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口腔微生物群作为人体微生物群的重要组成部分,种类繁多、组成复杂,其组成和比例与各类口腔疾病密切相关。牙周炎是一种多微生物的复合感染,它由口腔内微生物群中潜在的致病微生物丰度增加引起,这些微生物通过介导炎症反应及调节口腔微生物群的基础营养环境而致病。本文综述了近年来口腔微生物群与牙周疾病之间的关系及相关影响因素,并分析了目前牙周病微生物群研究的挑战与瓶颈,为将微生物群作为预防、诊断和治疗牙周相关疾病的生物标记物并进一步应用于临床提供理论基础。  相似文献   

益生菌(Probiotic)是添加入食物的能够增加营养摄入并改善人体肠道菌群平衡的活菌。大量研究认为益生菌有促进人体健康的作用,目前研究主要集中在益生菌促进人体肠道菌群平衡的作用。口腔是消化道的起始端,最先接触到益生菌并且也有其特有的微生态系统,近年来越来越多的研究关注益生菌对口腔微生物的作用。本文主要从益生菌在口腔的定植,益生菌对口腔微生物群落的影响,益生菌对口腔细菌作用机制三个方面对近年来益生菌对口腔微生物的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

口腔微生态失衡导致口腔异味的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍口腔微生态失调与口腔疾病的关系,口腔疾病出现口腔气味异常的机制。综合分析口腔微生态与口腔健康的研究动态及意义。展望口腔微生态调整在口腔疾病治疗中的作用研究,尤其在消除口腔异昧的积极作用。方法由第一、二作者应用计算机通过pubmed检索NCBI数据库1992年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“Micro ecology”,限定语言种类为“English”;同时检索CNKI全文数据库、维普全文数据库1995年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“微生态”,限定语言种类为中文。纳入标准:文章内容与口腔微生态相关的研究、以及在口腔疾病研究领域有关。排除标准:较陈旧的文献和重复研究。结果共收集到106篇相关文献,21篇文献纳入本文,其中,19篇为综述和述评类文献,19篇为中文杂志,2篇为外文杂志。结论致病菌大量生长繁殖,口腔微生态失调,菌斑内微生物之间以及机体与菌斑之间相互作用分解蛋白产生硫化物,这些代谢产物包括H2S、CH3SH、CH3SCH3、吲哚、甲基吲哚、挥发脂肪酸和聚胺等发出刺激性气味,产生口腔异味。治疗口腔异味应该考虑平衡口腔微生态,调整口腔菌群。口腔异味的治疗又有利于口腔菌群平衡。提示我们治疗口腔疾病应该考虑口腔微生态平衡。  相似文献   

目的介绍口腔微生态失调与口腔疾病的关系,口腔疾病出现口腔气味异常的机制。综合分析口腔微生态与口腔健康的研究动态及意义。展望口腔微生态调整在口腔疾病治疗中的作用研究,尤其在消除口腔异昧的积极作用。方法由第一、二作者应用计算机通过pubmed检索NCBI数据库1992年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“Micro ecology”,限定语言种类为“English”;同时检索CNKI全文数据库、维普全文数据库1995年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“微生态”,限定语言种类为中文。纳入标准:文章内容与口腔微生态相关的研究、以及在口腔疾病研究领域有关。排除标准:较陈旧的文献和重复研究。结果共收集到106篇相关文献,21篇文献纳入本文,其中,19篇为综述和述评类文献,19篇为中文杂志,2篇为外文杂志。结论致病菌大量生长繁殖,口腔微生态失调,菌斑内微生物之间以及机体与菌斑之间相互作用分解蛋白产生硫化物,这些代谢产物包括H2S、CH3SH、CH3SCH3、吲哚、甲基吲哚、挥发脂肪酸和聚胺等发出刺激性气味,产生口腔异味。治疗口腔异味应该考虑平衡口腔微生态,调整口腔菌群。口腔异味的治疗又有利于口腔菌群平衡。提示我们治疗口腔疾病应该考虑口腔微生态平衡。  相似文献   

