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1. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) indirectly affect insect flower‐visitor and flowering plant interactions by consuming and altering the behaviour of insects. 2. Although one expects insect flower‐visitors to avoid crab spiders actively, some crab spider species are known to attract flower‐visitors. Crab spiders may use UV signalling to lure potential prey to the flowers they occupy. 3. In the present study, a field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of crab spiders occupying three prairie plant species for the insect flower‐visitor community. Pollinating insects were significantly attracted to inflorescences with crab spiders compared to inflorescences without crab spiders for two plant species, and herbivorous insects were attracted to inflorescences with crab spiders for one of these plant species. The two flowering plant species with increased pollinator visitation showed increased seed weights for plants with crab spiders, indicating crab spider presence indirectly increased pollination. 4. To test the UV signalling hypothesis, inflorescences with crab spiders of one plant species were observed under both a UV‐blocking plastic and a clear plastic control. Contrary to our prediction, flower‐visitors were not more likely to land on inflorescences under the clear plastic; the UV signalling hypothesis was not supported. Other unknown explanations underlie prey attraction to inflorescences with crab spiders.  相似文献   

Temperature dependency of consumer–resource interactions is fundamentally important for understanding and predicting the responses of food webs to climate change. Previous studies have shown temperature‐driven shifts in herbivore consumption rates and resource preference, but these effects remain poorly understood for predatory arthropods. Here, we investigate how predator killing rates, prey mass consumption, and macronutrient intake respond to increased temperatures using a laboratory and a field reciprocal transplant experiment. Ectothermic predators, wolf spiders (Pardosa sp.), in the lab experiment, were exposed to increased temperatures and different prey macronutrient content (high lipid/low protein and low lipid/high protein) to assess changes in their killing rates and nutritional demands. Additionally, we investigate prey mass and lipid consumption by spiders under contrasting temperatures, along an elevation gradient. We used a field reciprocal transplant experiment between low (420 masl; 26°C) and high (2,100 masl; 15°C) elevations in the Ecuadorian Andes, using wild populations of two common orb‐weaver spider species (Leucauge sp. and Cyclosa sp.) present along the elevation gradient. We found that killing rates of wolf spiders increased with warmer temperatures but were not significantly affected by prey macronutrient content, although spiders consumed significantly more lipids from lipid‐rich prey. The field reciprocal transplant experiment showed no consistent predator responses to changes in temperature along the elevational gradient. Transplanting Cyclosa sp. spiders to low‐ or high‐elevation sites did not affect their prey mass or lipid consumption rate, whereas Leucauge sp. individuals increased prey mass consumption when transplanted from the high to the low warm elevation. Our findings show that increases in temperature intensify predator killing rates, prey consumption, and lipid intake, but the responses to temperature vary between species, which may be a result of species‐specific differences in their hunting behavior and sensitivity to temperature.  相似文献   

1. Australian crab spiders exploit the plant–pollinator mutualism by reflecting UV light that attracts pollinators to the flowers where they sit. However, spider UV reflection seems to vary broadly within and between individuals and species, and we are still lacking any comparative studies of prey and/or predator behaviour towards spider colour variation. 2. Here we looked at the natural variation in the coloration of two species of Australian crab spiders, Thomisus spectabilis and Diaea evanida, collected from the field. Furthermore, we examined how two species of native bees responded to variation in colour contrast generated by spiders sitting in flowers compared with vacant flowers. We used data from a bee choice experiment with D. evanida spiders and Trigona carbonaria bees and also published data on T. spectabilis spiders and Austroplebeia australis bees. 3. In the field both spider species were always achromatically (from a distance) undetectable but chromatically (at closer range) detectable for bees. Experimentally, we showed species‐specific differences in bee behaviour towards particular spider colour variation: T. carbonaria bees did not show any preference for any colour contrasts generated by D. evanida spiders but A. australis bees were more likely to reject flowers with more contrasting T. spectabilis spiders. 4. Our study suggests that some of the spider colour variation that we encounter in the field may be partly explained by the spider's ability to adjust the reflectance properties of its colour relative to the behaviour of the species of prey available.  相似文献   

