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In socially monogamous species, pair-bonded males often continue to provide care to all offspring in their nests despite some degree of paternity loss due to female extra-pair copulation. Previous theoretical models suggested that females can use their within-pair offspring as ‘hostages'' to blackmail their social mates, so that they continue to provide care to the brood at low levels of cuckoldry. These models, however, rely on the assumption of sufficiently accurate male detection of cuckoldry and the reduction of parental effort in case of suspicion. Therefore, they cannot explain the abundant cases where cuckolded males continue to provide extensive care to the brood. Here we use an analytical population genetics model and an individual-based simulation model to explore the coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with two genetically determined alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs): sneakers that achieve paternity solely via extra-pair copulations and bourgeois that form a mating pair and spend some efforts in brood care. We show that when the efficiency of mate guarding is intermediate, the bourgeois males can evolve to ‘specialize'' in providing care by spending more than 90% of time in helping their females while guarding them as much as possible, despite frequent cuckoldry by the sneakers. We also show that when sneakers have tactic-specific adaptations and thus are more competitive than the bourgeois in gaining extra-pair fertilizations, the frequency of sneakers and the degrees of female fidelity and male help can fluctuate in evolutionary cycles. Our theoretical predictions highlight the need for further empirical tests in species with ARTs.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, females have offspring sired by males other than their social mate as the result of extra-pair copulations. While it is widely recognised that there is considerable variation in the frequency of extra-pair paternity between species, between populations of a species and between individuals of a population, determinants of this variation are surprisingly difficult to establish. With respect to individual variation within a population, it is an important step to test for male and female correlates of cuckoldry to better understand the patterns as well as the adaptive significance of extra-pair mating behaviour. Here, we analysed patterns of extra-pair paternity in relation to male age, female age and their interaction in the great tit Parus major, a socially monogamous passerine with a moderate frequency of extra-pair paternity. Based on a large sample of 316 genotyped first broods from five successive years, we failed to demonstrate interaction effects of male and female age on both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood that at least one extra-pair offspring is present within a brood. However, both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood of paternity loss were higher for yearling as compared to older males, while this was not the case for yearling vs. older females. Furthermore, the proportion of extra-pair offspring within a brood decreased with increasing age of the attending male in within-individual analyses. We found a comparable effect also for attending females in within-individual analyses, but only when excluding two individuals with 100% extra-pair paternity. A female (extra-pair) mating preference for older males and/or a limited ability of yearling males to prevent cuckoldry in their broods could explain these age-related patterns of paternity loss. Effect sizes, however, were not particularly large and substantial residual variation within age categories suggests the importance of further yet unidentified determinants of variation in paternity loss in the study population.  相似文献   

Although theory generally predicts that males should reduce paternal care in response to cues that predict increased sperm competition and decreased paternity, empirical patterns are equivocal. Some studies have found the predicted decrease in male care with increased sperm competition, while even more studies report no effect of paternity or sperm competition on male care. Here, we report the first example, to our knowledge, of paternal care increasing with the risk and intensity of sperm competition, in the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus). Theory also predicts that if paternal care varies and is important to female fitness, female choice among males and male indicators traits of expected paternal care should evolve. Despite a non-random distribution of mating success among nests, we found no evidence for female choice among parental males. Finally, we document the highest published levels of extra-pair paternity for a species with exclusive and obligate male care: genetic paternity analyses revealed cuckoldry at 100 per cent of nests and 28 per cent of all offspring were not sired by the male caring for them. While not predicted by any existing theory, these unexpected reproductive patterns become understandable if we consider how male and female mating and parental care interact simultaneously in this and probably many other species.  相似文献   

In many socially monogamous species, both sexes seek copulation outside the pair bond in order to increase their reproductive success. In response, males adopt counter-strategies to combat the risk of losing paternity. However, no study so far has tried to experimentally prove the function of behaviour for paternity assurance. Introducing a potential extra-pair partner during the female fertile period provides a standardised method to examine how pair members respond immediately (e.g. increase mate guarding or copulation frequency) or long term (e.g. later parental investment and paternity uncertainty). In this study on a socially monogamous passerine species, we experimentally confronted pairs of reed warblers with a conspecific male (caged male simulating an intruder) during egg-laying. Our results revealed that occurrence of an intruder during that period triggered aggression against the intruder, depending on the presence of the female. The male territory owner also attacked the female partner to drive her away from the intruder. Thus territory defence in reed warblers also serves to protect paternity. The increase in paternity uncertainty did not affect later paternal investment. Paternal investment was also independent of the actual paternity losses. In females, the experiment elicited both, immediate and long-term responses. E.g. female copulation solicitations during the intruder experiment were only observed for females which later turned out to have extra-pair chicks in their nest. In relation to long term response females faced with an intruder invested later less in offspring feeding, and had less extra-pair chicks in their nests. Extra-pair paternity also seems to be affected by female quality (body size). In conclusion female reed warblers seem to seek extra-pair fertilizations but we could demonstrate that males adopt paternity assurance tactics which seems to efficiently help them to reduce paternity uncertainty.  相似文献   

