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珊瑚礁生态修复研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
李元超  黄晖  董志军  练健生  周国伟 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5047-5054
珊瑚礁生态系统有着很高的生物多样性和重要的生态功能。20世纪80年代以后全球范围内珊瑚礁的大面积退化引起了人们广泛的关注。简述了世界珊瑚礁资源现状,破坏原因,生态修复方法以及我国的珊瑚礁资源现状和修复策略等。国际上通用的生态修复策略主要是根据珊瑚的两种繁殖方式进行的,此外再配合人为的适度干扰,增加珊瑚的成活率。方法主要有:珊瑚移植、Gardening、人工渔礁、底质稳固、幼体附着等以及对相关利益者的宣传,海岸带的保护等。我国珊瑚礁退化严重,但是由于缺乏相关的科技资料报道和技术支持,缺乏系统的研究,使得珊瑚礁的生态修复成绩甚微,今后应在该领域开展更多的工作。  相似文献   

高菲  许强  李秀保  何林文  王爱民 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4301-4312
珊瑚礁生态系统是一个高生产力、高生物多样性的特殊海洋生态系统,具有为生物提供栖息地、参与生物地球化学循环、防浪护岸、指示水体污染程度等生态功能。珊瑚礁生态系统的突出特点是其生境异质性很高,各种各样的生境斑块为种类繁多、习性各异的游泳和底栖生物提供栖息场所,这些礁栖生物通过参与各项生态过程而形成各种特定的功能群,共同完成重要的生态功能。在热带珊瑚礁生态系统中,海参是大型底栖动物区系的重要一员。种类繁多的海参具有各自不同的生境选择特征,通过摄食、运动等行为活动发挥着改良底质、促进有机物矿化和营养盐再生等生态作用。近几年来,全球热带海参受人类过度捕捞和珊瑚礁退化的影响而面临资源衰退、物种多样性丧失等问题,深入认识其生态学功能、加强热带海参资源保护迫在眉睫。综述了国内外热带珊瑚礁海参的基础生态学研究进展:海参对珊瑚礁生境斑块呈现显著的偏好选择特征以及种间差异和季节变动,不同生境斑块的食物质量、底质类型和水动力条件是影响海参生境偏好的重要因素;海参通过生物扰动可以改变珊瑚礁生境沉积物的含水量、渗透性、颗粒组成、再矿化率、无机营养物质释放速率以及孔隙水的化学梯度,并增加沉积物中的溶氧浓度、促进溶解...  相似文献   

王岚  曹巍  黄麟 《生态学报》2024,44(7):2673-2687
我国持续推进实施了系列大规模重大生态工程,科学评估工程取得的成效对于及时掌握工程实际效果是否符合预期目标、针对性地改进优化工程管理措施、促进生态保护修复目标的实现等具有重要意义。通过文献整合分析,从生态系统质量、功能和生物多样性等方面综合评估我国10项重大生态工程的生态成效,辨析取得成效的驱动因素贡献差异并总结成效评估产生不确定性的原因。结果表明:工程在国土绿化、碳固定、土壤保持、水源涵养、生物多样性保护等方面产生了良好生态效益,促进工程区植被覆盖度增加(0.19%-26%),生物量(-13%-187%)、固碳量(-7.41%-200%)、土壤保持量(-26.91%-151.52%)、水源涵养量(-64.66%-80.24%)、物种丰富度(-16%-441%)、均匀度指数(-6%-28%)和多样性指数(-5%-315%)总体也呈增加趋势(多年变化率中值>0)。但在部分区域也引起了生物量下降、土壤保持能力降低、水文效益减弱、生物多样性损失等问题。生态工程与气候变化的相对贡献率比值在0.06-3.60之间,贡献大小存在明显的空间分异并且产生交互耦合作用,多因素耦合作用分解机制仍有待研究。评估对象、数据、尺度、基准、方法及驱动因素拆解差异使得评估结果不确定性极大,相关研究需要重点关注评估基准和尺度的选择、多源数据的融合及同化、工程评估技术体系的改进,综合考虑区域地带性差异、工程措施适宜性和有效性、生态系统服务权衡、驱动因素贡献空间分异等以调整优化工程措施。  相似文献   

