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Abstract Plant species cover-abundance and density data were collected for 94 sample plots across a gradient from rocky uplands to sandy outwash plains in the northern part of Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park in western Victoria. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to identify dominant gradients in species composition. A range of static (e.g. substrate type, soil depth, microclimate indicators) and dynamic (e.g. elapsed time since last fire) environmental variables were measured. Correlations were sought between these variables and vegetation patterns including those for richness (R) and Shannon-Weiner diversity (H′). The dominant gradient of vegetation change identified by DCA separated rocky sites and sites near ephemeral streams, from well-drained, sandy sites. Secondary gradients identified time since last fire as important for sandy sites, and altitude and aspect-related microclimate for rocky sites. Diversity was highest in the first 2 years after fire but showed no further decline in older sites. Overall, R and H' were negatively correlated with soil nutrient concentrations. On sandy sites R was high, but was low on rocky sites and near streams. Within the rocky sites, R was highest on cool, moist south and east slopes, and lowest on hot, dry north and west slopes. Explanations of diversity patterns based on inhibition of competitive exclusion due to stress and recurrent disturbance best fit the results presented here.  相似文献   

Cross‐ribbed rolling is a technique routinely used to construct firebreaks along the margins and access tracks of Ngarkat Conservation Park, South Australia. These breaks, approximately 20 m wide, contain regenerating heath communities with an overstorey of mallee. The effects of cross‐ribbed rolling on community composition and succession were examined in a single fire patch on the western boundary of Ngarkat Conservation Park across 12 sites located in vegetation burnt approximately 35 years ago. Two areas at each site were investigated, one on rolled communities and the other running parallel on the adjacent unrolled vegetation. There was also a difference in the rolled communities sampled; six were on a 3‐year‐old break, whereas the remainder were on a 5‐year‐old break. Results indicate no changes to species richness or diversity when comparing rolled and unrolled areas, but there was some alteration to species composition in rolled communities. These results suggest that under current rolling regimes, the main effect is a reduction in biomass and some accompanying alteration to species composition, but not a reduction in overall species diversity or an increase in weeds.  相似文献   

2012年7月-2013年7月,对深圳梧桐山风景区昆虫资源进行系统调查,并对其群落结构进行分析。期间共采集昆虫标本2934号,鉴定出166种,隶属17目98科。通过对不同生境昆虫物种丰富度和多样性指数统计分析得出,亚热带常绿阔叶林昆虫物种多样性指数最高,为3.29;南亚热带常绿灌丛昆虫多样性指数最低,为1.88。各种生境昆虫物种多样性指数从大到小排列为:亚热带常绿阔叶林南亚热带针阔叶混交林南亚热带人工常绿阔叶林南亚热带常绿灌丛。不同生境昆虫群落相似性系数在0.0889-0.2690之间,随着植被构成和环境小气候的差别越大相似性系数越小,说明梧桐山风景区各个生境之间昆虫群落具有一定的独立性。通过对不同垂直地带昆虫物种多样性指数统计分析得出,海拔介于300-600 m地带昆虫物种多样性指数最高,为3.30,海拔900 m以上地带昆虫多样性指数最低,为1.06。不同垂直地带昆虫多样性指数从大到小排列顺序为:海拔300-600 m海拔600-900 m海拔100-300 m海拔900 m以上。  相似文献   

刘庆 《西北植物学报》2000,20(2):259-267
研究在土壤含水量(X1)、土壤pH(X2)、全盐量(X3)和海拔高程(X4)等4个主要环境梯度上,分析了青海湖北岸18个草本植物的生物量、物种多样性(以物工为测度指标)变化规律,以及其基于环境梯度的相互关系,并提出了相关模型。研究结果表明,植物群落地上生物量与物种丰富度之间没有明显的相关性(R^2=0.104),而物种丰富度(Y)与环境因子之间的多元线性回归关系显著,回归模型为:Y=-88.29-  相似文献   

The relationship between grass species richness and ecosystem stability was investigated in the Kruger National Park. A total of 135 489 individual grasses were identified from 189 sites spread across 19 485 km2 of savanna biome, making this one of the largest studies of its kind. At each site, grass percentage abundance and standing crop were measured at one year intervals to provide an index of ecosystem function. A severe drought that affected the region between 1991 and 1993 provided a convenient perturbation. At the height of the drought, mean species richness declined by 12.7% while standing crop declined by 38.1%, from 3199 to 1979 kg ha?1. Percentage grass abundance declined to 87.5% of its pre‐drought value. After the drought had passed species richness, standing crop and percentage abundance recovered to 92.1%, 113.8% and 92.8% of their pre‐perturbation values, respectively. Statistical analysis of these responses revealed that grass assemblages of low species richness were more resistant to drought than assemblages of high species richness. Species‐poor sites also showed better recovery from perturbation after the drought had passed. These findings suggest that ecosystem stability may be negatively related to grass species richness in South African savanna grasslands.  相似文献   

