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According to the IPCC, the global average temperature is likely to increase by 1.4–5.8 °C over the period from 1990 to 2100. In Polar regions, the magnitude of such climatic changes is even larger than in temperate and tropical biomes. This amplified response is particularly worrisome given that the so‐far moderate warming is already impacting Arctic ecosystems. Predicting species responses to rapid warming in the near future can be informed by investigating past responses, as, like the rest of the planet, the Arctic experienced recurrent cycles of temperature increase and decrease (glacial–interglacial changes) in the past. In this study, we compare the response of two important prey species of the Arctic ecosystem, the collared lemming and the narrow‐skulled vole, to Late Quaternary climate change. Using ancient DNA and Ecological Niche Modeling (ENM), we show that the two species, which occupy similar, but not identical ecological niches, show markedly different responses to climatic and environmental changes within broadly similar habitats. We empirically demonstrate, utilizing coalescent model‐testing approaches, that collared lemming populations decreased substantially after the Last Glacial Maximum; a result consistent with distributional loss over the same period based on ENM results. Given this strong association, we projected the current niche onto future climate conditions based on IPCC 4.0 scenarios, and forecast accelerating loss of habitat along southern range boundaries with likely associated demographic consequences. Narrow‐skulled vole distribution and demography, by contrast, was only moderately impacted by past climatic changes, but predicted future changes may begin to affect their current western range boundaries. Our work, founded on multiple lines of evidence suggests a future of rapidly geographically shifting Arctic small mammal prey communities, some of whom are on the edge of existence, and whose fate may have ramifications for the whole Arctic food web and ecosystem.  相似文献   

The common shrew, Sorex araneus, has one of the most variable karyotypes among mammals, displaying numerous chromosome races throughout its distribution. The six chromosome races present in Sweden can be categorized in two different karyotypic groups, the west and north European karyotypic groups (western and northern). Three races belonging to the western group are considered to have arisen through whole arm reciprocal translocations (WARTs). Race formation through this process requires a bottleneck event. In the present study we sequenced a part of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome to investigate molecular differences between the chromosome races in Sweden. We found no mtDNA differentiation between the mainland chromosome races or the karyotypic groups. Genetic variation is as large between populations within a race as between populations among the races or karyotypic groups, suggesting that the karyotypic groups might have originated in a common glacial refugium. The noticeable exception is the Oland race, which shows higher mtDNA diversity compared to the other Swedish races, indicating a divergent origin difficult to explain. Mitochondrial DNA variation in Sweden suggests that most haplotypes arose in situ and that the populations has undergone a rapid size expansion. Altogether, the mtDNA data are in agreement with the WART hypothesis, which still holds as the most plausible variant of karyotype evolution for three of the chromosome races of the common shrew in Sweden.  相似文献   

The geographic pattern of mtDNA variation in lemmings from 13 localities throughout the Eurasian Arctic was studied by using eight restriction enzymes and sequencing of the cytochrome b region. These data are used to reveal the vicariant history of Lemmus , and to examine the effect of the last glaciation on mtDNA variation by comparing diversity in formerly glaciated areas to the diversity in non-glaciated areas. Phylogenetic congruence across different Arctic taxa and association between observed discontinuities, and probable Pleistocene barriers, suggest that glacial-interglacial periods were crucial in the vicariant history of Lemmus. Differences in amount of divergence (2.1–9.1%) across different historical barriers indicate chronologically separate vicariant events during the Quaternary. Populations from a formerly glaciated area are no less variable than those in the non-glaciated area. Regardless of glaciation history, no population structure and high haplotype diversity were found within geographic regions. The lack of population structure indicates that populations with high ancestral haplotype diversity shifted their distribution during the Holocene, and that lemmings tracked a changing environment during the Quaternary without reduction of effective population size.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the phylogeographic and evolutionary history of Picea likiangensis,a dominant species of the conifer forests in the eastern declivity of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We collected 422 individuals from 42 natural populations of three major varieties classified under this species.In conifers,mitochondrial(mt) DNA and chloroplast(cp) DNA dispersed by seeds or pollen experience very different levels of gene flow.To this end,we examined the sequence variation of two mtDNA fragments(nad5 intron 1 and nad1 intron b/c) and three cpDNA fragments(trnL-trnF,trnS-trnG and nadhK/C).We found that cpDNA probably introgressed from P.purpurea into remote populations of P.likiangensis through long-distance dispersal. Multiple refugia seem to have been maintained for P.likiangensis during the Last Glacial Maximum because the cpDNA and mtDNA haplotypes recovered were fixed in the different regions.Postglacial expansions were only detected at the distributional edges of this species where a single cpDNA or mtDNA haplotype was fixed in adjacent populations.However,genetic imprints of postglacial expansions from these two sets of markers were different in the western and southeastern regions,which may result from the long-distance dispersal of the cpDNA,as well as its fast lineage sorting during intraspecific divergences.Analysis of molecular variance further suggested that genetic differentiation between the three varieties is higher at cpDNA markers than at mtDNA markers,which supports the previous viewpoint that cpDNA markers with a high rate of gene flow may be more effective in delimitating closely related taxa.Together,the results of the present study highlight the evolutionary complexity of a widely distributed species owing to interactions among local and edge expansion,long-distance dispersal,and intraspecific divergences at two sets of DNA genomes with different rates of gene flow.  相似文献   