Ruff Philomachus pugnax staging in the Netherlands forage in agricultural grasslands, where they mainly eat earthworms (Lumbricidae). Food intake and the surface availability of earthworms were studied in dairy farmland of southwest Friesland in March–April 2011. Daily changes in earthworm availability were quantified by counting visible earthworms. No earthworms were seen on the surface during daytime, but their numbers sharply increased after sunset and remained high during the night. Nevertheless, intake rates of individual Ruff in different grasslands measured during daytime showed the typical Holling type II functional response relationship with the surfacing earthworm densities measured at night. Radiotagging of Ruff in spring 2007 revealed that most, if not all, feeding occurs during the day, with the Ruff assembling at shoreline roosts at night. This raises the question of why Ruff do not feed at night, if prey can be caught more easily than during daytime. In March–May 2013 we experimentally examined the visual and auditory sensory modalities used by Ruff to find and capture earthworms. Five males were kept in an indoor aviary and we recorded them individually foraging on trays with 10 earthworms mixed with soil under various standardized light and white noise conditions. The number of earthworms discovered and eaten by Ruff increased with light level, but only when white noise was played, suggesting that although they can detect earthworms by sight, Ruff also use auditory cues. We suggest that although surfacing numbers of earthworms are highest during the night, diurnal intake rates are probably sufficient to avoid nocturnal foraging on a resource that is more available but perhaps less detectable at that time.  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to determine how physical injury affects predators. One of the ways that physical injury can be expressed is by autotomy or the voluntary loss of a body part. Here, we examined whether the loss of specific legs affects the foraging success of the wolf spider Rabidosa santrita (predator) on another species, Pardosa valens (prey). We also wanted to identify whether the loss of legs in both the predator and prey would impact the outcome of a predation event. Both predator and prey were collected from a creek bed at Portal, AZ, in 2012. Predators were randomly assigned groups where all prey items were intact or all prey had one randomly chosen leg IV removed. Within these groups, predators were organized into a control, leg I autotomy, or leg IV autotomy treatment. All predators had their pre‐ and post‐foraging running speed determined. Predators were introduced into chambers with five prey items and allowed to forage for 1 h. The leg position autotomized or the comparison of pre‐ and post‐foraging trials had no effect on predator running speed. Additionally, there was no significant effect of either predator or prey leg treatment on the total proportion of prey items captured by the end of the foraging trials. Survival analyses indicated that intact prey items tended to have a higher survival rate when predators were missing a leg IV than when predators were intact. When both the predator and prey were missing legs, no significant difference in prey survival rates was detected. We suggest that for predators that inhabit complex, heterogeneous habitats and are classified as ambush predators, the loss of a limb may affect prey capture success, especially when the prey is intact, but that increased sample size is necessary to determine whether this trend is significant.  相似文献   

Complex coevolutionary relationships among competitors, predators, and prey have shaped taxa diversity, life history strategies, and even the avian migratory patterns we see today. Consequently, accurate documentation of prey selection is often critical for understanding these ecological and evolutionary processes. Conventional diet study methods lack the ability to document the diet of inconspicuous or difficult‐to‐study predators, such as those with large home ranges and those that move vast distances over short amounts of time, leaving gaps in our knowledge of trophic interactions in many systems. Migratory raptors represent one such group of predators where detailed diet studies have been logistically challenging. To address knowledge gaps in the foraging ecology of migrant raptors and provide a broadly applicable tool for the study of enigmatic predators, we developed a minimally invasive method to collect dietary information by swabbing beaks and talons of raptors to collect trace prey DNA. Using previously published COI primers, we were able to isolate and reference gene sequences in an open‐access barcode database to identify prey to species. This method creates a novel avenue to use trace molecular evidence to study prey selection of migrating raptors and will ultimately lead to a better understanding of raptor migration ecology. In addition, this technique has broad applicability and can be used with any wildlife species where even trace amounts of prey debris remain on the exterior of the predator after feeding.  相似文献   