物种丰富度的大尺度地理格局及其成因是宏观生态学和生物地理学的中心议题之一。本文利用中国陆栖哺乳动物分布数据, 结合高分辨率的气候、地形、植被等环境信息, 探讨了中国陆栖哺乳动物及主要类群的物种丰富度格局及其影响因素。结果显示, 中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度具有显著的纬度梯度格局, 总体上呈现出由低纬度向高纬度逐渐减少的趋势, 并与宏观地形具有良好的对应关系; 其中, 亚热带、热带西部山区的物种丰富度最高, 而东部平原地区、西北干旱区和青藏高原腹地则是丰富度的低值区。各主要类群的物种丰富度格局既有相似性, 又存在差异。最优线性模型的分析结果显示, 由归一化植被指数(NDVI)、生态系统类型数和气温年较差构成的回归模型对哺乳动物物种丰富度格局的解释率最高, 其中NDVI对模型解释率的贡献最大, 这表明中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理分异受多种环境因素的共同影响, 其中植被生产力起主导作用。各主要类群的最优线性模型显示, 影响物种丰富度格局的主要环境因子因类群而异, 这可能反映了各类群进化历史及生理适应的差异。  相似文献   


Islands crucially contribute to the Mediterranean Basin’s high floristic diversity, which, however, is at risk facing climate and land-use changes. Besides the identification of highly diverse areas, the knowledge about factors favouring diversity is of great importance. We analysed plant species diversity and composition related to environmental factors over varied vegetation units on a former Italian prison island in the northwest of Sardinia. Due to a long history of land use with grazing and later abandonment the nowadays protected island features a semi-natural landscape and can serve as an example for strongly anthropogenic altered insular ecosystems. Floristic composition, soil properties, microclimate and ungulate abundance were assessed. Relationships of vegetation composition and diversity with abiotic variables were examined by Canonical Correspondence Analysis, which indicated the importance of air temperature, soil moisture, slope gradient and C/N ratio for floristic differentiation. Most important abiotic factors for plant species richness were relative air humidity and soil moisture, while floristic diversity was mainly determined by air temperature and pH. Furthermore, observation data pointed to an adverse influence of ungulate abundance for plant species diversity. Regarding nature conservation, grazing intensity thus must be critically taken into account, especially for sensitive vegetation units like the coastal garrigue.  相似文献   

该研究以祁连山国家公园青海片区野生植物资源为研究对象,通过样方调查法对祁连山国家公园青海片区野生植物资源的种属分类情况进行调查,共记录野生植物资源130种,隶属于37科84属。其中,野生药用植物95种,隶属于34科66属;国家Ⅱ级保护植物7种,隶属于3科6属;易危种3种,隶属于3科3属。该研究结果可为祁连山国家公园青海片区野生植物资源普查、合理开发利用、生物多样性研究及保护策略的制定奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

We evaluated the richness, diversity, and composition of the medium and large mammal community in the Loka Abaya National Park (LANP), southern Ethiopia, and how these parameters differ among four habitat types: wooded grassland, riverine forest, hilly scrubland and wetland, and between seasons. We recorded a total of 2,573 individual animals of 28 medium and large mammal species in the park. This included three globally threatened species: the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), the vulnerable Leopard (Panthera pardus), and Hippopotamus (Hippopothamus amphibius). Season had little effect on species richness, diversity, and composition both across and within habitat types. However, species richness across seasons was significantly different among the four habitat types, in the declining order of the following: wooded grassland > riverine forest > hilly scrubland > wetland. The strongest similarity in species composition, both across and within seasons, was found between wooded grassland and riverine forest. In terms of relative abundance, mammal assemblage of the wooded grassland and wetland habitats had more evenly distributed number of species with different relative abundance categories. Overall, Anubis Baboon (Papio anubis), Grivet Monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops), and Greater Kudu (Tragelephus strepsiceros) were the three most abundant species across habitat types. In conclusion, findings of our study reveal that LANP plays an important role in Ethiopia's mammal conservation. Our findings will serve as baseline information for managers of the park to make effective conservation decisions and as a baseline for researchers wishing to conduct related ecological studies.  相似文献   