The effects of Pleistocene environmental fluctuations on the distribution and diversity of organisms in Southeast Asia are much less well known than in Europe and North America. In these regions, the combination of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and inferences about population history from genetic data has been very powerful. In Southeast Asia, mosquitoes are good candidates for the genetic approach, with the added benefit that understanding the relative contributions of historical and current processes to population structure can inform management of vector species. Genetic variation among populations of Anopheles minimus was examined using 144 mtDNA COII sequences from 23 sites in China, Thailand and Vietnam. Haplotype diversity was high, with two distinct lineages that have a sequence divergence of over 2% and exhibit different geographical distributions. We compare alternative hypotheses concerning the origin of this pattern. The observed data deviate from the expectations based on a single-panmictic population with or without growth, or a stable but spatially structured population. However, they can be readily accommodated by a model of past fragmentation into eastern and western refugia, followed by growth and range expansion. This is consistent with the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions currently available for the region.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of wood lemmings ( Myopus schisticolor ) from Scandinavia, Finland and western Siberia was examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 45 individuals from six localities. The 12 observed mtDNA haplotypes demonstrated a distinct phylogeographic pattern, suggesting that the postglacial colonization of Scandinavia by wood lemmings occurred from north-east. However, a very low level of haplotype and nucleotide diversity and a lack of geographical structure were found within Scandinavia. The limited mtDNA diversity in the Scandinavian populations probably reflects recent divergence in situ after colonization by a limited number of founders. Allozyme data support this scenario.  相似文献   

A phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation was performed in order to test the hypothesis that north-eastern North America has been postglacially recolonized by two races of rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax . This was accomplished by documenting the geographical distribution of two major mtDNA phylogenetic clades among 1290 smelt from 49 lacustrine and anadromous populations covering most of the species' native range. The data set was built by combining previously published results with those generated in this study. The two mtDNA clades showed a geographical dichotomy, independent of life-history types, whereby the more eastern populations were either fixed or largely dominated by one clade and western populations for the other. Such geographical pattern implying a phylogenetic discontinuity provided strong evidence for the persistence of smelt in two distinct glacial refugia as well as their differential postglacial dispersal. The most likely refugium for the so-called Atlantic race was the Atlantic coastal plains, whereas that of the so-called Acadian race was the exundated Grand Banks area. Patterns of postglacial dispersal interpreted from palaeogeographic events suggested that the Atlantic race recolonized northern regions about 5000 years prior the Acadian race. Both races came into contact in the St Lawrence River estuary. While gene flow has been possible, the sympatric occurrence in the estuary of anadromous populations alternatively dominated by one mtDNA clade or the other indicated that reproductive isolation mechanisms between the two races developed within this contact zone. This represents the first evidence of secondary intergradation among distinct races of aquatic organisms in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