Transactional ('optimal skew' or concessions') models of social evolution emphasize that dominant members of society can be favoured for donating parcels of reproduction to same-sexed subordinates in return for cooperation by the latter. We developed a mathematically similar model in which extra-pair paternity in broods receiving biparental care is viewed as emerging from a reproductive transaction between the paired mates. The model quantitatively predicted the maximum paternity that a male mate can demand before its female mate is favoured to break the pair bond and caring solitarily for a brood sired entirely by a neighbouring male. The model predicts that extra-pair paternity results when the neighbouring male is of sufficiently higher quality than the male mate. In such cases, the exact amount of extra-pair paternity will vary directly with the difference in quality between the two males and inversely with the value (fitness impact) of the male mate's parental care. Importantly, the transactional model provided a unified explanation for experimental and observational evidence that extra-pair paternity rises with decreasing quality of the male mate, increasing genetic variability among breeding males, increasing breeding density, increasing availability of food and decreasing involvement of the male mate in parental care.  相似文献   

Females are known to benefit from mate choice in several different ways but the relationship between these benefits has received little attention. The quality of resources provided by males, such as nest sites, and paternal care are often assumed to covary positively However, because the location of the nest affects the cost of parental care, these two benefits from mate choice can easily be confounded. To investigate the provisioning ability of successful competitors while controlling for differences in territory quality we removed early-settled pairs of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) and allowed replacement by later-arriving males or floaters (i.e.'poor competitors'). A control group of early-settled males (i.e. 'good competitors') had their females removed. Females paired to good competitors enjoyed a significantly higher reproductive success and tended to receive more parental assistance from their mates compared with females mated to poor competitors. Thus, some males seem able not only to compete successfully over resources but also to feed their offspring at a relatively higher rate. An alternative explanation, that poor competitors invested less in offspring quality in response to a lower share of paternity, could be rejected. The rate of extra-pair paternity did not differ between the two treatment groups. Our results suggest that male- male competition can sometimes facilitate female choice of superior care-givers. Thus, a female's benefit from choosing a competitive male may not be restricted to the quality of the resource he defends but can also include superior paternal care.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A two-step game model of female mate preference and paternal care is examined, with a particular focus on the case of two females and two males. In a mating season, females choose their mates, and in the following breeding season males invest in paternal care, knowing the likelihood of their paternity in chicks. If parental ability is the same between individuals of each sex, the evolutionarily stable mating pattern is always monogamy. If females differ in fecundity and males differ in paternal care capacity, monogamy with assortative mating is likely to be evolutionarily stable. If the male cost function increases at a strongly accelerating rate, however, polyandry is evolutionarily stable when the difference of female fecundity is very large, but the game may have no evolutionarily stable state when the difference of female fecundity is small. The care graph (in which females are connected to males giving paternal care to their chicks) is often much simpler than the mating graph (in which females are connected to males they accepted). To be exact, no "loop" should be included in the evolutionarily stable care graph for the general case of n females and m males. This prediction is in accord with the observed prevalence of social monogamy in spite of genetic promiscuity among altricial birds.  相似文献   

Male songbirds often move off-territory to pursue extra-pair fertilizations. This movement represents a trade-off between paternity gain and loss and can be influenced by male quality and access to fertile females. Access to females could be reduced in fragmented landscapes that have small patches and low connectedness. We studied movement and extra-pair fertilization success of radio-tracked male American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) in forest patches in an agricultural landscape in Alberta, Canada, over 2 years. Males spent an average of 18% of their time off-territory, mostly intruding onto adjacent territories and rarely moving between patches. They averaged 0.8 trips/h, with mean trip duration of 17 min and mean trip distance of 104 m. Less time was spent off-territory when their mate was nest-building and males intruded most often onto territories with nest-building females. Males with higher song rates and more nearby females intruded most onto other territories. Monogamous males in better condition with higher song rates spent the most time off-territory. However, males with more nearby females and higher local breeding synchrony spent the least time off-territory, suggesting these males face a trade-off between seeking extra-pair fertilizations and protecting against cuckoldry. Forest cover was not an important predictor of movement. Investment in off-territory movement did not predict extra-pair fertilization success or probability of cuckoldry. However, few tracked males achieved extra-pair fertilizations (1/22 tracked males vs 18/57 non-tracked males), possibly an artefact of low sample size or the effect of radio transmitters on female choice.  相似文献   