三江源国家公园种子植物区系特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究在2017年和2018年多次野外调查的基础上,结合相关资料对三江源国家公园内的种子植物进行统计并分析其植物区系的组成、性质及特点。结果表明:(1)三江源国家公园共有种子植物50科232属832种,以耐旱耐寒的多年生草本为主,木本植物较少,是三江源自然保护区种子植物的核心分布区。(2)该公园以长江源园区植物资源丰富度最高,澜沧江源园区和黄河源园区依次递减,其中,有244种种子植物在3个园区内均有分布。(3)在科的层次上,小科和中等科是构成该园区科的主体,而以禾本科为代表的12个大科和较大科共同构成了该园区种子植物的优势科。在属的层次上,单种属是构成该园区属的主体,中等属所含种子植物种数最多。(4)该区科的分布区类型以世界分布类型为主,除世界分布科外,该园区的科主要体现了温带性质的分布特点。(5)该区属的分布区类型具有明显的温带性质,与欧亚大陆联系紧密,以北温带分布类型为主要组成成分。(6)该区种子植物的种可分为中国特有种和非中国特有种两大类,中国特有种的分布与横断山脉密切联系,影响该区区系的形成。非中国特有种的分布中亚成分和东亚成分为主,北温带成分、温带亚洲成分等的共同参与和影响下形成明显的温带性质。(7)该园区种子植物资源的丰富性、生活型的多样性及科、属、种的温带性质的分布特点,充分体现了园区的种子植物区系与其独特的地理位置和气候条件相适应。  相似文献   

珍稀植物十齿花群落乔木优势种群种间联结性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用2×2列联表,通过X2检验和W检验,分析了贵州六盘水市玉舍国家级森林公园十齿花群落20个主要乔木种群的种间联结性.结果表明:20个乔木种群在抽样面积分别为50、100和250 m23种取样水平上均表现为显著的正关联,但取样面积为100 m2,比50 m2和250 m2更为合适.结合联结系数(AC)和种间共同出现百分率(PC)等指标对其种间联结性的程度测度显示:各项指标对十齿花群落主要乔木种群之间联结性关系总体上反映了大致相同的结果,但不同的测定方法可以相互弥补由于单一方法分析的不足;十齿花种群与其它乔木种群之间的联结性较显著,而且多数为正联结.种间正联结性越强,其对环境要求越接近,生态位重叠值越大.  相似文献   

We investigated butterfly responses to plot-level characteristics (plant species richness, vegetation height, and range in NDVI [normalized difference vegetation index]) and spatial heterogeneity in topography and landscape patterns (composition and configuration) at multiple spatial scales. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on butterfly species richness from seventy-six 20 × 50 m plots. The plant species richness and average vegetation height data were collected from 76 modified-Whittaker plots overlaid on 76 butterfly plots. Spatial heterogeneity around sample plots was quantified by measuring topographic variables and landscape metrics at eight spatial extents (radii of 300, 600 to 2,400 m). The number of butterfly species recorded was strongly positively correlated with plant species richness, proportion of shrubland and mean patch size of shrubland. Patterns in butterfly species richness were negatively correlated with other variables including mean patch size, average vegetation height, elevation, and range in NDVI. The best predictive model selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc), explained 62% of the variation in butterfly species richness at the 2,100 m spatial extent. Average vegetation height and mean patch size were among the best predictors of butterfly species richness. The models that included plot-level information and topographic variables explained relatively less variation in butterfly species richness, and were improved significantly after including landscape metrics. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity greatly influences patterns in butterfly species richness, and that it should be explicitly considered in conservation and management actions.  相似文献   

Ecological survey was executed to assess woody species encroachment into the grassland plain of Nechisar National Park (NNP). Forty‐one woody species were recorded. Dichrostachys cinerea Wight & Arn., Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth., Acacia nilotica (L) Willd., Acacia senegal (L.) Willd., Acacia seyal Del. and Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne were among the major encroaching woody species. The majority of the woody species were found to be highly aggregated in their pattern of distribution, while only few species showed some degree of randomness. The mean woody species density was ca. 1995 woody plants ha?1. Mean cover of woody, grass, unpalatable forbs and total herbaceous species were 31%, 58%, 68% and 121%, respectively. The woody species density and cover, unpalatable forbs and bare land cover were significantly higher in the highly grazed and fire‐suppressed part of the grassland plain. Pearson correlation coefficient matrix indicated that woody species cover and density were negatively correlated with total herbaceous and grass cover. The high woody, unpalatable forbs and bare land cover indicated the progressively increasing perennial grass species diversity deterioration in the grass plain of the Park. Decline in the grassland condition, unless reversed, will jeopardize the biological diversity as well as the aesthetic value of the NNP.  相似文献   