口腔微生物群作为人体微生物群的重要组成部分,其与人体健康之间的关系已成为各领域研究的焦点。口腔微生物群种类繁多、组成复杂,涵盖了细菌、真菌、古细菌和病毒等。近年来的研究显示,口腔微生物群的组成和比例与人体健康密切相关,会影响口腔疾病如龋齿、牙周病的发生。同时口腔微生物也是全身系统性疾病如肺炎、肿瘤和糖尿病等发生的危险因素之一。大量研究认为,口腔微生物群组成的改变、口腔微生物群之间的相互作用对疾病的发生有协同促进作用。本文聚焦于口腔微生物群的组成相关研究、口腔微生物组的最新进展,并对其与人体健康之间的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

随着口腔微生物群变化的研究不断深入,正畸治疗与口腔微生物群之间的关系逐渐显现。正畸治疗会对口腔微生物群甚至全身微生物群产生重要的影响。一般的正畸治疗主要是让患者佩戴牙齿矫正器,这会导致患者的口腔微生物群被破坏,从而引发一系列如龋齿、牙周炎、牙龈炎等口腔疾病,甚至会威胁到人体的其他器官,有研究表明口腔微生物群比例失衡会导致人体的肝脏等器官感染,从而诱发一系列人体疾病。所以,进行正畸治疗的患者要特别重视口腔健康,做好口腔清洁工作,防止口腔疾病的出现。  相似文献   

口腔微生物与人体始终处于动态生态平衡状态,对于维护人体的健康发挥重要的作用,也与多种口腔疾病的发生发展有密切关系.随着现代科学技术的发展,越来越多的新技术、新方法用于口腔微生态领域的研究,这使得人们对口腔微生态的认识不断深入.以下将从口腔微生态的组成、口腔微生态与机体的关系及其研究方法三个方面简要介绍近年来口腔微生态的相关研究进展.  相似文献   

人类口腔微生物组学研究:现状、挑战及机遇   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全球超过一半的人口患有口腔疾病,其医护费用与全球十大常见死亡病因的花费相当,而且口腔感染与早产、动脉粥样硬化、肝硬化、糖尿病、阿尔茨海默病等全身性或慢性疾病显著相关,因此,口腔微生物组一直是人类微生物组计划的主要研究对象之一。与人体其他部位比较,口腔微生物组研究具有取样快捷、宿主反应表征方便、干预手段直接有效等特点;同时,超过65%的口腔细菌类群已可培养,诸多代表性菌株的全基因组信息已破译。因此口腔微生物组在菌群内部调控网络及其与宿主互作机制、局部感染对远隔器官的影响机制、以及基于菌群的慢病早期预警等微生物组研究核心科学问题上具备作为模式研究体系与技术示范对象的重要优势。本文在分析口腔微生物组学国际、国内研究现状的基础上,建议尽快启动中国人口腔微生物组计划(China human oral microbiome project,CHOMP),通过产学研协同攻关,开拓基于口腔菌群的口腔及全身系统性疾病的个体化预防、诊断及治疗策略。  相似文献   

李玉姣  钱飞  王丹  田宇 《微生物学通报》2021,48(11):4250-4260
宏基因组是指环境中所有微生物的遗传物质总和。宏基因组学技术可以最大限度地利用环境中的微生物资源,受到了国内外微生物研究者的重点关注。口腔中寄居着大量的微生物群落,以往对口腔疾病微生物的研究大多局限于单纯的细菌培养技术,然而,由于培养技术的局限性,部分微生物很难或根本不能培养,宏基因组学技术打破了这一局限性,帮助人类发掘更丰富的口腔微生物资源。最近,以宏基因组学测序为基础的研究描绘出了口腔生态系统的图谱,越来越多的实验证明口腔微生物组在各种口腔疾病甚至全身系统性疾病中的重要作用。同时,这也为基于人类微生物组的诊断和治疗开辟了新的途径。本综述旨在说明宏基因组学是研究人类口腔疾病及全身疾病相关微生物的得力工具,而且具有广阔的发展前景,同时也讨论了宏基因组学在应用中有待克服的局限性。  相似文献   

口腔微生物组是人体五大菌库之一,其微生态失衡不仅在牙周炎和龋齿等口腔疾病中发挥主要作用,还与全身诸多疾病紧密相关。阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是一种神经系统退行性疾病,随着社会人口老龄化的加剧,其防治已成为严重的公共卫生问题。大量研究表明,AD与某些口腔致病菌及其微生态失衡显著相关。本文就口腔微生物与AD的关系作一综述,总结了口腔微生物影响AD的可能机制,并在此基础上初步推测不同的微生物与AD间的潜在关系。为进一步治疗和预防AD,人们除了关注AD患者大脑的病理改变外,还应关注患者的口腔微生态平衡。  相似文献   