Most socially monogamous bird species engage in extra-pair mating,and consequently males may adopt various behavioral strategiesto guard paternity. However, the relationship between mate guardingand extra-pair paternity is unclear: low levels of extra-pairpaternity can be associated either with no mate guarding orwith intense mate guarding. We investigate paternity guardsin the purple-crowned fairy-wren (Malurus coronatus), a duettingspecies where extra-pair paternity is rare. This species isunusual in a genus known for extremely high levels of extra-pairmating. We examine the behavioral interactions between the sexesunderlying these low rates of extra-pair paternity and showthat male purple-crowned fairy-wrens do not use frequent copulationor courtship feeding to assure paternity or guard females acousticallyby duetting. Males maintain close proximity to females bothwhen they are fertile and when they are not breeding and donot invest in courtship displays to extra-pair females. Consistentwith predictions of theoretical models, low extra-pair paternityin this species may be related to female fidelity rather thanmale paternity assurance strategies, but short-term removalof males would be necessary to test this experimentally.  相似文献   

In most monogamous bird species, circulating testosterone concentration in males is elevated around the social female's fertile period. Variation in elevated testosterone concentrations among males may have a considerable impact on fitness. For example, testosterone implants enhance behaviours important for social and extra-pair mate choice. However, little is known about the relationship between natural male testosterone concentration and sexual selection. To investigate this relationship we measured testosterone concentration and sexual signals (ventral plumage colour and tail length), and determined within and extra-pair fertilization success in male North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). Dark rusty coloured males had higher testosterone concentrations than drab males. Extra-pair paternity was common (42% and 31% of young in 2009 and 2010, respectively), but neither within- nor extra-pair fertilization success was related to male testosterone concentration. Dark rusty males were less often cuckolded, but did not have higher extra-pair or total fertilization success than drab males. Tail length did not affect within- or extra-pair fertilization success. Our findings suggest that, in North American barn swallows, male testosterone concentration does not play a significant direct role in female mate choice and sexual selection. Possibly plumage colour co-varies with a male behavioural trait, such as aggressiveness, that reduces the chance of cuckoldry. This could also explain why dark males have higher testosterone concentrations than drab males.  相似文献   

Male parental care and female multiple mating are seen in many species in spite of the cost they entail. Moreover, they even coexist in some species though polyandry, by reducing paternity confidence of caregiving males, seems to hinder the evolution of paternal care. Previous studies have investigated the coevolutionary process of paternal care and polyandry under various simplifying assumptions, including random mating and random provision of male care. We extend these models to examine possible effects of female mate choice and male care bias, assuming that (a) monandrous females mate preferentially with caregiving males while polyandrous females compromise their preference in order to mate with multiple males and (b) caregiving males tend to direct their care to offspring of monandrous females. Our models suggest that both the female preference and the male bias always favor caregiving males while they may not always facilitate the evolution of monandry.  相似文献   

