandriaformosa). In all species examined except for the cave form ofP. mexicana, focal females spent significantly less time feedingin the presence of a male than when together with another female.The time females spent feeding was found to significantly declinewith increasing male mating activity (sum of all sexual behaviors),but there was no support for the idea that females would spendmore time feeding in the presence of courting males comparedwith noncourting ones.  相似文献   

The costs of parasitism to host reproduction can be best assessedusing field studies to determine overall mating success andexperimental studies to examine how parasites may affect matingbehavior. We compared the influence of two parasites, Polymorphusparadoxus and P. marilis (Acanthocephala), on the pairing successof their intermediate host (Gammarus lacustris, Crustacea) inboth the field and laboratory. Parasitism significantly loweredthe pairing success of male gammarids. In the field, P. paradoxus-infectedmales paired significantly less often than P. marilis-infectedor uninfected males. Those infected by P. marilis were alsofound in precopula significandy less often than uninfected ones.In the laboratory, the pairing success of males infected byeither parasite was significantly reduced in both competitiveand noncompetitive situations. As in the field studies, thepairing success of P. paradoxus-infected males was significantlylower than that of P. marilis-infected and uninfected males.Polymorphus marilis-infected males were also outcompeted byuninfected individuals, however, their pairing success improvedwhen alone with a female (noncompetitive experiments). We relatethe differential influence of the two parasites on the pairingsuccess of male gammarids to their effects on the physiologyand behavior of G. lacustris.  相似文献   

The costs of avoiding matings in the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mating is generally assumed to carry costs, particularly forfemales, which have to be traded off against each other andagainst the fitness benefits of mating. To understand any particularmating system and the evolution of sexual conflict, these costshave to be evaluated. Female dung flies, Sepsis cynipsea (Diptera:Sepsidae), typically attempt to dislodge mounted males by vigorousshaking. Such female reluctance to mate can only evolve if the cost of avoiding matings does not exceed the cost of copulation.We investigated female precopulatory costs of assessing andrejecting males in terms of increased predation, wing injuries,and (indirectly) energetics, all ultimately affecting mortality,and compared them to the costs of copulation assessed in thisand a companion study. Females housed with a male had lower survivorship than females housed with another female. This waslargely due to the costs of copulation rather than presumedenergetic costs of avoiding males, which were minor. Male harassmentaugmented female wing injuries, which accumulate with age inthe field and laboratory, but in laboratory experiments usingone common predator, wing injuries did not increase the susceptibility of S. cynipsea to predation, nor did their mating behavior perse. Instead, predation was highest and survivorship lowestin all-male groups, probably because males are more activein search of females and harass each other. Overall, the precopulatorycosts of mate assessment and rejection were low relative tothe costs of copulating, explaining female reluctance behavior in this and possibly other species.  相似文献   

Research on the role of parasites in sexual selection has focusedmainly on host mate choice favoring relatively unparasitizedmales. But parasites can also generate variance in host reproductivesuccess by influencing the ability of individual hosts to directlycompete among themselves for mates or fertilizations, a subjectarea that has received far less attention. We demonstrate experimentallythat parasitism by mites can drive sexual selection by way ofa novel mechanism involving male competition: physical inhibitionof host copulation. Mite resistance in natural populations isheritable, emphasizing the evolutionary potential of parasite-mediatedsexual selection in this system and indicating that femalesshould be receiving indirect fitness benefits as a result ofthis process. We show that parasitism by mites, Macrochelessubbadius, reduces mating success of male Drosophila nigrospiracula.Smaller males were more strongly compromised, identifying hostbody size as a tolerance trait. As parasite load increased,the rate at which males attempted to copulate but failed becauseof obstruction by mites increased. When mites were removed frominfested males, host mating success was restored. Thus, thephysical presence of the mites per se generates differentialmating success, in this case by interrupting the normal flowof mating behaviors. This study elucidates a potent mechanismof parasite-mediated sexual selection in a system wherein parasiteresistance is demonstrably heritable, and as such expands ourunderstanding of the evolutionary potential of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Although conspicuous visual sexual signals, such as bright colors,in males serve to attract females in numerous species, theymay also attract the attention of potential predators and thusmay be costly in terms of increasing individual risk of mortalityto predation. Most models of the evolution of extravagant malesexual traits and female preferences for them assume that thesexually preferred male trait is costly to produce and maintain.However, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence fordirect fitness costs associated with sexually selected visualtraits that enhance male mating success. In the present study,we report a direct fitness cost for sexually selected, brightbody-color patterns in males in the form of an associated greaterrisk of mortality to predation. By using the guppy (Poeciliareticulata) and the blue acara cichlid fish (Aequidens pulcher)as a model prey–predator system, we demonstrate experimentallythat individual cichlids preferentially and consistently approached,attacked, and captured the more brightly colored of two size-matchedmale guppies presented simultaneously in staged encounters.This resulted in the brightly colored male incurring, on average,a significantly higher risk of mortality given an encounterwith the predator than with the drabber male in matched pairs.Our results constitute strong behavioral evidence for a directviability cost associated with bright coloration in male guppies,and they corroborate the generally accepted paradigm that directionalpredation by visual fish predators against brightly colored,adult male guppies underlies the evolution of the known divergentcolor patterns in natural guppy populations that experiencedifferent intensities of predation. The viability cost associatedwith bright conspicuous coloration in male guppies potentiallyreinforces for females the reliability of this sexually selectedtrait as an indicator trait of male quality.  相似文献   