口腔微生物群落的动态平衡是维持口腔健康的关键因素。益生元是一类具有选择性、能够促进体内有益菌代谢增殖从而改善宿主健康的有机物质,主要通过调节口腔微生物生长代谢、抑制口腔菌斑生物膜形成、调节宿主免疫反应、参与硝酸盐-亚硝酸盐-一氧化氮代谢循环通路、调节氧化应激反应等途径调控口腔微生态,从而对口腔常见疾病,如龋齿、牙周病、口腔黏膜病的防治起到积极作用。本文主要就近年来益生元在口腔健康中的作用及相关机制的研究情况进行综述。  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract of pigs is densely populated with microorganisms that closely interact with the host and with ingested feed. Gut microbiota benefits the host by providing nutrients from dietary substrates and modulating the development and function of the digestive and immune systems. An optimized gastrointestinal microbiome is crucial for pigs’ health, and establishment of the microbiome in piglets is especially important for growth and disease resistance. However, the microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets is immature and easily influenced by the environment. Supplementing the microbiome of piglets with probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus could help create an optimized microbiome by improving the abundance and number of lactobacilli and other indigenous probiotic bacteria. Dominant indigenous probiotic bacteria could improve piglets’ growth and immunity through certain cascade signal transduction pathways. The piglet body provides a permissive habitat and nutrients for bacterial colonization and growth. In return, probiotic bacteria produce prebiotics such as short-chain fatty acids and bacteriocins that benefit piglets by enhancing their growth and reducing their risk of enteric infection by pathogens. A comprehensive understanding of the interactions between piglets and members of their gut microbiota will help develop new dietary interventions that can enhance piglets’ growth, protect piglets from enteric diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, and maximize host feed utilization.  相似文献   

In oral medicine and dentistry probiotics have shown promising results in controlling dental diseases and yeast infections. This study was made to investigate the effect of eight strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and their effects on human matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The hypothesis was that these bacteria used in yoghurt production for centuries are not proteolytic and thus can be safely used in the development of probiotic preparations. Bacterial cell fractions and supernatant specimens were prepared and studied with gelatinase zymography and MMP-9 activation was assessed by immunoblotting. The effect of synthetic MMP inhibitors and a serine protease inhibitor (Pefabloc) on bacterial proteinases was studied with zymography. The results showed very low gelatinolytic activity. There was a slight difference between the supernatant and cell fractions so that the supernatant specimens produced weak gelatinolytic bands in zymography while hardly anything was seen in the cell fraction series. The tested synthetic MMP inhibitors and Pefabloc did not affect the proteolytic activity of the lactobacilli strains. The lactobacilli did not seem to induce the conversion of proMMP-9 to its active form. Consequently, our study hypothesis was confirmed and the studied Lactobacillus strains are not likely to degrade host tissue components.  相似文献   



The microflora composition of the oral cavity affects oral health. Some strains of commensal bacteria confer probiotic benefits to the host. Lactobacillus is one of the main probiotic genera that has been used to treat oral infections. The objective of this study was to select lactobacilli with a spectrum of probiotic properties and investigate their potential roles in oral health.


An oral isolate characterized as Lactobacillus brevis BBE-Y52 exhibited antimicrobial activities against Streptococcus mutans, a bacterial species that causes dental caries and tooth decay, and secreted antimicrobial compounds such as hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid. Compared to other bacteria, L. brevis BBE-Y52 was a weak acid producer. Further studies showed that this strain had the capacity to adhere to oral epithelial cells. Co-incubation of L. brevis BBE-Y52 with S. mutans ATCC 25175 increased the IL-10-to-IL-12p70 ratio in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which indicated that L. brevis BBE-Y52 could alleviate inflammation and might confer benefits to host health by modulating the immune system.


L. brevis BBE-Y52 exhibited a spectrum of probiotic properties, which may facilitate its applications in oral care products.