Socially monogamous male birds are predicted to maximise their reproductive success by pursuing extra-pair copulations (EPCs) while engaging in anti-cuckoldry behaviour such as mate guarding. In the stitchbird, Notiomystis cincta, high levels of forced EPCs and a high proportion of nestlings resulting from extra- pair fertilisations lead to the prediction that males of this species should exhibit intense paternity guarding behaviours. While studying an isolated stitchbird population on Tiritiri Matangi Island New Zealand (3636'S, 17453'E), I collected daily behavioural data throughout the breeding season from 15 males in 2000/01 and 27 males in 2001/02. In this study, male stitchbirds demonstrated clear paternity guarding by exhibiting: (1) an increased likelihood of being close to their mate during her fertile period, (2) an increased initiation of mate contact during her fertile period, (3) switching from site-specific territorial defence during the pre-fertile period to defending an area centring on the their female partners location during her fertile period, and (4) an increased following of the female to communal feeding sites outside the territory during her fertile period. For polygynous males, mate guarding and territorial defence were conditional on which of their females was fertile. Additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that mate guarding in this species is a form of paternity assurance, rather than protection from harassment, is that males protected their partner from harassment by other stitchbird males but did not intervene when females were harassed by male bellbirds, Anthornis melanura. While mate-guarding intensity in many species is conditional on the stage of female fertility, male stitchbirds also modified their behaviour depending on the location of the female and the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males. Resident males adopted a best-of-a-bad-job tactic when they were unable to locate their female by defending an area around her last known location. Furthermore, when the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males increased they traded-off the area they could defend within their territory against their ability to guard the female. Territory takeovers were uncommon, but when they did occur older males displaced younger males and healthy birds displaced sick ones. Contrary to the prevailing view that mate guarding is a male response to female infidelity, male stitchbirds appear to use mate guarding primarily to prevent paternity losses from forced EPCs. Future assessments of mate guarding function should consider the possibility that mate guarding involves a combination of conflict and co-operation between the sexes.  相似文献   

Among birds, waders (suborder Charadrii) show a remarkable variation in social mating systems. Their genetic mating systems are, however, less well known, especially in socially monogamous species. Here, we use DNA fingerprinting and behavioral studies to examine genetic parentage and male mate guarding in the ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula , a monogamous wader with biparental care. None of the putative parents was excluded as a genetic parent of the chicks attended (57 young from 21 families). Statistical resampling supported that extra-pair parentage occurs only rarely, if ever, in the ringed plover. We found no evidence for male mate guarding by close following as a paternity assurance strategy. Lack of extra-pair paternity in the ringed plover is therefore probably not a consequence of male mate guarding, but of high costs and/or low benefits from extra-pair copulations for females.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, mate‐guarding could be a reproductive strategy that benefits both males and females, especially when males contribute to parental care. By actively guarding mates, males may reduce their chances of being cuckolded, whereas females that mate‐guard may reduce the likelihood that their mates will desert them or acquire additional mates, and hence limit or reduce paternal care of offspring. Owl monkeys (Aotus spp.) are socially monogamous with biparental care of young and, hence, potential beneficiaries of mate‐guarding. We presented mated pairs of captive owl monkeys (A. nancymaae) with unfamiliar male and female conspecifics, to determine if either member of the pair exhibits intraspecific aggression toward an intruder or stays close to its mate, behaviors indicative of mate‐guarding. Male mates were more responsible for the maintenance of close proximity between mates than females. Male mates also exhibited elevated levels of behavior that signify arousal when presented with a male conspecific. These responses by mated male owl monkeys are consistent with patterns that may help prevent cuckoldry. Am. J. Primatol. 72:942–950, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Complexity in bird song is often argued to be advantageous in processes of sexual selection, and numerous studies show that characteristics of song are associated with increased success in territory defence or mate attraction. Less evidence exists on the relationship between bird song characteristics and patterns of extra-pair paternity. We tested whether males that suffered from extra-pair paternity differed in song characteristics from males with no extra pair paternity in the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus . In the Scottish population that we studied, we found that 23.5% of young were not related to the social father, and that 47% of nests contained at least one extra pair young. Older males were less likely to suffer paternity loss. While song repertoire size was not related to loss of paternity, males with short songs suffered higher paternity loss than males with long songs. Although arrival date is a good correlate of social mate choice in this population, it was not related to extra-pair paternity. These results suggest that females use song length, or a trait correlated with this song characteristic, as a cue for choosing extra-pair partners in this species, or alternatively that variance in the success of mate guarding or female coercion is related to this song variable.  相似文献   

The existence and nature of indirect genetic benefits to mate choice remain contentious. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which play a vital role in determining pathogen resistance in vertebrates, may be the link between mate choice and the genetic inheritance of vigour in offspring. Studies have shown that MHC-dependent mate choice can occur in mammal and fish species, but little work has focused on the role of the MHC in birds. We tested for MHC-dependent mating patterns in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). There was no influence of MHC class I exon 3 variation on the choice of social mate. However, females were more likely to obtain extra-pair paternity (EPP) when their social mate had low MHC diversity, and the MHC diversity of the extra-pair male was significantly higher than that of the cuckolded male. There was no evidence that females were mating disassortatively, or that they preferred males with an intermediate number of MHC bands. Overall, the results are consistent with the 'good genes' rather than the 'genetic compatibility' hypothesis. As female choice will result in offspring of higher MHC diversity, MHC-dependent EPP may provide indirect benefits in the Seychelles warbler if survival is positively linked to MHC diversity.  相似文献   