The mutualistic nature of cleaning symbioses has long remainedunconfirmed because of the difficulty in showing net benefitsfor clients. We have previously shown that cleaning gobies (Elacatinusspp.) within territories of Caribbean longfin damselfish (Stegastesdiencaeus) reduce the number of gnathiid isopod ectoparasiteson territory owners. We now investigate whether this benefitof being cleaned has reproductive consequences for male longfindamselfish. The mating success, rate of egg loss, and parentalaggression of 40 nest-guarding males were assessed during sixconsecutive monthly reproductive periods. Ten males had cleaningstations within their territory, 10 males were without cleaningstations, and 20 males initially with a cleaning station hadtheir cleaners removed half-way through the study. Ectoparasiteloads on our focal fish were very low; however, damselfish withcleaning stations still had significantly fewer ectoparasitesthan did fish without cleaning stations. There was, however,no significant difference in the number of eggs, clutches, orarea of clutches received, or in the number of eggs lost beforehatching between damselfish with and without cleaners. We alsofound no difference in parental male aggression between damselfishwith and without cleaners. We conclude that although ectoparasiteremoval appears to have no direct consequence for reproduction,at least for the levels of infestations observed on our studysite, it may still affect other aspects of damselfish fitnesssuch as survival.  相似文献   

Despite the important effects of diet and parasite infectionon male reproductive behavior, few studies have simultaneouslyaddressed their influence on intrasexual selection (male–malecompetition). We examined the synergistic effects of 2 naturallyvarying environmental factors, lifetime food intake and infection,with the monogenean parasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli on the matingtactics and foraging behavior of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata).We allowed fish to interact directly with each other duringobservations and found that unparasitized males won more intermalecontests, courted females more frequently, and received positiveresponses to courtship displays more frequently than males thathad been infected. Infected males devoted more time to foragingand less time to courtship and competition than uninfected males,suggesting that they were energetically limited and could notincrease reproductive effort despite their reduced expectedlifespan. This interpretation was supported by the observationthat greater food intake ameliorated the negative effects ofparasite infection on courtship effort. Our results have bearingon how natural variation in food availability and parasite prevalenceinfluence geographic variation in reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

We used morphological and breeding data from a 2-year fieldstudy of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to testthe hypothesis that males characterized by low levels of bilateralasymmetry (i.e., high developmental competence) realize a reproductiveadvantage. Specifically, we evaluated each of several distinctcomponents of male reproductive success relative to asymmetrymeasures made on five bilaterally paired characters. Resultsof a male removal experiment generally failed to support theprediction that symmetry would be associated with success incompetition for access to breeding territories: establishedterritory owners and nonterritorial replacement males were effectivelyindistinguishable in this regard. Similarly, there was no indicationthat symmetrical males were more likely to establish territoriesin high-quality marsh habitat than in marginal upland fieldhabitat. Finally, monitoring of breeding activity in high-qualityhabitat revealed that male symmetry was generally unrelatedto recruitment of social mates (i.e., harem size), the productivityof those mates (average female reproductive success), withinpairpaternity (assessed using DNA-based analysis of parentage),or extrapair mating success. Collectively these results indicatethat symmetry is not an important determinant of reproductivesuccess among individual male red-winged blackbirds. This observation,in combination with the results of several other recent investigations,suggests that the fitness consequences of subtle departuresfrom perfect symmetry may be less significant and/or less ubiquitousthan initially suggested.  相似文献   

Traits that increase the attractiveness of males to femalesoften make them more conspicuous to predators. In the fieldcricket (Gryllus lineaticeps), males are attacked by parasitoidtachinid flies (Ormia ochracea) that locate males through theircalls. Female flies larviposit on crickets and the larvae burrowinto and feed on the cricket, killing the cricket upon emergence.To determine whether traits preferred by females increase amale's risk of attracting a predator, I examined the effectof variation in male singing behavior on mate and predator attraction.Both female crickets and female flies preferred male callingsongs with higher chirp rates, longer chirp durations, and higherchirp amplitudes. In addition, both female crickets and femaleflies preferred male calling songs with higher chirp rates andlonger chirp durations, even when these songs were of loweramplitude. These results suggest that sexual selection by femalechoice will favor the evolution of higher chirp rates and longerchirp durations. However, call types that increase a male'sattractiveness to females also appear to increase a male's riskof attracting parasitoids. Sexual and natural selection appearto have opposing effects on the evolution of male singing behaviorin this species.[Behav Ecol 7: 279-285 (1996)]  相似文献   

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