Mechanisms of the immunomodulating and anticancerogenic action of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus are updated on the basis of recent publications andown research. The impact of lactobacteria on the production of cytokines by the host as one of the most important factors mediating the modulating properties of these microorganisms is considered. Information on the capacity of lactobacteria to exhibit stimulating and suppressing effects on the immune system, to maintain the development and support oral tolerance and to ensure antitumor action is presented. The role of different cell components of lactic acid bacteria in inducing the cytokines synthesis is discussed. The mechanisms of the immunomodulating action of different probiotic preparations for the prophylaxis and correction of immunodeficient states associated with the development of dysbacteriosis and acute enteric infections are analyzed. The data on the oncostatic action of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus are presented.  相似文献   

口腔是人体最重要的微生物储藏库之一,这些微生物通常以生物被膜的形式稳定地黏附于口腔内粘膜及牙齿表面,在病理条件下则可以深入髓腔及牙槽骨内,成为龋病、根尖周炎、牙周病等常见口腔疾病的主要病因,甚至与许多全身性疾病密切相关.在人类口腔微生态系统中,微生物种类繁多,生物被膜的构成及相互作用关系复杂,目前对其认识还十分有限;此...  相似文献   


Omega-3 and probiotics were shown to improve periodontal health by modulating the host immune response. Recently, the combination of omega-3 and probiotics has been shown to have a potential synergistic effect on host modulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prophylactic role of an omega-3 and probiotic combination on alveolar bone loss (ABL) via inflammatory response in an experimental periodontitis model. Forty-three rats were divided into 5 groups as control (C, n?=?8), periodontitis (P, n?=?8), omega-3?+?periodontitis (O, n?=?8), probiotic?+?periodontitis (Pro, n?=?10), and omega-3?+?probiotic?+?periodontitis (OPro, n?=?9). Additionally to a standardized diet, omega-3 and/or probiotics were supplemented with oral gavage to the O, Pro, and OPro groups for 44 days. Periodontitis was induced by ligature to the P, O, Pro, and OPro groups on the 30th day for 2 weeks. ABL levels were measured histopathologically, and serum interleukin (IL) 1β, IL6, and IL10 levels were analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. ABL increased in all periodontitis groups (P, O, Pro, and OPro), compared to C group. Compared to P group, all oral gavage groups (O, Pro, and OPro) revealed decreased ABL, which was lowest in OPro group. IL1β and IL6 decreased and IL10 increased in OPro group, compared to P group. In conclusion, prophylactic administration of omega-3 and probiotic combination reduced ABL and improved serum IL1β, IL6, and IL10 levels more than their single use.


益生菌可改善机体微生态平衡,在促进营养吸收、控制肠道感染和调节免疫功能等方面具有特殊的功效,但存在胃肠道环境难定植、口服生物利用度低等问题。生物被膜是多个细菌黏附于非生物或生物表面,分泌胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances),并将自身包裹其中形成的一种有组织的细菌集团,包含胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides,EPS)、蛋白质、胞外DNA(extracellular deoxyribonucleic acid, eDNA)和脂质等多种组成成分,是一个具有三维立体空间结构的聚集体。被膜状态的益生菌较浮游菌在抗逆性、对抗病原菌和调节免疫功能等方面具有明显优势,这些特点为新型益生菌的开发提供了新的研究思路。本文阐述了被膜状态益生菌的优势,重点介绍了促进益生菌生物被膜形成的活性物及其形成机制,简述了益生菌生物被膜的安全性问题。当前,益生菌生物被膜的研究尚处于起步阶段,希望本文能为该领域未来的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the complexity of the oral biome and of the role of the various constituent bacteria in the aetiology of dental disease is growing. Probiotics and their relationship with prebiotics, as well as other microbiome‐based interventions, could be useful in preventing and treating dental disease and in promoting oral health. However, given the promise and early stage of this treatment approach, there are also a number of ethical, social and regulatory issues associated with innovative probiotic therapy. In this article, a brief update is given on contemporary theories of the aetiology and management of the two commonest dental diseases, and on the roles of pre‐ and probiotics and oral biome transplant in the management of these diseases. The focus is primarily on four core issues: informed consent, risk–benefit assessment, how to determine suitable healthy donors, and commercialization and regulation. We discuss the safety and benefits of oral probiotics, not only concerning the products and quality control during their manufacture, but also regarding the depth of public knowledge about this topic. We point out that the requirement of listing ingredients honestly might be insufficient, and that the prevalent rhetoric of ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ as well as some health claims in the translational, innovative probiotic industry and markets are themselves misleading and should be carefully scrutinized. Finally, we suggest an ethical imperative to find a balance between scientific research and industry, and public health in the regulation of probiotics.  相似文献   

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