Pre-dawn infidelity: females control extra-pair mating in superb fairy-wrens   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Despite great interest in the use of extra-pair mating as a tool for examining female choice and intersexual selection, the underlying assumption of female control has proved difficult to verify empirically. We combined microsatellite genotyping and radiotelemetry of fertile females in order to investigate mate choice in superb fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus, the bird with the highest known rate of extra-pair fertilization. All five females radio tracked during the peak of fertility, two to four days before the first egg is laid, undertook pre-dawn forays. All extra-pair young produced by the female were sired by a male visited during their forays, indicating that females control extra-pair fertilizations. In a larger sample of paternity data, some broods were sired by two extra-group males. In virtually all the cases the territory of the two sires were on an identical linear trajectory from the female's territory. This again suggests that extra-group paternity in superb fairy-wrens is directly linked to female extra-territorial forays. In other species mixed paternity has been taken to indicate that females attempt to insure against infertile pairings or try to maximize the genetic diversity of their brood. However, in fairy-wrens the likelihood of multiple extra-group paternity increased greatly as females traversed more territories in order to mate, perhaps suggesting that females which foray further are more likely to have difficulties locating the preferred male.  相似文献   

Males may increase their fitness through extra-pair copulations (copulations outside the pair bond) that result in extra-pair fertilizations, but also risk lost paternity when they leave their own mate unguarded. The fitness costs of cuckoldry for Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) are considerable because warblers have a single-egg clutch and, given the short breeding season, no time for a successful replacement clutch. Neighbouring males are the primary threat to a male's genetic paternity. Males minimize their loss of paternity by guarding their mates to prevent them from having extra-pair copulations during their fertile period. Here, I provide experimental evidence that mate-guarding behaviour is energetically costly and that the expression of this trade-off is adjusted to paternity risk (local male density). Free-living males that were induced to reduce mate guarding spent significantly more time foraging and gained significantly better body condition than control males. The larger the reduction in mate guarding, the more pronounced was the increase in foraging and body condition (accounting for food availability). An experimental increase in paternity risk resulted in an increase in mate-guarding intensity and a decrease in foraging and body condition, and vice versa. This is examined using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. This study on the Seychelles warbler offers experimental evidence that mate guarding is energetically costly and adjusted to paternity risk.  相似文献   

Despite substantial research effort, the benefits of female extra-pair matings in socially monogamous bird species remain elusive. The good genes hypothesis assumes that females engage in extra-pair copulations with males of superior genetic quality compared to their respective social mate. Therefore, a negative association between the degree of cuckoldry and male survival is predicted, if genetic quality is phenotypically reflected by high viability. Furthermore, genetic sires of extra-pair offspring (EPO) should survive better than the social fathers they cuckolded. We tested these predictions in a nestbox population of the coal tit (Parus ater), a socially monogamous passerine with low breeding dispersal and high rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP). Based on 257 genotyped first broods of two consecutive years, we found no relationship between the incidence of EPP or the proportion of EPO within a given brood and male or female recapture probabilities. Furthermore, recapture rates did not differ between social and genetic fathers of EPO or males that did or did not appear as extra-pair sires in other broods. Our results were not affected by differential (short-range) breeding dispersal with respect to EPP or by other potentially confounding variables. Hence, they are not in accordance with the good genes as viability genes hypothesis.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

The traditional paradigm of male polygamy and female monogamy has been replaced by the recognition that both sexes may typically mate with several partners. As a consequence, much attention has focused on the evolution of polyandry, while the evolutionary significance of monogyny (male monogamy) remains poorly understood. Monogyny, a taxonomically widespread mating system that includes dramatic examples of male self-sacrifice, is predicted when the benefits of paternal investment exceed those of searching for additional mates. However, monogyny also occurs in animals lacking paternal investment, instead representing a form of paternity protection. It has been suggested that such mating systems are expected where the costs of mate search for males are high. However, this argument fails to recognize that if there is a low probability of a male finding a mate, then there may be a high probability that he will not need to defend his paternity. Using a mathematical model, we show that monogyny as a means of increasing paternity is favored when the sex ratio is male biased, but not necessarily by high search costs. The importance of a male-biased sex ratio for the evolution of monogyny is supported by various empirical studies.  相似文献   

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