Patterns of ecological specialization offer invaluable information about ecosystems. Yet, specialization is rarely quantified across several ecological niche axes and variables beyond the link between morphological and dietary specialization have received little attention. Here, we provide a quantitative evaluation of ecological specialization in a coral reef fish assemblage (f. Acanthuridae) along one fundamental and two realized niche axes. Specifically, we examined ecological specialization in 10 surgeonfish species with regards to morphology and two realized niche axes associated with diet and foraging microhabitat utilization using a recently developed multidimensional framework. We then investigated the potential relationships between morphological and behavioural specialization. These relationships differed markedly from the traditional ecomorphological paradigm. While morphological specialization showed no relationship with dietary specialization, it exhibited a strong relationship with foraging microhabitat specialization. However, this relationship was inverted: species with specialized morphologies were microhabitat generalists, whereas generalized morphotypes were microhabitat specialists. Interestingly, this mirrors relationships found in plant–pollinator communities and may also be applicable to other ecosystems, highlighting the potential importance of including niche axes beyond dietary specialization into ecomorphological frameworks. On coral reefs, it appears that morphotypes commonly perceived as most generalized may, in fact, be specialized in exploiting flat and easily accessible microhabitats.  相似文献   

缪宁  刘世荣  史作民  马姜明  王晖 《生态学报》2013,33(13):3889-3897
保留木是指森林生态系统受到强度干扰后所存留的树木,保留木对退化森林生态系统结构与功能的维持和恢复具有多方面的生态效应。在生态系统的尺度上总结了退化森林生态系统中保留木的各种生态效应,主要包括保留木对非生物因子和生物因子(附生生物多样性、动物活动和动物多样性、树木更新、空间结构)的影响。森林生态系统经营中,"绿树保留"的经营方式是基于保留木生态效益的实践应用,它可有效减少采伐对生态系统结构和功能所造成的损失。并将有助于深入理解受到强度干扰后森林生态系统中保留木的多种生态效应,可为退化森林生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Synopsis We identify fishery management implications from a long-term monitoring program focusing on spawning aggregations of high valued reef fish in Komodo National Park (KNP), Eastern Indonesia. Management objectives of KNP are not only to protect biodiversity, but also to conserve spawning stocks of high-valued commercial species for the replenishment of surrounding fishing grounds. We monitored two sites twice monthly over five years for two species of grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and Plectropomus areolatus. One site had an aggregation of both E. fuscoguttatus and P. areolatus, whereas the other site contained an aggregation of P. areolatus only. Over the five years monitoring period, aggregations typically formed during each full moon between September and February. Additionally, P. areolatus occasionally aggregated during new moons between April and July. We observed spawning only once, but because formation of aggregations were correlated to a higher incidence of behavior and signs indicative of reproduction and because most fish present were adults, it is likely that the formation of aggregations was associated with spawning. Over the five years monitoring period there was a reduction in mean fish size of up to 8 cm for P. areolatus, and a reduction in numbers of aggregating E. fuscoguttatus. Despite limited protection initiated in 2001, both sites are still heavily fished by local artisanal fishers. Because the observed reductions in size and in numbers could be caused by fishing pressure, managers should follow the precautionary principle by putting additional protective management in place. Since both species are relatively long-lived, at least five years of continued monitoring may be necessary to determine the outcome of management intervention. The variability in timing of aggregation in respect to season and moon phase in P. areolatus indicates that long-term monitoring must cover the entire year and both moon phases.  相似文献   