Characterization of energy flow in ecosystems is one of the primary goals of ecology, and the analysis of trophic interactions and food web dynamics is key to quantifying energy flow. Predator‐prey interactions define the majority of trophic interactions and food web dynamics, and visual analysis of stomach, gut or fecal content composition is the technique traditionally used to quantify predator‐prey interactions. Unfortunately such techniques may be biased and inaccurate due to variation in digestion rates ( Sheppard & Hardwood 2005 ); however, those limitations can be largely overcome with new technology. In the last 20 years, the use of molecular genetic techniques in ecology has exploded ( King et al. 2008 ). The growing availability of molecular genetic methods and data has fostered the use of PCR‐based techniques to accurately distinguish and identify prey items in stomach, gut and fecal samples. In this month’s issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Corse et al. (2010) describe and apply a new approach to quantifying predator‐prey relationships using an ecosystem‐level genetic characterization of available and consumed prey in European freshwater habitats ( Fig. 1a ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hardy et al. (2010) marry the molecular genetic analysis of prey with a stable isotope (SI) analysis of trophic interactions in an Australian reservoir community ( Fig. 1b ). Both papers demonstrate novel and innovative approaches to an old problem – how do we effectively explore food webs and energy movement in ecosystems?
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The aquatic habitats used for two studies of diet and trophic interactions that employed molecular genetic and stable isotope analyses. Panel a: Example of Rhone basin habitat (France) where fish diet was determined using PCR to classify prey to a series of ecological clades (photo by Emmanuel Corse). Panel b: A weir pool on the lower Murray River (Australia) where food web and prey use was evaluated using a combination of advanced molecular genetic and stable isotope analyses (photo credit: CSIRO).  相似文献   

Upon sensing predators in their vicinity, many prey species perform antipredator displays that are thought to provide information to the predator that deters it from attacking (predator‐deterrent signals). These displays can be complex, incorporating a variety of signaling elements as well as direct physical harassment of the predator. Although the display behaviors in these communication systems are often well characterized, evidence of the efficacy of these displays in deterring predators is limited due to the challenges associated with studying free‐ranging predators. Here, we examine how the anti‐snake signals of the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti) influence the ambush hunting behaviors of sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes). We found that, although desert kangaroo rats incorporate a number of signal elements into their antipredator display, only sand kicking behavior was a significant factor in motivating sidewinder rattlesnakes to cease hunting: high rates of sand kicking led to early abandonment of ambush coils. These results indicate that anti‐snake displays of small mammals may be especially effective at mitigating the threat posed by rattlesnakes when those displays incorporate physical harassment as well as signaling.  相似文献   

Prey organisms reduce predation risk by altering their behavior, morphology, or life history. Avoiding or deterring predators often incurs costs, such as reductions in growth or fecundity. Prey minimize costs by limiting predator avoidance or deterrence to situations that pose significant risk of injury or death, requiring them to gather information regarding the relative threat potential predators pose. Chemical cues are often used for risk evaluation, and we investigated morphological responses of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) to chemical cues from injured conspecifics, from heterospecifics, and from predatory blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) reared on different diets. Previous studies found newly settled oysters reacted to crab predators by growing heavier, stronger shells, but that adult oysters did not. We exposed oysters at two size classes (newly settled oyster spat and juveniles ~2.0 cm) to predation risk cue treatments including predator or injured prey exudates and to seawater controls. Since both of the size classes tested can be eaten by blue crabs, we hypothesized that both would react to crab exudates by producing heavier, stronger shells. Oyster spat grew heavier shells that required significantly more force to break, an effective measure against predatory crabs, when exposed to chemical exudates from blue crabs as compared to controls. When exposed to chemical cues from injured conspecifics or from injured clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), a sympatric bivalve, shell mass and force were intermediate between predator treatments and controls, indicating that oysters react to injured prey cues but not as strongly as to cues released by predators. Juvenile oysters of ~ 2.0 cm did not significantly alter their shell morphology in any of the treatments. Thus, newly settled oysters can differentiate between predatory threats and adjust their responses accordingly, with the strongest responses being to exudates released by predators, but oysters of 2.0 cm and larger do not react morphologically to predatory threats.  相似文献   

Size structure of organisms at logarithmic scale (i.e. size spectrum) can often be described by a linear function with a negative slope; however, substantial deviations from linearity have often been found in natural systems. Theoretical studies suggest that greater nonlinearity in community size spectrum is associated with high predator–prey size ratios but low predator–prey abundance ratios; however, empirical evaluation of the effects of predator–prey interactions on nonlinear structures remains scarce. Here, we aim to empirically explore the pattern of the size‐specific residuals (i.e. deviations from the linear regression between the logarithmic fish abundance and the logarithmic mean fish size) by using size spectra of fish communities in 74 German lakes. We found that nonlinearity was strong in lakes with high predator–prey abundance ratios but at low predator–prey size ratios. More specifically, our results suggest that only large predators, even if occurring in low abundances, can control the density of prey fishes in a broad range of size classes in a community and thus promote linearity in the size spectrum. In turn, the lack of large predator fishes may cause high abundances of fish in intermediate size classes, resulting in nonlinear size spectra in these lakes. Moreover, these lakes were characterized by a more intense human use including high fishing pressure and high total phosphorus concentrations, which have negative impacts on the abundance of large, predatory fish. Our findings indicate that nonlinear size spectra may reflect dynamical processes potentially caused by predator–prey interactions. This opens a new perspective in the research on size spectrum, and can be relevant to further quantify the efficiency of energy transfer in aquatic food webs.  相似文献   