The present study examined the contemporary genetic composition of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in Ireland, Britain and Western Europe, using six nuclear microsatellite loci and a 215‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region. Significant population structure was evident within Europe (global multilocus microsatellite FST = 0.205, P < 0.001; global mitochondrial control region ΦST = 0.399, P < 0.001). Microsatellite‐based cluster analyses detected one population in Ireland, whereas badgers from Britain could be subdivided into several populations. Excluding the island populations of Ireland and Britain, badgers from Western Europe showed further structuring, with evidence of discrete Scandinavian, Central European, and Spanish populations. Mitochondrial DNA cluster analysis grouped the Irish population with Scandinavia and Spain, whereas the majority of British haplotypes grouped with those from Central Europe. The findings of the present study suggest that British and Irish badger populations colonized from different refugial areas, or that there were different waves of colonization from the source population. There are indications for the presence of an Atlantic fringe element, which has been seen in other Irish species. We discuss the results in light of the controversy about natural versus human‐mediated introductions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, Diptera: Tephritidae) was studied in three natural populations from southern, central and eastern Spain by means of restriction fragment length polymorphisms using 22 restriction endonucleases. Nine different haplotypes were found based upon the restriction patterns of the seven polymorphic endonucleases, providing a measure of discrimination between populations (NST = 0.2462, FST = 0.154). The observed distribution of haplotypes, corroborated by a parsimonious unrooted tree, suggests an ancient origin for haplotype VII, and a first step in the colonization of the Iberian Peninsula and subsequently the northern and eastern Mediterranean basin, through the Straits of Gibraltar. No relationship can be established between the colonization process for Europe and America.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic, nested clade, and mismatch analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to infer the temporal dynamics of distributional and demographic history of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Both new and previously published data were analyzed for 1,794 trout from 174 populations. This combined analysis improved our knowledge of the complex evolutionary history of brown trout throughout its native Eurasian and North African range of distribution in many ways. It confirmed the existence of five major evolutionary lineages that evolved in geographic isolation during the Pleistocene and have remained largely allopatric since then. These should be recognized as the basic evolutionarily significant units within brown trout. Finer phylogeographic structuring was also resolved within major lineages. Contrasting temporal juxtaposition of different evolutionary factors and timing of major demographic expansions were observed among lineages. These unique evolutionary histories have been shaped both by the differential latitudinal impact of glaciations on habitat loss and potential for dispersal, as well as climatic impacts and landscape heterogeneity that translated in a longitudinal pattern of genetic diversity and population structuring at more southern latitudes. This study also provided evidence for the role of biological factors in addition to that of physical isolation in limiting introgressive hybridization among major trout lineages.  相似文献   

To unravel the postglacial colonization history and the current intercolony dispersal in the common eider, Somateria mollissima, we analysed genetic variation at a part of the mitochondrial control region and five unlinked autosomal microsatellite loci in 175 eiders from 11 breeding colonies, covering the entire European distribution range of this species. As a result of extreme female philopatry, mitochondrial DNA differentiation is substantial both among local colonies and among distant geographical regions. Our study further corroborates the previous hypothesis of a single Pleistocene refugium for European eiders. A nested clade analysis on mitochondrial haplotypes suggests that (i) the Baltic Sea eider population is genetically closest to a presumably ancestral population and that (ii) the postglacial recolonization progressed in a stepwise fashion via the North Sea region and the Faroe Islands to Iceland. Current long-distance dispersal is limited. Differentiation among colonies is much less pronounced at microsatellite loci. The geographical pattern of this nuclear genetic variation is to a large extent explained by isolation by distance. As female dispersal is very limited, the geographical pattern of nuclear variation is probably explained by male-mediated gene flow among breeding colonies. Our study provides genetic evidence for the assumed prominent postglacial colonization route shaping the present terrestrial fauna of the North Atlantic islands Iceland and the Faroes. It suggests that this colonization had been a stepwise process originating in continental Europe. It is the first molecular study on eider duck populations covering their entire European distribution range.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of field vole (Microtus agrestis) populations from northern Europe was examined by restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 150 individuals from 67 localities. A total of 83 haplotypes was observed, most of which were rare and highly localized geographically. Overall nucleotide diversity was high (134%), but showed a tendency to decrease with higher latitude. Two major mtDNA lineages differing by 2% in nucleotide sequence were identified. A southern mtDNA lineage was observed in field voles from Britain, Denmark and southern and central Sweden, whereas voles from Finland and northern Sweden belonged to a northern lineage. The strict phylogeographic pattern suggests that the present population generic structure in field voles reflects glacial history: the two groups are derived from different glacial refugia, and recolonized Fennoscandia from two directions. A 150–200-km-wide secondary contact zone between the two mtDNA groups was found in northern Sweden. Distinct phylogeographic substructuring was observed within both major mtDNA groups.  相似文献   