The effects of various disturbances on diversity and community structures of ground spiders in the Kenting National Park uplifted coral reef forest were investigated using pitfall traps. In each of the following five sampling sites, ten trap stations were established and were monitored once every month for a whole year: primary forest, primary forest with tourism activities, secondary forest, grassland with tourism activities and abandoned grassland. A total of 2237 adult spiders from 20 families and 110 species were collected, among which 86 (78.2%) were new or newly recorded species to Taiwan. Dominant species can be divided into two major groups according to temporal abundance variations: abundant in the dry season and abundant in the wet season. Habitat preference of 12 dominant species was assessed by comparing their relative abundance between sampling sites. Half of the species exhibited strong habitat preference and two species could only be found in habitats receiving no tourism disturbance. The Shannon–Weaver function, Simpson index and Evenness were not significantly different among the sites, suggesting that these sites had a similar community structure characterized by few dominant species and numerous rare species. However, the species composition differed considerably among the five sites. Results of a UPGMA analysis using pairwise Euclidean distance demonstrated that specimens from 50 trap stations can be divided into four major clusters: primary forest, secondary forest, grassland I and grassland II. Also, among 110 species obtained, 61 were distributed in one sampling site only, and each site had between 11 and 16 unique species. In addition to species composition, foraging guild composition also differed significantly among sampling sites. These results suggest that the diversity of ground spiders in the KTNP uplifted coral reef forest is quite heterogeneous, and any management activity should consider the uniqueness of each habitat type.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of dispersal among populations is a central topic in marine ecology and fundamental for spatially explicit management of marine resources. The extensive coast of Northwestern Australia provides an emerging frontier for implementing new genomic tools to comparatively identify patterns of dispersal across diverse and extreme environmental conditions. Here, we focused on the stripey snapper (Lutjanus carponotatus), which is important to recreational, charter‐based and customary fishers throughout the Indo‐West Pacific. We collected 1,016 L. carponotatus samples at 51 locations in the coastal waters of Northwestern Australia ranging from the Northern Territory to Shark Bay and adopted a genotype‐by‐sequencing approach to test whether realized connectivity (via larval dispersal) was related to extreme gradients in coastal hydrodynamics. Hydrodynamic simulations using CONNIE and a more detailed treatment in the Kimberley Bioregion provided null models for comparison. Based on 4,402 polymorphic single nucleotide polymorphism loci shared across all individuals, we demonstrated significant genetic subdivision between the Shark Bay Bioregion in the south and all locations within the remaining, more northern bioregions. More importantly, we identified a zone of admixture spanning a distance of 180 km at the border of the Kimberley and Canning bioregions, including the Buccaneer Archipelago and adjacent waters, which collectively experiences the largest tropical tidal range and some of the fastest tidal currents in the world. Further testing of the generality of this admixture zone in other shallow water species across broader geographic ranges will be critical for our understanding of the population dynamics and genetic structure of marine taxa in our tropical oceans.  相似文献   

The evolution of ecological processes on coral reefs was examined based on Eocene fossil fishes from Monte Bolca, Italy and extant species from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Using ecologically relevant morphological metrics, we investigated the evolution of herbivory in surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) and rabbitfishes (Siganidae). Eocene and Recent surgeonfishes showed remarkable similarities, with grazers, browsers and even specialized, long-snouted forms having Eocene analogues. These long-snouted Eocene species were probably pair-forming, crevice-feeding forms like their Recent counterparts. Although Eocene surgeonfishes likely played a critical role as herbivores during the origins of modern coral reefs, they lacked the novel morphologies seen in modern Acanthurus and Siganus (including eyes positioned high above their low-set mouths). Today, these forms dominate coral reefs in both abundance and species richness and are associated with feeding on shallow, exposed algal turfs. The radiation of these new forms, and their expansion into new habitats in the Oligocene–Miocene, reflects the second phase in the development of fish herbivory on coral reefs that is closely associated with the exploitation of highly productive short algal turfs.  相似文献   

Nonreef habitats such as mangroves, seagrass, and macroalgal beds are important for foraging, spawning, and as nursery habitat for some coral reef fishes. The spatial configuration of nonreef habitats adjacent to coral reefs can therefore have a substantial influence on the distribution and composition of reef fish. We investigate how different habitats in a tropical seascape in the Philippines influence the presence, density, and biomass of coral reef fishes to understand the relative importance of different habitats across various spatial scales. A detailed seascape map generated from satellite imagery was combined with field surveys of fish and benthic habitat on coral reefs. We then compared the relative importance of local reef (within coral reef) and adjacent habitat (habitats in the surrounding seascape) variables for coral reef fishes. Overall, adjacent habitat variables were as important as local reef variables in explaining reef fish density and biomass, despite being fewer in number in final models. For adult and juvenile wrasses (Labridae), and juveniles of some parrotfish taxa (Chlorurus), adjacent habitat was more important in explaining fish density and biomass. Notably, wrasses were positively influenced by the amount of sand and macroalgae in the adjacent seascape. Adjacent habitat metrics with the highest relative importance were sand (positive), macroalgae (positive), and mangrove habitats (negative), and fish responses to these metrics were consistent across fish groups evaluated. The 500‐m spatial scale was selected most often in models for seascape variables. Local coral reef variables with the greatest importance were percent cover of live coral (positive), sand (negative), and macroalgae (mixed). Incorporating spatial metrics that describe the surrounding seascape will capture more holistic patterns of fish–habitat relationships on reefs. This is important in regions where protection of reef fish habitat is an integral part of fisheries management but where protection of nonreef habitats is often overlooked.  相似文献   