Aims Deserts are one of the ecosystems most sensitive to global climate change. However, there are few studies examining how changing abiotic and biotic factors under climate change will affect plant species diversity in the temperate deserts of Asia. This study aimed to: (i) characterize species distributions and diversity patterns in an Asian temperate desert; and (ii) to quantify the effects of spatial and environment variables on plant species diversity.Methods We surveyed 61 sites to examine the relationship between plant species diversity and several spatial/environmental variables in the Gurbantunggut Desert. Spatial and environmental variables were used to predict plant species diversity in separate multiple regression and ordination models. Variation in species responses to spatial and environmental conditions was partitioned by combining these variables in a redundancy analysis (RDA) and by creating multivariate regression trees (MRT).Important findings We found 92 plant species across the 61 sites. Elevation and geographic location were the dominant environmental factors underlying variation in site species richness. A RDA indicated that 93% of the variance in the species–environment relationships was explained by altitude, latitude, longitude, precipitation and slope position. Precipitation and topographic heterogeneity, through their effects on water availability, were more important than soil chemistry in determining the distribution of species. MRT analyses categorized communities into four groups based on latitude, soil pH and elevation, explaining 42.3% of the standardized species variance. Soil pH strongly influenced community composition within homogeneous geographic areas. Our findings suggest that precipitation and topographic heterogeneity, rather than edaphic heterogeneity, are more closely correlated to the number of species and their distributions in the temperate desert.  相似文献   

木论喀斯特峰丛洼地森林群落空间格局及环境解释   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于广西壮族自治区木论国家级自然保护区典型峰丛洼地景观尺度内不同微生境条件和植物群落类型50个样地 (20 m × 20 m)的系统取样调查, 用二元物种指示方法(TWINSPAN)对样地内胸径(DBH) ≥ 1 cm的木本植物进行分类, 选择10个土壤环境因子和5个空间因子, 利用除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)研究了森林群落分布的土壤环境与空间格局, 并给予定量化的合理解释。结果如下: 1) TWINSPAN将森林群落划分为11组, 在三级水平上分为4类生态群落类型。2) DCCA第一排序轴集中了排序的大部分信息, 突出反映了各森林群落所在的坡向和土壤主要养分梯度, 沿第一轴从左到右, 坡向由阴转阳, 岩石裸露率越来越高, 土壤主要养分逐渐降低, 森林群落分别出现了由原生性和耐阴性强逐步向阳性先锋树种为主的次生林和人工林变化的格局。3)因子分离分析结果表明, 土壤环境因子对森林群落分布格局的解释能力为39.16%, 其中21.02%单纯由土壤环境因子所引起, 空间因子的解释能力为31.34%, 其中13.16%独立于土壤环境的变化, 18.15%是土壤环境和空间因子相互耦合作用的结果, 不可解释部分达47.66%, 表明喀斯特峰丛洼地森林群落的物种共存受生态位分化理论和中性理论双重控制。  相似文献   

武夷山国家公园不同林地土壤呼吸动态变化及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探明亚热带山岳型国家公园不同林地利用方式下土壤呼吸(Rs)的动态变化规律以及影响因素,对准确评价和预测该区域以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的碳收支具有重要的现实意义。以武夷山国家公园为研究对象,利用Li-8100开路式土壤碳通量测定系统对茶园、锥栗(Castanea henryi(Skam) Rehd.et Wils.)林、马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)林和裸地的土壤呼吸及近地面气温、土壤温度、土壤湿度、土壤养分和土壤微生物碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)进行测定。结果显示:(1)与近地面气温、土壤温度和土壤湿度相同,不同林地的Rs均呈现夏 > 春 > 秋 > 冬的季节动态,Rs的季节均值按大小排序为茶园(3.10 μmol m-2 s-1) > 马尾松(2.96 μmol m-2 s-1) > 锥栗(2.32 μmol m-2 s-1) > 裸地(1.43 μmol m-2 s-1),锥栗和裸地之间、锥栗与马尾松之间均差异显著(P<0.01)。除马尾松林外,其他林地水热因子(近地面气温、土壤温度和土壤湿度)的单因子二次多项式模型对Rs的拟合度最高。水热因子共同建立的复合模型中,土壤温度、湿度的幂-指数模型对茶园Rs的拟合度较高,土壤温度和土壤湿度能够解释Rs变化的80%,马尾松林的Rs较适用于土壤温度、湿度建立的对数函数模型,而三因子线性模型(进入回归法)对锥栗林和裸地的Rs的拟合度最优,R2分别为0.565和0.281。(2)茶园和锥栗林的碳、氮、磷含量均高于马尾松林和裸地,MBN含量茶园 > 马尾松 > 锥栗 > 裸地。茶园的Rs与全磷(TP)、有效磷(AP)、全钾(TK)、速效钾(AK)含量呈极显著(P<0.01)正相关,马尾松林的Rs受TP、TK、AK含量的影响极显著(P<0.01),锥栗林的Rs与TK、AK、MBN含量呈现显著(P<0.05)正相关,裸地的Rs受MBN含量影响较为显著(P<0.05),4种林地土壤呼吸与养分的多元逐步回归方程R2均接近1。综上,茶园和马尾松林土壤呼吸速率较高,且所有林地的土壤呼吸均呈现夏 > 春 > 秋 > 冬的季节动态。温度和湿度与土壤呼吸的相关性强,是水热条件丰富的亚热带山岳地区土壤呼吸季节变化的主导因素,其中武夷山茶园土壤呼吸对水热因子的响应在4种林地中最为敏感。除温度和湿度外,各林地土壤呼吸受P、K元素的影响较大,其中茶园主要受P元素影响,马尾松林地受K元素影响较多。  相似文献   