Ecological networks such as food webs are extremely complex and can provide important information about the robustness and productivity of an ecosystem. In most cases, it is not feasible to observe trophic interactions between predators and prey directly and with the available methods, it is difficult to quantify the connections between them. Here, we show that submicron‐sized silica particles (100–150 nm) with encapsulated DNA (SPED) enable accurate food and organism labelling and quantification of specific animal‐to‐animal transfer over more than one trophic level. We found that SPED were readily transferable and quantifiable from the bottom to the top of a two‐level food chain of arthropods. SPED were taken up in the gut system and remained persistent in an animal over several days. When uniquely labelled SPED were applied at predefined ratios, we found that information about their relative abundance was reliably conserved after trophic level transfer and over time. SPED were also applied to investigate the flower preference of fly pollinators and proved to be a fast and accurate analysis method. SPED combine attributes of DNA barcoding and stable isotope analysis such as unique labelling, quantification via real‐time PCR and exact backtracking to the tracer source. This improves and simplifies the analysis and monitoring of ecological networks.  相似文献   

Stable core microbial communities have been described in numerous animal species and are commonly associated with fitness benefits for their hosts. Recent research, however, highlights examples of species whose microbiota are transient and environmentally derived. Here, we test the effect of diet on gut microbial community assembly in the spider Badumna longinqua. Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing combined with quantitative PCR, we analyzed diversity and abundance of the spider's gut microbes, and simultaneously characterized its prey communities using nuclear rRNA markers. We found a clear correlation between community similarity of the spider's insect prey and gut microbial DNA, suggesting that microbiome assembly is primarily diet‐driven. This assumption is supported by a feeding experiment, in which two types of prey—crickets and fruit flies—both substantially altered microbial diversity and community similarity between spiders, but did so in different ways. After cricket consumption, numerous cricket‐derived microbes appeared in the spider's gut, resulting in a rapid homogenization of microbial communities among spiders. In contrast, few prey‐associated bacteria were detected after consumption of fruit flies; instead, the microbial community was remodelled by environmentally sourced microbes, or abundance shifts of rare taxa in the spider's gut. The reshaping of the microbiota by both prey taxa mimicked a stable core microbiome in the spiders for several weeks post feeding. Our results suggest that the spider's gut microbiome undergoes pronounced temporal fluctuations, that its assembly is dictated by the consumed prey, and that different prey taxa may remodel the microbiota in drastically different ways.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering environmental temperature, a factor that influences ectothermic organisms by controlling rates of physiological processes. Demographic effects of warming, however, are determined by the expression of these physiological effects through predator–prey and other species interactions. Using field observations and controlled experiments, we measured how increasing temperatures in the Arctic affected development rates and mortality rates (from predation) of immature Arctic mosquitoes in western Greenland. We then developed and parametrized a demographic model to evaluate how temperature affects survival of mosquitoes from the immature to the adult stage. Our studies showed that warming increased development rate of immature mosquitoes (Q10 = 2.8) but also increased daily mortality from increased predation rates by a dytiscid beetle (Q10 = 1.2–1.5). Despite increased daily mortality, the model indicated that faster development and fewer days exposed to predators resulted in an increased probability of mosquito survival to the adult stage. Warming also advanced mosquito phenology, bringing mosquitoes into phenological synchrony with caribou. Increases in biting pests will have negative consequences for caribou and their role as a subsistence resource for local communities. Generalizable frameworks that account for multiple effects of temperature are needed to understand how climate change impacts coupled human–natural systems.  相似文献   