Approximately one quarter of zooxanthellate coral species have a depth distribution from shallow waters (<30 m) down to mesophotic depths of 30-60 m. The deeper populations of such species are less likely to be affected by certain environmental perturbations, including high temperature/high irradiance causing coral bleaching. This has led to the hypothesis that deep populations may serve as refuges and a source of recruits for shallow reef habitats. The extent of vertical connectivity of reef coral species, however, is largely unquantified. Using 10 coral host microsatellite loci and sequences of the host mtDNA putative control region, as well as ribosomal DNA (rDNA) ITS2 sequences of the coral's algal endosymbionts (Symbiodinium), we examine population structure, connectivity and symbiont specificity in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix across a depth profile in both northwest (Scott Reef) and northeast Australia (Yonge Reef). Strong genetic structuring over depth was observed in both regions based on the microsatellite loci; however, Yonge Reef exhibited an additional partitioning of mtDNA lineages (associated with specific symbiont ITS2 types), whereas Scott Reef was dominated by a single mtDNA lineage (with no apparent host-symbiont specificity). Evidence for recruitment of larvae of deep water origin into shallow habitats was found at Scott Reef, suggesting that recovery of shallow water habitats may be aided by migration from deep water refuges. Conversely, no migration from the genetically divergent deep slope populations into the shallow habitats was evident at Yonge Reef, making recovery of shallow habitats from deeper waters at this location highly unlikely.  相似文献   

 In recent years, marine scientists have become increasingly alarmed over the decline of live coral cover throughout the Caribbean and tropical western Atlantic region. The Holocene and Pleistocene fossil record of coral reefs from this region potentially provides a wealth of long-term ecologic information with which to assess the historical record of changes in shallow water coral reef communities. Before fossil data can be applied to the modern reef system, critical problems involving fossil preservation must be addressed. Moreover, it must be demonstrated that the classic reef coral zonation patterns described in the early days of coral reef ecology, and upon which “healthy” versus “unhealthy” reefs are determined, are themselves representative of reefs that existed prior to any human influence. To address these issues, we have conducted systematic censuses of life and death assemblages on modern “healthy” patch reefs in the Florida reef tract that conform to the classic Caribbean model of reef coral zonation, and a patch reef in the Bahamas that is currently undergoing a transition in coral dominance that is part of a greater Caribbean-wide phenomenon. Results were compared to censuses of ancient reef assemblages preserved in Pleistocene limestones in close proximity to each modern reef. We have determined that the Pleistocene fossil record of coral reefs may be used to calibrate an ecological baseline with which to compare modern reef assemblages, and suggest that the current and rapid decline of Acropora cervicornis observed on a Bahamian patch reef may be a unique event that contrasts with the long-term persistence of this taxon during Pleistocene and Holocene time. Accepted: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the gastropod grazer Trochus niloticus in controlling epilithic algae and enhancing coral recruitment on artificial substrata on coral reefs where the biomass of herbivorous fishes was low due to heavy fishing pressure. Hatchery‐reared, subadult trochus were stocked onto pallet balls (small artificial reefs composed of concrete and limestone aggregate) at a density of approximately four individuals per square meter (external surface area). This density was re‐established with releases of new trochus each month for 6 months. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in algal biomass, cover and community composition, or the density of coral recruits on substrata with and without trochus. High monthly attrition of stocked trochus on the pallet balls, apparently due mainly to predation by octopus, did not allow the evaluation of the efficiency of the trochus enhancement, at the desired density, as a restoration tool. However, at the lower trochus densities (circa 1 m?2), which occurred as a result of predation in this study, no apparent enhancement of algal grazing or coral recruitment were observed. The surprisingly high predation of stocked trochus in a heavily fished and gleaned reef site stresses the importance of understanding all the factors affecting the survival of stocked animals. To help mitigate predation of trochus, artificial habitat with refuge spaces that allow the grazers to escape predation could be provided and individuals of a larger size could be released.  相似文献   