在青藏高原进行了大范围的群落调查 ,研究高原的两种主要草地群落类型———高寒草甸和高寒草原的植物物种丰富度及其变化。结果表明 :(1)在 5 0个样地 2 5 0个 1m× 1m的样方中 ,共出现 2 6 7种植物 ,其中高寒草甸179种 ,高寒草原 135种。在高寒草甸 ,1m2 样方内物种数最多为 32种 ,最少的仅为 3种 ;在高寒草原 ,物种数最多为 18种 /m2 ,最少的仅为 2种 /m2 。 (2 )物种丰富度随经度和纬度的增加呈增加趋势 ;随海拔的上升呈减少趋势。对物种丰富度与环境因子之间进行逐步回归 ,发现物种丰富度与生长季降水和温暖指数呈显著正相关。 (3)物种丰富度与地上生物量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Aim This study investigates the determinants of European‐scale patterns in tree species composition and richness, addressing the following questions: (1) What is the relative importance of environment and history? History refers to lasting effects of past large‐scale events and time‐dependent cumulative effects of ongoing processes, notably dispersal limited range dynamics. (2) Among the environmental determinants, what is the relative importance of climate, soils, and forest cover? (3) Do the answers to questions 1 and 2 differ between conifers and Fagales, the two major monophyletic groups of European trees? Location The study area comprises most of Europe (34° N–72° N and 11° W–32° E). Methods Atlas data on native distributions of 54 large tree species at 50 × 50 km resolution were linked with climatic, edaphic, and forest cover maps in a geographical information system. Unconstrained (principal components analysis using Hellinger distance transformation and detrended correspondence analysis) and constrained ordinations (redundancy analysis using Hellinger distance transformation and canonical correspondence analysis) and multiple linear regressions were used to investigate the determinants of species composition and species richness, respectively. History is expected to leave its mark as broad spatial patterns and was represented by the nine spatial terms of a cubic trend surface polynomial. Results The main floristic pattern identified by all ordinations was a latitude‐temperature gradient, while the lower axes corresponded mostly to spatial variables. Partitioning the floristic variation using constrained ordinations showed the mixed spatial‐environmental and pure spatial fractions to be much greater than the pure environmental fraction. Biplots, forward variable selection, and partial analyses all suggested climatic variables as more important floristic determinants than forest cover or soil variables. Tree species richness peaked in the mountainous regions of East‐Central and Southern Europe, except the Far West. Variation partitioning of species richness found the mixed spatial‐environmental and pure spatial fractions to be much greater than the pure environmental fraction for all species combined and Fagales, but not for conifers. The scaled regression coefficients indicated climate as a stronger determinant of richness than soils or forest cover. While the dominant patterns were similar for conifers and Fagales, conifers exhibited less predictable patterns overall, a smaller pure spatial variation fraction relative to pure environmental fraction, and a greater relative importance of climate; all differences being more pronounced for species richness than for species composition. Main conclusions The analyses suggest that history is at least as important as current environment in controlling species composition and richness of European trees, with the exception of conifer species richness. Strong support for interpreting the spatial patterns as outcomes of historical processes, notably dispersal limitation, came from the observation that many European tree species naturalize extensively outside their native ranges. Furthermore, it was confirmed that climate predominates among environmental determinants of distribution and diversity patterns at large spatial scales. Finally, the particular patterns exhibited by conifers probably reflect greater environmental specialization and greater human impact. These findings warn against expecting the European tree flora to be able track fast future climate changes on its own.  相似文献   

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