Despite considerable study, mystery surrounds the use of signals that initiate cooperative hunting in animals. Using a labyrinth test chamber, we examined whether a lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra, would initiate cooperative hunts with piscine partners. We found that D. zebra uses a stereotyped flared fin display to alert conspecific and heterospecific lionfish species Pterois antennata to the presence of prey. Per capita success rate was significantly higher for cooperative hunters when compared with solitary ones, with hunt responders assisting hunt initiators in cornering the prey using their large extended pectoral fins. The initiators would most often take the first strike at the group of prey, but both hunters would then alternate striking at the remaining prey. Results suggest that the cooperative communication signal may be characteristic to the lionfish family, as interspecific hunters were equally coordinated and successful as intraspecific hunters. Our findings emphasize the complexity of collaborative foraging behaviours in lionfish; the turn-taking in strikes suggests that individuals do not solely try to maximize their own hunting success: instead they equally share the resources between themselves. Communicative group hunting has enabled Pteroine fish to function as highly efficient predators.  相似文献   

When attacked by a predator, aphids of many species secrete cornicle droplets, containing an alarm pheromone, that results in the dispersal of nearby conspecifics. As females are parthenogenetic, alarm signaling functions to enhance the survival of clone-mates. Enigmatically, however, aphids are physically able to, but usually do not emit alarm pheromone when initially detecting a predator, but rather signal only when captured by a predator. We hypothesized that cornicle droplets may be attractive to natural enemies and result in an increased risk of predation for the signaler, thereby selecting for prudent alarm signalers. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the olfactory cues that the multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, uses to locate pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum. In choice tests, H. axyridis were attracted to odors from pea aphid colonies, whether feeding or not feeding on a host plant leaf, but were not attracted to cornicle droplets containing alarm pheromone. Further, individual pea aphids emitting cornicle droplets were not located more often or in a shorter period of time by beetles than aphids not emitting cornicle droplets. Thus, the cost of emitting early alarm signals is not prohibitively high in regards to the attraction of predators such as H. axyridis.  相似文献   

Quantitative approaches to predator–prey interactions are central to understanding the structure of food webs and their dynamics. Different predatory strategies may influence the occurrence and strength of trophic interactions likely affecting the rates and magnitudes of energy and nutrient transfer between trophic levels and stoichiometry of predator–prey interactions. Here, we used spider–prey interactions as a model system to investigate whether different spider web architectures—orb, tangle, and sheet‐tangle—affect the composition and diet breadth of spiders and whether these, in turn, influence stoichiometric relationships between spiders and their prey. Our results showed that web architecture partially affects the richness and composition of the prey captured by spiders. Tangle‐web spiders were specialists, capturing a restricted subset of the prey community (primarily Diptera), whereas orb and sheet‐tangle web spiders were generalists, capturing a broader range of prey types. We also observed elemental imbalances between spiders and their prey. In general, spiders had higher requirements for both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) than those provided by their prey even after accounting for prey biomass. Larger P imbalances for tangle‐web spiders than for orb and sheet‐tangle web spiders suggest that trophic specialization may impose strong elemental constraints for these predators unless they display behavioral or physiological mechanisms to cope with nutrient limitation. Our findings suggest that integrating quantitative analysis of species interactions with elemental stoichiometry can help to better understand the occurrence of stoichiometric imbalances in predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

A key focus of ecologists is explaining the origin and maintenance of morphological diversity and its association with ecological success. We investigate potential benefits and costs of a common and varied morphological trait, cuticular spines, for foraging behavior, interspecific competition, and predator–prey interactions in naturally co‐occurring spiny ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Polyrhachis) in an experimental setting. We expect that a defensive trait like spines might be associated with more conspicuous foraging, a greater number of workers sent out to forage, and potentially increased competitive ability. Alternatively, consistent with the ecological trade‐off hypothesis, we expect that investment in spines for antipredator defense might be negatively correlated with these other ecological traits. We find little evidence for any costs to ecological traits, instead finding that species with longer spines either outperform or do not differ from species with shorter spines for all tested metrics, including resource discovery rate and foraging effort as well as competitive ability and antipredator defense. Spines appear to confer broad antipredator benefits and serve as a form of defense with undetectable costs to key ecological abilities like resource foraging and competitive ability, providing an explanation for both the ecological success of the study genus and the large number of evolutionary origins of this trait across all ants. This study also provides a rare quantitative empirical test of ecological effects related to a morphological trait in ants.  相似文献   

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