Coral reefs provide food and livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people as well as harbour some of the highest regions of biodiversity in the ocean. However, overexploitation, land‐use change and other local anthropogenic threats to coral reefs have left many degraded. Additionally, coral reefs are faced with the dual emerging threats of ocean warming and acidification due to rising CO2 emissions, with dire predictions that they will not survive the century. This review evaluates the impacts of climate change on coral reef organisms, communities and ecosystems, focusing on the interactions between climate change factors and local anthropogenic stressors. It then explores the shortcomings of existing management and the move towards ecosystem‐based management and resilience thinking, before highlighting the need for climate change‐ready marine protected areas (MPAs), reduction in local anthropogenic stressors, novel approaches such as human‐assisted evolution and the importance of sustainable socialecological systems. It concludes that designation of climate change‐ready MPAs, integrated with other management strategies involving stakeholders and participation at multiple scales such as marine spatial planning, will be required to maximise coral reef resilience under climate change. However, efforts to reduce carbon emissions are critical if the long‐term efficacy of local management actions is to be maintained and coral reefs are to survive.  相似文献   

海洋生态资本是能够直接或间接作用于人类社会经济生产、提供有用的产品流或服务流的海洋生态资源。海洋生态资源包括海洋生物资源及其生境资源。海洋生态资源的存量价值由海洋生物资源存量价值和海洋生境资源存量价值构成。针对我国海洋生物资源的特征,在海洋生态资本理论框架下,提出了鱼类、贝类、甲壳类、头足类、大型海藻等主要海洋生物资源的存量价值评估技术方法,包括物质量评估和价值量评估。探讨了海洋生物资源单位价格确定、评估价值修正、评估方法的适用性、成本扣除等问题。  相似文献   

杨友宝  郭付友  韩国圣 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8404-8416
旅游生态安全是国家生态安全体系的重要组成部分,也是维系旅游产业健康可持续发展的前提基础。基于主体功能限制开发视域下旅游生态安全内涵解析和"压力-状态-响应"框架构建指标体系,继而采用改进的逼近理想排序法(TOPSIS)模型、卷积神经网络和长短期记忆神经网络(CNN-LSTM)混合神经网络预测模型、因子贡献度模型对张家界旅游生态安全动态演变特征及驱动因素进行刻画分析。研究发现:(1) 旅游生态安全指数总体呈波动上升趋势,安全等级与警情状态不断改观,旅游生态安全水平演变分为"增减交替"快速上升"稳定增长"三个时期。(2) 旅游生态安全三大子系统均朝良性方向发展,但演化态势差异显著,压力子系统平均安全水平最高,但增长速率迟缓,状态子系统与前者则呈完全逆反态势,响应子系统平均安全水平与增长速率均处于中间位序水平,演变走势稳定性欠佳。(3) 2021-2030年,旅游生态安全指数预测值有望从0.6194增至0.7665,旅游生态安全水平呈"螺旋式"上升趋势,整体安全状况将会得到持续优化,但仍存在较强不稳定性和不确定性。(4) 影响旅游生态安全动态演变的首位驱动因子呈现"水土流失综合治理面积→省级以上自然保护区面积→城镇化率"的转换特征,旅游经济地位提升、公共绿地建设供给、工业绿色转型发展对旅游生态安全具有正向驱动效应,传统城镇化与工业化、高强度能源消耗、旅游产业无序扩张、频发性自然灾害、迟滞居民生活水平则产生负向抑制效应。  相似文献   

区域生态风险管理研究进展   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
周平  蒙吉军 《生态学报》2009,29(4):2097-2106
近20a来,随着生态风险评价研究的不断深化,区域生态风险评价的理论和方法日臻完善,与此紧密相关的生态风险管理日益受到了广泛关注.生态风险管理具有基于监控的反馈机制、风险受害者参与、程序灵活非线性化、关注成本效益等共同点.总结了国内外生态风险管理的研究进展,发现近年来生态风险管理的研究多是基于生态风险评价的结果,针对不同的风险类型和等级采取不同的管理措施.国内现有的研究对灾害风险管理的体系、机制建设较为成熟,但区域生态风险管理的机制研究尤其是预警和防范方面研究尚不成熟.基于此,构建了基于风险来临前、风险到来时和风险过后的区域生态风险管理的基本框架,研究结果对生态风险管理理论的构建和实践应用具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

海洋生态红线区划--以海南省为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随我国沿海地区社会经济迅速发展,各种不合理的资源开发活动已使海洋生态系统遭受严重威胁,亟需实施海洋生态红线制度为海洋生态保护与生态建设、优化区域开发与产业布局提供合理空间边界。介绍了生态红线概念的起源和内涵,提出了海洋生态红线的定义和基本原则,并以海南省为例介绍了海洋生态红线区划的技术框架,同时针对海洋生态红线区划面临的若干问题进行探讨,以期为我国海洋生态红线区划研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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