The franciscana dolphin, Pontorporia blainvillei, is an endemic cetacean of the Atlantic coast of South America. Its coastal distribution and restricted movement patterns make this species vulnerable to anthropogenic factors, particularly to incidental bycatch. We used mitochondrial DNA control region sequences, 10 microsatellites, and sex data to investigate the population structure of the franciscana dolphin from a previously established management area, which includes the southern edge of its geographic range. F‐statistics and Bayesian cluster analyses revealed the existence of three genetically distinct populations. Based on the microsatellite loci, similar levels of genetic variability were found in the area; 13 private alleles were found in Monte Hermoso, but none in Claromecó. When considering the mitochondrial DNA control region sequences, lower levels of genetic diversity were found in Monte Hermoso, when compared to the other localities. Low levels of gene flow were found between most localities. Additionally, no evidence of isolation by distance nor sex‐biased dispersal was detected in the study area. In view of these results showing that populations from Necochea/Claromecó, Monte Hermoso, and Río Negro were found to be genetically distinct and the available genetic information for the species previously published, Argentina would comprise five distinct populations: Samborombón West/Samborombón South, Cabo San Antonio/Buenos Aires East, Necochea/Claromecó/Buenos Aires Southwest, Monte Hermoso, and Río Negro. In order to ensure the long‐term survival of the franciscana dolphin, management and conservation strategies should be developed considering each of these populations as different management units.  相似文献   

Cicadas are widely distributed in the Mediterranean area and are mainly distinguished by male acoustic signals, which act as specific mate recognition systems. Within the genus Cicada L. several species have diverged in their calling songs without showing external morphological differences, so acoustic recordings and genetic studies are particularly useful for systematic, biogeography and evolutionary studies. This study assesses sequence variation in closely related species of Cicada from the Mediterranean area, using domain III of the 12S rRNA mitochondrial gene in order to determine the phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history of this group, as well as the population structure of the two most common species, C. orni and C. barbara. Five distinct haplogroups were identified, C. orni, C. barbara, C. mordoganensis, C. cretensis and C. lodosi, each corresponding to a distinct evolutionary group. C. barbara was the most divergent species within this group, while C. orni and C. mordoganensis were the most similar. The population structure and demographic parameters of the species were not completely resolved. However, there is evidence for the separation of the C. orni Greek populations from the rest of Europe and also for demographic expansions probably related to Pleistocene climate changes. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 266–288.  相似文献   

Taiwan spruce (Picea morrisonicola) is a vulnerable conifer species endemic to the island of Taiwan. A warming climate and competition from subtropical tree species has limited the range of Taiwan spruce to the higher altitudes of the island. Using seeds sampled from an area in the central mountain range of Taiwan, 15 nuclear loci were sequenced in order to measure genetic variation and to assess the long‐term genetic stability of the species. Genetic diversity is low and comparable to other spruce species with limited ranges such as Picea breweriana, Picea chihuahuana, and Picea schrenkiana. Importantly, analysis using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) provides evidence for a drastic decline in the effective population size approximately 0.3–0.5 million years ago (mya). We used simulations to show that this is unlikely to be a false‐positive result due to the limited sample used here. To investigate the phylogenetic origin of Taiwan spruce, additional sequencing was performed in the Chinese spruce Picea wilsonii and combined with previously published data for three other mainland China species, Picea purpurea, Picea likiangensis, and P. schrenkiana. Analysis of population structure revealed that P. morrisonicola clusters most closely with P. wilsonii, and coalescent analyses using the program MIMAR dated the split to 4–8 mya, coincidental to the formation of Taiwan. Considering the population decrease that occurred after the split, however, led to a much more recent origin.  相似文献   

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